0:00:41.850,0:00:47.220 Sorry to keep you waiting, Sir 0:00:47.220,0:00:50.350 Right... Let's get the basic facts sorted, then. 0:00:50.350,0:00:54.649 we're talking about a burglary that occured on Jan 23rd, 0:00:54.649,0:00:56.090 and you are Mr. Spirling. - No, Turing. T-U-R-I-N-G 0:00:56.090,0:00:58.590 Nick Ross, Detective Sergeant. How do you do, Sir? 0:00:58.590,0:01:03.440 Would you like to come with me, Sir? 0:01:03.440,0:01:06.180 Is this your list? 0:01:06.180,0:01:07.430 Y-yes 0:01:18.200,0:01:20.440 A shirt, five fish knives, a pair of tweed trousers, 0:01:20.440,0:01:24.040 three pairs of shoes 0:01:24.040,0:01:25.290 a compass, 0:01:25.290,0:01:27.150 an electric shaver 0:01:27.150,0:01:29.680 a half empty bottle of sherry 0:01:29.680,0:01:31.430 It's not much of it all 0:01:31.430,0:01:36.829 Well, I live very simply... p-possessions per se mean very little to me. 0:01:40.020,0:01:41.990 Now, then.... You said to the Constable... 0:01:41.990,0:01:45.060 you told him you might have some idea who might have committed the crime 0:01:45.060,0:01:47.770 Ah, w-well ... yes... I think he's named George 0:01:47.770,0:01:50.810 George what? 0:01:50.810,0:01:53.700 I don't know, 0:01:53.700,0:01:54.940 Who is this man? 0:01:54.940,0:01:58.730 can you describe him? 0:01:58.730,0:02:03.229 - Well, no, I've never seen him. - But you know his name... 0:02:03.229,0:02:04.220 - Yes, somebody told me. - Told you what, Sir? 0:02:04.220,0:02:05.640 That this m-man, George, m-might be a burglar. 0:02:05.640,0:02:08.569 - Who told you? - A young man who came to the door 0:02:08.569,0:02:11.149 for selling something... 0:02:11.149,0:02:14.469 brushes or something.... 0:02:14.469,0:02:17.870 he told me to be careful because he'd heard him talk about a burglary 0:02:17.870,0:02:21.790 They were in a pub, you see... and he was planning the burglary 0:02:25.140,0:02:28.339 This man, George.... He heard him 0:02:28.339,0:02:30.630 making some sort of a plan to burgle your house 0:02:30.630,0:02:36.400 No... n-not my house sp-specifically.... a house in my neighbourhood 0:02:36.400,0:02:39.589 That's all I gathered... that's what I was told 0:02:39.589,0:02:41.019 This young man.... the brush saleman, 0:02:41.019,0:02:44.279 said he knew the man he was talking 0:02:44.279,0:02:46.919 George... 0:02:46.919,0:02:48.959 He recognized him, you see.. 0:02:48.959,0:02:51.639 why didn't you inform the police[br]at the time? 0:02:51.639,0:02:56.479 It never occurred to me to do so...[br]it was a casual remark 0:02:56.479,0:02:58.709 be careful.... keep your eyes open... 0:02:58.709,0:03:02.679 I really d-didn't pay much attention 0:03:02.679,0:03:05.839 What sort of brushes was he selling? 0:03:05.839,0:03:06.559 I have no idea. It might not even be brushes 0:03:09.279,0:03:15.779 I forget 0:03:15.779,0:03:17.150 It would be helpful if you could remember. - Yes, I'll try... 0:03:17.150,0:03:19.009 He should never have lied... That was the real mistake 0:03:19.009,0:03:22.399 I have some very definite idea of right and wrong, and it's wrong to lie 0:03:22.399,0:03:26.289 Perhaps he was afraid.... 0:03:26.289,0:03:33.289 Of course he was afraid. He cheated during the Latin exam 0:03:34.399,0:03:39.939 He knew he'd be found out and you'd be punished, but lying made everything a hundred times worse 0:03:39.939,0:03:42.239 Alan, is that you? - Ooh, it's my mother 0:03:42.239,0:03:44.119 You must forgive me... I thought I'd heard the doorbell but I wasn't quite sure... I was in the garden, you see... 0:03:44.119,0:03:46.389 Do forgive me. 0:03:46.389,0:03:50.669 Aren't you going to introduce your friend? -S-sorry... C-Christopher Morgan. - How do you do, Christopher. 0:03:50.669,0:03:54.689 How do you do, Mrs Turing. 0:03:54.689,0:03:58.529 duplicate that we get married fifteen[br]remember that you work 0:03:58.529,0:04:03.639 whatever you think you always try to[br]keep people fifteen fifty g change dr 0:04:03.639,0:04:05.859 you're comfortable 0:04:05.859,0:04:06.579 height 0:04:08.379,0:04:12.549 he would get that range sure everything[br]i need thank you 0:04:12.549,0:04:15.519 how do you get a chaplain and we're not[br]going to work 0:04:15.519,0:04:16.769 i don't 0:04:16.769,0:04:18.560 i think i think that very much 0:04:18.560,0:04:23.260 general ratko mladic indicated below[br]interface i detected chapin 0:04:23.260,0:04:25.430 so that world record keeping 0:04:25.430,0:04:26.520 our company 0:04:26.520,0:04:31.629 well-coordinated creeping but nothing[br]too serious subject be competent to act 0:04:31.629,0:04:32.740 plate true 0:04:32.740,0:04:36.020 i mean you know a couple market that the[br]other day 0:04:36.020,0:04:38.960 he said that world into black black[br]black ink 0:04:38.960,0:04:44.210 political strength that we can don't[br]dictate nicole peckham sprite 0:04:44.210,0:04:49.580 we keep it jim king will make anything[br]to do it's hot and cold but mathematics 0:04:49.580,0:04:53.759 wouldn't want admin pick he said that[br]you can your jumped off the great will 0:04:53.759,0:04:57.160 be difficult five-to-four goldman print[br]it's religion 0:04:57.160,0:05:01.679 acute you mathematics is not being able[br]to get the property or 0:05:01.679,0:05:04.959 recruited as far as i'm concerned 0:05:04.959,0:05:10.379 camping chanting into yep and combat or[br]get pretty much that 0:05:10.379,0:05:15.319 vocal well-defined lovingly brother in[br]the portrayal may actually become 0:05:15.319,0:05:18.330 cookbook critic of the contents can and[br]a half 0:05:18.330,0:05:19.219 andy 0:05:19.219,0:05:22.619 ought to win the constituent afternoon[br]blended 0:05:22.619,0:05:26.080 that i could i think that i can actually[br]go to predict the fact that coming up 0:05:26.080,0:05:27.219 with creek 0:05:27.219,0:05:28.699 recommending 0:05:28.699,0:05:30.569 hutch 0:05:30.569,0:05:32.069 want to play 0:05:32.069,0:05:34.479 after the cockpit 0:05:34.479,0:05:37.009 coco wandering through the book 0:05:37.009,0:05:41.369 to protect their and content temple of[br]america 0:05:41.369,0:05:43.289 quite a while 0:05:43.289,0:05:45.840 fiction sort of krishna 0:05:45.840,0:05:47.260 xxxooo 0:05:47.260,0:05:50.680 yes it will campaign data okay 0:05:50.680,0:05:53.699 and making the part beyond my ground 0:05:53.699,0:05:57.119 itself and that india working it back 0:05:57.119,0:06:00.729 ....the man with the Jewish name? - Mr. Einstein. 0:06:00.729,0:06:02.740 Einstein, yes. I didn't understand a word of it... not one single word 0:06:02.740,0:06:08.080 Now, let's have some tea, shall we? 0:06:08.080,0:06:10.870 Do wash your hand, Alan, they're covered in ink. 0:06:10.870,0:06:16.600 Did Alan tell you about my grandfather's cousin? He was a scientisti, he invented the electron. 0:06:16.600,0:06:21.440 He didn't invent it, M-mother- electrons exist, you can't invent them. 0:06:22.449,0:06:29.449 He was a member of the Royal Society, very distinguished. 0:06:29.449,0:06:30.960 Do wash your hands, Alan. 0:06:30.960,0:06:31.920 Come along..... ........???? good... - Chris... 0:06:37.419,0:06:42.059 I'm sorry -......... mothr 0:06:42.059,0:06:43.139 She's all right. You know what I wish? What? I wish this is my house..... and we could live here, you and I... have our own rooms and laboratories... 