0:00:00.110,0:00:03.639 President Obama: Happy Thanksgiving and welcome[br]to the White House. 0:00:03.639,0:00:07.020 Tomorrow is one of the best days of the year[br]to be an American. 0:00:08.100,0:00:12.520 It’s a day to count our blessings, spend[br]time with the ones we love, and enjoy some 0:00:12.530,0:00:15.110 good food and some great company. 0:00:15.110,0:00:18.580 But it’s also one of the worst days of the[br]year to be a turkey. 0:00:19.780,0:00:21.940 They don’t have it so good. 0:00:21.940,0:00:27.000 The rare exception of course are the two birds[br]who've joined me today. 0:00:34.980,0:00:39.720 Hi it's Emily from Bite Size Vegan and welcome[br]to another vegan nugget. 0:00:39.720,0:00:43.940 Every year, the President of the United States[br]pardons two turkeys from being slaughtered 0:00:43.940,0:00:45.400 for Thanksgiving. 0:00:45.400,0:00:49.940 But what most people don’t realize about[br]this supposedly lighthearted tradition is 0:00:49.940,0:00:53.800 that the majority of pardoned turkeys die[br]within a year of their pardon. 0:00:53.800,0:00:59.079 And this year, as in several times before,[br]the two presidential turkeys will come from 0:00:59.079,0:01:01.839 my state—Iowa. 0:01:01.840,0:01:08.260 Two days ago I was at a turkey slaughterhouse in Iowa, where over 20,000 turkeys a day are killed. 0:01:08.680,0:01:10.280 They were terrified. 0:01:10.280,0:01:12.810 Sitting in the cold for hours upon hours. 0:01:12.810,0:01:15.580 Covered and feces and sores. 0:01:15.580,0:01:19.700 One with a growth the size of a basketball[br]on her chest. 0:01:20.190,0:01:24.740 I stayed with them for hours and streamed[br]footage live to the channel to share their 0:01:24.740,0:01:28.420 stories on the last day of their lives. 0:01:28.420,0:01:32.160 You can see those videos to be with them here. [br][See upper right corner] 0:01:33.780,0:01:40.060 The turkeys we eat are bred to grow very large[br]very fast and are slaughtered at around 18-20 0:01:40.060,0:01:41.439 weeks of age. 0:01:41.439,0:01:46.780 Because they’re so unnaturally large, those[br]with the good fortune of being pardoned die 0:01:46.780,0:01:49.770 from typically obesity-related complications. 0:01:49.770,0:01:54.950 And as for where they get to live out the[br]brief remainder of their lives? 0:01:54.950,0:02:00.430 Destinations have ranged from Disneyland,[br]to Mount Vernon, to this place, and now…here, 0:02:00.430,0:02:04.700 where the public gets to ogle them in their[br]enclosures. 0:02:04.700,0:02:10.090 This extravagant production, run by the lobbyist[br]organization the National Turkey Federation, 0:02:10.090,0:02:15.380 essentially serves as an extended governmental[br]infomercial for the turkey industry. 0:02:15.380,0:02:21.620 The Federation’s annual turkey gifting began[br]more or less in 1947 when angry farmers sent 0:02:21.620,0:02:27.420 crates of live hens to President Truman in[br]protest of his failed “poutlryless Thursday” 0:02:27.420,0:02:31.000 attempt to reduce national meat and egg consumption. 0:02:31.000,0:02:34.030 But it doesn’t take a president to pardon[br]a turkey. 0:02:34.030,0:02:38.810 And as you can see, it’s not much of a reprieve[br]after all. 0:02:38.810,0:02:44.099 To show you how it’s really done, and shine[br]some light on this dark holiday—founded 0:02:44.099,0:02:49.680 upon the massacre of an entire people, who[br]still mourn the loss of their families while 0:02:49.680,0:02:51.849 others gather in celebration with their own. 0:02:51.849,0:02:57.760 I want to share with you a story of hope from[br]Rowdy Girl Sanctuary in Texas. 