WEBVTT 00:00:00.950 --> 00:00:04.085 David Bello: So Victor, what have you been up to? 00:00:05.464 --> 00:00:07.660 Victor Vescovo: That's the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, 00:00:07.660 --> 00:00:10.692 and I guess I read too much Jules Verne as a young boy, 00:00:10.692 --> 00:00:14.700 and so for the last four years I've led a team to design and build 00:00:14.700 --> 00:00:15.898 what is now the most advanced 00:00:15.898 --> 00:00:17.947 and deepest diving submersible on the planet. 00:00:18.334 --> 00:00:20.861 And I have the ability to personally pilot it too. 00:00:21.200 --> 00:00:23.383 So this was us in December of last year 00:00:23.383 --> 00:00:24.385 for the first time -- 00:00:24.385 --> 00:00:25.743 the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. 00:00:26.212 --> 00:00:27.805 DB: And nobody's seen that before right? 00:00:28.021 --> 00:00:28.753 That's just you. 00:00:28.954 --> 00:00:29.866 VV: No -- 00:00:29.866 --> 00:00:31.103 well, now everybody else. 00:00:32.062 --> 00:00:33.204 DB: Who does that? 00:00:33.720 --> 00:00:34.885 Like -- 00:00:34.885 --> 00:00:38.950 VV: Well, I think everyone has seen all the developments the last 10-15 years, 00:00:39.163 --> 00:00:42.205 you have a bunch of people that have the means to explore outer space, 00:00:42.205 --> 00:00:44.466 like SpaceX or Blue Origin -- 00:00:44.466 --> 00:00:45.079 those guys -- 00:00:45.079 --> 00:00:46.614 and we're going in the other direction. 00:00:46.759 --> 00:00:48.026 So it's a wonderful era 00:00:48.026 --> 00:00:50.403 of private individuals spending their resources 00:00:50.403 --> 00:00:53.039 to develop technologies that can take us to places 00:00:53.039 --> 00:00:54.709 that have never been explored before, 00:00:54.922 --> 00:00:57.218 and the oceans of the world is -- 00:00:57.218 --> 00:00:58.340 it's almost a cliché to say -- 00:00:58.340 --> 00:01:00.938 70 percent of our entire planet, 00:01:00.938 --> 00:01:02.907 and of that, 95 percent is unexplored. 00:01:03.274 --> 00:01:05.636 So what we're trying to with our expedition 00:01:05.636 --> 00:01:08.436 is to build and [prove] out a submersible 00:01:08.436 --> 00:01:10.740 that can go to any point on the bottom of the planet 00:01:10.740 --> 00:01:14.373 to explore the 60 percent of this planet that is still unexplored. 00:01:15.572 --> 00:01:17.659 DB: You need a pretty cool tool to do that, right? 00:01:17.892 --> 00:01:18.863 VV: Right. 00:01:18.863 --> 00:01:21.555 Now the tool is the submarine Limiting Factor. 00:01:21.555 --> 00:01:24.735 It's a state-of-the-art vessel support by the support ship, 00:01:24.735 --> 00:01:25.963 the Pressure Drop. 00:01:25.963 --> 00:01:27.774 It has a two-person titanium sphere, 00:01:27.774 --> 00:01:28.823 90 milimeters-thick, 00:01:28.823 --> 00:01:30.128 that keeps it at one atmosphere 00:01:30.128 --> 00:01:32.812 and it has the ability to dive repeatedly 00:01:32.812 --> 00:01:34.950 down to the very deepest point of the ocean. 00:01:35.431 --> 00:01:39.305 DB: So like the SpaceX of ocean exploration? 00:01:39.580 --> 00:01:41.484 VV: Yeah, it's kind of the SpaceX of ocean exploration, 00:01:41.484 --> 00:01:43.035 but I pilot my own vehicles. 00:01:44.233 --> 00:01:45.873 (Laughter) 00:01:46.070 --> 00:01:48.056 VV: You're going to take Elon or ... ? 00:01:48.958 --> 00:01:50.438 VV: Yeah, I could take someone down there. 00:01:50.770 --> 00:01:52.649 So, Elon, I don't if you're listening, 00:01:52.649 --> 00:01:53.706 I'll give you a ride in mine if you give me a ride in yours. 00:01:55.610 --> 00:01:57.440 (Laughter) 00:01:58.336 --> 00:02:00.949 DB: So tell us what it's like down there. 