WEBVTT 00:00:04.938 --> 00:00:08.968 Across the EU it's lights out for the good old incandescent bulb 00:00:08.969 --> 00:00:14.012 since september first even 40 and 25 watt bulbs are off the market 00:00:14.013 --> 00:00:17.017 The EU has pushed through energy efficient lights 00:00:17.018 --> 00:00:20.973 mainly the compact fluorescent models known as the CFLs 00:00:20.974 --> 00:00:23.400 but they leave much to be desired 00:00:23.401 --> 00:00:26.599 I think that these energy-efficient bulbs make poor light 00:00:26.600 --> 00:00:30.209 it's not bright, it's diffuse. That means the color rendering is awful 00:00:30.210 --> 00:00:35.419 And CFLs contain a highly hazardous metal: mercury 00:00:35.420 --> 00:00:38.137 This bulb poses a grave danger if it breaks 00:00:38.138 --> 00:00:41.474 the mercury vaporizes and gets into the lungs within seconds 00:00:41.475 --> 00:00:45.947 Critics warn they even admit toxic substances in normal use 00:00:45.948 --> 00:00:51.762 If a simple instrument like this can register poisons and contaminants emitted from these bulbs 00:00:51.763 --> 00:00:53.664 that means there's a serious problem 00:00:53.665 --> 00:00:56.716 it indicates the presence of hazardous toxins 00:00:56.717 --> 00:01:02.470 It's universally agreed that the new bulbs use less electricity and last longer 00:01:02.471 --> 00:01:07.402 but critics say consumers and the environment will pay a high price for these benefits 00:01:15.994 --> 00:01:20.677 At the Foxdorf kindergarten in Hamburg instructors are using a playful method 00:01:20.678 --> 00:01:23.781 to teach four to six year olds about both kinds of lights 00:01:23.782 --> 00:01:29.188 the old incandescent bulbs and the new energy-efficient models 00:01:32.054 --> 00:01:37.567 and this is the new model - of course it looks different than the bulb you've drawn 00:01:37.568 --> 00:01:40.956 there is the spiral version and the tubular shapes 00:01:40.957 --> 00:01:43.993 You probably see them in light fixtures at home, don't you? 00:01:47.730 --> 00:01:52.126 My mom doesn't buy them because when you turn them on it always takes a while 00:01:52.127 --> 00:01:57.782 and by the time it's lit up you're already washed and dried your hands 00:01:57.783 --> 00:01:59.883 then you're out of the bathroom. 00:02:03.296 --> 00:02:08.952 The teacher wants to teach the children what to do in case one of the new bulbs shatters 00:02:11.635 --> 00:02:15.605 so if this energy-efficient bulb drops you have to leave the room immediately 00:02:15.606 --> 00:02:17.831 so let's run a drill 00:02:17.832 --> 00:02:21.157 remember there's poison inside 00:02:21.158 --> 00:02:26.183 we're only practicing now but if it drops and breaks you have to run for the door, okay? 00:02:26.184 --> 00:02:34.767 So I'll pretend to drop it - it breaks and now you have to hurry outside. 00:02:34.968 --> 00:02:40.982 The official recommendation from the federal environment agency is to evacuate for 15 minutes 00:02:40.983 --> 00:02:43.897 leave the windows open, turn off the heat 00:02:43.898 --> 00:02:46.704 To find out if those precautions are justified 00:02:46.705 --> 00:02:53.810 we turn to an independent laboratory that analyzes environmentally hazardous materials - including mercury 00:02:53.811 --> 00:02:57.071 and the researchers take all precautions for our test 00:02:57.372 --> 00:02:58.981 here's a protective mask 00:02:58.982 --> 00:03:01.908 just pull it over your head 00:03:05.726 --> 00:03:11.939 Laboratory head Gary Zorner says there's only one sensible reaction when a CFL bulb shatters 00:03:11.940 --> 00:03:14.102 You should get away as quickly as possible 00:03:14.103 --> 00:03:17.562 it could enter your blood stream through the lungs and from there into the brain 00:03:17.563 --> 00:03:23.605 or through the olfactory nerves directly into the nervous system That's why we take these safety precautions 00:03:23.606 --> 00:03:28.346 the measures include a fume hood, breathing masks and gloves. 