0:02:57.760,0:03:04.750 The following video was created by the incredible[br]film making team Chee Wei and Alana Tompson. 0:03:04.750,0:03:12.890 You’ll hear Rowy Girl Founder Renee mention[br]FFA, which along with 4-H is pro-farming agricultural 0:03:12.890,0:03:17.950 youth program, teaching children how to raise,[br]care for and show so-called “food” animals 0:03:17.950,0:03:20.240 before sending them to slaughter. 0:03:20.240,0:03:25.530 To hear more about other FFA and 4H survivors,[br]see this video about the residents of 0:03:25.530,0:03:26.920 Rowdy Girl Sanctuary. 0:03:28.340,0:03:30.620 [Phone Rings] 0:03:30.620,0:03:32.660 Renee: Hi, Is this Lillie? 0:03:32.661,0:03:35.601 This is Renee King Sonnen with the Rowdy Girl[br]Sanctuary. 0:03:35.800,0:03:37.500 I have a strange request. 0:04:06.560,0:04:09.560 Renee: Right now, we are going to rescue two 0:04:09.580,0:04:14.220 turkeys that would have been slaughtered through[br]the FFA system. 0:04:14.220,0:04:19.811 We saw a flyer in a health food store a couple[br]of days ago advertising these two turkeys 0:04:19.811,0:04:21.680 for sale for fifty dollars each. 0:04:21.680,0:04:28.430 We grabbed the flyer, took it off the wall,[br]left and straight away called and talked to 0:04:28.430,0:04:31.669 the lady to see if she would pardon these[br]two turkeys. 0:04:34.880,0:04:35.420 Renee: Hi 0:04:35.420,0:04:36.560 Lillie: Hey! How are you doing? 0:04:36.560,0:04:38.479 Renee: So good to meet you 0:04:38.479,0:04:44.599 Renee: In Texas and other parts of the country,[br]FFA is a real valued, traditional and cultural 0:04:44.600,0:04:46.439 experience for our youth. 0:04:46.439,0:04:50.879 But of course folks who really, really love[br]animals and choose not to participate in any 0:04:50.879,0:04:52.949 of the violence towards them at all. 0:04:52.949,0:04:59.520 We are just elated that she said 'Yes' to[br]pardoning the last two that she has. 0:04:59.520,0:05:03.060 Renee: So they just got out of the FFA? 0:05:03.060,0:05:05.380 Lillie: Yeah! the Fair, the [br]Brazoria County Fair 0:05:05.380,0:05:06.260 Renee: So you had how many? 0:05:06.320,0:05:07.320 Lillie: We had twenty. 0:05:07.320,0:05:07.820 Renee: Twenty! 0:05:08.140,0:05:12.680 Lillie: I have three kids so, we had nine[br]in the show. 0:05:13.100,0:05:16.639 Renee: So had you have any that, when they[br]were ready to take them all away… 0:05:16.639,0:05:20.119 I heard that they call it the trail of tears,[br]you know, when they go and … 0:05:20.180,0:05:21.720 Lillie: don’t know.. 0:05:23.020,0:05:25.020 Anna is getting to keep her rabbit... 0:05:25.020,0:05:26.020 Renee: really?! 0:05:26.020,0:05:29.349 Lillie: So, her rabbit that made eleventh[br]out of eighty four she’s going to keep him 0:05:29.349,0:05:31.270 and he’s going to live here forever. 0:05:31.270,0:05:32.639 Renee: Awww! that’s so awesome! 0:05:32.639,0:05:38.479 Lillie: we can compromise when we can but these [br]were bred for certain purpose and that’s what... 0:05:38.990,0:05:40.590 Renee: You got to and you get that— 0:05:40.590,0:05:42.420 Lillie: Yes I have to have that mentality. 0:05:42.420,0:05:44.760 Renee: Yeah! you have to have [br]that mentality to do it. Exactly! 0:05:44.920,0:05:46.020 Lillie: Yeah, otherwise I just don’t... 0:05:46.400,0:05:48.840 Renee: You lose your mind[br]Lillie: I wouldn’t do it! 0:05:49.140,0:05:52.440 I wouldn’t do it! I wouldn’t raise them if I—you know... 0:05:52.479,0:05:53.479 Renee: No!... 0:05:53.479,0:05:56.379 Renee: You are so awesome to be doing this with us[br]Lillie: Yep 0:05:56.740,0:05:57.940 Renee: Can I give you another Hug? 0:05:59.800,0:06:03.140 [Heartwarming Music continues] 0:06:36.940,0:06:41.780 Renee: It was such an experience to see[br]this woman open her heart and pardon those 0:06:41.789,0:06:42.789 two turkeys. 