00:02:01.183 --> 00:02:04.395 I mean, we're talking about a place where the pressure is so intense 00:02:04.395 --> 00:02:06.915 that it's like putting the Eiffel Tower on your toe. 00:02:07.132 --> 00:02:08.121 VV: It's more than that. 00:02:08.121 --> 00:02:09.296 It's about 16,000 psi. 00:02:09.833 --> 00:02:12.328 So the issue is we have this titanium sphere 00:02:12.328 --> 00:02:14.702 that allows us to go down to these extreme depths 00:02:14.702 --> 00:02:15.830 and come up repeatedly. 00:02:16.317 --> 00:02:17.358 That's never been done before. 00:02:17.619 --> 00:02:19.913 The Challenger Deep has been dived twice, 00:02:19.913 --> 00:02:23.267 once in 1960 and once in 2012 by James Cameron, 00:02:23.267 --> 00:02:24.887 and they went down and came back up 00:02:24.887 --> 00:02:26.145 and those were experimental craft. 00:02:26.402 --> 00:02:28.668 This is the first commercially certified submersible. 00:02:28.868 --> 00:02:32.285 It can go up and down thousands of times with two people, 00:02:32.285 --> 00:02:33.334 including a scientist. 00:02:33.492 --> 00:02:34.432 And we're very proud 00:02:34.432 --> 00:02:37.318 that we just took down the deepest-diving British citizen in history 00:02:37.318 --> 00:02:38.371 just three weeks ago, 00:02:38.371 --> 00:02:40.509 Dr. Alan Jamieson of Newcastle University 00:02:40.509 --> 00:02:42.586 who was down with us on the Java Trench. 00:02:43.648 --> 00:02:47.455 DB: So not too much freaks you out is what I'm guessing. 00:02:48.140 --> 00:02:50.100 VV: Well, it's a lot different to go diving. 00:02:50.372 --> 00:02:52.747 If you're claustrophobic you do not want to be in the submarine. 00:02:53.558 --> 00:02:54.616 We go down quite a distance 00:02:54.616 --> 00:02:57.502 and the missions typically last eight to nine hours in a confined space. 00:02:57.758 --> 00:02:59.836 So it's very different to the career I had previous to this, 00:02:59.836 --> 00:03:00.903 which was mountain climbing, 00:03:00.903 --> 00:03:02.779 where you're in large, open spaces, 00:03:02.779 --> 00:03:03.649 the wind is whipping, 00:03:03.649 --> 00:03:04.859 it's very, very cold. 00:03:04.859 --> 00:03:06.216 This is the opposite. 00:03:06.216 --> 00:03:07.423 It's much more technical. 00:03:07.423 --> 00:03:09.966 It's much more about precision and using the instruments 00:03:09.966 --> 00:03:11.619 and troubleshooting anything that can go wrong. 00:03:11.955 --> 00:03:13.666 But actually if something really goes wrong in the submersible, 00:03:13.666 --> 00:03:15.234 you're not going to know it. 00:03:15.736 --> 00:03:17.385 (Laughter) 00:03:17.669 --> 00:03:19.697 DB: So you're afraid of leaks is what you're saying. 00:03:19.895 --> 00:03:21.392 VV: Yeah, leaks are not good, 00:03:21.847 --> 00:03:23.173 but if it's a leak that's happening, 00:03:23.173 --> 00:03:24.025 well at least it's not that bad 00:03:24.025 --> 00:03:25.254 because if it was really bad you wouldn't know it -- 00:03:25.254 --> 00:03:26.805 again, but -- 00:03:26.805 --> 00:03:28.197 (Laughter) 00:03:28.197 --> 00:03:29.469 You know, fire in the capsule, 00:03:29.469 --> 00:03:30.054 that wouldn't be good either, 00:03:30.054 --> 00:03:32.231 but no, it's actually a very, very safe submersible. 00:03:32.231 --> 00:03:33.835 I like to say I don't trust a lot of things in life, 00:03:33.835 --> 00:03:35.377 but I do trust titanium, 00:03:35.377 --> 00:03:36.279 I trust math 00:03:36.279 --> 00:03:38.429 and I trust finite element analysis, 00:03:38.429 --> 00:03:39.767 which is how you figure out 00:03:39.767 --> 00:03:41.201 whether or not things like this can survive 00:03:41.201 --> 00:03:43.042 these extraordinary pressures and conditions. 00:03:43.921 --> 00:03:46.969 DB: And that sphere is so perfectly machined, right? 00:03:47.231 --> 00:03:48.892 This is a truly unique craft. 00:03:49.297 --> 00:03:50.457 VV: That was the real trick -- 00:03:50.457 --> 00:03:55.544 is actually building a titanium sphere that was accurate .1 percent of machine. 