00:03:28.347 --> 00:03:33.501 As soon as the glass breaks an invisible cloud of mercury is released from the bulb. 00:03:33.502 --> 00:03:36.764 We can see the electronic components 00:03:36.765 --> 00:03:41.012 Zorner is highly critical of the use of mercury in this kind of product 00:03:41.013 --> 00:03:45.964 Every encounter with mercury makes you a bit more stupid and lowers your IQ 00:03:45.965 --> 00:03:52.398 It is a highly dangerous nerve poison and can also affect many other organs and the immune system 00:03:52.699 --> 00:03:57.026 There should be a zero tolerance policy for mercury 00:03:57.027 --> 00:04:00.805 We must do all we can to institute all worldwide ban 00:04:00.806 --> 00:04:04.067 against mining, production and distribution 00:04:06.449 --> 00:04:13.034 Environmental medical specialist Joachim Mutter has worked for years with patients suffering from mercury poisoning 00:04:13.035 --> 00:04:16.698 He is regularly asked to testify in civil court cases 00:04:20.350 --> 00:04:25.833 Recently he encountered a youngster who suffered severe injury after low-energy bulb shattered. 00:04:25.834 --> 00:04:26.834 The boy was already ill at the time 00:04:26.835 --> 00:04:32.618 and the parents had no idea just how dangerous the mercury cloud was. 00:04:36.020 --> 00:04:39.856 They didn't air out the room and the shards were thrown in the garbage 00:04:39.857 --> 00:04:42.182 The child then slept in his bedroom 00:04:42.182 --> 00:04:45.182 Within the first week he developed a skin rash 00:04:45.183 --> 00:04:47.877 By week two he began losing hair 00:04:47.878 --> 00:04:52.558 he developed severe diarrhea and a visible case of the shakes 00:04:54.171 --> 00:04:57.672 He showed what I'd describe as autistic ticks 00:04:57.673 --> 00:05:02.830 He was withdrawn, lost interest and was constantly tired. 00:05:02.831 --> 00:05:06.042 He slept all the time and was lethargic 00:05:06.043 --> 00:05:08.986 nothing like the boy he was before 00:05:12.496 --> 00:05:17.671 After extensive therapy he slowly regained his health and vitality 00:05:23.741 --> 00:05:29.723 That's precisely the kind of accident the instructors at the Foxdorf kindergarten are trying to prevent. 00:05:29.724 --> 00:05:35.524 Silke Stoltenberg uses a demonstration bulb to show the children how to safely dispose of them 00:05:35.525 --> 00:05:38.963 in accordance with the government's environmental guidelines 00:05:40.839 --> 00:05:44.999 I use cardboard to gather all the pieces and put them in here 00:05:45.000 --> 00:05:47.589 your mom and dad can do that too 00:05:47.590 --> 00:05:50.883 I collect the big pieces in the cardboard 00:05:50.884 --> 00:05:53.673 and use tape to gather the rest 00:05:56.601 --> 00:05:59.494 Then I press down on it to get every little piece 00:06:01.328 --> 00:06:03.129 We are not allowed to use a vacuum 00:06:03.130 --> 00:06:07.324 and a broom isn't adviced because it would only spread the mercury all-around 00:06:08.333 --> 00:06:11.159 Then I take off the gloves and dispose of them too. 00:06:11.160 --> 00:06:13.836 There might be hazardous material clinging to them 00:06:13.837 --> 00:06:17.233 So now I shut the lid tight and we'll recycle it. 00:06:19.412 --> 00:06:23.936 Light bulbs filled with toxic metal not what most people would call progress 00:06:23.937 --> 00:06:26.226 We visit a lighting designer in Hamburg 00:06:26.227 --> 00:06:30.742 Katja Winkelmann is an engineer and knows a thing or two about the business 00:06:34.261 --> 00:06:38.655 The problem with this form of technology is that it simply doesn't work without mercury 00:06:38.756 --> 00:06:41.603 That's true of all bulbs of this sort 00:06:41.604 --> 00:06:45.561 and that includes these tubular models the fluorescent lights. 00:06:45.562 --> 00:06:50.287 It's the same for the compact CFL bulbs, the energy-efficient bulbs. 