0:06:42.789,0:06:47.649 To see the other turkeys that were destined[br]to be Thanksgiving dinner was really sad. 0:06:47.649,0:06:51.319 You know, we really wanted all of them 0:06:55.000,0:06:56.360 Tommy: You can’t save them all. 0:06:56.360,0:07:01.459 There’s probably 80 Million turkeys[br]that are going to be harvested in the next 0:07:01.459,0:07:04.319 few weeks for Thanksgiving dinner this year. 0:07:07.260,0:07:09.300 Renee: These turkeys are so inquisitive. 0:07:09.300,0:07:13.960 And they have personalities, you know, they[br]love life, they want to live! 0:07:16.249,0:07:21.409 Renee: Thanksgiving is a time when families[br]all get together nieces, nephew, uncles. 0:07:21.409,0:07:23.420 Families call, they come from all over. 0:07:24.140,0:07:29.120 You may not see these family members but that[br]one time a year, so it really is a celebration 0:07:29.120,0:07:30.540 of love. 0:07:32.260,0:07:35.260 [Uplifting Music] 0:07:41.400,0:07:47.500 Renee: This year, this Thanksgiving, these[br]two Turkeys are going to be celebrated so 0:07:47.509,0:07:52.610 that instead of giving thanks for a turkey[br]on our plate, we are going to thanks for these 0:07:52.610,0:07:56.650 turkeys and we are going to be giving them[br]a Thanksgiving Dinner to remember! 0:08:07.420,0:08:11.460 Renee: So everyone is gonna want to know[br]I'm sure what their names are gonna be 0:08:11.469,0:08:13.649 because right now they have no names. 0:08:13.649,0:08:18.549 And we have decided to give them names of[br]the two folks behind the camera right now. 0:08:18.700,0:08:21.560 We have Alana with Black Ant Films. 0:08:21.560,0:08:27.600 So we are going to call one of them Alana[br]So.. that’s one name. And then the other one, 0:08:27.780,0:08:33.160 we were going to call her Chee Wei—[br]he’s the producer of De Claffer Music. 0:08:33.169,0:08:38.209 But we decided that instead of calling him[br]Chee Wei, since that’s a masculine term, 0:08:38.209,0:08:38.909 we are going to call her Chi Chi. 0:08:39.420,0:08:41.080 So we got Chi Chi and Alana. 0:08:41.380,0:08:43.520 We want to welcome them to [br]Rowdy Girl Sanctuary. 0:08:49.520,0:08:54.160 Please share this video this holiday season[br]to show what true compassion looks like 0:08:54.190,0:08:56.850 and the truth about Thanksgiving. 0:08:56.850,0:09:00.990 See these videos here, which are also linked[br]in the description, for more about Thanksgiving’s 0:09:00.990,0:09:05.839 dark history, what turkeys really experience,[br]and to get involved with and support the work 0:09:05.839,0:09:07.399 of Rowdy Girl Sanctuary. 0:09:07.399,0:09:11.889 Subscribe and enable notifications for more[br]vegan truth every week. 0:09:11.889,0:09:16.829 Now go live vegan, spare a turkey or two,[br]and I’ll see you soon. 0:09:16.829,0:09:18.420 Please think about them. 0:09:19.240,0:09:21.560 Please think about them this... 0:09:21.560,0:09:23.260 "Thanksgiving," y'know? 0:09:24.300,0:09:25.580 Don't forget them. 0:09:27.940,0:09:31.380 Cause it might just seem like... 0:09:31.380,0:09:35.000 trucks full of identical birds, you know? 0:09:35.000,0:09:36.480 One's the same as the other? 0:09:36.480,0:09:39.880 But those are individuals. 0:09:39.880,0:09:43.500 For each one of them,... 0:09:43.700,0:09:46.060 this is their life— this is their only life. 0:09:47.140,0:09:48.760 This is their last day. 0:09:48.770,0:09:57.150 They're about to go inside and experience[br]something that none of us can even fathom. 0:09:57.560,0:09:58.800 It's their life.