0:00:08.029,0:00:13.099 After over five months of complete silence,[br]Team Cherry has finally decided to grace us 0:00:13.099,0:00:16.290 peasants with an update for Hollow Knight:[br]Silksong. 0:00:16.290,0:00:21.119 The last update we got was a post E3 update[br]all the way back in June, which I never actually 0:00:21.119,0:00:23.390 covered on this channel because I’m lazy. 0:00:23.390,0:00:27.579 So I’m going to talk about that, as well[br]as go more in depth about my interactions 0:00:27.579,0:00:30.919 with Team Cherry while at PAX Australia. 0:00:30.919,0:00:35.489 But please keep in mind, a lot of these conversations[br]happened at bars or places with easy access 0:00:35.489,0:00:38.629 to alcohol, so my memory might not be its[br]best. 0:00:38.629,0:00:43.180 I also want to use this video to address some[br]of these release date rumors that are floating 0:00:43.180,0:00:44.180 around. 0:00:44.180,0:00:46.409 Basically I’m just trying to push this bitch[br]above 10 minutes. 0:00:46.409,0:00:49.100 If you don’t like that, sue me. 0:00:49.100,0:00:52.519 This update confirms to us something that[br]should have been quite obvious. 0:00:52.519,0:00:54.489 Team Cherry is still making the game. 0:00:54.489,0:00:58.890 I keep seeing all these people saying that[br]Team Cherry will shadow drop the game, or 0:00:58.890,0:00:59.970 that it’s actually finished. 0:00:59.970,0:01:01.719 Well, it’s not. 0:01:01.719,0:01:06.300 In fact, Team Cherry has been putting themselves[br]through crunch months just to keep on schedule. 0:01:06.300,0:01:10.920 In October, William told me that they had[br]a crunch month in August, and were planning 0:01:10.920,0:01:12.299 to do another one in November. 0:01:12.299,0:01:17.220 I also asked Team Cherry about the scope of[br]Silksong, or if it would be more or less linear 0:01:17.220,0:01:18.690 than Hollow Knight. 0:01:18.690,0:01:22.659 They had no interest in answering those questions,[br]but from the latest update, we can see that 0:01:22.659,0:01:26.820 Silksong could very easily end up being bigger[br]than Hollow Knight. 0:01:26.820,0:01:30.939 Team Cherry has just added their 165th enemy[br]into the game. 0:01:30.939,0:01:33.960 This puts Silksong at about the same number[br]as Hollow Knight. 0:01:33.960,0:01:38.620 If Team Cherry plans to keep going, then it[br]will easily surpass Hollow Knight in terms 0:01:38.620,0:01:40.619 of total enemy count. 0:01:40.619,0:01:46.189 The blog post gave us an image of the three[br]latest enemies, of which two are just silhouettes. 0:01:46.189,0:01:50.369 Team Cherry describes these goons as members[br]of a scholarly suite, former tenders of a 0:01:50.369,0:01:53.880 dusty vault full of ancient knowledge. 0:01:53.880,0:01:59.010 These enemies are also going to fight Hornet[br]together as a deadly trio who cover each others’ 0:01:59.010,0:02:00.010 weaknesses. 0:02:00.010,0:02:03.790 This is exciting because the only other boss[br]fight we have seen with three bosses at once 0:02:03.790,0:02:07.869 is the Sisters of Battle fight in Hollow Knight,[br]and it’s probably one of the best fights 0:02:07.869,0:02:09.090 in the game. 0:02:09.090,0:02:12.900 And due to Hornet’s increased speed and[br]mobility, I’m guessing this new fight is 0:02:12.900,0:02:15.380 going to be even more intense. 0:02:15.380,0:02:19.459 More interestingly, these characters were[br]once guarding a vault of knowledge. 0:02:19.459,0:02:23.680 I assume they were guarding some kind of library,[br]likely located in the Gilded City we’ve 0:02:23.680,0:02:25.150 heard so much about. 0:02:25.150,0:02:27.900 This four legged friend of ours appears to[br]be from that area. 0:02:27.900,0:02:32.300 I’ve seen a few people say he looks like[br]the Godseeker, but two characters being the 0:02:32.300,0:02:34.269 same color doesn’t mean they’re related. 0:02:34.269,0:02:38.250 I mean, is the Gorgeous Husk related to the[br]Godseeker too? 0:02:38.250,0:02:41.150 Are Grimace and Thanos related to Waluigi? 0:02:41.150,0:02:46.140 But the best part of this update is the release[br]of two brand new songs from Silksong’s soundtrack. 0:02:46.140,0:02:50.670 Chrisopher Larkin is, of course, returning[br]to write the music for Silksong, but this 0:02:50.670,0:02:53.990 time around he’s got that sweet Team Cherry[br]money. 