electronic music applause Herald: Welcome to 32c3! Unfortunately this is the last time I am gonna say this I feel honored to present you Carina and Linus with the closing event. Linus: To be fair, nobody wants to do the closing event. You want to start? Carina: Especially not us. L: So, we want to recapitulate on some of the ideas that we had for this event. And the first question I would like to ask is: Who of you complied with the 6-2-1 principle? laughter C: He didn't. L: I didn't. C: But it is quite some of you. I'm proud. So, great. Your little special effects. Just blew the show. Not much sleep. I think that's the main problem for the most of us. At least I really could use some more. And, to one of the reasons for so little sleep, which we all got, is that some of you really appreciated our new concept for the bathrooms and saw the possibilities in that: Toilet parties! applause This is something just possible, if you don't have gender based toilets. applause applause music At this toilet party they also had these nice glowing massage sticks, I think. It was really amazing, I hope lots of you enjoyed there and partied there. At least for a little while, because it was really hot. L: You know at C3 events, there is one rule, that has never been changed and that is: Before you take a picture, please ask people for consent. And for several years now, we have somebody here that is constantly being asked for consent, to take a picture with his camera of people. And that is one of the little highlights from my end of this event. applause C: Something which happens at congresses with this size, is people lose their stuff. Audience: It's a person! C: It's a person? OK, that's something we didn't knew and I think most people not, because everybody was thoughting: Who lost his shoes? laughter So, I wanna say, if you're missing stuff you still can go to the info desk, there's a lost and found you can grab you stuff there They will be there after the closing event for a little while afterwards. All the stuff goes to the logistics area. So perhaps your friend is also there. Some people brought him there. laugher But as we thought shoes is not the only thing that went missing. There is also this. laugher Audience: Same person C: Same person! Seriously?! OK! L: I wouldn't recognise. I wouldn't recognise. C: Yes, so if you miss something, coming back to the serious part, go to the info desk and ask if they found it there. It much easier to give it back from here than to have to ship it somewhere all through the world Audience: Do they have IP packets? L: They have some IP packets left, but you must prove that it is yours and not spoofed. laughter applause You came up with a couple of challenges among them a challenge to every CERT angel. That I witnessed last night! laughter C: I think this goes without more say. L: And you remember our little challenge. We have not prepared a price, because we wouldn't think, that anybody would be able to print this. And the way it is, it was impossible. You see the fleeting lines somewhere and I think 3D printing is just not there yet. But I think there is somebody in the audience that would like to present their attempt in 3D printing the logo. applause raging applause L: Congratulations Obelix! C: Congratulations! Really nice. L: I need to buy you a beer, or something. I really didn't think, that anybody would be that crazy. laughter It took 18 hours to print that thing. And that was the time and effort tradeoff to make it until 7 today, so it would be here for the closing ceremony. C: We brought you the whole video. applause I don't know, exists there a whole video for somebody, who wants to enjoy the whole thing? L: I don't know. C: Something we also talked about at the opening was the angels. I heard, that when we showed you the logo and especially the URL, they had a peak on their webserver. Very nice. In total we had, can you give me the number, 1350 active angels raging applause These angels did more than 15000 work hours up to now applause I am really proud to say that we topped the number from last year. Like I wished at the opening. What I learned afterwards, is that already during the opening, we had topped the number from last year. applause So, unluckily it was not our nice speech which brought all of you, but already you yourself signed up, who signed up early. Very nice. Yes, but, even if congress comes to an end and this is the closing it is not over. There's still a lot to clean up in the whole house. So, please if you go out here, help where ever you can. You don't need to be an angel for that. Just ask where you can help, pick up stuff, collect things, there's really much to do. And everyone from us wants to finish early, so that we can go to the after party tonight. L: One little request