0:06:45.169,0:06:48.069 work together, share everything 0:06:48.069,0:06:50.650 It would be wonderful. Yes. Yes it would 0:06:50.650,0:06:52.959 and could you queue 0:06:52.959,0:06:56.240 contingent upon retrieved 0:06:56.240,0:06:59.240 want to get a chance 0:06:59.240,0:07:00.240 okay 0:07:05.669,0:07:08.349 if it was 0:07:08.349,0:07:08.599 k 0:07:12.490,0:07:13.690 Oh, Chris 0:07:17.339,0:07:22.229 thank you for coming to see me today 0:07:22.229,0:07:24.029 don't forget to wash your hands. 0:07:35.220,0:07:36.180 you know 0:07:38.529,0:07:39.279 the 0:07:53.229,0:07:53.979 hai 0:08:08.109,0:08:08.859 hot 0:08:18.399,0:08:19.119 doolan 0:08:20.370,0:08:21.479 you know 0:08:21.479,0:08:22.479 okay 0:08:28.460,0:08:29.360 don't enlisted men 0:08:39.070,0:08:41.190 but he told her career 0:08:41.190,0:08:43.690 we'll christmas weather 0:08:43.690,0:08:44.490 bloody christmas 0:08:49.960,0:08:50.680 itself 0:08:52.380,0:08:55.890 removal of the everglades record 0:08:55.890,0:09:00.910 snow wind terrible a plot to look 0:09:00.910,0:09:02.740 definitely 0:09:02.740,0:09:04.140 sequentially 0:09:04.140,0:09:08.530 jiggle around which which should be[br]getting if you could smell like a point 0:09:08.530,0:09:09.520 of apple 0:09:09.520,0:09:13.840 they're going to happen to people who[br]treat them wake up early on but 0:09:13.840,0:09:15.240 print 0:09:15.240,0:09:16.460 occasionally 0:09:16.460,0:09:19.000 quite complete 0:09:19.000,0:09:21.290 electrolux 0:09:21.290,0:09:24.680 could frighten vituperative of 0:09:24.680,0:09:26.030 afford it 0:09:26.030,0:09:27.180 macbook 0:09:27.180,0:09:29.150 throughout the job 0:09:29.150,0:09:30.110 bad luck 0:09:32.870,0:09:34.780 same-store film 0:09:34.780,0:09:37.470 too much going on 0:09:37.470,0:09:40.300 openly i'd barb 0:09:40.300,0:09:42.370 breathable air bags 0:09:42.370,0:09:46.060 malappuram job going by the end of the[br]university 0:09:46.060,0:09:48.320 held without bond 0:09:48.320,0:09:50.380 mcdonald's taco cut 0:09:50.380,0:09:55.980 what the teacher hookup and i do except[br]work 0:09:55.980,0:10:00.240 complexity mathematics actually will[br]weigh up to try to build a special slot 0:10:00.240,0:10:04.790 machine book all people colby[br]electroweak brain 0:10:04.790,0:10:06.270 money 0:10:06.270,0:10:09.750 comes a bit 0:10:09.750,0:10:12.539 it's an absolute political michael[br]rennie 0:10:12.539,0:10:18.210 uh... also recounted loaded and unlocked[br]michael rennie canceled roadblocks 0:10:18.210,0:10:22.770 oval did that yesterday state we had kit 0:10:22.770,0:10:24.020 tahoe 0:10:28.600,0:10:29.210 so 0:10:29.210,0:10:31.900 so what you can just didn't like it 0:10:31.900,0:10:36.420 uh... well you can people from public[br]mathematical problems and people to they 0:10:36.420,0:10:37.500 quickly 0:10:37.500,0:10:42.420 public very fairly quickly for a follow[br]up with a quick fix medical what yet but 0:10:42.420,0:10:47.850 i think she uh... burke won't let them[br]know what they're trying to do to build 0:10:47.850,0:10:50.390 a meeting but could learn things 0:10:50.390,0:10:56.100 i didn't read that specially think but[br]itself 0:10:56.100,0:10:58.050 i think they come 0:10:58.050,0:11:04.610 from exactly about the blue box and the[br]great ukraine applied human way 0:11:04.610,0:11:08.000 tickle tickle tickle tickle digital[br]computer 0:11:08.000,0:11:10.990 and you pull the subject 0:11:10.990,0:11:13.560 people talk 0:11:13.560,0:11:18.040 teamsters poptarty here 0:11:18.040,0:11:22.610 could lead to know that 0:11:22.610,0:11:24.850 wishing like concrete 0:11:24.850,0:11:27.620 preserved cafe just out of it 0:11:27.620,0:11:30.760 no outcome not radio 0:11:30.760,0:11:31.510 and 0:11:37.700,0:11:41.710 how about some of the time 0:11:41.710,0:11:42.550 entrada 0:11:44.700,0:11:46.140 this weekend 0:11:49.640,0:11:52.160 property 0:11:52.160,0:11:56.480 kind to come to my house is good 0:11:56.480,0:11:57.730 right 0:12:00.650,0:12:04.110 you come to my friends timidity 0:12:04.110,0:12:05.560 the uploaded 0:12:05.560,0:12:08.210 flick about sexual and out 0:12:08.210,0:12:10.100 computing 0:12:10.100,0:12:12.210 good cooking 0:12:12.210,0:12:12.930 op bak 0:12:28.980,0:12:30.030 too 0:12:30.030,0:12:30.780 and 0:12:32.420,0:12:33.790 godliness 0:12:33.790,0:12:35.560 vote 0:12:35.560,0:12:36.860 responded 0:12:36.860,0:12:39.150 as usual 0:12:39.150,0:12:41.470 then there was a lot of those in the[br]bathroom 0:12:41.470,0:12:46.660 something about that breeders cup inside[br]a old let me know 0:12:46.660,0:12:47.160 he 0:12:48.170,0:12:49.940 opal 0:12:49.940,0:12:56.940 kiwi www when he bought her reported but[br]i'm not making eggplant 0:12:59.040,0:13:00.380 for many pple 0:13:00.380,0:13:00.880 or 0:13:02.590,0:13:05.570 so we need to be in the scientific taste 0:13:05.570,0:13:07.280 forwarded 0:13:07.280,0:13:08.280 when the cake 0:13:08.280,0:13:09.880 demand 0:13:09.880,0:13:12.130 eaten 0:13:12.130,0:13:13.900 when i'm at a time 0:13:13.900,0:13:17.360 dot on the top of my friends 0:13:17.360,0:13:18.560 unproven 0:13:18.560,0:13:23.260 okay so you know he's not children who[br]secretly please read 0:13:23.260,0:13:25.380 criminally truck 0:13:25.380,0:13:30.850 dogged them people plenty it didn't[br]really think that would be 0:13:30.850,0:13:31.600 did 0:13:32.370,0:13:35.510 x who want to be reliable 0:13:35.510,0:13:38.620 and prepared 0:13:38.620,0:13:41.150 and a m about to happen 0:13:41.150,0:13:41.870 bunker 0:13:43.320,0:13:46.140 i'll give you quick response it was cool 0:13:46.140,0:13:50.100 contractual wandered every child should[br]know 0:13:50.100,0:13:53.620 who committed the crime component 0:13:53.620,0:13:56.860 i suggest introduction to the 0:13:56.860,0:13:58.500 aspects of life 0:13:58.500,0:14:00.810 about changing them 0:14:00.810,0:14:04.100 what people want on bamboo bring one 0:14:04.100,0:14:06.270 the computer and the moaning 0:14:06.270,0:14:07.760 old-line 0:14:07.760,0:14:12.170 these media huge bulletin please get[br]into a place called i did 0:14:12.170,0:14:18.679 men don't book called body creation[br]always find chemicals blocked animals 0:14:18.679,0:14:20.110 you would 0:14:20.110,0:14:22.300 the bonita machine 0:14:22.300,0:14:26.030 he could have hikes kind wanted to make 0:14:26.030,0:14:27.830 and what will be issues 0:14:27.830,0:14:29.490 challenging 0:14:29.490,0:14:32.490 ivan boesky idea dot lol 0:14:32.490,0:14:35.070 him and i've seen likha 0:14:35.070,0:14:38.560 clinics and 0:14:38.560,0:14:40.950 and i'm not to take part 0:14:40.950,0:14:42.150 in baghdad 0:14:49.790,0:14:50.790 you always think wit 0:14:54.910,0:14:58.870 their vehicles 0:14:58.870,0:15:00.850 talked a bit about yourself 0:15:00.850,0:15:04.480 we'd love to go to the charms once a[br]week to get 0:15:04.480,0:15:05.730 broke 0:15:07.070,0:15:10.320 so we'll clean it wasn't 0:15:10.320,0:15:14.300 silk sheets middle of the day 0:15:14.300,0:15:16.290 didn't respond 0:15:16.290,0:15:20.510 but you don't little 0:15:20.510,0:15:23.000 tuzla because 0:15:23.000,0:15:25.600 municipal williams 0:15:25.600,0:15:27.730 well are you doing in london 0:15:27.730,0:15:28.830 i mean 0:15:28.830,0:15:34.550 when im anywhere you're working with a[br]holiday 0:15:34.550,0:15:35.740 so all is well 0:15:35.740,0:15:39.290 but on the job done the went well 0:15:39.290,0:15:40.730 idea 0:15:40.730,0:15:43.450 goal it could you put into words 0:15:43.450,0:15:47.470 i recently got killed relation 0:15:47.470,0:15:51.660 also com wrote 0:15:51.660,0:15:53.240 the vision 0:15:53.240,0:15:54.490 vinod 0:15:55.910,0:15:59.610 okay you know 0:15:59.610,0:16:00.660 them 0:16:00.660,0:16:02.730 and other up a little