0:02:53.990,0:02:57.850 Most of Hollow Knight’s music was created[br]digitally, but this time around, the music 0:02:57.850,0:03:02.220 is actually being performed and recorded,[br]featuring performances by members of the Adelaide 0:03:02.220,0:03:04.180 Symphony Orchestra. 0:03:04.180,0:03:09.860 On top of that, Silksong’s music will predominantly[br]feature stringed instruments over the piano. 0:03:09.860,0:03:12.959 The two samples we now have now really are[br]incredible. 0:03:12.959,0:03:17.780 The Lace theme is erratic and exciting, while[br]the Bonebottom theme is somber, similar to 0:03:17.780,0:03:22.720 many of the songs in Hollow Knight, but still[br]sounding fresh and original. 0:03:22.720,0:03:25.750 There are apparently 30 songs for Silksong[br]at the moment. 0:03:25.750,0:03:29.799 Now Team Cherry points out that this pushes[br]Silksong above the 26 song count for Hollow 0:03:29.799,0:03:34.170 Knight, but Hollow Knight got an additional[br]15 songs that were included in the Gods and 0:03:34.170,0:03:35.500 Nightmares soundtrack. 0:03:35.500,0:03:39.599 And technically, there are even more songs[br]since the soundtrack actually omits different 0:03:39.600,0:03:40.340 arrangements 0:03:47.960,0:03:49.380 and other smaller songs. 0:03:57.360,0:04:00.560 In other words, 30 songs isn’t really that[br]impressive. 0:04:00.560,0:04:04.110 Sorry Christopher Larkin, but you’re gonna[br]have to do better than that. 0:04:04.110,0:04:08.569 From this post we also learn that Team Cherry[br]is sticking with the name “Bonebottom”, 0:04:08.569,0:04:11.549 and that it will be the starting town in Silksong. 0:04:11.549,0:04:13.930 And honestly, I’m coming around to the name. 0:04:13.930,0:04:16.900 It actually has some poetic symmetry to it. 0:04:16.900,0:04:20.000 In Hollow Knight, the opening village is called[br]Dirtmouth. 0:04:20.000,0:04:24.120 So while the Knight entered Hallownest down[br]its mouth, Hornet will be entering Pharloom 0:04:24.120,0:04:25.280 up the butt. 0:04:25.280,0:04:27.900 And that’s about all we got for this newest[br]update. 0:04:27.900,0:04:33.110 Basically, Team Cherry is still working on[br]the game, adding in more and more content. 0:04:33.110,0:04:36.889 Team Cherry also wants to stress that they[br]aren’t just adding in content willie-nillie 0:04:36.889,0:04:38.810 and that they know what they’re doing. 0:04:38.810,0:04:43.460 I really don’t care, they can add an entire[br]sidequest where Hornet uses her spider powers 0:04:43.460,0:04:46.900 to deliver pizza in Manhattan and I’d still[br]play that shit. 0:04:46.900,0:04:51.490 I want to go back and talk about some of the[br]earlier updates we have that I failed to make 0:04:51.490,0:04:56.800 videos on, but first let’s talk a little[br]bit about release date speculation. 0:04:56.800,0:05:01.729 There are a few quote-unquote “leaks”[br]that have appeared in the last 9 months. 0:05:01.729,0:05:06.440 Basically, Steam requires devs to enter a[br]release date for a game whenever they add 0:05:06.440,0:05:08.620 it into the database. 0:05:08.620,0:05:14.060 Team Cherry put a date of June 12, 2020, likely[br]as a placeholder date, but that date ended 0:05:14.060,0:05:15.780 up getting revealed somehow. 0:05:15.780,0:05:20.310 There’s no way to know if Team Cherry picked[br]this date on purpose, or just as a random 0:05:20.310,0:05:22.400 date with no meaning. 0:05:22.400,0:05:26.090 If it was their initial target date, it sounds[br]like they are going to miss it due to their 0:05:26.090,0:05:29.680 desire to just keep adding shit into the game. 0:05:29.680,0:05:33.440 So I’m sticking with my mid to late 2020[br]release date. 0:05:33.440,0:05:34.990 But that’s just my view. 0:05:34.990,0:05:39.540 According to Team Cherry, the game is running[br]on Cherry-time, so it will come out whenever 0:05:39.540,0:05:40.770 it’s ready. 0:05:40.770,0:05:44.130 Another aspect we can discuss is development[br]time. 0:05:44.130,0:05:48.319 According to Team Cherry, development on Silksong[br]started just a few months after Hollow Knight 0:05:48.319,0:05:49.669 launched. 0:05:49.669,0:05:53.729 This would mean the game has been in development[br]for almost 3 years now, while Hollow Knight 0:05:53.729,0:05:58.710 was in development from November 2014 to February[br]2017. 