[Translated and captioned by ShibaSubs] [Translated and timed by juscat, chiori, and dawn] [Reviewed by liltong97 and prinz] Welcome back to "Shanghai Share Life" This show is sponsored by the sports app, Keep. Keep's livestreams make fat-burning happier. Let's review the plot. New member, Zhang Ting, moved into the apartment. She has a lot of personality. I feel like she's Pupu's nemesis, right? I'll be your accompaniment. The two of us aren't really on the same page yet. Then, our "father" of "Share Life," The perfect Hao, left us. Before leaving, he helped Didi find an internship, and made a song for Carmon. When Hao left, although Didi cried miserably, It feels like he and Carmon have been unleashed. Are you free tomorrow? Tomorrow? What's going on? Come watch me play. I have a game tomorrow. And at the end, Pupu heard Didi's-- Nonsense. I think it's the truth. She seems to like you. He thinks there's potential. But is there really? Let's take a look! The way Pupu speaks and does things is really very eccentric. Episode 13 (First Half), Week 13 “A Youth's Sense of Boundaries” [panelist] Oh I have this cup too! Everyone's here. -Good morning. -Watcha eating? -Oatmeal. -Fried dough sticks. Who made it? Gaogao. I don't know how to make fried dough sticks, I bought these. You made that porridge? Why don't you make me some? Nah. Ayo, don't be shy, make me some. Please, do it yourself. I want to eat porridge made by you. It's not for you. Do it yourself. Since I can't eat it, then I won't eat. -Then don't eat. -Then go hungry. Do you have rehearsal today? Bring me. We agreed last time, right? Bring me. Bring all of us? Not him. Bring me. I have serious business, Gaogao. I'm seriously cheering them on. You have to be considerate of me, right? No. Sad. How should I put this? It's just, I would welcome everyone for a performance. But, rehearsal is maybe a bit private for us. Furthermore, it's not just my own thing. So I think... -I can understand. -...it may not be that convenient. You can wait for ARe's next performance. I want to experience for myself the atmosphere of your rehearsal. Just-- Not like you haven't rehearsed before. It's different. This style is different. And the sound is different. And how they rehearse-- I think I need to take a closer look. I've been here a few days now, and come to understand everyone's personalities. Plus, our band is all girls. So I think maybe, if Gaogao goes, everyone may not mind too much. But Pupu's personality might make everyone feel a bit... Can't you tell how effeminate I am? [panelist] He's so eccentric! [panelist] No comment. But I really want to go. What should I do? [panelist] He's kicking her feet, did you see? How about just bring him? It's pretty rare to see him want to participate in group activity. If you're not well-behaved, we'll kick you out. I'm super well-behaved. Unbelievably so. -Shut up. -Will you touch our equipment? Absolutely not. Will you play a solo? Do you want me to play a solo, or not? -I'm asking if you want to. -I don't want to. No matter what, I still feel uneasy in my heart. I will be super well-behaved. I won't say a word. -How about it? -Let's agree on three points. No humblebragging. No requests to play duets. Don't talk to him. Tell him not to talk. What else? What's the third point? Don't mess with the things in that room. No problem. Anyway, if he is disobedient, we'll throw him out. Ok. Alright. Let's get ready and head out. Wu Jiawen (Carmon) Designer, 29 years old Sun Shirui (Didi) Student, 20 years old Pu Xiaobo (Pupu) PhD Candidate, 26 years old Gao Qilian (Gaogao) Cosplayer, 25 years old Zhang Ting (ARe) Musician, 27 years old One, two, three, go. [panelist] She's so cool. [panelist] She's dressed so cool even for rehearsal? Never win over myself. Escape from destiny jail. But you... Will never... Walk to me. Hello. You guys came. Hello. These are my roommates. -Hello everyone. -Hello. This is my drummer, Yuyu. And she is the bassist, Sanya. Hello Sanya, Yuyu. Hey, you can just call me Pupu. Sure. Can I play it? ARe. ARe. Can I play it? Didn't you say you wouldn't touch, and wouldn't talk? Why are you talking? I want to touch it. Fine. I'll let you play with it for five minutes. Two minutes is enough, ok? Two minutes. Can you turn on the sound for me, sis? What sound effect do you want? It's fine as long as there's a sound. [panelist] Mute him. [panelist] You're evil. Is it alright? Give me a beat. He's always stepping on her toes. Whoa, your tone. Speak politely, will you? Can you give me a beat? Ask nicely. Call her Ms. Drummer. Ms. Drummer, can you give me a beat? -Sure. -Let's give it a try. One, go. It's quite good. Thank you, boss, for this chance. Thank you. So what do you think? How's my guitar? Actually from the first day I heard you play the guitar, I thought you play really well. -Thank you -In terms of skill. So what do you think... of