bit 0:16:02.730,0:16:05.940 working in the wall 0:16:05.940,0:16:06.940 unit 0:16:10.860,0:16:11.610 mhm 0:16:12.610,0:16:13.420 too long 0:16:13.420,0:16:15.970 i was working for the government 0:16:15.970,0:16:17.029 dougall 0:16:17.029,0:16:18.870 where 0:16:18.870,0:16:24.370 permanent one kal public uh... doctor[br]probably returned to 0:16:24.370,0:16:30.280 poland lane to retirement will mean we[br]will go will all 0:16:30.280,0:16:31.940 arms and 0:16:31.940,0:16:33.190 brown 0:16:34.620,0:16:35.370 who 0:16:36.300,0:16:37.400 bookmark screens power 0:16:42.460,0:16:44.560 people who would be gone 0:16:44.560,0:16:45.520 begin ul 0:16:47.280,0:16:54.050 volunteering truly being really wearing[br]during the day will not change it 0:16:54.050,0:16:55.910 condoms dot 0:16:55.910,0:17:02.470 alarm because even bigger ibm_ quite a[br]story about 0:17:02.470,0:17:09.470 catalogo economy so i kept on what you[br]do it like the world and and what luking 0:17:12.510,0:17:16.140 hissy community that i couldn't find pam 0:17:16.140,0:17:17.220 pandey 0:17:17.220,0:17:20.449 activity definitely ferry dock 0:17:20.449,0:17:21.889 compupay inc 0:17:25.589,0:17:28.830 until shock dynamite 0:17:28.830,0:17:31.120 noel somewhere 0:17:31.120,0:17:38.120 comeback alcohol contracting the swine[br]any anymore all that good 0:17:38.120,0:17:40.180 mechanical blade 0:17:40.180,0:17:42.920 and explain pata 0:17:42.920,0:17:44.920 he stopped a chat with me 0:17:44.920,0:17:47.270 between went on that account 0:17:47.270,0:17:51.700 people who might be playing elect their[br]own economic awaited incredible copy 0:17:51.700,0:17:53.570 buffalo pipe 0:17:53.570,0:17:57.320 started tracking your popcorn you might[br]want 0:17:57.320,0:17:58.320 et 0:17:59.560,0:18:02.240 companies cotton to contain 0:18:02.240,0:18:09.240 flush gordon comes in and rescue ship[br]bhai 0:18:09.620,0:18:13.580 a hundred told me treatment 0:18:13.580,0:18:16.510 coupon good control 0:18:16.510,0:18:20.470 arrived from on people 0:18:20.470,0:18:23.090 he's on interim michael 0:18:23.090,0:18:25.500 and i i can't do this problem 0:18:25.500,0:18:27.590 tv really badly 0:18:27.590,0:18:29.470 i think dream of things 0:18:29.470,0:18:33.450 correct do themselves will be absent[br]back to me 0:18:33.450,0:18:35.970 bring more ball 0:18:35.970,0:18:36.970 spin 0:18:39.760,0:18:43.540 the brain cancer 0:18:43.540,0:18:46.490 world wide web 0:18:46.490,0:18:49.660 classical back then 0:18:49.660,0:18:50.620 i'm down 0:18:53.320,0:18:56.070 buddy company 0:18:56.070,0:18:57.270 given blue 0:18:59.420,0:18:59.920 no 0:19:00.779,0:19:03.020 located coffee 0:19:03.020,0:19:07.470 that but i don't believe you have to[br]pick up on the lookout alongside the 0:19:07.470,0:19:10.030 holding company shops around 0:19:10.030,0:19:10.780 mhm 0:19:11.510,0:19:14.680 below midtownsacron matrimony 0:19:14.680,0:19:20.630 distinction and all we want people to[br]market 0:19:20.630,0:19:21.809 one 0:19:21.809,0:19:22.559 but 0:19:36.600,0:19:39.620 why i'm competent team right 0:19:39.620,0:19:41.690 not to mention 0:19:41.690,0:19:44.150 he became running around one 0:19:44.150,0:19:47.700 or how i do about it 0:19:47.700,0:19:54.550 until she will not have thinking[br]tabulated detail about that it evening 0:19:54.550,0:19:57.710 casa del pollo yeah 0:19:57.710,0:20:04.710 i am dot light up a review orion card[br]weakened him it please get ok page 0:20:14.590,0:20:15.790 deeply can your great it 0:20:25.530,0:20:28.140 granddaughter 0:20:28.140,0:20:30.360 color 0:20:30.360,0:20:32.770 but look what happened 0:20:32.770,0:20:34.919 that bus 0:20:34.919,0:20:38.429 along with his dad and i don't remember 0:20:38.429,0:20:45.429 group need to look at the moment all of[br]the team probably welcome 0:20:45.900,0:20:47.950 covered 0:20:47.950,0:20:51.240 pull kimberly's methods 0:20:51.240,0:20:53.080 jenny cell 0:20:53.080,0:20:54.390 that 0:20:54.390,0:20:57.110 movie solar array 0:20:57.110,0:21:00.080 stonewalls 0:21:00.080,0:21:03.440 whipped cream 0:21:03.440,0:21:05.210 if you want some money 0:21:05.210,0:21:06.910 do you know 0:21:06.910,0:21:11.670 bucking the kamal b_-twenty revenue[br]knows 0:21:11.670,0:21:14.669 because if you want money 0:21:14.669,0:21:15.569 completely lost me 0:21:19.559,0:21:21.490 oracle alone 0:21:21.490,0:21:22.450 how much 0:21:28.540,0:21:29.540 okay 0:21:40.310,0:21:43.420 won't share aficionados 0:21:43.420,0:21:46.470 wonder troopers strippers 0:21:46.470,0:21:47.190 troops 0:21:48.850,0:21:51.090 congresswoman trailer 0:21:51.090,0:21:54.870 develop into a position it 0:21:54.870,0:21:56.750 the rule 0:21:56.750,0:21:58.950 solicitous 0:21:58.950,0:22:00.030 we waited 0:22:02.000,0:22:02.960 montrose 0:22:04.850,0:22:07.190 the levels of lead 0:22:07.190,0:22:09.400 it's not elements of it 0:22:09.400,0:22:11.470 please line 0:22:11.470,0:22:15.480 i think it might be 0:22:15.480,0:22:19.290 that there was not a sisterhood that[br]those were the primary 0:22:19.290,0:22:22.690 with document scripture 0:22:22.690,0:22:24.860 serving sizes 0:22:24.860,0:22:29.020 before august fourth two or possible[br]option 0:22:29.020,0:22:31.450 occasionally was next to work hard[br]copies 0:22:31.450,0:22:33.710 we're going to be the chapter in the[br]wall 0:22:33.710,0:22:35.620 decryption surgery 0:22:35.620,0:22:36.670 which is a little bit 0:22:53.820,0:22:54.570 the 0:23:05.900,0:23:08.860 so you can show up where sent here with[br]the problem 0:23:08.860,0:23:11.180 persistent questioning a lot 0:23:11.180,0:23:13.680 got to talk with respect 0:23:13.680,0:23:17.490 partridge brother catching it 0:23:17.490,0:23:19.640 involving treasure project 0:23:19.640,0:23:22.669 ticket we thought it was illegal 0:23:22.669,0:23:23.950 and 0:23:23.950,0:23:26.980 uh... and i think the trains run on time 0:23:26.980,0:23:28.480 traffic 0:23:28.480,0:23:29.820 which one did you catch 0:23:29.820,0:23:30.780 who died 0:23:33.150,0:23:34.750 he wants to make 0:23:34.750,0:23:36.920 uh... you'll be here all day 0:23:36.920,0:23:40.210 erected here 0:23:40.210,0:23:41.650 an extension 0:23:44.549,0:23:46.310 you must be wondering 0:23:46.310,0:23:47.910 when he will not 0:23:47.910,0:23:51.750 well i you know notification letter dark 0:23:51.750,0:23:56.110 calibrator cannot come about what to do[br]something to do with the union 0:23:56.110,0:23:58.740 decide to look at the end of next week 0:23:58.740,0:24:01.159 you'll at about noon 0:24:01.159,0:24:03.440 you how much did talk 0:24:03.440,0:24:05.190 total 0:24:05.190,0:24:07.390 about my colleague the cambridge 0:24:07.390,0:24:10.669 much but it was a super tuesday twenty[br]million 0:24:10.669,0:24:12.320 pendency of secret 0:24:12.320,0:24:16.720 consortium soul doesn't bob martin bob[br]schlicht himself 0:24:16.720,0:24:20.190 we don't like that 0:24:20.190,0:24:23.299 who committed by the way connected to[br]tell you the password 0:24:23.299,0:24:25.880 but should be lifted 0:24:25.880,0:24:27.810 pecan of the contract 0:24:27.810,0:24:29.070 i would meet 0:24:29.070,0:24:29.840 bunch 0:24:29.840,0:24:31.450 cracked crashes 0:24:31.450,0:24:34.230 option non-serbs from person to do it my[br]age 0:24:34.230,0:24:35.370 emotions for it 0:24:35.370,0:24:36.629 trailing it 0:24:36.629,0:24:40.320 wielded far too long akikko 0:24:40.320,0:24:45.090 package any politician crops 0:24:45.090,0:24:46.610 my solution 0:24:46.610,0:24:51.960 this is a vintage shotgun equal parts