0:05:58.710,0:06:02.949 So by that logic, Silksong should be very[br]close to being completed. 0:06:02.949,0:06:05.770 But there are a few details I want to lay[br]out. 0:06:05.770,0:06:09.970 Team Cherry worked on Hollow Knight for about[br]6 months before the Kickstarter. 0:06:09.970,0:06:14.190 After the Kickstarter, they had to port the[br]entire game over to Unity, and William had 0:06:14.190,0:06:16.889 to learn how to even use the new engine. 0:06:16.889,0:06:21.819 After Hollow Knight finished, Dave Kazi left[br]Team Cherry, leaving William and Ari to work 0:06:21.819,0:06:26.640 on Silksong as well as the numerous Hollow[br]Knight content packs alone. 0:06:26.640,0:06:31.440 So the team size was actually smaller for[br]quite a while after Hollow Knight came out. 0:06:31.440,0:06:37.090 They also had to work with Sharkjump Studios[br]to port the game to Switch, PS4 and Xbox One. 0:06:37.090,0:06:41.979 It wasn’t until 2018 that Team Cherry hired[br]Jack Vine to help with development. 0:06:41.979,0:06:46.050 And we all know that Jack Vine is a shitty[br]coder, so he’s probably not adding anything 0:06:46.050,0:06:47.400 to the development. 0:06:47.400,0:06:52.449 So yes, Silksong has been in development for[br]almost 3 years, but a lot of other stuff has 0:06:52.449,0:06:54.440 been happening at the same time as well. 0:06:54.440,0:07:00.550 That being said, Silksong benefits from being[br]built on top of Hollow Knight’s code. 0:07:00.550,0:07:04.680 William mentioned that designing bosses and[br]enemies is even easier now that they have 0:07:04.680,0:07:08.570 a huge database of code from other enemies[br]that they can utilize. 0:07:08.570,0:07:12.879 Or he said something like that, I don’t[br]know, I’m not a game dev or a programmer, 0:07:12.879,0:07:15.140 so I just kinda stood their and nodded my[br]head. 0:07:15.140,0:07:20.070 So yeah, there are a lot of things we can[br]speculate on in terms of release date. 0:07:20.070,0:07:24.699 My rule of thumb, tho, is the longer it takes,[br]the more content we’ll probably get. 0:07:24.699,0:07:26.220 So I really don’t care. 0:07:26.220,0:07:30.599 Let’s turn our attention to the June update that Team Cherry had. 0:07:30.599,0:07:35.660 In this update, we got a name for this drabby[br]looking area, Greymoor. 0:07:35.660,0:07:39.820 This area is filled with misted fields and[br]dilapidated towers. 0:07:39.820,0:07:45.139 This area is filled with creatures called[br]Crawbugs, which are described as devious nesting 0:07:45.139,0:07:46.300 types. 0:07:46.300,0:07:49.660 The former tenders of this land have become[br]haunted. 0:07:49.660,0:07:53.990 It seems like becoming “haunted” in Silksong[br]is about the same as becoming “infected” 0:07:53.990,0:07:54.990 in Hollow Knight. 0:07:54.990,0:07:59.400 That means you can kill these people without[br]feeling bad, so that’s nice. 0:07:59.400,0:08:04.169 At the top of Greymoor, there are Dustroaches[br]kept in pens. 0:08:04.169,0:08:07.570 These creatures have insatiable appetites[br]and breed very rapidly. 0:08:07.570,0:08:12.479 I don’t think we have seen any dustroaches[br]either, but it’s nice to know they’re 0:08:12.479,0:08:14.190 there, I guess. 0:08:14.190,0:08:18.100 Finally, Team Cherry explains that Greymoor[br]is one of the biggest areas they’ve ever 0:08:18.100,0:08:22.660 created, and that Hornet will uncover many[br]mysteries, making several new friends and 0:08:22.660,0:08:25.090 duel with a lethal lunging foe. 0:08:25.090,0:08:29.080 Now, this lunging foe might be referring to[br]Lace, but I’m guessing there’s going to 0:08:29.080,0:08:32.159 be a fuckton of lunging foes in this game. 0:08:32.159,0:08:36.820 This update also confirms that Silksong will[br]use the same mapping system as Hollow Knight. 0:08:36.820,0:08:40.940 But this time around, Hornet will come across[br]Shakra instead of Cornifer. 0:08:40.940,0:08:45.490 Shakra is seeking out her master who vanished[br]under mysterious circumstances. 0:08:45.490,0:08:50.720 Shakra is a part of a clan, each of which[br]has their own Craft-Skill. 0:08:50.720,0:08:55.500 So chances are we’ll be seeing a lot of[br]bugs like Shakra during Hornet’s adventure. 0:08:55.500,0:08:59.060 At the end of this post, Team Cherry mentions[br]that they have been reaching out to people 0:08:59.060,0:09:02.480 in the Hollow Knight community to provide[br]voices. 