me joining your band? [panelist] The expression behind her is too funny. I quite like your style. And I want to try something new. I think skills and whether you can form a band together are separate topics. But... Because, for a band... People stuff are more important than technique stuff. I don't think we can't help you with that right now. Very sorry. You chat with them, I'll go out for a bit. [panelist] He hangs his head and leaves. [panelist] He's just like a kid. [panelist] Yes. [panelist] Isn't it nice to play by yourself? [panelist] But no one likes to play with him. [paneist] It's lonely. For you. Thank you. Please sit. [panelist] Has Gaogao really fallen for him? Don't feel sad about what happened today. Actually, it's not just about that. Those words actually moved me, I guess. I don't know why I'm playing at that bar. I want to play in a big concert hall for people who like to listen to this music. I think you can do it. I feel like it's really hard. No, it's impossible to start immediately in an ideal place. But maybe someone will see you at the bar and think you're really good, And then you'll get better and better. All work is like this. I have another idea. You can film some videos. No one likes it. I've tried. But your skills are so good. I get 50 or 60 likes. I think it's a problem with your filming. You can try a different angle. Then I made a video that was like "Welcome to Yale University!" "If you are watching this video, you are the luckiest person." Twenty thousand likes. Really. I can't stand it. Don't be so negative. I just want to play music. I'm telling you, if you do this, Maybe some kind of scout will discover you. You know? Every day, I can only play for myself. That can't be helped. Not everyone has the taste to enjoy your kind of music. I think you might have to lower your expectations a bit. Probably. Try it. Ok. It's nothing really, I just suddenly felt down. Don't feel too down. If you share with everyone, everyone can comfort you. If you're alone, you'll get stuck. I don't want to inconvenience others with my troubles. If you tell me your troubles, I'm not troubled. I can help you. Thank you. Everything will pass. Anyway, if you need, I can help you pick a song or something. You care about me the most. -[panelist] She is like a little animal. -[panelist] Yeah. -You're here? -Morning. Good morning. Did you rest well yesterday? It was okay. Actually, from various perspectives, I shouldn't reject you. But I felt if I accepted, then-- I get it. Actually, when you rejected me, I thought it was normal. You've built a rapport over 9-10 years. It's not really right for me to join in. In the moment, I felt really lost. I don't know what I'm doing. So I asked presumptuously. It's fine, actually. Just a bit embarrassing in front of Gaogao. Actually, I don't really know what advice to give for your style of music. Because for classical music, I don't really understand how to-- I don't either. If it's helpful, I can take you to meet the owner of a venue where we first performed. We can ask him for some kind of suggestions or help. That would be great. I do need some guidance. Thank you. You're welcome. I have practice in a bit. Okay. [panelist] His hair. [panelist] It's different from usual. Today, it's like this. For practice, we will have a scrim which will help evaluate our progress. And also prepare for the upcoming season. You can watch me perform today. Watch you perform or watch you make a fool of yourself? -Seems like you don't believe in me? -Yes. Why? Why don't you believe in me? You still owe me two hundred and thirty planks. Then let's make a bet. What are we betting? How about if I win, you'll be my girlfriend. [panelist] I know he's fierce, but it still gets me every time. Wait a moment. Then what if you lose? If I lose... If I lose... I'm only thinking of winning. I don't know what to do if I lose. Eat. That one. My hands are dirty. It's okay, you eat. Here. Thank you. So what if you lose? If I lose, I'll be your boyfriend. [panelist] What is going on? I didn't break any rules. Then I'm being kidnapped. No, I'm not kidnapping you. -You are kidnapping me. -I'm not. You are definitely kidnapping me. -I'm not. -You are. Why did I come here? Really. All players gather around. Today we have a match. We will play to 21 points. Whoever gets to 21 points wins. We now officially start the game. Blue team serves. Go, defend up front! Number 10! [panelist] This move is a bit like me. What a noob, Sun Shirui (Didi). Nice shot. Last one. Defense. Let's go, Sun Shirui (Didi)! [panelist] She really him to win. Let's go, Sun Shirui (Didi)! [panelist] Too cool. Alright, blue team wins. Nice shot, nice shot. Carmon, you're going to be my girlfriend! Applause. What happened just now? Incredible. Didn't scare you? Why do I feel like you should have given me a heads up? We already agreed. -No we didn't! -Anyway, you