of[br]that nature intended just by 0:24:51.960,0:24:52.809 and 0:24:52.809,0:24:57.440 changed dropout but factually oxygen[br]dentistry 0:24:57.440,0:24:59.419 reached record 0:24:59.419,0:25:01.590 into an incredible 0:25:01.590,0:25:05.210 breaching only 0:25:05.210,0:25:06.350 appeared 0:25:06.350,0:25:07.600 clean 0:25:10.840,0:25:12.340 got him to be 0:25:12.340,0:25:13.340 at a 0:25:16.970,0:25:21.480 this practice is supposed to be called[br]station x but everybody knows it's a 0:25:21.480,0:25:25.760 government coat gyroscope t gcc atc 0:25:25.760,0:25:28.330 well usually referred to i was there 0:25:28.330,0:25:32.669 got clobbered change subscribed 0:25:32.669,0:25:34.500 you have to bear with me 0:25:34.500,0:25:36.990 i'm open to demonstrate that 0:25:36.990,0:25:41.460 mathematician but says that she did 0:25:41.460,0:25:44.360 i relaxed atmosphere working together 0:25:44.360,0:25:47.560 connected to the alice and betty 0:25:47.560,0:25:49.720 i think we should have some sort of 0:25:49.720,0:25:52.179 exploratory conversations are often 0:25:52.179,0:25:54.020 its political clout 0:25:54.020,0:25:57.090 eyesore consultant on time dot 0:25:57.090,0:26:00.860 there's no need to be involved in[br]setting up out 0:26:00.860,0:26:01.860 yeah 0:26:06.560,0:26:10.720 i seemed to have an interesting comes in[br]cycles 0:26:10.720,0:26:11.970 how did that became 0:26:11.970,0:26:16.910 uh... but what would be interested i[br]think because of the book bore a hard i 0:26:16.910,0:26:20.600 remember getting the prize it's cooler 0:26:20.600,0:26:24.860 a book called mathematical create[br]remembered at fairhaven 0:26:24.860,0:26:28.980 the contractor on critical repair 0:26:28.980,0:26:33.550 their uh... books book much more[br]recently i realize that my idea of 0:26:33.550,0:26:37.940 democratic that logic could be applied[br]complied with 0:26:37.940,0:26:39.630 ironing and cleaning 0:26:39.630,0:26:40.760 now they don't 0:26:40.760,0:26:46.070 who support of the antiwar movement of[br]conflict 0:26:46.070,0:26:48.970 interactivity three collect 0:26:48.970,0:26:52.390 would you describe yourself as a[br]pastor's 0:26:52.390,0:26:55.010 do you do not know or or to work 0:26:55.010,0:26:58.110 film what could be jeopardized haha 0:26:58.110,0:27:00.350 elect a new book about his old 0:27:00.350,0:27:01.920 had cut atm 0:27:01.920,0:27:06.850 also said that multiple he would[br]describe this wasn't necessary 0:27:06.850,0:27:10.600 unocal president boulevard undergrad[br]report the bodyguard portland to boston 0:27:10.600,0:27:13.429 to pick up my book but uh... 0:27:13.429,0:27:15.659 memorial to repair 0:27:15.659,0:27:20.990 noted i didn't like doing finger before[br]he visits there you go 0:27:20.990,0:27:23.809 momentum onto to country 0:27:23.809,0:27:25.860 such puke 0:27:25.860,0:27:28.679 do these considerations containing[br]between 0:27:28.679,0:27:34.600 but it happened in england and peeling[br]grapes xxx we have a great deal to me 0:27:34.600,0:27:39.460 but wherever i am somebody appealing to[br]market the patriotism i didn't feel i 0:27:39.460,0:27:41.100 have been made to do something like 0:27:41.100,0:27:42.190 i don't want to do 0:27:42.190,0:27:47.289 and look i'd come here because i think[br]it's id formato like what i would be 0:27:47.289,0:27:52.180 doing in the economy circumstances[br]alleged or worked out the dream team 0:27:52.180,0:27:56.649 i think of you are usually held on the[br]battlefield 0:27:56.649,0:27:58.610 good morning 0:27:58.610,0:28:00.600 you might imagine that d 0:28:00.600,0:28:02.540 nature of the work we do here 0:28:02.540,0:28:05.730 protection from ny more responsibility[br]for killing 0:28:05.730,0:28:07.570 instruction 0:28:07.570,0:28:09.450 sometimes 0:28:09.450,0:28:12.050 a hard decision such measures 0:28:12.050,0:28:13.710 i do feel about that 0:28:13.710,0:28:17.519 i have always been willing indeed do you[br]get 0:28:17.519,0:28:23.210 corrects that broke up with more[br]responsibility to what i think u 0:28:23.210,0:28:24.890 trooped mood 0:28:24.890,0:28:25.640 net 0:28:26.660,0:28:29.310 i think i furnished with soon 0:28:29.310,0:28:30.890 details of your work 0:28:30.890,0:28:32.120 sqn 0:28:32.120,0:28:37.409 this weekend to turn in my hand almost[br]totally in comprehension 0:28:37.409,0:28:39.310 and confident i can 0:28:39.310,0:28:41.070 seems to be proud of that 0:28:41.070,0:28:43.870 uh... mathematics when i was younger 0:28:43.870,0:28:45.389 that uh... 0:28:45.389,0:28:48.769 message when began 0:28:48.769,0:28:52.510 uh... prisoners 0:28:52.510,0:28:58.160 computable numbers with an application[br]to the ent chicagoan crop up 0:28:58.160,0:29:01.840 you tell me something about it 0:29:01.840,0:29:04.230 and i think whoever spanish 0:29:04.230,0:29:06.730 and general terms 0:29:06.730,0:29:07.580 do you work at it 0:29:11.380,0:29:14.059 injured worker the cost 0:29:14.059,0:29:15.980 and where all the time 0:29:15.980,0:29:19.740 iffy but likable 0:29:19.740,0:29:20.460 gender 0:29:21.870,0:29:26.380 baker dash completely and utterly[br]mathematical maggi probaly thoughtful 0:29:26.380,0:29:29.529 about the integrity of telling right[br]from wrong 0:29:29.529,0:29:31.860 few people pic 0:29:31.860,0:29:33.020 what most people 0:29:33.020,0:29:39.169 paper in mathematics poor but we always[br]knew what the fuck not so mother-in-law 0:29:39.169,0:29:41.240 i'd hate to bother buffeted by it 0:29:41.240,0:29:46.050 that applications will forty or fifty[br]year aren't being the travel 0:29:46.050,0:29:47.840 right from wrong 0:29:47.840,0:29:50.960 you've got the muscles with them at bol[br]com which i think you've got to keep 0:29:50.960,0:29:54.740 young mathematical you break it with the[br]breakdown all 0:29:54.740,0:29:59.779 but michael concepts in marketing[br]between p_-three's adventure respect 0:29:59.779,0:30:03.460 that they could be derived from sure[br]logic 0:30:03.460,0:30:04.500 wording 0:30:04.500,0:30:08.730 people quite work out that way about[br]that many here intensive work here we 0:30:08.730,0:30:11.340 will be able to do with this early step 0:30:11.340,0:30:15.030 too difficult to do anything for tonight[br]but yeah i it was an important book 0:30:15.030,0:30:15.679 important 0:30:15.679,0:30:21.020 and influential influence both st kilda[br]and could go a little 0:30:21.020,0:30:23.549 you can talk about what update 0:30:23.549,0:30:25.750 it is difficult to kenya 0:30:25.750,0:30:30.350 analyzing the critical apoplectic[br]because we have a new kind of physics 0:30:30.350,0:30:32.910 so you came to my mind 0:30:32.910,0:30:36.760 but practical at virginia mathematics 0:30:36.760,0:30:40.440 data about bellview st weather 0:30:40.440,0:30:43.269 accurately name mean rocks 0:30:43.269,0:30:44.539 cake i think 0:30:44.539,0:30:49.299 knowing that what they were going to be[br]to wait what report depressing to hear 0:30:49.299,0:30:52.909 about will be great mathematician 0:30:52.909,0:30:56.690 but uh... they don't want to end up to[br]the problem from a completely different 0:30:56.690,0:31:01.230 he said if we have had any fundamental[br]system format x 0:31:01.230,0:31:03.400 like the one him 0:31:03.400,0:31:07.410 but we'll start with that the equipments[br]like three basic requirements 0:31:07.410,0:31:08.690 consistently 0:31:08.690,0:31:13.280 completeness and it excitability accused[br]of beating 0:31:13.280,0:31:15.659 but he would ever get a contradiction 0:31:15.659,0:31:16.870 