00:06:50.288 --> 00:06:52.981 None of these can function without mercury 00:06:52.982 --> 00:06:56.221 That's simply based on the technology in use 00:06:59.791 --> 00:07:03.825 EU guidelines allow up to 5 milligrams of mercury per bulb 00:07:03.826 --> 00:07:06.039 That's about the size of the head of a pin 00:07:06.040 --> 00:07:09.829 In addition the base is filled with complex electronics 00:07:09.830 --> 00:07:15.024 with up to thirty individual parts made of silicon, phosphorus or aluminum 00:07:19.787 --> 00:07:22.659 These bulbs are built with this electronic ballast 00:07:22.660 --> 00:07:25.032 We've taken this one apart to show you 00:07:25.033 --> 00:07:28.937 The mercury is still inside because we haven't broken this casing 00:07:29.682 --> 00:07:32.626 but we can clearly see the intricate electronics involved 00:07:32.627 --> 00:07:37.404 and of course this has to be disposed of in an eco-friendly manner 00:07:39.558 --> 00:07:43.477 Every time we recycle we throw away these electronic components too 00:07:44.959 --> 00:07:50.898 and that's crazy because first the mercury has to be dealt with and then a whole lot of electronic waste 00:07:54.293 --> 00:07:59.654 Most energy-efficient CFLs are produced in Asia particularly China 00:07:59.655 --> 00:08:02.946 There are reports that employees at some Chinese plants 00:08:02.947 --> 00:08:05.084 have suffered from mercury poisoning 00:08:05.085 --> 00:08:08.739 We contacted investigative labour activists there 00:08:08.740 --> 00:08:13.829 We know that Chinese workers got poisoned by mercury while producing ... 00:08:13.830 --> 00:08:17.122 Is there a way to find out what happened to the workers? 00:08:17.123 --> 00:08:22.000 At great personal risk a member is going to go under cover with a hidden camera 00:08:22.001 --> 00:08:25.793 in an attempt to document working conditions at the plant. 00:08:31.208 --> 00:08:32.891 We're willing to take the risk. 00:08:32.892 --> 00:08:38.933 If we can prove the rumors are true perhaps we can force a change in labour conditions in those facilities 00:08:40.586 --> 00:08:47.310 Garry Zorrner has begun a new test with 6 CFL models produced by 5 different manufacturers 00:08:47.311 --> 00:08:51.628 He's studying whether intact energy-efficient bulbs may also pose health risks. 00:08:51.629 --> 00:08:56.040 Once the lamps are on, the surrounding air is collected, chemically bonded and analyzed. 00:08:58.573 --> 00:09:02.740 This is an extract from the air sample that we've sucked into the tube. 00:09:05.465 --> 00:09:11.677 Now we'll use gas chromatography, mass spectrometry to find out what substances it contains. 00:09:17.820 --> 00:09:20.820 This method reveals that there are various substances. 00:09:23.121 --> 00:09:25.906 There are volatile organic compounds 00:09:25.907 --> 00:09:29.489 We've even fount measurable traces of the toxin phenol. 00:09:31.463 --> 00:09:33.042 What's the problem with phenol? 00:09:33.043 --> 00:09:36.606 Phenol is carcinogenic and is considered a health hazard. 00:09:37.833 --> 00:09:41.401 we also found tetrahydrofuran which may also cause cancer 00:09:42.769 --> 00:09:44.015 There are others as well. 00:09:44.831 --> 00:09:49.679 Alkylbenzines which can damage the nervous system and are toxic to the liver and so on. 00:09:49.680 --> 00:09:55.202 The worst thing is that you have an entire cocktail of substances linked with various health risks. 00:09:55.203 --> 00:09:57.951 That is a particular concern. 00:10:01.426 --> 00:10:08.499 But Germany's environment agency says the concentration of emmissions is not high enough to be a significant health risk. 00:10:08.500 --> 00:10:14.690 We consult Wolfgang Maes a recognized authority in building biology and environmental analytics. 00:10:14.691 --> 00:10:19.395 We want to find out exactly how the toxins are emitted. 00:10:19.396 --> 00:10:23.401 Do they escape from the base or from the glass housing? 