can't regret it now. You can't regret now. Now, about those 230 sets of planks... I'll do them. You will. Let's add 20 more. It may take some time. Okay. How much time should you give me? I don't know. A lifetime. [Panelist] What?! [Panelist] My heart can't take it anymore. -Let's go and eat. -Okay. Can I hold your hand? What are we eating? Up to you, it's my treat. Your treat? Yeah, I won the game. Geez, Teacher Sun! It's my treat. Let me think of a place. This is too fierce. Too impressive. Just after Hao left... Just a bit fierce. Too fierce. Too fierce. The kid gets me again and again. "A lifetime." That vocal fry. This kid is too fierce. You know, I had a small observation. It's that when Didi ran over to pick up Carmon, Teacher Chen sat back like this. -Oh really? -Yeah. Was it a bit too much for you, Teacher Chen? It's because we've watched so much of the show already, But there hasn't really been a scene with passion. So based on this matter alone, I think he is invincible. Invincible. He's most impressive. He achieved his goal very directly. And this is everything Carmon wants. Basketball, hug. -Youth. -Sunshine. Correct. Stinky sweat. Isn't that youthfulness? So really it's because of Hao that she didn't accept him originally. If Hao left earlier, she might have gotten with him sooner. Of course. But I want to ask, when Didi said "a lifetime," Did you feel that it was sweet? I had my fingers curled. I think you don't know the weight of those words. You say it casually. Kids say stuff casually. Who told you that he was saying those words casually? No, not necessarily. If they really experienced a true hardship, And you say this, it'll be touching. You'll want to cry. -But now-- -Let me tell you. The people who have experienced hardships wouldn't say these words. Only a kid would say that. -After hardship, you won't be able to. -Right. Those who've been through stuff will say, "Ziqi, let's just get by." Live a day at a time. We don't know what will happen in the future. I think that moment, for Carmon, for Didi, was beautiful. That is the most important. As for what will happen in the future, that can be considered later. I think that is the most important. I think Pupu is also very cute. Correct. I like him now. He's annoying, but he knows he is. That makes him less so. He is not annoying, he's cute. He just likes dancing in the other people's minefields. I think he is acting like a baby. He's always begging, like joining the band. Or, "let me come." "Ok, promise." And then next day he'd say, "can I play that for a bit, just for a while" And then after he's done playing, he'd say "Can I join you guys?" I'd go crazy if she said he could join. It'd ruin my world views. But that is... his request is so rude, It makes you feel like he's grasping at straws. Like if we meet for the first time, and I ask, "Can you transfer your house to me?" I will think you have problems. You will laugh, you will say yes. I will think you are so cute. I will say, hey kid. Pupu is kind of desperate for help. He knows it's probably hopeless, but he just wanted to ask. I think when Gaogao went to comfort Pupu, I was really moved. -Yes. -It was magnificent. Think about what Pupu said at that time. He said, "why can't I get any recognition from others?" "I'm trying." The girl next to him doesn't know how to comfort or help him. But that's enough. That feeling. The guy is a bit pitiful. But he's very lucky to meet Gaogao. He is so lucky. Let's take a look at what happens next. Give me a chopstick. Okay. Hello everyone. Hello. So many delicious foods. Is this cake prepared for me? Today, you... How did you know I like strawberries? You're really overthinking, bro. [panelist] Didi is so funny. Gaogao, ARe, come down to eat. Coming. [panelist] Gaogao is really pretty. There's cake. Why such a feast today? [panelist] To announce their relationship. [panelist] Yes. Are we cutting the cake or eating first? But what's it for? I still don't get it. Yeah, such a beautiful cake. You say it. Okay. I'll say it. I'll say it. Today, Carmon and I got this cake for everyone. Why? There is something to announce. I have never been in a relationship before. And I never expected to pursue a girl so crazily. Maybe I just really like you. And then... Okay, okay, we are together. Okay, no more. Didi's face is red. It's red. Honestly, in the beginning, I was very hesitant. Because, after all, our height and age were so, so far apart. Then, I was very conflicted. But, I think, I should be brave this time. Quite good. [panelist] Quite good. Look, Didi is about to cry. -Go ahead and cry. -It's okay. It's okay to cry. Nah, it's just, I've never felt this way before. And I'm really happy that I can be with a girl that I like a lot. Really grateful. And also very lucky to have met you. So amazing. Cut the cake. Cut the cake. You guys should cut. -You do it. -Should I cut? Let