interested 0:31:16.870,0:31:18.620 in other words you would never be able[br]to 0:31:18.620,0:31:21.490 but followed the rules of your system 0:31:21.490,0:31:23.310 the m dot showing that 0:31:23.310,0:31:24.790 two and three make high 0:31:24.790,0:31:29.710 completeness me but if any statement is[br]true that'll be subway approvingly 0:31:29.710,0:31:32.440 bike using google talk your system 0:31:32.440,0:31:34.050 uh... eg 0:31:34.050,0:31:36.660 culpability 0:31:36.660,0:31:39.490 that would be great if you need to look[br]at the comeback kid 0:31:39.490,0:31:41.599 from getting the procedure altogether 0:31:41.599,0:31:44.489 which could be applied to any given that[br]thirteen 0:31:44.489,0:31:45.370 and which would be 0:31:45.370,0:31:49.030 find you'd whether or not back in[br]session it's provable 0:31:49.030,0:31:53.510 don't work for this uh... perfectly[br]reasonable credit requirements to impose 0:31:53.510,0:31:54.320 but 0:31:54.320,0:31:55.820 within a few years 0:31:55.820,0:31:58.380 cut good deals shobhick did 0:31:58.380,0:32:02.200 nemesis perhaps tactics goatee both[br]consistent 0:32:02.200,0:32:04.840 and complete i keep thinking 0:32:04.840,0:32:09.400 by reconstructing a mathematical pension[br]reset in effect 0:32:09.400,0:32:11.259 this obsession 0:32:11.259,0:32:12.890 catapult 0:32:12.890,0:32:15.059 speak removed 0:32:15.059,0:32:16.640 traffic power 0:32:16.640,0:32:18.330 these obsession 0:32:18.330,0:32:20.240 terrible between 0:32:20.240,0:32:24.360 but ivory catholic talk it can be proved[br]we have a contradiction 0:32:24.360,0:32:27.150 and the system inconsistent 0:32:27.150,0:32:29.680 if you cannot be proven 0:32:29.680,0:32:32.320 depression is true 0:32:32.320,0:32:33.850 become people 0:32:33.850,0:32:38.020 between for victims and complete dot[br]mathematics it dot inconsistent or we 0:32:38.020,0:32:39.820 can complete eight stuff 0:32:39.820,0:32:42.660 pwd their it 0:32:42.660,0:32:46.680 quite beautiful 0:32:46.680,0:32:47.880 fios is bugs cubed begun 0:32:53.100,0:32:57.850 the christmas card ability with[br]graphical hill but i think i've heard 0:32:57.850,0:33:01.850 talk of the spiro single clearly defined[br]activities but i think whether or not 0:33:01.850,0:33:04.070 that's not a good lessons were provable 0:33:04.070,0:33:06.630 though the decision problem 0:33:06.630,0:33:07.940 the court did 0:33:07.940,0:33:14.039 the entitlements public michael on[br]computable numbers according to the no 0:33:14.039,0:33:15.540 one method 0:33:15.540,0:33:20.480 can work for all questions swapping[br]mathematical problems regarding infinite 0:33:20.480,0:33:27.090 supply or utica new ideas black wanting[br]to basically looked up what you would 0:33:27.090,0:33:30.760 like to adopt huge to prove that i[br]needed to examine the poop ability of 0:33:30.760,0:33:36.340 mathematical assertions pas present and[br]future projects difficult rupert we're 0:33:36.340,0:33:38.780 going to be tough 0:33:38.780,0:33:41.400 eventually one word 0:33:41.400,0:33:43.260 picnic for it 0:33:43.260,0:33:45.070 people are talking about 0:33:45.070,0:33:47.429 a mechanical parts approached her 0:33:47.429,0:33:50.270 if it could be applied mechanically 0:33:50.270,0:33:53.169 to solving mathematical problems without[br]requiring 0:33:53.169,0:33:55.750 any q intervention 0:33:55.750,0:33:57.310 all ingenuity 0:34:05.280,0:34:07.490 that crucial moment 0:34:07.490,0:34:10.669 i can't see the idea off of the shitty 0:34:10.669,0:34:16.109 ct children machine which will be able[br]to skadden mathematical symbol integrate 0:34:16.109,0:34:17.880 them because i keep a tweet 0:34:17.880,0:34:22.530 but up that popular fiction i've been[br]told by pickups which by the exact 0:34:22.530,0:34:25.739 whether or not that recession what a[br]probable 0:34:25.739,0:34:29.109 armed with the content of their position 0:34:29.109,0:34:31.099 your book was wrong 0:34:31.099,0:34:35.499 my iq worked 0:34:35.499,0:34:36.339 retreat 0:34:37.969,0:34:39.749 book regarding split 0:34:39.749,0:34:42.769 uh... i i i i i see something 0:34:42.769,0:34:43.609 patrick 0:34:45.089,0:34:46.589 region that you've got a kick 0:34:46.589,0:34:48.349 killed oxo 0:34:48.349,0:34:50.050 and i'm sure 0:34:50.050,0:34:53.189 you'll make an invaluable member dot t_ 0:34:53.189,0:34:55.149 group fourth quarter 0:34:55.149,0:34:56.679 you bet 0:34:56.679,0:34:59.420 we'd like to start work immediately 0:34:59.420,0:35:00.599 annoyed 0:35:00.599,0:35:01.799 okay quote 0:35:04.779,0:35:07.329 israel you document 0:35:07.329,0:35:11.119 no less when he was looking into a place[br]like this i mean i have never been very 0:35:11.119,0:35:13.769 good record organizing things good 0:35:13.769,0:35:16.549 treatable but no 0:35:16.549,0:35:17.919 controllable 0:35:17.919,0:35:20.400 cultural inner government development 0:35:20.400,0:35:22.869 when we talk about that 0:35:22.869,0:35:26.940 visit oakley disregarding organizational[br]formatted 0:35:26.940,0:35:28.929 and she said yes 0:35:28.929,0:35:29.829 and 0:35:29.829,0:35:32.489 it wasn't i wouldn't be good 0:35:32.489,0:35:35.079 that as far as i'm concerned 0:35:35.079,0:35:36.070 waiting list 0:35:36.070,0:35:38.660 unimportant cricket electric 0:35:38.660,0:35:41.510 and it's all of the editing eventually[br]texts 0:35:41.510,0:35:45.469 and unbeknownst green 0:35:45.469,0:35:47.220 would you allow it 0:35:47.220,0:35:50.509 dick armey needed 0:35:50.509,0:35:51.919 patricia agreement 0:35:51.919,0:35:57.159 haha most people cooked up scraps kuji[br]trap bookmark locally but it was pretty 0:35:57.159,0:35:57.830 good 0:35:57.830,0:36:01.770 okay you'll be concentrating on some[br]people didn't take my coat it's being 0:36:01.770,0:36:04.309 devised and developed by the germans 0:36:04.309,0:36:04.990 it's gone 0:36:04.990,0:36:08.939 absolute pickup truck 0:36:08.939,0:36:14.739 your comment colleagues haven't really[br]litigated earlier obesity 0:36:14.739,0:36:17.419 he we folk between 0:36:17.419,0:36:19.940 you might like to have to be more impact[br]on the cambridge 0:36:19.940,0:36:23.459 at need not be catholic because that[br]would work 0:36:23.459,0:36:26.529 fixed renewed your began in nineteen[br]twenty 0:36:26.529,0:36:28.539 i remember they told me 0:36:28.539,0:36:32.129 i do remember you telling that[br]mathematical computation have not just 0:36:32.129,0:36:35.299 one but after a key interpretations 0:36:35.299,0:36:39.169 you would not go folks a possibility i[br]think you can sleep through it with many 0:36:39.169,0:36:43.869 different he thank you kitty let women[br]under some immediately after the carnage 0:36:43.869,0:36:44.870 and became 0:36:44.870,0:36:47.539 growing excited about three miles away 0:36:47.539,0:36:50.209 and watch what you need about school 0:36:50.209,0:36:54.049 i'm relying on newton to tell mister[br]jordan all about 0:36:54.049,0:36:56.109 the enigma cocoon court 0:36:56.109,0:37:00.239 are doing what dazzling convict[br]mechanical 0:37:00.239,0:37:00.989 and 0:37:02.249,0:37:06.309 the message can be transmitted is[br]intended to fight because she didn't 0:37:06.309,0:37:08.609 the candidacy democrat of course 0:37:08.609,0:37:12.429 and here people at the top three thank[br]you 0:37:12.429,0:37:13.890 cabinet architect 0:37:13.890,0:37:20.179 corky protect if you'd like one of the[br]key kenny account pope 0:37:20.179,0:37:24.339 butterfield plaintext caddy intriguing[br]to anxious 0:37:24.339,0:37:25.669 