S: Dear Alexander. This is very nice. Nice to get to know you. Of course I knew well that you are terribly good at playing the violin, making songs and performing. My girls have your record. We have listened to it in the car, and then I heard a song that made me very much change my view of you. It is actually a song about horses. 13 horses. A: Are you going to take that one? S: I think that song is incredibly good. A: It was a poem that mummy read to me when I was little which made a big impression on me. I have always taken it up in my consciousness when I was about to give up. Then I thought of those horses who were swimming in the ocean and there is no chance for survival, but they are swimming and swimming. And the hope is the last to die. S: It is a song I have looked very much forward to do. I think it is important that people get to know it, because it shows Alexander from another side that suits him very much too. 13 hestar svømme langt te havs, 13 Horses swimming far at sea, og vente på at hjelpen komme. waiting for help to come. Skibet sank nå e di heilt forlatt The ship sank, and now they are all alone og dagen ubønnhørlig omme. and the day relentlessly over. De berga seg alle mann ombord They saved themselves, all the men on board, før skibet satte kursen mot bunn. before the ship headed for the bottom. Må stå å se ein kamp på liv og død, Must stand and face a fight for life or death, ein søgen itte faste grunn. a quest for solid ground. 8 hestar svømme langt te havs 8 Horses swimming far at sea, og vett'kje at det e forgjeves. they don’t know that it will be in vain. De holde på så lenge der e liv, They are fighting on, as long as they have life, ein gang så sterk og rå, men plutselig så små. once so strong and raw, but suddenly so small. Någen av de sakke akterut Some of them are lagging far behind, og slukes opp av mørke og av hav, swallowed by the darkness and the sea, Men ka gjørr det, ein time fra og te, But what does it matter, an hour more or less, når alle svømme mot sin egen grav. when all are swimming towards their own grave. 4 hestar svømme langt te havs 4 horses swimming far at sea, og kjenne løbet snart e øve. feeling that the race will soon be over. De lengte itte kvile, ros og fred, They are longing for rest, praise and peace, og et evig liv i gress og kløver. and an eternal life in grass and clover. Et rob om hjelp men det hjelpe ingenting, A cry for help, but it doesn’t help a thing, di svømme uten mål, de svømme rundt i ring. they are swimming without a goal, round and round in ring. De føres nå mot land av ein barmhjertig strøm, They are lead toward the shore by a merciful stream, nå rege de mot land, men bare i ein drøm. they’re heading for the shore, but only in a dream. En enslig hest stige opp mot land, One single horse rises towards the shore, en siste rest av krefter brukte han the last piece of strength he used te å sleba seg møysommelig avsted, to drag himself painstakingly along, mot ein kløvereng av kvile, ros og fred. towards a clover meadow of rest, praise and peace. Någen hestar svømme langt te havs Some horses swimming far at sea, og tenke sånn ska livet leves: thinking this is how life should be lived: enten sterk og rå eller bittesmå either strong and raw or just very small, og kem vet ka som e forgjeves. and who knows what will be in vain. A: So beautiful. S: It is a very beautiful song. A: Thank you very very much. S: You're welcome. Elg: It was touching. Simone: It was strong. A: It was such good lyrics. I don`t get easily moved. I have put on an outer shell in my life so nobody can hurt me, or reach with good and bad. I remember that this song was written at that time when I still blindly trusted people. Whatever mean things I heard, I just gave a lot of good back and hoped for the best in everybody. When I heard this song - I started to think of that time. You know - I am so so touched. You could have got me to the altar right away S: Maybe I should consider that. Karoline (his wife)-Turn off the TV