The debate continues as to when life begins, and when it ends. President Bill Clinton's spiritual adviser, a Southern Baptist minister, taught that because Adam wasn't alive until God breathed life into him, then a child isn't alive until the baby takes his first breath. This is not the view shared in Scripture. About 30 times in the Bible is there a reference to a child in the womb. And in every one of those instances, the Bible speaks the same of a child inside the womb, as it refers to a child outside of the womb. Consider in Luke chapter 1, when the angel Gabriel appeared to Mary and said she was going to be with child, conceived of the Holy Spirit. And she would call his name Jesus. Mary went to visit Elizabeth, who was pregnant with John the Baptist. And when Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting the child in her womb leaped with joy. Science has only recently caught up to the fact that children express emotion in the womb, as early as eight weeks. If they'd only read Luke 1:41, they'd have learned we already know that. Jesus verifies and sanctifies every aspect of human life, from conception to natural death because he experienced it all. Yes, even death is sanctified by Christ. He even sanctifies suffering because he suffered. We argue about whether or not a person should suffer when the Bible tells us to rejoice in suffering, to share in suffering, be patient in suffering. And that our present suffering does not compare to the glory that awaits us if we endure. Therefore, we must protect and cherish every aspect of life from beginning to end. A gift from God, made in the image of God. When we understand the text...