me help you put it in the middle. This cake is so cute. Not bad at all. Wait, did you put it in the fridge? Yeah -Did I forget? -Is it soft? I think you misplaced it. You stupid. Why'd you put it in the freezer? I don't know. It's okay, as long as it's edible. As long as it's edible. -Let's eat it after dinner. -Ok. Sounds good. Why do I feel like-- Thank you. I ruined this cake. No, not at all. This can be frozen. You're an older-girl younger-guy couple, right? Yeah. So what was the point of attraction in the beginning? I'll be honest. I'm really telling the truth. Teacher Wu (Carmon), don't mind. What makes her special is that, Even though Teacher Wu (Carmon) and I have a big age gap, Though it's not that big. I know what you're going to say. There is a certain age difference. The way we get along may seem very childish, But to us it's very interesting. We feel happy with each other. Are you cooking? Yeah, I'm making braised pork. Smells pretty good. It'll be ready soon. Carmon and Gaogao, time to eat! I'm coming. Smells good. You should eat more at your age. No, as an athlete I need to control my diet. It's okay, you won't get fat if you eat it now. I have to control myself. I don't think you need to, you're still growing. Wow, smells good. I think I can smell it. [Panelist] He swallowed his saliva. Amazing. Really awesome. And you even sprinkled this green onion. Fateful scallion. Come on, have a taste. Well, I'll eat since there's an invite. It smells pretty good. Suddenly studying is not so important. You eating more is the best praise for me. Really tasty. We haven't had home-cooked meal in a while. No worries, I can make more for everyone in the future. Okay. This is great. What's so great for you? Look how you're so fat and still eating everyday. How is she fat? She has no meat on her bones. Look at how round her face is. I gain weight on my face, not on my body, understand? She really has no fat. She is quite skinny. What do you know? Okay then, you should eat more, good luck! Two hundred pounds is beckoning to you. None of your goddamn business. You're cursing. What of it? You have no manners. No manners huh. You're anxious. [Panelist] His girlfriend is still there. I really want to throw my chopsticks at you. Talking to you lowers my worth. Don't talk to me today. I won't any day. Okay. You said this a month ago. We didn't bet for a month. Yeah, don't talk to me from now on. What's your body fat percentage, do you know? I am in my low twenties. That isn't that low. Normally, it's ten to twenty. Mine is seven percent, what's yours? You won't look good if you're too skinny, okay? I'll call you Circle from now on. [Panelist] He gave her a nickname. It's over. [Panelist] He has no idea what others are feeling at all. The fat on your face almost forms a circle. Shut up, shut up. Seriously, round like you a ball, you know? I play basketball. Eat more, don't talk. Okay. I'm serious. If you can't talk nicely, talk less. -I'm giving constructive criticism. -Shut up. Four words. Faithful words grate upon the ear. Think about who is right. I'm done eating. I'll go up first. Okay! She's upset. I didn't say anything. You're being irritating. I'll go up first. Go ahead. What are you watching? Let's watch a ball game. You can watch. I don't want to. We can watch something else if you want. Watch a ball game. I'm not in the mood. Keep your distance, don't come over here. Why? Do you understand you made a big mistake? Forget it. Just-- when you have a girlfriend You have to be aware of other girls... Forget it, sit over there. -But I-- -Sit over there. But... Whatever. Well-- Just... When your girlfriend is around, I don't think it is appropriate to joke around with other girls and leave your girlfriend hanging. What do you think? And you didn't notice I was upset. You were having so much fun. I was wrong. What I did back there was inappropriate. First of all, I... I'll speak genuinely. I'm really serious. I... Let's make three rules, ok? I will follow them in the future. Let's hear it. The first one is: Whether or not you are around, when I am with other girls, absolutely no flirty jokes, or lively conversations. Ever. And don't give them a nickname. You called her "round circle." But-- You're right. It's inappropriate. [panelist] He wants to say "She really is round though!" The second one is: When you are around, I will take care of you more and pay more attention to your emotions. Not like today, when I left you hanging. And talked with other girls. That's not allowed. The third rule is: I won't send private messages to other girls, whether it's online... Or actually, I won't start private conversations with other girls. Normal messages are still okay though. Well, please guide me. This is my first relationship. So I don't really know. Ok. Do you feel better? I wasn't that angry. Mostly, because it is your first time, Maybe you're