00:03:55.544 --> 00:03:57.549 Titanium is a hard [mill] to work 00:03:57.549 --> 00:03:58.716 and a lot of people haven't been able to figure it out, 00:03:58.716 --> 00:03:59.735 but we were very fortunate. 00:03:59.735 --> 00:04:02.665 I've been working with and extraodinary team 00:04:02.665 --> 00:04:04.297 that was able to make an almost perfect sphere, 00:04:04.297 --> 00:04:05.373 which when you're subjecting something to pressure, 00:04:05.373 --> 00:04:07.442 that's the strongest geometry you can possibly have. 00:04:07.705 --> 00:04:10.071 So when I'm actually in the submersible and that hatch closes, 00:04:10.071 --> 00:04:11.215 I actually feel very confident 00:04:11.215 --> 00:04:13.161 that I'm going to go down and come back up. 00:04:13.407 --> 00:04:14.894 DB: And that's the thing you double-check, right? 00:04:15.138 --> 00:04:16.029 That the hatch is closed? 00:04:16.232 --> 00:04:17.794 VV: There are only two rules in diving a submaring. 00:04:17.794 --> 00:04:19.809 Number one is close the hatch securely. 00:04:19.809 --> 00:04:22.134 Number two is go back to rule number one. 00:04:22.383 --> 00:04:23.338 (Laughter) 00:04:23.741 --> 00:04:25.825 DB: Alright so, Atlantic Ocean: 00:04:25.825 --> 00:04:26.846 check. 00:04:26.846 --> 00:04:28.165 Southern Ocean: 00:04:28.165 --> 00:04:28.947 check -- 00:04:28.947 --> 00:04:32.012 VV: Yeah, no one has ever dived the Southern Ocean before. 00:04:32.012 --> 00:04:32.778 I know why -- 00:04:32.778 --> 00:04:33.882 it's really, really hostile. 00:04:33.882 --> 00:04:35.145 The weather is awful. 00:04:35.145 --> 00:04:36.795 The word collision kind of comes to mind. 00:04:37.432 --> 00:04:38.793 But we did that one, yes. 00:04:39.419 --> 00:04:40.171 Glad that's over -- 00:04:40.171 --> 00:04:41.679 (Applause) 00:04:41.679 --> 00:04:43.231 DB: Yeah -- 00:04:43.231 --> 00:04:44.194 VV: Thank you. 00:04:44.194 --> 00:04:44.847 DB: Yeah 00:04:44.847 --> 00:04:46.274 (Applause) 00:04:46.274 --> 00:04:47.066 It's like you're racing through it. 00:04:47.311 --> 00:04:48.428 And now the Indian Ocean, 00:04:48.428 --> 00:04:49.375 as Kelly mentioned. 00:04:49.375 --> 00:04:50.369 VV: Yeah, that was three weeks ago. 00:04:50.369 --> 00:04:51.864 We were fortunate enough to 00:04:51.864 --> 00:04:52.804 for the first time actually solve the mystery. 00:04:52.804 --> 00:04:54.553 if someone had asked me three weeks ago, 00:04:54.553 --> 00:04:56.526 "What is the deepest point in the Indian Ocean?" 00:04:56.526 --> 00:04:58.058 no one really knew. 00:04:58.058 --> 00:04:59.027 There were two candidates, 00:04:59.027 --> 00:05:01.013 one off of Western Australia and one in the Java Trench. 00:05:01.013 --> 00:05:03.637 We had this wonderful ship with a brilliant sonar. 00:05:03.637 --> 00:05:04.448 We mapped both of them. 00:05:04.448 --> 00:05:07.624 We sent landers down to the bottom and actually verified -- 00:05:07.624 --> 00:05:09.827 it's actually in the center portion of the Java Trench, 00:05:09.827 --> 00:05:11.894 which is where no one thought it was. 00:05:12.124 --> 00:05:14.765 In fact, every time we've completed one of our major dives, 00:05:14.765 --> 00:05:17.120 we have to run off to Wikipedia and change it 00:05:17.120 --> 00:05:18.231 because it's completely wrong. 00:05:18.682 --> 00:05:19.652 (Laughter) 00:05:20.044 --> 00:05:23.596 DB: So it probably takes longer to get down there 00:05:23.596 --> 00:05:25.597 than the time you're able to spend down there? 00:05:26.078 --> 00:05:28.734 VV: No, we actually spend quite a bit of time. 00:05:29.135 --> 00:05:31.540 I have four days of oxygen supply in the vessel. 00:05:31.843 --> 00:05:32.809 If I'm down there for four days, 00:05:32.809 --> 00:05:34.741 something's gone so wrong I'm probably not going to use it, 00:05:34.741 --> 00:05:38.925 but it fell three-hours down to the deepest part of the ocean 00:05:38.925 --> 00:05:41.566 and then we can spend usually three or four hours 00:05:41.566 --> 00:05:42.811 and then another three hours up, 00:05:42.998 --> 00:05:45.031 so you don't really want to stay in there for more than 10 or 11 hours. 