00:10:25.797 --> 00:10:28.130 We can give this simple instrument a try. 00:10:28.131 --> 00:10:32.736 It's a sampling probe, fairly insensitive and not very accurate. 00:10:34.968 --> 00:10:40.638 We can see where the emissions are coming from the scratches that lead to the ballast as I suspect 00:10:40.639 --> 00:10:43.162 once the bulb has reached a certain temperature. 00:10:48.987 --> 00:10:50.539 Listen to that! 00:10:52.361 --> 00:10:53.905 It is the same at the other switch. 00:10:57.009 --> 00:10:58.970 Look at how that follows the glass housing. 00:10:59.171 --> 00:11:04.261 So if toxins such as phenol are escaping from this bulb why aren't they better sealed? 00:11:04.262 --> 00:11:07.350 It must be possible from a manufacturing standpoint. 00:11:07.351 --> 00:11:09.706 You must ask the producers. 00:11:09.707 --> 00:11:12.773 It's a necessity no matter how high the cost. 00:11:12.774 --> 00:11:16.405 We're talking about poisons that should not be allowed to escape. 00:11:16.406 --> 00:11:22.069 If such a simple instrument can detect poisons and contaminants emitted by CFLs 00:11:22.070 --> 00:11:24.255 then we truly have a problem. 00:11:24.256 --> 00:11:27.850 I'm talking about biologically hazardous emissions. 00:11:29.272 --> 00:11:32.098 We asked manufacturers to comment. 00:11:32.099 --> 00:11:33.518 One of them responds: 00:11:33.519 --> 00:11:34.519 In addition we conduct internal and external inspections on a regular basis. 00:11:33.519 --> 00:11:39.826 As a manufacturer of high quality brands, Osram complies with all manufacturing standards and guidelines. 00:11:39.827 --> 00:11:44.828 In addition we conduct internal and external inspections on a regular basis. 00:11:44.829 --> 00:11:45.829 Maes also measured the amount of electron smog produced by the CFLs. 00:11:54.109 --> 00:11:58.092 So I turned off the energy-efficient bulb and replaced it with a filament bulb. 00:12:02.432 --> 00:12:04.696 Look at the field intensity on the display. 00:12:04.697 --> 00:12:08.275 You can see for yourself that the traditional light bulb gets better results. 00:12:08.276 --> 00:12:11.579 It's a much healthier choice than the energy-efficient models. 00:12:17.187 --> 00:12:22.164 In particular this bulb produces a field whose strength is 42 volts per metre 00:12:22.165 --> 00:12:26.146 The limit for a computer work place is just 1 volt per metre. 00:12:26.147 --> 00:12:31.858 That means that this bulb is 42 times more intense than a personal computer is allowed to be 00:12:31.859 --> 00:12:37.836 We found CFLs that produce over 70 volts per metre - 70 times higher than a pc 00:12:39.618 --> 00:12:45.585 What kind of health problems could arise if I sit too close to an energy-efficient land, for instance at a desk? 00:12:45.586 --> 00:12:53.302 From a biological standpoint there's dangerous electromagnetic exposure to your head, your body, your entire work environment. 00:12:53.303 --> 00:12:57.118 It can lead to neurological and hormonal problems and to cell damage. 00:12:57.119 --> 00:13:02.490 These are all things that can be triggered by high electromagnetic field intensity. 00:13:04.334 --> 00:13:10.972 Here in a typical German residential area, we want to find out how consumers are accepting energy-efficient bulbs. 00:13:10.973 --> 00:13:15.654 The first family has only a few CFLs used where they won't be noticed. 00:13:21.348 --> 00:13:27.844 We use normal bulbs here in the living room - the CFLs are so ugly, they'd destroy the look of our chandelier. 00:13:28.045 --> 00:13:32.212 Family number two has designer lighting with the appropriate bulbs. 00:13:32.213 --> 00:13:39.328 Halogen bulbs? - We use mostly floodlights ... the one exception is the fluorescent tube in the kitchen. 00:13:39.329 --> 00:13:41.145 I installed it over the sink. 00:13:42.635 --> 00:13:47.229 The family has decided to install energy-saving bulbs only in certain areas. 