not very careful. Yeah, I didn't pay attention. My bad. What time is it now? It's 7:46. I have a Keep live class at 8. I'm going to warm up now. A Keep live class? Then I'll do it with you. Let's exercise together. [panelist] Product placement. [panelist] That was too natural. My live class is starting. Just open your shoulders a bit, Then straighten your waist. Yep. Good. Together. How do you do this? They're testing us. This is... Well, I want to hear from you two. You think she shouldn't have been jealous? Not really. Because before they got together, Everyone was friends with each other. You can't get together and stop being friends with everyone. It wasn't a big deal, they were joking. They're just messing around. So in your eyes, this kind of joke is ok. For example, if your boyfriend and Keni-- Played games. Is your boyfriend watching? Come on, line up. If your boyfriend called her "Round Circle" Not her. Because I'm too important, or what? Because you are not round. But in all seriousness, Didi kept saying from now on, No more joking around with other girls, No more private messages. It's just not possible. After a while, he will blame you. Because he has a very natural way Of interacting with people It's not a big deal. So you think Carmon's behaviour was a bit overly possessive. I just think this kind of relationship won't last long. Yes. But I think they are very sweet. Deep down, Carmon is also childish. So they fit together well. So you think Carmon's jealousy was normal? I wouldn't feel jealous because of this. I've been through this. Then you need to reflect on yourself. Can't you all see how much I like joking around? Then how did you resolve it? I don't remember. We broke up, I guess. I can't help it. I just like making people laugh. You gave up so much to have a talk show. I can't help it. I am just like this. But I think, Ziqi, the thing you said If you met someone you truly cared about You would be like that. Maybe to a different degree, Or in a different way, But you would feel the same. Not really. Because if you think about it, If I just started dating him I already know how crazily he pursued me So whatever female friends he has, Would be totally okay. I think so because I can already tell How much he cares about me. And then you go out to eat, And you find out The way he talks to other girls Is exactly how he talks with you. And he won't talk with you. He only talks with the other person. Yes. And you're still ok with it? The key is the relationship escalated. They were all friends, Suddenly the two became lovers She can't handle seeing him Talk to someone else And being so close. And Carmon had a couple of experiences That didn't work out. So when her luck finally comes, Of course she wants to protect it Even more than before. I don't know if I am weird But if I am with my boyfriend And he's like this with other girls, I'm fine with it. Your boyfriend is too lucky. I can understand how Ziqi feels Because she has a strong sense of self. -She is confident. -Right. You think they're all bubbles, right? It's ok to tease, it's all bubbles. But at its core, Love is exclusive. It is selfish. It is just like this. But when you start to have that emotion You can control it. If it can be restrained Then I think that it's not true love But the point is that it's impossible Right now his hormones are wild. He can-- He can do it for 2 years. 2 years of love hormones will go by And by the 3rd year he'll say, "Why do you make me so tired?" Right, he'll blame you. And two people, together every day, What's the fun in that? Reign it in. We've talked ourselves to another planet. Love is actually very beautiful. We're too jaded. We even said What's the fun in two people together. I seem to have a problem. Yeah, what the heck are you saying? You've never met a good person Just think about it that way. I haven't met a good person In my entire life. It's okay to say what you said If you just add a word: ONLY two people together for a long time, Where's the fun in that? That didn't make it better. Ok, let's watch the next segment. Morning. Did you have breakfast? I just made a cup of coffee. I feel like there is nothing to eat. Do you eat cereal? Sure. It's delicious. Keep it simple today. Yep, just add milk and eat it. Ok. Well... We'll lose weight. Yesterday, after Didi lectured us About body fat I feel so fat. So annoying. I think it’s ok To eat this in the morning. Sit. 7% body fat is really scary. Wait, I want to Baidu what 7% body fat looks like. [panelist] Still thinking about body fat? [panelist] 7% is really frightening. I'll eat two apples. Good morning. Good morning. [panelist] Didi stopped talking. He didn't even say good morning. There really isn't any food, Pupu. Here's some coffee. Do you want cereal? I'll eat bread. I'm grabbing a slice of bread. [panelist] Darn. Leave a stool in between. Don't sit in the