Historical Speech of President Mobutu at the UN Tribune in 1973
[Song praising Mobutu...Members of the UNAG appluad]
Mr the President
I would like first of all to thank you to have allowed me to speak on this tribune
I cannot refrain from congratulating you on behalf
countries commonly called third world countries for you election as the president of the UN Assembly
I do not doublt that thanks to qualities of confirmed Head of State
you will exercise these duties with competence for the general satisfaction of all
Reading you bio, I have a great pleasure
and a great pride to note that you have been a journalist like myself
[applaud] Mr the President, Mr the Secretary General
Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Head of Delegations, Distinguished guests, Ladies and Gentlemen
The people of Zaire, all regrouped within the Popular Movement of the Revolutionu
, our national Party, have tasked me to present, through this August Assemby, the word of
thanks of Zairians to the United Nations Organisation
While a handful of UN members have refused to participated to the "Operation Congo"
upon the time, the majority had howevr spontaniously put troops at our disposal
or have intevened financially for that operation
That has allowed to maintain peace, unity and the integrity of the national territory. To all
through the UN, Zaire says thank you very much! [applause]
I also take this opportunity to pay homage to the Secretary General