00:13:49.938 --> 00:13:53.132 We replaced the bulbs on this ceiling lamp. 00:13:53.133 --> 00:13:57.888 The CFLs makes sense because this lamp is on for lengthy periods. 00:13:57.889 --> 00:14:02.439 Family number three has just moved into a new house and has bought new furnishings. 00:14:02.440 --> 00:14:05.037 most of the lamps have CFLs. 00:14:07.288 --> 00:14:12.057 Are you worried about sleeping next to a bulb that contains mercury? Have you even thought about that? 00:14:12.058 --> 00:14:19.518 To tell you the truth it hadn't crossed my mind but as long as the mercury is contained in the class housing it won't leak out. 00:14:20.741 --> 00:14:26.383 The anecdotal evidence from three homes only 37 percent energy-efficient bulbs 00:14:26.384 --> 00:14:30.566 the rest is a mix of incandescent, halogen and fluorescent. 00:14:37.528 --> 00:14:42.403 Then number four who was initially excited about the prospect of saving energy and costs 00:14:42.404 --> 00:14:44.916 The enthusiasm didn't last long. 00:14:48.507 --> 00:14:50.949 This is my collection of energy-efficient bulbs 00:14:50.950 --> 00:14:53.358 I tried them all and we didn't like them. 00:14:53.359 --> 00:14:56.316 They all ended up in the basement. 00:14:56.317 --> 00:15:00.365 This is our supply of incandescent bulbs for use around the house. 00:15:03.324 --> 00:15:05.488 They just don't produce the kind of light we want. 00:15:05.489 --> 00:15:10.089 We can't use dimmers and we've been reading about the dangers as well. 00:15:10.090 --> 00:15:15.117 They're supposed to be environmentally friendly and yet they contain mercury. 00:15:15.118 --> 00:15:18.037 Sorry we just can't grasp that concept. 00:15:20.208 --> 00:15:25.950 The European Union enacted legislation on energy-efficient bulbs back in 2009. 00:15:25.951 --> 00:15:33.905 Early on european parliament member Holger Krahmer voiced skepticism and pointed out the possible adverse effects for consumers. 00:15:37.174 --> 00:15:42.135 It's clear that health concerns were simply not a factor in implementing the ban on incandescent bulbs 00:15:42.136 --> 00:15:45.265 and the pressure to market energy-efficient bulbs. 00:15:46.893 --> 00:15:48.624 The EU commission admitted as much. 00:15:48.625 --> 00:15:53.582 At the time there had been no comprehensive studies - it wasn't just about mercury. 00:15:53.583 --> 00:15:57.880 There are also concerns about the psychological effects of the light among other things. 00:15:57.881 --> 00:16:02.258 But didn't the EU commission carry out extensive testing? 00:16:02.259 --> 00:16:06.087 We asked commissioner for energy Gunter Oetinger to comment 00:16:06.088 --> 00:16:09.320 He refused sending a spokesperson instead. 00:16:11.435 --> 00:16:16.203 Were studies done on possible adverse effects of CFLs prior to the incandescent bulb ban? 00:16:19.885 --> 00:16:26.516 Before we began taking light bulbs off the market we investigated the problem of mercury in the energy-efficient bulbs. 00:16:26.517 --> 00:16:31.104 We asked some of the independent scientists on our advisory council 00:16:31.105 --> 00:16:38.184 and the indicated there was no risk from the amount of mercury contained in the new energy-saving lights. 00:16:43.043 --> 00:16:45.149 One day later she sent a correction. 00:16:45.150 --> 00:16:52.900 In an email she wrote that extensive test results were only submitted in 2010 long after the phase out went into effect. 00:16:56.132 --> 00:17:00.579 In a 2009 study researchers looked at just 5 different CFLs 00:17:00.580 --> 00:17:02.525 that was the minimum requirement. 00:17:14.749 --> 00:17:19.836 So why the urgent decision to ban filament bulbs and replace them with CFLs? 00:17:19.837 --> 00:17:25.231 It was at the height of the climate debate. It started in Australia and spread around the globe. 