middle. What are you doing? Why don't you sit here? Are you scared of getting fat? No. The Feng Shui isn't good over there. What do you mean the Feng Shui is bad? Have you tested it? I just don't want to sit there today. What's going on? Are you worried if you sit there Your body fat will increase 5%? I just... Not really... Whatever. [panelist] He doesn't even look. What's going on? What's your body fat percent? Me? It's very high. Tell me. I am 18% What do you think is normal? Normally obese is 25% or more, up to 30%. Right. He's said 10%. For girls? Girls under 10% have nothing left. He was telling me off yesterday Actually 20% is pretty good. 20% body fat is already very good. Right? He was telling me off Saying my 20% body fat was really high. No way. Girls at 20% body fat are already great. Around 19% they will have abs. That's amazing. I probably wasn't clear. [panelist] He has a lot of funny things That he can't say. [panelist] Feels bad. [panelist] I understand his feelings. Why does he seem different? What's up? Do you want some bread? I don't want to eat. I'll eat the lollipops Carmon gave me. -Isn't that very fattening? -Yep. What a sweet love. Now I know why you won't sit with us. We are 3 single dogs. Chu-Han border. [T/N: Two kingdoms of ancient China.] I'm going to clean up. -What's up? -You guys eat, I don't want to. Go ahead. You didn't drink your coffee. Bye, Pupu. Bye bye. Then why did you sit down? What's going on with him? I don't know. He was fine outside. We were fine in the room. He seems so strange. Is it ok? Did something happen with you all? No. He's completely different from yesterday Don't you think? What are you doing today? I care more about your lives. Gaogao, what are you doing today? I'm planning to play with everyone. How about it? Do you want to join? What are you doing later? Are you going to work later? I'm leaving. You have to go, right? Do you need to go out? I have something. Ok, so you'll probably be home Around 9 or 10 in the evening. Zhang Ting, you usually come home Around 9 or 10, correct? I... I'm not that late, am I? [panelist] I think Pupu wants to be Alone with Gaogao. Why are you so dead set? You come home at that time, right? [panelist] Gaogao is trying to signal her. So Gaogao will only have me to play with. Zhang Ting. I understand. We all understand. It's ok to come back later. I will watch the time. I know when to come back. Ok, you don't have to talk anymore. I know what time to come back. How about this, let me tell a joke. No, it's fine! I'll turn around and leave right now. Trust me. I learned a new one. Did you know? You know? Suddenly, Pupu is also Starting to pursue shamelessly It seems. Yeah. Is he pursuing? Isn't he really thinking: I'll give you a chance Give you a chance to love me. Pupu. Gaogao. [panelist] He's over there like, "Pupu, Gaogao," did you see? What are you doing, Pupu? Acting so hesitant. I'm... Expressing my longing for Gaogao. Gaogao. So cute. Can you shut up for a while? I'm going to throw up. What's wrong with you? I'm frustrated. You seemed a little off this morning. It's so hard to be a human. Tell me your story. What's going on? I don't have a story. I just think Dealing with relationship stuff Is really tedious. Well, of course. No. What you need to know about me Is that I like to joke around. You know? Yesterday, I was joking around with them. It wasn't a big deal. I'm not interested in them either. Just kidding around, having fun. Yes, and-- However This is my first relationship I don't know how girls think. So I ran over to Carmon I was happy, and I said I teased her I asked to watch movies together And she ignored me. So was Carmon jealous yesterday? Basically. Jealous... That's alright. At least it means she really likes you. [panelist] That's one way to think. I think it makes sense. I think I guess I did something wrong. I don't know. I'll come over here to talk. But I think she's right. What she said makes sense. What I did yesterday was inappropriate. However, I'm frustrated now Not because she said this to me But because I don't know what to do About my friendship with my roommates. I think all you can do Now that you're in this position Is find a balance Between your friends and romantic partner. Forget it I just won't talk to them. But you are a bit extreme now. [panelist] Yeah. Just make fewer jokes And it'll be ok. When you left they were quite sad. They said you used to get along well And now it's like this. But you know that deep down -I don't feel that way. -Right. How about this: You and Gaogao have a good relationship. She likes you too. So you will have a lot of time -Alone with her, right? -Yes. [panelist] He says yes. Can you find a chance To explain my situation And how it ended up like this, Can you tell her? Sure, no problem. I need to see Gaogao anyways. Honestly Seeing you like this, I dare not fall in love anymore. How