1 00:00:06,687 --> 00:00:11,208 In ancient Kyoto, a Shinto monk lived a simple life, 2 00:00:11,208 --> 00:00:16,037 but he was often distracted from his prayers by the bustling city. 3 00:00:16,037 --> 00:00:19,587 He felt that his neighbors were polluting his soul, 4 00:00:19,587 --> 00:00:22,647 and he sought to perform some kind of harae— 5 00:00:22,647 --> 00:00:27,627 a purification ritual that would cleanse his body and his mind. 6 00:00:27,627 --> 00:00:31,937 He decided to travel to the revered Hie Shrine. 7 00:00:31,937 --> 00:00:36,446 The trip was an arduous climb that took all day. 8 00:00:36,446 --> 00:00:39,576 But he was glad for the solitude it afforded him, 9 00:00:39,576 --> 00:00:43,739 and the peace he felt upon returning home was profound. 10 00:00:43,739 --> 00:00:48,845 The monk was determined to maintain this clarity for as long as possible, 11 00:00:48,845 --> 00:00:53,892 and resolved to make this pilgrimage another 99 times. 12 00:00:53,892 --> 00:00:58,992 He would walk the path alone, ignoring any distractions in his quest for balance, 13 00:00:58,992 --> 00:01:01,652 and never stray from his purpose. 14 00:01:01,652 --> 00:01:05,772 The monk was true to his word, and as days stretched into weeks, 15 00:01:05,772 --> 00:01:09,772 he walked through driving rain and searing sun. 16 00:01:09,772 --> 00:01:14,554 Over time, his devotion began to reveal the invisible world of spirits 17 00:01:14,554 --> 00:01:17,504 which exists alongside our own. 18 00:01:17,504 --> 00:01:21,988 He began to sense the kami, which animated the rocks underfoot, 19 00:01:21,988 --> 00:01:27,047 the breeze that cooled him, and the animals grazing in the fields. 20 00:01:27,047 --> 00:01:31,047 Still he spoke to no one, spirit or human. 21 00:01:31,047 --> 00:01:34,797 He was determined to avoid contact with those who had strayed 22 00:01:34,797 --> 00:01:38,517 from the path and become polluted with kegare. 23 00:01:38,517 --> 00:01:42,825 This taboo of defilement hung over the sick and deceased, 24 00:01:42,825 --> 00:01:47,605 as well as those who defiled the land or committed violent crimes. 25 00:01:47,605 --> 00:01:51,658 Of all of the threats to the monk’s quest for spiritual purity, 26 00:01:51,658 --> 00:01:55,078 kegare was by far the greatest. 27 00:01:55,078 --> 00:01:58,328 After paying his respects for the 80th time, 28 00:01:58,328 --> 00:02:01,018 he set out for home once more. 29 00:02:01,018 --> 00:02:06,788 But as darkness fell, he heard strained sobs in the night air. 30 00:02:06,788 --> 00:02:11,026 The monk tried to push forward and ignore the desperate moans. 31 00:02:11,026 --> 00:02:14,186 But the desperate cries overwhelmed him. 32 00:02:14,186 --> 00:02:19,495 Grimacing, he left his path to follow the sound to its source. 33 00:02:19,495 --> 00:02:25,375 He soon came to a cramped cottage, with a woman crumpled outside. 34 00:02:25,375 --> 00:02:29,635 Filled with pity, the monk implored the woman to share her sorrow. 35 00:02:29,635 --> 00:02:33,005 She explained that her mother had just died— 36 00:02:33,005 --> 00:02:36,205 but no one would help her with the burial. 37 00:02:36,205 --> 00:02:39,485 At that news, his heart sank. 38 00:02:39,485 --> 00:02:42,225 Touching the body would defile his spirit, 39 00:02:42,225 --> 00:02:47,001 draining his life force and leaving him forsaken by the kami. 40 00:02:47,001 --> 00:02:51,405 But as he listened to her cries, his sympathy soared. 41 00:02:51,405 --> 00:02:54,695 And so, they buried the old woman together, 42 00:02:54,695 --> 00:02:59,355 to ensure her safe passage into the spirit world. 43 00:02:59,355 --> 00:03:04,587 The burial was complete, but the taboo of death weighed heavily on the monk. 44 00:03:04,587 --> 00:03:06,687 How could he have been so foolish, 45 00:03:06,687 --> 00:03:11,824 to shirk his most important rule and corrupt his divine journey? 46 00:03:11,824 --> 00:03:13,984 After a tormented night, 47 00:03:13,984 --> 00:03:18,294 he resolved to go back to the shrine to cleanse himself. 48 00:03:18,294 --> 00:03:23,479 To his surprise, the usually quiet temple was filled with people, 49 00:03:23,479 --> 00:03:29,012 all gathering around a medium who communicated directly with the kami. 50 00:03:29,012 --> 00:03:35,127 The monk hid himself, not daring approach in case anyone glimpse his polluted soul. 51 00:03:35,127 --> 00:03:40,165 But the medium had other ways of seeing, and called him forward from the crowd. 52 00:03:40,165 --> 00:03:44,665 Ready to be forsaken, the monk approached the holy woman. 53 00:03:44,665 --> 00:03:47,555 But the medium merely smiled. 54 00:03:47,555 --> 00:03:50,641 She took his impure hand in hers, 55 00:03:50,641 --> 00:03:54,101 and whispered a blessing only he could hear— 56 00:03:54,101 --> 00:03:56,491 thanking him for his kindness. 57 00:03:56,491 --> 00:04:01,315 In that moment, the monk discovered a great spiritual secret: 58 00:04:01,315 --> 00:04:07,366 contamination and corruption are two very different things. 59 00:04:07,366 --> 00:04:11,489 Filled with insight, the monk set himself back on his journey. 60 00:04:11,489 --> 00:04:15,569 But this time, he stopped to help those he met. 61 00:04:15,569 --> 00:04:18,009 After his one hundredth pilgrimage, 62 00:04:18,009 --> 00:04:21,849 he began to venture through the city he had previously shunned. 63 00:04:21,849 --> 00:04:24,887 Others cautioned that he risked kegare— 64 00:04:24,887 --> 00:04:27,427 but he never told them why he so freely mingled 65 00:04:27,427 --> 00:04:29,897 with the sick and disadvantaged. 66 00:04:29,897 --> 00:04:34,114 For he knew that people could only truly be moved to good deeds 67 00:04:34,114 --> 00:04:36,501 through a journey of their own.