- Hi, I'm Sal Khan, founder of the
not-for-profit Khan Academy,
and I have some very exciting news.
The data is in from our first year
of the partnership between
us and the College Board
around Khan Academy being the
official practice for the SAT.
And what we're seeing is,
students who spent an average
of 20 hours of practice on Khan Academy
are seeing roughly 115-point gain
between the PSAT and the SAT.
And to put that into perspective,
that's roughly twice the point gain
that students typically see
between the PSAT and the SAT.
And what's especially heartening
is that we're seeing that gain
be consistent across gender,
race, and socioeconomic groups.
And so this makes us feel really good,
not just from the Khan
Academy point of view,
or the College Board point of view,
but just in the overall theme
of being able to help
level the playing field.
Students take the PSAT, they can sync
those accounts with the Khan Academy,
Khan Academy software then
has the information necessary
to essentially do weak point training.
Know where you need
practice, not just in math,
but in reading and writing as well.
And you get that practice so that
you can put your best foot forward
not just on the SAT, but to be
optimally prepared for
college, and for life.
So this is exciting news,
it's also just the beginning,
and we hope to work with all of you,
students, parents, teachers,
to further level the playing field
for college and life access.