WEBVTT 00:00:05.229 --> 00:00:11.780 In LibreOffice 5.2, Calc has been enhanced with new features to help you work smarter with spreadsheets. 00:00:12.138 --> 00:00:18.296 New functions have been added, along with extensive tooltips that describe what a function does as you type it. 00:00:20.781 --> 00:00:25.902 It's now possible to quickly freeze the first column or row of a sheet via the toolbar. 00:00:27.847 --> 00:00:34.018 Multiple status bar functions can be active at the same time, to provide a quick overview of your data. 00:00:36.737 --> 00:00:43.168 The currency toolbar icon now includes a drop-down menu to quickly choose the currency you want to use. 00:00:45.884 --> 00:00:52.582 Also, a single toolbar mode has been added that contains the most-used operations, to save on screen space. 00:00:54.765 --> 00:01:03.124 And finally, when removing the border from selected cells, you can now also choose to remove the border from adjacent cells as well.