saturation 0:37:25.669,0:37:27.189 and armed 0:37:27.189,0:37:29.079 complicated 0:37:29.079,0:37:32.439 could you can affect at i'm phillip and[br]caroline 0:37:32.439,0:37:36.729 went at it made a complete abdication[br]second at the polls and then said 0:37:36.729,0:37:40.180 it's a polyester political machine which[br]got to take time to be fixed on twenty 0:37:40.180,0:37:42.759 six complicate things 0:37:42.759,0:37:47.009 seventeen thousand five hundred and[br]twenty-two 0:37:47.009,0:37:49.420 forest products within our company 0:37:49.420,0:37:50.549 will not change 0:37:50.549,0:37:53.239 and i know and i think it would[br]eventually lead to correct the 0:37:53.239,0:37:57.989 hippocratic oath patient but it could[br]take several days and protecting changed 0:37:57.989,0:38:02.029 each etc dot or higher than they would[br]certainly think that group vigilante 0:38:02.029,0:38:05.660 democratic but i didn't know how to make[br]it work 0:38:05.660,0:38:11.009 and beginning to modify whatever and he[br]indicating function 0:38:11.009,0:38:12.719 the travelgate 0:38:12.719,0:38:16.959 completely unlike anything that not much[br]more than other between absolute 0:38:16.959,0:38:19.159 basketball unique 0:38:19.159,0:38:25.369 that operated an outfit company printed[br]from which any synchrony in any award at 0:38:25.369,0:38:29.729 one eight probably pretty good people[br]who combinations of the garden reported 0:38:29.729,0:38:31.330 that the company 0:38:31.330,0:38:34.999 one million people button 0:38:34.999,0:38:40.909 notional antithetical to the apparatus[br]like them and i think that's fine 0:38:40.909,0:38:42.229 attraction 0:38:42.229,0:38:45.149 head that hit the jackpot 0:38:45.149,0:38:48.940 total empathy for the head into the and[br]off dot com 0:38:48.940,0:38:53.420 and that makes me aren't looking into[br]the political campaign he what kind of 0:38:53.420,0:38:56.709 problem reduces done crude 0:38:56.709,0:39:00.219 visa but let me know if you work mike 0:39:00.219,0:39:03.319 bromley uses them to the forefront 0:39:03.319,0:39:06.519 most important to you but some of the[br]u_-boats get control of the more the 0:39:06.519,0:39:08.429 blood 0:39:08.429,0:39:11.119 relationships which mentions 0:39:11.119,0:39:12.319 structured 0:39:16.339,0:39:18.559 mcmahon has been broken 0:39:18.559,0:39:20.779 somehow 0:39:20.779,0:39:21.979 top-ranked 0:39:29.949,0:39:31.829 no i did it 0:39:31.829,0:39:38.559 there weren't cockpit applicant eggplant[br]color it dot 0:39:38.559,0:39:39.809 began 0:39:41.609,0:39:43.509 heidi chechi 0:39:43.509,0:39:45.119 uh... 0:39:45.119,0:39:48.369 captain vere though 0:39:48.369,0:39:49.409 all 0:39:49.409,0:39:50.159 him 0:39:51.519,0:39:56.289 and we shall you control here 0:39:56.289,0:39:58.609 instinctively to come down to date 0:39:58.609,0:40:03.189 if a mandate and i think you're going to[br]get back to work on the attack 0:40:03.189,0:40:08.029 quickly integrated google different[br]creatures economy comedy 0:40:08.029,0:40:15.029 child blind dating democratic could work[br]together etc or corporate rates 0:40:16.149,0:40:19.229 going to be determined by people from[br]coming 0:40:19.229,0:40:23.019 would you like to go on 0:40:23.019,0:40:28.039 income to chechnya because i could feel[br]weak together group including 0:40:28.039,0:40:35.039 acupuncture dvd audio cougar globally[br]motivated w church twenty seemed to back 0:40:35.039,0:40:35.539 up 0:40:35.989,0:40:38.470 i don't know exactly university 0:40:38.470,0:40:40.469 what equals 0:40:40.469,0:40:44.509 instinctual relatively eventually a baby 0:40:44.509,0:40:51.509 whatever the people like you of people[br]let me wicked deeply stressed dot 0:40:51.509,0:40:52.989 habitat 0:40:52.989,0:40:56.549 would you singled him with we've got the[br]heart of the land 0:40:56.549,0:41:01.439 hadley well actually looked a lot 0:41:01.439,0:41:02.759 fishing 0:41:02.759,0:41:06.500 yeah it would be workout joel 0:41:06.500,0:41:10.930 you hope uh... you where we cut o[br]weakening 0:41:10.930,0:41:12.349 can pick up on 0:41:12.349,0:41:18.039 i didn't complete the picture 0:41:18.039,0:41:18.879 is okay 0:41:20.529,0:41:21.909 without 0:41:21.909,0:41:24.749 well i do like that 0:41:24.749,0:41:28.199 argued thank you 0:41:28.199,0:41:32.979 punishing children albright do sometimes 0:41:32.979,0:41:33.819 ukraine 0:41:37.219,0:41:39.479 christopher walken 0:41:39.479,0:41:42.259 your scooter 0:41:42.259,0:41:43.839 you know kilmer 0:41:43.839,0:41:44.919 over here 0:41:47.789,0:41:49.769 all right 0:41:49.769,0:41:52.079 chanukah lamp 0:41:52.079,0:41:53.099 tarrytown 0:41:53.099,0:41:53.859 every 0:41:53.859,0:41:55.130 effective 0:41:55.130,0:41:57.909 they wouldn't you agree 0:41:57.909,0:41:59.919 readability of him 0:41:59.919,0:42:00.759 warning 0:42:02.199,0:42:04.530 came to whether lieutenant 0:42:04.530,0:42:06.489 friendships 0:42:06.489,0:42:09.029 certainly happen again 0:42:09.029,0:42:12.739 of worship the ground you walk out 0:42:12.739,0:42:13.819 predicted 0:42:16.249,0:42:18.059 he dot 0:42:18.059,0:42:21.489 leg had uh... pp would withhold 0:42:21.489,0:42:22.719 he admitted 0:42:22.719,0:42:27.200 covered i can live you'd 0:42:27.200,0:42:34.200 he repeated the school you lucy stock[br]split 0:42:34.879,0:42:37.089 dictated 0:42:37.089,0:42:44.089 saturday february to thirteen nineteen[br]twenty 0:42:49.699,0:42:52.450 hardship right not in 0:42:52.450,0:42:56.900 but because they didn't get a public[br]included a lot of pipe fitter seeing 0:42:56.900,0:42:58.249 something that 0:42:58.249,0:43:01.159 critical hidden 0:43:01.159,0:43:01.999 i think 0:43:04.249,0:43:07.969 dot because i was we prefer to keep[br]their word 0:43:07.969,0:43:09.819 but and im 0:43:09.819,0:43:11.829 because helped make 0:43:11.829,0:43:14.790 treatment but nothing personal 0:43:14.790,0:43:19.709 that we would do you think global what[br]worked for him 0:43:19.709,0:43:20.959 trade 0:43:22.630,0:43:26.040 dsp_ questionable widow perfectly mine 0:43:26.040,0:43:28.639 cooking things without people 0:43:28.639,0:43:32.069 i think what else is likely to be there 0:43:32.069,0:43:34.859 wotol mental 0:43:34.859,0:43:40.829 can't make a great something of a bit of[br]living brain 0:43:40.829,0:43:42.079 amway 0:43:43.390,0:43:44.959 went away 0:43:44.959,0:43:48.799 many of the problems of practice[br]goldberg but my work to be done but in 0:43:48.799,0:43:51.749 fact the pacific 0:43:51.749,0:43:54.019 would we be abused 0:43:54.019,0:43:55.579 anti-buchanan 0:44:13.679,0:44:15.759 perturbed 0:44:15.759,0:44:17.539 exactly 0:44:17.539,0:44:18.259 lately 0:44:20.259,0:44:25.259 politically expedient thing to do[br]something extraordinary 0:44:25.259,0:44:26.579 uh... occurred 0:44:26.579,0:44:28.250 circled indiana to me 0:44:28.250,0:44:33.640 define what is meant bhaiya deep enough[br]to take them 0:44:33.640,0:44:38.479 even that if he can if you could confirm[br]waikiki confirmed to be keepsake 0:44:38.479,0:44:44.019 bi-monthly q_-twenty three committee[br]prompted by that i think that the 0:44:44.019,0:44:45.379 delighted 0:44:45.379,0:44:47.360 but wrongful lugged 0:44:47.360,0:44:49.919 probably where 0:44:49.919,0:44:51.689 the bright 0:44:51.689,0:44:53.309 believed for them 0:44:53.309,0:45:00.049 sparkling opera carmen eight writings[br]tricky dick contract thirteen crying 0:45:00.049,0:45:01.200 kexin huang 0:45:01.200,0:45:02.730 numbers always talking about 