00:05:45.286 --> 00:05:46.059 It can get a little tight. 00:05:46.623 --> 00:05:48.950 DB: Alright, so the bottom of the Indian Ocean, 00:05:48.950 --> 00:05:54.342 and so this something that no one besides you has ever seen before -- 00:05:54.342 --> 00:05:58.256 VV: This is actually imagery from one of our robotic landers. 00:05:58.256 --> 00:06:01.626 On the bottom-right you can actually see a robust assfish -- 00:06:01.626 --> 00:06:02.654 that's what it's actually called -- 00:06:02.654 --> 00:06:03.471 (Laughter) 00:06:03.471 --> 00:06:06.391 But you can see from the left a creature that's never been seen before. 00:06:06.391 --> 00:06:10.253 It's actually a bottom-dwelling jellyfish called a stalked ascidian, 00:06:10.253 --> 00:06:12.647 and none of them have ever looked like this before. 00:06:12.647 --> 00:06:15.388 It actually has a small child at the bottom of its stalk, 00:06:15.388 --> 00:06:17.422 and it just drifted across beautifully. 00:06:17.863 --> 00:06:20.370 So every single dive we have gone on, 00:06:20.370 --> 00:06:22.424 even though we're only down there for a couple of hours, 00:06:22.424 --> 00:06:24.395 we have found three or four new species 00:06:24.395 --> 00:06:28.061 because these are places that have been isolated for billions of years 00:06:28.061 --> 00:06:31.729 and no human being has ever been down there to film them 00:06:31.729 --> 00:06:32.736 or take samples. 00:06:33.338 --> 00:06:34.148 And so this is extroardinary -- 00:06:34.148 --> 00:06:37.456 (Applause) 00:06:37.456 --> 00:06:38.388 Thanks. 00:06:38.388 --> 00:06:40.129 (Applause) 00:06:40.129 --> 00:06:40.967 So what we are hoping -- 00:06:40.967 --> 00:06:42.147 the main objective of our mission is to build this tool. 00:06:42.147 --> 00:06:43.630 This tool is a door. 00:06:43.630 --> 00:06:45.246 Because with this tool, 00:06:45.246 --> 00:06:46.814 we'll be able to make more of them potentially 00:06:46.814 --> 00:06:49.430 and take scientists down to do thousands of dives 00:06:49.430 --> 00:06:50.706 to open that door to exploration 00:06:50.706 --> 00:06:53.963 and find things that we had no idea existed. 00:06:54.869 --> 00:06:59.511 DB: And so more people have been to space than the bottom of the ocean. 00:06:59.826 --> 00:07:01.014 You're one of three. 00:07:01.456 --> 00:07:02.815 You're going to up that number, 00:07:03.039 --> 00:07:04.248 you're going to give it away. 00:07:04.488 --> 00:07:05.071 VV: Yeah, three people have dived to the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. 00:07:05.422 --> 00:07:07.276 [Dios.....] in 1960 with two indivisuals, 00:07:07.276 --> 00:07:12.163 James Cameron in 2012 with his Deep Sea Challenger -- 00:07:12.163 --> 00:07:13.170 thank you, Jim, 00:07:13.170 --> 00:07:13.942 great sub. 00:07:14.129 --> 00:07:15.496 And this is a third-generation technology. 00:07:15.496 --> 00:07:17.313 We're not only going to try and go down, 00:07:17.313 --> 00:07:18.540 actually in two weeks, 00:07:18.540 --> 00:07:20.446 but we're going to try and do it multiple times 00:07:20.446 --> 00:07:21.634 which has never been done before. 00:07:21.634 --> 00:07:23.995 If we can do that, 00:07:23.995 --> 00:07:25.104 we'll have proved the technology 00:07:25.104 --> 00:07:26.766 and that door will not just go open, 00:07:29.874 --> 00:07:30.975 it will stay open. 00:07:31.219 --> 00:07:31.725 (Applause) 00:07:31.946 --> 00:07:32.461 DB: Fantastic. 00:07:32.461 --> 00:07:32.870 Good luck. 00:07:32.870 --> 00:07:33.655 VV: Thank you very much. 00:07:33.655 --> 00:07:34.379 DB: Thank you. 00:07:34.379 --> 00:07:35.454 VV: Thank you all. 00:07:35.454 --> 00:07:37.373 (Applause)