0:09:02.480,0:09:06.440 William and Ari provided the vast majority[br]of voices for Hollow Knight, but it seems 0:09:06.440,0:09:10.620 they have decided to outsource this to the[br]community, probably because they are a bunch 0:09:10.620,0:09:11.980 of lazy devs. 0:09:11.980,0:09:16.640 Lace’s voice has been provided by Mitsuki[br]Hashimoto, an active member of the Hollow 0:09:16.640,0:09:18.730 Knight fan art community. 0:09:18.730,0:09:20.140 And I know what you’re thinking. 0:09:20.140,0:09:22.900 No, I haven’t recorded any lines for Silksong. 0:09:22.900,0:09:28.680 But I am taking expensive vocal training classes[br]just in case Team Cherry decides to call me 0:09:28.680,0:09:29.680 up. 0:09:29.680,0:09:33.140 And now I have a few more details from the[br]update before the June update, where Team 0:09:33.140,0:09:36.330 Cherry talked about some of the various characters[br]in the game. 0:09:36.330,0:09:38.880 This character’s name has confirmed to be[br]Trobbio. 0:09:38.880,0:09:43.050 He is the Master of the Stage, the Brush and[br]the Voice. 0:09:43.050,0:09:47.710 He’s a flamboyant butterfly that seeks fame[br]and adoration throughout Pharloom. 0:09:47.710,0:09:50.370 And as of right now, he’s my favorite character. 0:09:50.370,0:09:52.420 We also got a few more details about Sherma. 0:09:52.420,0:09:55.470 He’s apparently in constant need of help. 0:09:55.470,0:09:56.580 No surprise there. 0:09:56.580,0:10:01.050 He’s also described as an optimistic pilgrim[br]on a spiritual journey. 0:10:01.050,0:10:05.430 The whole concept of bugs going to Pharloom[br]for some kind of pilgrimage has been present 0:10:05.430,0:10:09.730 since Silksong was announced, but as it turns[br]out, this idea has been around for quite some 0:10:09.730,0:10:10.730 time. 0:10:10.730,0:10:14.880 We recently gained access to the original[br]Hollow Knight lore document that Team Cherry 0:10:14.880,0:10:17.950 provided to backers after the kickstarter[br]ended. 0:10:17.950,0:10:23.350 Now, this document is obviously very old and[br]nothing in it should be considered canon. 0:10:23.350,0:10:28.870 But in the area description section, it mentions[br]the Forest of Bones, an area cut from Hollow 0:10:28.870,0:10:33.000 Knight that appears to have been transferred[br]over to Silksong. 0:10:33.000,0:10:37.560 In this document, it mentions that bugs would[br]take pilgrimages to the Forest of Bones to 0:10:37.560,0:10:39.840 find the Holy Grounds. 0:10:39.840,0:10:43.560 We only have one image of the Holy Grounds,[br]but is there a chance that this area will 0:10:43.560,0:10:45.270 end up in Silksong as well? 0:10:45.270,0:10:49.080 I’m guessing it would be quite different,[br]considering the fact that there are Dreamer 0:10:49.080,0:10:51.870 masks plastered all over the walls. 0:10:51.870,0:10:55.400 But perhaps a place like this is where Sherma[br]and other bugs are going. 0:10:55.400,0:10:59.030 We also have a bit more information on Garmond[br]and Zaza. 0:10:59.030,0:11:03.720 It is explained that these two are looking[br]for a new home, and that while Garmond does 0:11:03.720,0:11:07.040 the talking, Zaza is the more intelligent[br]one. 0:11:07.040,0:11:11.620 I don’t know how I feel about this relationship,[br]but I am going to avoid asking too many questions 0:11:11.620,0:11:12.620 here. 0:11:12.620,0:11:15.440 I mean, imagine riding a horse that was smarter[br]than you. 0:11:15.440,0:11:17.930 That wouldn’t be fun, you’d just feel[br]like an asshole. 0:11:17.930,0:11:22.680 And the last bit of info we have relates to[br]the Ant Queen we saw in the Silksong reveal 0:11:22.680,0:11:23.800 trailer. 0:11:23.800,0:11:30.170 Her name is Hunter Queen Carmelitia, and William[br]told me that she is actually a backer character. 0:11:30.170,0:11:34.530 That brings the total amount of confirmed[br]backer bosses to three out of six. 0:11:34.530,0:11:38.820 There are still three more bosses and dungeons[br]that were promised during the Kickstarter 0:11:38.820,0:11:41.180 that haven’t appeared yet. 0:11:41.180,0:11:42.330 And that’s a wrap. 0:11:42.330,0:11:46.280 I’ll see you all after the next Team Cherry[br]update whenever that is. 0:11:46.280,0:11:47.960 I’m thinking… 0:11:47.960,0:11:48.800 April.