are you guys? I think it's alright. What does that mean? Just alright. It's mostly me, I've never chased girls that much. You're chasing her? Not quite chasing... You have to stay cool, Pupu. But if you stay too cool Your cucumbers get cold. Didn't I tell your earlier? Don't try to be cool. I'm not, I'm just It's guerrilla warfare. But I can't guerrilla anymore. Now I need to launch a coordinated attack. Sure enough, now that Hao is gone It's back to being a bunch of kids. No one is the problem solver anymore. If Hao was here, Didi's solution would be crystal clear. Yep. "You have to consider--" "Consider her feelings." "Then consider your feelings." "You are your own person." "We're all friends here." "You can talk to everyone. It's ok." "And the proper way of talking" "You can discuss that with Carmon." "Honestly, this problem is very easy" "to handle." Easy to handle. Didi really is a little kid. If not one, then the other. [T/N: saying he sees the world as very black/white] He didn't even say hello. And his personality is very jock-like. Just like, "I think this and this." He's very direct. Very, very straightforward. "Stop mumbling to yourself." "I'm going to throw up." He said that very directly. Listening to Pupu really did make me want to throw up. What is he saying? He said, "I'm expressing my longing" "For Gaogao." "Pupu, Gaogao." It's as if everything Pupu says Is designed for you To make fun of him. He's just giving you ammo. Spot on. He's like, "My flaws are so obvious," "Don't you want to make fun of me?" But I think he genuinely likes Gaogao. The happiest in the house is Pupu, now. -Yeah. -He is so happy. Gaogao must be blind. I also feel this way. Truly. I think the saying goes "good cabbage" [T/N: Idiom meaning "Good girls always end up with undeserving boys] My family's big cabbage [T/N: Idiom meaning "Good girls always end up with undeserving boys"] Was eaten by pigs, right? [T/N: Idiom meaning "Good girls always end up with undeserving boys"] [T/N: Idiom meaning "Good girls always end up with undeserving boys"] Exactly. Gaogao is so great. -I think they're interesting together. -I don't think they'll get together. -They'll get together! -Please don't get together! Their feelings are mutual! Why wouldn't they get together? -How is it mutual? Were you sleeping? Did you even watch? He even said, "Time to launch a coordinated attack." Either way, I don't think they're in love. When Pupu was hinting at Wanting to be alone with Gaogao, Wasn't Gaogao shooting eye lasers at Zhang Ting telling her to come back early? Of course not! She did shake her head. But she shook it with a smile So you don't know-- Clearly she meant, "Come home soon," "I don't want to be alone with him." No, I'm telling you, as a man If you're not sure whether A woman likes you, You wouldn't speak like that To the third person. "You must come back late." But I think They just don't have the vibe Of being in love. I know what she means. She doesn't think the two of them are shy. These two speak very bluntly. They think Pupu is not worthy of Gaogao. Correct. But I think Gaogao is so good that Most people are not worthy. We object to this union. I also object to this union. I don't think they're a good match. Shall we place bets? -They will definitely be together. -I disagree. They will be together. And they will stay together For a long time. What are we betting on? -On.. -Bet on your career. No. That's a bit too much. I take it back: They will not be together. If they end up together, I will change my avatar on Weibo [T/N: Weibo is a blogging website] To your selfie. [T/N: Weibo is a blogging website] Ok. If they don't end up together, You'll change your avatar to my selfie. I think the two of them will get together. Teacher Chen just said, "We object to this union." I do object, but I know Gaogao will accept him. She can't help it. Teacher Chen is in a lot of pain. "I can't stop them!" "I disapprove!" Both of us are truly very opposed to this. But I don't have a problem. -You don't-- -I'm not opposed-- How can you betray me? I don't object, but I feel It is a bit of a shame. A bit of a shame. But, because It's not your place to oppose, honestly. There are 6 people in this room Holding 8 positions. Deal. Let's see. Come on. Just like that. -Deal. -Come on. -Just changing avatars? -Just avatars. Deal. They will definitely get together. I don't believe it. Ok, then look forward to the next episode. Keni's avatar will be Li Dan's selfie. See you next week. What are you doing? Tomorrow I have a meeting With a very important partner Should I dress more professionally? Can I pair this together? I think it looks pretty good. There's also this one. I think they're all pretty good. Really? I think... Maybe try this on. This bag seems to work. I think it looks good. I want to take a look. [Translated by juscat, chiori, and dawn] [Reviewed by liltong97 & prinz]