0:45:02.730,0:45:05.089 pete about defeat 0:45:05.089,0:45:09.819 always i think ecuador where triple[br]double blur 0:45:09.819,0:45:12.749 congress going 0:45:12.749,0:45:13.949 confirming 0:45:17.149,0:45:20.389 unconsciously bill clinton 0:45:20.389,0:45:21.590 he's called 0:45:21.590,0:45:23.390 uh... mechanics 0:45:26.449,0:45:27.409 hefty ca 0:45:31.899,0:45:32.619 twenty 0:45:43.679,0:45:44.969 ethnically 0:45:44.969,0:45:46.649 i love you can 0:45:53.259,0:45:54.459 pc company 0:45:57.629,0:45:58.469 willapa 0:46:00.069,0:46:04.289 having booboo b_ thirty lovable vote[br]from 0:46:04.289,0:46:05.599 well 0:46:05.599,0:46:09.609 well uh... you're probably not a bowler 0:46:09.609,0:46:10.609 meal 0:46:11.579,0:46:15.519 then pink in the kal at all i feel that[br]they don't star 0:46:15.519,0:46:21.839 working on the block will bring more of[br]the you get a hold of development 0:46:21.839,0:46:23.589 double-barrel apla 0:46:23.589,0:46:24.089 it 0:46:24.979,0:46:27.649 went good 0:46:27.649,0:46:29.520 will run parallel next week 0:46:29.520,0:46:32.309 lacking electoral thanks patrick 0:46:32.309,0:46:35.319 the kind of pain outlook 0:46:35.319,0:46:38.839 intelligently kind 0:46:38.839,0:46:44.039 you've got your patient for people to[br]blow he but are not down 0:46:44.039,0:46:45.039 your 0:46:47.489,0:46:51.739 but that didn't happen 0:46:51.739,0:46:52.459 defend 0:46:56.419,0:46:57.499 different 0:47:01.789,0:47:03.949 mikey 0:47:03.949,0:47:05.629 perhaps in the 0:47:19.919,0:47:21.239 consumption 0:47:25.009,0:47:25.759 yes 0:47:28.049,0:47:30.759 he can't he's missing 0:47:30.759,0:47:35.469 we we could be making up to you 0:47:35.469,0:47:36.569 comparable recoverable 0:47:41.869,0:47:43.069 had to give me like that 0:48:16.309,0:48:17.059 but 0:48:32.249,0:48:34.519 for example the au almost a 0:48:34.519,0:48:35.479 below it 0:48:37.309,0:48:38.989 that have been 0:48:42.019,0:48:45.839 interesting didn't karate 0:48:45.839,0:48:47.949 but he's drunk 0:48:47.949,0:48:50.439 the great results 0:48:50.439,0:48:51.889 swallow you up 0:48:51.889,0:48:52.989 all that 0:48:52.989,0:48:57.119 spending television barometric 0:48:57.119,0:49:03.439 about politics when the level consider 0:49:03.439,0:49:05.299 killing tropical question 0:49:05.299,0:49:07.159 yes i do 0:49:07.159,0:49:12.649 well first of all i think we should try[br]to clear up next on npr_'s 0:49:12.649,0:49:13.929 quickly 0:49:13.929,0:49:17.629 i want to talk to your mom committee[br]house to sell things 0:49:17.629,0:49:21.199 brochures and he said 0:49:21.199,0:49:24.349 we have good reason to believe that you[br]are 0:49:24.349,0:49:25.189 we live 0:49:26.939,0:49:29.279 activists 0:49:29.279,0:49:29.779 at 0:49:33.389,0:49:35.889 i'm not talking fear is that 0:49:35.889,0:49:37.920 bruce of me 0:49:37.920,0:49:40.319 would you like to tell me what really[br]happened 0:49:40.319,0:49:41.570 well 0:49:41.570,0:49:47.569 salesman uh... apprentice took a lot of[br]other 0:49:47.569,0:49:49.649 part of the scandal of the building 0:49:49.649,0:49:53.669 we didn't know contracting began 0:49:53.669,0:49:54.869 hockey games 0:49:54.869,0:49:59.709 brown when he dreamed of having a good[br]week we've told you know new bond you 0:49:59.709,0:50:01.880 mention me and my friend mentioning 0:50:01.880,0:50:05.459 had to go to work harder to didn't do[br]anything 0:50:05.459,0:50:07.599 occurred predictable 0:50:07.599,0:50:12.759 uh... determines who from time to time[br]and when the program happened i 0:50:12.759,0:50:13.520 mention it 0:50:13.520,0:50:15.499 tear to my friend and and 0:50:15.499,0:50:20.469 he throughput equipment accrediting[br]george creating individual to them 0:50:20.469,0:50:25.169 and uh... picked reporter expecting to[br]get 0:50:25.169,0:50:28.189 way from abroad 0:50:28.189,0:50:31.460 detectives found some fingerprinting and[br]helps 0:50:31.460,0:50:34.499 respond your honor the criminal record 0:50:34.499,0:50:37.419 feet down that brutally yet 0:50:37.419,0:50:39.259 differently 0:50:39.259,0:50:40.889 this friend of yours 0:50:40.889,0:50:44.109 what's his name 0:50:44.109,0:50:45.359 robin 0:50:46.659,0:50:49.049 the calling of the also the elicited 0:50:49.049,0:50:49.889 well no 0:50:51.579,0:50:54.909 soulful and metals and 0:50:54.909,0:50:58.749 but i don't know 0:50:58.749,0:51:01.639 uh... books that three or four weeks 0:51:01.639,0:51:06.959 tongue-tied unique but loses came to me[br]though he's just too casual social 0:51:06.959,0:51:08.310 agreeing to be fair 0:51:08.310,0:51:11.109 along a cold calls for and lol 0:51:11.109,0:51:14.309 so why did you like to conceal her[br]identity 0:51:14.309,0:51:17.809 uh... wanted truck market troubled 0:51:17.809,0:51:18.559 and 0:51:20.059,0:51:24.549 initial public responsibility including[br]the dealer with him 0:51:24.549,0:51:27.299 when he said yahoogroups com 0:51:27.299,0:51:31.769 politicians giving orders please meet[br]only they could have figured exacting 0:51:31.769,0:51:36.459 ought to be involvement deliberately all[br]of these we told you know the regular 0:51:36.459,0:51:41.209 living yet who presumably no there's no[br]there's no criminal lawyer also yes so 0:51:41.209,0:51:44.489 why go through all these months to[br]protect what i want to interviewed on 0:51:44.489,0:51:47.689 having informacion 0:51:47.689,0:51:50.529 with milk 0:51:50.529,0:51:51.849 grief wrong 0:51:54.549,0:52:01.549 it i mean a sexual relationship with a[br]smile 0:52:03.429,0:52:04.619 what's all 0:52:04.619,0:52:09.759 sexual relationship how many thought[br]father 0:52:09.759,0:52:11.889 implementation 0:52:11.889,0:52:15.009 attack review while commendable 0:52:15.009,0:52:17.809 i need to understand the precise nature[br]of the 0:52:17.809,0:52:22.469 the sexual relationship with you mean 0:52:22.469,0:52:25.139 we got and what we drink 0:52:25.139,0:52:26.939 that would help 0:52:38.659,0:52:39.979 sent you off 0:52:39.979,0:52:41.380 equal complete 0:52:41.380,0:52:45.509 but small moon mutual masturbation 0:52:45.509,0:52:47.919 did penetration aka 0:52:47.919,0:52:48.419 no 0:52:51.069,0:52:54.190 you don't realize what he said that this[br]is a criminal offense 0:52:54.190,0:52:56.860 their legal consultant firm at the point[br]i thought we were trying to establish 0:52:56.860,0:52:59.819 woodburn printout of the white house 0:52:59.819,0:53:01.420 bucks probably guess 0:53:01.420,0:53:05.570 like all the big problem what you've[br]just told me that you've committed a 0:53:05.570,0:53:09.059 criminal offence i cannot ignore like[br]ever 0:53:09.059,0:53:09.559 on 0:53:10.649,0:53:15.349 groups and instantly all that lou[br]competent coverup normal you knew 0:53:15.349,0:53:17.649 exactly what he was doing 0:53:17.649,0:53:19.809 which he came to my house 0:53:19.809,0:53:22.949 might have to get hopefully by the way[br]out but we will almost certainly had a 0:53:22.949,0:53:24.270 convicted if i could 0:53:24.270,0:53:29.810 and come to protect our utilities are[br]not all the picture experience can't 0:53:29.810,0:53:31.949 talk about career opportunities 0:53:31.949,0:53:34.429 aadmi happier 0:53:34.429,0:53:35.989 in private 0:53:35.989,0:53:38.939 in my idol out implying that 0:53:38.939,0:53:39.899 it right 0:53:39.899,0:53:44.079 i don't think clear juggled a bit of[br]alcalde 0:53:44.079,0:53:45.029 what he did tell me 0:53:49.089,0:53:50.389 what comes because i think 0:53:56.259,0:53:57.219 constant 0:53:59.369,0:54:00.469 how old is this manuel 0:54:05.599,0:54:08.409 and nineteen twenty 0:54:08.409,0:54:09.369 holdings 0:54:12.539,0:54:15.120 well cared for and i submit soldier 0:54:15.120,0:54:18.109 little weakened 0:54:18.109,0:54:19.549 and shopping 0:54:22.059,0:54:23.569 shuhui here 0:54:23.569,0:54:24.719 tenant alright told you 0:54:32.169,0:54:33.369 conscience 0:54:39.919,0:54:40.869 no i'm not too much 0:54:49.149,0:54:56.019 what it bugaboo creek without make a[br]statement 0:54:56.019,0:55:00.419 that's okay you said 0:55:00.419,0:55:01.139 anyway 0:55:02.869,0:55:03.589 alacra 0:55:07.349,0:55:09.029 identification 0:55:16.670,0:55:21.049 pat tells me he wants to decode summer[br]german u_-boat nahi 0:55:21.049,0:55:21.890 here 0:55:21.890,0:55:26.200 reply with full we've done it but uh...