from the clean up team please don't just help in a way that you think you're helping. laugher Please ask at heaven, what exactly it is, that you could help with. So now We're going to do a little exercise. C: No, no sports! L: No sports! (laughing) applause We are going to take a little mental trip. And I want you to now be totally silent. Close your eyes. And lean back in your chair. I still hear noise. And now you slowly breathe in, and then breathe out, and again breathing in, and out. In front of your inner eye you see the chaos. And you release the tension from your left leg and you release the tension from your right leg and you breath in and out. C: Remember, when you first arrived at CCH and Fairy Dust was there. Waiting for you. L: Remember, when you saw that talk, you had been waiting for all the time. C: Remember, when you did not get into the talk, you wanted to see had to watch a different one. And it was so awesome. L: Remember, when you first met someone, you only knew from the interwebz. C: Remember, when you had your first tasty drink in the lounge. L: Remember, when you were getting ready to leave, met someone and suddenly the sun came up again. C: Remember, when you had two hours of sleep, one meal and six showers. laugher L: Remember, when you learned something, that you thought, that you would never understand. C: Remember, when you saw the joy in the eye of a little kid, that was soldering a robot. L: Remember, when you finally found that awesome sticker, you had been searching for all day long. C: Remember, when you saw all the cool children toys and were jealous, because they were all used by children. laughter L: Remember, that funny shirt, that one person wore. C: Remember, when you took an involuntary nap during a lecture. L: Remember, all the inspiring, funny, thoughtful, and nonsense conversations. and now, please, take the feeling you have right now and keep it in your heart as an infinite source of energy. C: And now, we want you to release this energy to thank everybody, not only for their work at congress but also throughout the years. L: On the count of three let us ecstatically cheer and applaud so loudly that Lemmy Kilmister raises from the dead to compain about the fucking noise. laughter C and L: one two three raging applause laughter applause electronic music Female narrator: [German] Die Digitalisierung durchdringt unsere Gesellschaft und die Nutzung informationstechnischer Systeme und des Internets schreiten unaufhörlich voran. Das bietet neue Chancen, schafft Freiräume und ermöglicht Synergien. Das Netz beeinflusst unser gesamtes öffentliches und privates Leben. Über Branchengrenzen hinweg sind mehr als die Hälfte aller Unternehmen in Deutschland vom Internet abhängig. Male narrator: [German] All diese Einrichtungen oder Firmen könnten gehackt werden. electronic music Male narrator: [German] Die Gefahr von Hacking ist aktueller denn je. De Maiziere: [German] Und dann bräuchte ich mal 'ne Krisen-Nummer von Ihnen. Third male narrator: [German] Ja, und warum? De Maiziere: [German] Ja, um da anzurufen. electronic music Fourth male narrator: [German] Ich vertraue meinem Provider nicht. Ich vertrau, ich vertrau dem Anbieter nicht. Ich vertrau dem Staat nicht. Aber ich änder' mein Verhalten nicht. Male narrator [German] (mixed): Das ist definitiv gefährlich. Ich vertrau Safe Harbor nicht. Ich vertrau meinem Airbag nicht. Ich vertrau dem Chaos Computer Club nicht. De Maiziere: Und ehrlich gesagt, dass nenn ich sorglos. Maassen: Wir sind ein attraktiver Arbeitgeber Male Narrator: Warum? Maassen: in manchen Bereichen unseres Hauses, kann man all das machen, was man schon immer machen wollte, aber man ist straflos. Zum Beispiel Telekommunikations-Ueberwachung. Narrator: Herr Range hat eine Pressekonferenz einberufen und in der hat er gesagt, dass der Justizminister unerträglich in die Unabhängigkeit der Justiz eingegriffen hat. Das kann man auch übersetzen in den Satz, Bitte entlassen Sie mich in den Ruhestand, Herr Justizminister. De Maiziere: Dann bräuchte ich dann mal 'ne Krisen-Nummer von Ihnen. Male narrator: Ja und warum? De Maiziere: Ja, verstehen Sie bitte, dass ich darauf keine Antwort geben möchte. Male narrator: Warum? De Maiziere: Ein Teil dieser Antworten würde die Bevölkerung verunsichern. electronic music De Maiziere: Lassen Sie es mich an einem Beispiel sagen: Sie können ein sicheres Auto haben, mit Airbag Sie können sich anschnallen Sie können sich an die Verkehrsregeln halten, wenn Sie aber trotzdem sorglos fahren, produzieren Sie einen Unfall. De Maiziere: Und dann bräuchte ich dann mal 'ne Krisen-Nummer von Ihnen. applause Herald: [German] Mit einem lachenden und einem weinenden Auge sage ich vielen Dank für dieses tolle Closing Event. subtitles created by c3subtitles.de Join, and help us!