00:17:25.232 --> 00:17:29.783 Everyone was unscrewing light bulbs and no one wanted to be left behind including chancellor Merkel 00:17:29.784 --> 00:17:31.362 There was no stopping it. 00:17:31.363 --> 00:17:35.361 Incandescent bulbs had to be banned to save the world. 00:17:35.662 --> 00:17:42.032 The EU commission appointed a committee to set guidelines for the energy-efficient bulbs. 00:17:42.033 --> 00:17:48.190 It included industry experts along with representatives of consumer groups. 00:17:50.334 --> 00:17:53.750 Why were producers such as Phillips and Osram at the table? 00:17:57.171 --> 00:18:00.292 It's all about who knows whom. The buddy system. 00:18:01.792 --> 00:18:06.348 The bureaucrats in the EU commission have circles of friends. They network. 00:18:08.402 --> 00:18:10.503 And when it comes to a decision on some issue 00:18:10.504 --> 00:18:13.578 they invite those who might be affected by it to meet. 00:18:13.579 --> 00:18:19.570 And it has to be clear that environmental concerns aren't necessarily the highest priority. 00:18:19.571 --> 00:18:24.325 Rather these decisions are heavily influenced by the respective business interests. 00:18:24.326 --> 00:18:27.889 There's no profit in the incandescent bulb perhaps just a few cents. 00:18:27.890 --> 00:18:30.704 The profit margin is much higher for CFLs. 00:18:30.705 --> 00:18:35.734 That's why business interests trumped environmental concerns in coming to this decision. 00:18:35.835 --> 00:18:41.438 Proponents point out that the energy-efficient lamps truly do save electricity 00:18:41.439 --> 00:18:43.691 and have a much longer life span. 00:18:43.692 --> 00:18:45.459 But is that really the case? 00:18:45.460 --> 00:18:50.680 In Frankfurt we visit the offices of popular german consumer magazine Eko-test. 00:18:50.681 --> 00:18:53.842 It's done extensive research into CFLs. 00:18:53.843 --> 00:19:02.569 Editor in chief Gurgen Stepflug and his team studied 16 different models to find out whether they live up to manufacturers claims. 00:19:07.513 --> 00:19:12.294 Here they claim that this 11 watt CFL can replace a 60 watt filament bulb. 00:19:12.295 --> 00:19:13.768 That's simply not enough. 00:19:13.769 --> 00:19:16.835 Our findings indicate you'd need at least 14 watts. 00:19:16.836 --> 00:19:19.211 But the CFLs also lose brightness quickly. 00:19:19.212 --> 00:19:23.874 so actually you need a 21 watt energy-efficient lamp to replace an old 60 watt bulb. 00:19:27.726 --> 00:19:28.926 And the lifespan? 00:19:28.927 --> 00:19:36.126 According to this, one low-energy bulb lasts longer than 8 traditional bulbs. 00:19:36.127 --> 00:19:41.389 The manufacturer is required to print this information on the packaging 00:19:41.390 --> 00:19:42.484 It just doesn't add up. 00:19:42.485 --> 00:19:46.623 Yes, they're required to but no officials check to see if it's true. 00:19:46.624 --> 00:19:50.690 But this laboratory in Vilhemshofen does. 00:19:53.340 --> 00:19:59.633 Electrical engineer Wolfgang Hoerter and the staff at the Pruf Centrum Technik have been testing bulbs for years 00:19:59.634 --> 00:20:02.208 commissioned by consumer protection groups. 00:20:02.209 --> 00:20:06.766 That includes tests on the true life span of energy saving lights. 00:20:09.650 --> 00:20:14.674 This room contains more than 100 lamps from 36 manufacturers. 00:20:14.675 --> 00:20:18.823 On average they should burn between 8 and 10 thousand hours. 00:20:20.914 --> 00:20:22.818 We're performing a longevity test here. 00:20:24.907 --> 00:20:29.371 More than 7.000 hours and 30% of them have burned out. 00:20:29.372 --> 00:20:31.076 That's a lot. 00:20:31.077 --> 00:20:35.593 In addition we have a row with lights that are regularly turned off and on. 00:20:37.856 --> 00:20:41.451 Metred so they are on for 1 minute and then off for 5. 00:20:44.092 --> 00:20:45.675 And the test runs around the clock. 