[br]i think the government proven technology 0:55:26.200,0:55:28.979 frozen out by the new way in 0:55:28.979,0:55:33.409 formulas working we need to put the[br]pasta machinery 0:55:33.409,0:55:36.399 well at least the government is probably[br]a bath 0:55:36.399,0:55:39.459 how important not working it 0:55:39.459,0:55:42.779 but the school a little bit what[br]conclusion 0:55:42.779,0:55:44.649 toppling window open 0:55:44.649,0:55:46.129 you in particular 0:55:46.129,0:55:48.289 compactflash rainbow 0:55:48.289,0:55:50.289 make me feel uneasy 0:55:50.289,0:55:51.929 russia 0:55:51.929,0:55:56.989 by consistent even approaching 0:55:56.989,0:56:00.009 stage i think 0:56:00.009,0:56:02.279 i guarantee you will be in training 0:56:02.279,0:56:03.809 at your 0:56:03.809,0:56:05.689 piedmont paraded 0:56:05.689,0:56:10.729 we doubled records of the modern-day[br]told the plant and some people hundred 0:56:10.729,0:56:12.069 irritation 0:56:12.069,0:56:16.279 but uninvited into taking a couple[br]people could be rejected 0:56:16.279,0:56:21.009 i do think you might be a little more[br]script go about the can't 0:56:21.009,0:56:24.399 about his young engineer tropical[br]working with you 0:56:24.399,0:56:29.129 pumps are beginning to work 0:56:29.129,0:56:31.589 nine from rockingham model 0:56:31.589,0:56:33.289 the and common sense 0:56:33.289,0:56:37.070 the conflict like doctor koop made out[br]with you choose to go to bed would 0:56:37.070,0:56:40.239 probable his old palace banquet direct 0:56:40.239,0:56:44.809 it would be wiser to keep a private life[br]cursive 0:56:44.809,0:56:47.209 typical official tomorrow 0:56:47.209,0:56:49.749 friendly advice about malt 0:56:49.749,0:56:50.599 anne 0:56:50.599,0:56:52.149 says he says 0:56:52.149,0:56:55.699 what we're doing it at but he says what[br]your doing and 0:56:55.699,0:57:01.639 as a direct and crucial adding on the[br]progress of the war 0:57:01.639,0:57:04.479 uh... a pretty young engineer consort 0:57:04.479,0:57:06.119 porch intellectual 0:57:06.119,0:57:09.119 templeton stayed with him back and[br]quickly 0:57:09.119,0:57:13.259 uh... its option option system judd[br]group session 0:57:13.259,0:57:15.939 worships you also settlement 0:57:15.939,0:57:19.639 traction issue truly overrated committee 0:57:19.639,0:57:25.029 that one is happiest when sex is a dimly[br]remember pleasure 0:57:25.029,0:57:28.289 contact crucial buildings have collapsed 0:57:28.289,0:57:31.659 mexican expect me to work or do you[br]regret 0:57:31.659,0:57:34.909 well i hope so i can only speak from[br]personal experience 0:57:34.909,0:57:38.729 i've been apple demand for over twenty[br]years and i'm glad to say it that 0:57:38.729,0:57:43.189 passion was never played a significant[br]role in our relationship 0:57:43.189,0:57:47.859 understanding and companionship could be[br]relied upon 0:57:47.859,0:57:49.759 mushroom 0:57:49.759,0:57:50.929 pgi 0:57:50.929,0:57:54.350 or perhaps one brief moment actually put[br]molding 0:57:54.350,0:57:56.649 twenty years of uneventful 0:57:56.649,0:57:58.639 companionship 0:57:58.639,0:58:02.709 i didn't say it was uneventful 0:58:02.709,0:58:06.400 we're not talking about me a little[br]munchkin 0:58:06.400,0:58:08.649 guarantee you're not there were no 0:58:08.649,0:58:11.760 tips on how to do it and i think i'm[br]changing the subject 0:58:11.760,0:58:14.129 uh... great many people 0:58:14.129,0:58:16.149 administrators and military-like 0:58:16.149,0:58:17.880 regard mechanism 0:58:17.880,0:58:20.809 soft-pedaled acting alunos 0:58:20.809,0:58:24.169 they prayed for an excuse to british[br]naval 0:58:24.169,0:58:30.319 small-minded achieve spiteful make takes[br]a look at what what did like if it's not 0:58:30.319,0:58:35.130 like a private system technical college[br]educated computer literate 0:58:35.130,0:58:39.989 how you feel like you're playing school[br]golf gloves i calculate people being 0:58:39.989,0:58:43.079 donald value are recognized him 0:58:43.079,0:58:47.429 nobody understood the statute of the[br]problem i think he could be what it is a 0:58:47.429,0:58:52.019 question of mostar more money linking[br]you know what right do u 0:58:52.019,0:58:54.590 x all x pain just right 0:58:54.590,0:58:55.960 syndicate 0:58:55.960,0:59:00.660 without all of the democratic if iam[br]waiting to be subject to a bottle of 0:59:00.660,0:59:04.790 millions of double college adult we will[br]be stock it will be a problem getting 0:59:04.790,0:59:06.869 nowhere auction 0:59:06.869,0:59:11.449 do you feel about it you would like to[br]know that no makes more they fired all 0:59:11.449,0:59:17.989 they want alex weenie by all the time[br]anyone evoked another so the big day 0:59:17.989,0:59:21.699 condo and i don't think you did the[br]wrong thing 0:59:21.699,0:59:26.019 who tried to explain wet swatch[br]unorthodox methods are bound to cause a 0:59:26.019,0:59:30.539 considerable absurd alm callback echo[br]work we can get them to do that if you 0:59:30.539,0:59:35.179 get into the part of our teacher will[br]instinctively picture of the total they 0:59:35.179,0:59:39.649 should be low to conquer true-life[br]ignoring the effect you have other 0:59:39.649,0:59:40.510 people 0:59:40.510,0:59:45.419 or the effect of the people who know you[br]can try 0:59:45.419,0:59:47.779 let me give you an example 0:59:47.779,0:59:51.679 a few minutes ago you inquired up to my[br]house closing 0:59:51.679,0:59:53.839 pensions on more tornado 0:59:53.839,0:59:54.779 and the time 0:59:54.779,0:59:58.139 behavioral symptoms[br]0:59:58.139,1:00:00.919[br]broken down[br]1:00:00.919,1:00:04.009[br]i opened my heart[br]1:00:04.009,1:00:07.380[br]considered abduction either time[br]1:00:07.380,1:00:09.349[br]striking[br]1:00:09.349,1:00:11.609[br]thanks god[br]1:00:11.609,1:00:15.519[br]well company through the welcome such[br]disclosure two excellent cond[br]1:00:15.519,1:00:17.549[br]distressing[br]1:00:17.549,1:00:20.129[br]trying to consider[br]1:00:20.129,1:00:21.699[br]pascual[br]1:00:21.699,1:00:22.970[br]okay recog[br]1:00:22.970,1:00:25.699[br]fuel changes island[br]1:00:25.699,1:00:29.519[br]it would seem to boost correct under[br]1:00:29.519,1:00:31.099[br]ocracoke[br]1:00:31.099,1:00:34.669[br]weakened moderate merchants[br]1:00:34.669,1:00:37.129[br]talking to him protrude[br]1:00:37.129,1:00:40.409[br]you charged me[br]1:00:40.409,1:00:44.419[br]with a review of the nature of your[br]sexuality[br]1:00:44.419,1:00:46.650[br]you can't afford to have mo[br]1:00:46.650,1:00:47.639[br]ineffectual[br]1:00:47.639,1:00:50.029[br]uh... people[br]1:00:50.029,1:00:52.839[br]that chip[br]1:00:52.839,1:00:54.649[br]winning people rostrum[br]1:00:54.64