00:20:46.678 --> 00:20:49.506 The first bulbs expire at the 3.000 hour mark. 00:20:50.507 --> 00:20:55.460 And you can tell by these dark spots that a lamp is about to burn out. 00:20:59.938 --> 00:21:03.591 In a bathroom families turn the light on and off at least 10 times a day. 00:21:03.592 --> 00:21:06.402 So a CFL probably wouldn't last a year. 00:21:10.815 --> 00:21:16.133 We asked Germany's largest bulb producer to explain the apparent discrepancy. 00:21:16.134 --> 00:21:18.144 Osram answered my email: 00:21:20.510 --> 00:21:24.865 We are Germany's only manufacturer to guarantee our energy-efficient bulbs. 00:21:24.866 --> 00:21:28.591 This guaranty also applies particularly to the life span. 00:21:33.755 --> 00:21:38.156 In the meantime we've reestablished contact with the Chinese labor activists. 00:21:38.157 --> 00:21:45.530 They've been able to place one of their members inside an assembly plant at the Fusan electrical and lighting company. 00:21:45.531 --> 00:21:50.496 This facility produces fluorescent lights which operate on the same principle as CFLs. 00:21:50.497 --> 00:21:52.326 The key component is mercury. 00:21:52.327 --> 00:22:00.414 Heinrich Calmer is a lighting designer previously employed by a major manufacturer. He speaks with authority about the images from the Chinese plant 00:22:03.189 --> 00:22:05.872 The employees aren't wearing protective gear. 00:22:12.271 --> 00:22:15.745 and it should be disposed of once they leave the production line. 00:22:15.746 --> 00:22:20.160 If one of these tubes breaks highly toxic mercury will escape. 00:22:20.161 --> 00:22:26.701 Chinese regulations stipulate protective clothing but it appears few employees are aware of the health hazards. 00:22:26.702 --> 00:22:33.025 Over the past few years there have been numerous documented cases of toxic accidents including at this plant. 00:22:36.098 --> 00:22:39.782 Under these conditions can recall these lamps environmentally friendly? 00:22:40.858 --> 00:22:43.622 Certainly not when you look at it from this standpoint. 00:22:43.623 --> 00:22:47.158 They do consume less electricity 00:22:47.159 --> 00:22:51.068 but noone sees the environmental damage caused by mercury. 00:22:58.503 --> 00:23:07.021 So special EU exemptions were put into effect to make CFLs available to consumers. 00:23:08.868 --> 00:23:12.271 The guidelines are far stricter for all other instruments. 00:23:12.272 --> 00:23:14.265 Mercury thermometers are banned. 00:23:14.266 --> 00:23:18.523 But there are special guidelines for fluorescent tubes and CFLs 00:23:18.524 --> 00:23:23.593 so that these energy-efficient bulbs will continue to pollute the environment. 00:23:25.794 --> 00:23:32.778 In 2004 Osram bought a stake in the Fusan electrical and lighting company. 00:23:32.779 --> 00:23:35.264 In a statement Osram declares: 00:23:35.265 --> 00:23:42.016 With the goal of improving occupational safety and health Osram successfully implemented these and other measures in 2010: 00:23:42.017 --> 00:23:49.588 - Use of modern dosing technologies - weekly mercury monitoring - construction of new ventilation and exhaust mechanisms 00:23:52.636 --> 00:23:56.386 And then there's the problem of disposing of the burned out bulbs. 00:23:56.387 --> 00:24:00.259 Germany forbids throwing them away with the rest of the household trash. 00:24:00.260 --> 00:24:06.447 We go to a building supply center to see whether it has a recycling program in place. 00:24:06.448 --> 00:24:09.023 It doesn't appear to be the case. 00:24:12.297 --> 00:24:15.081 Excuse me, I'd like to recycle this bulb. 00:24:15.082 --> 00:24:18.987 Sorry I can't help you, I don't think we accept them. 00:24:18.988 --> 00:24:21.317 There was nothing in the light department 00:24:21.318 --> 00:24:22.849 We don't accept them. 00:24:22.850 --> 00:24:25.681 But I bought it here. That doesn't matter. 00:24:25.682 --> 00:24:30.037 The only alternative is a trip to the recycling center. 00:24:30.038 --> 00:24:36.041 On the way my car burned nearly a litre of gas and emitted over 2.000 grams of Co2 00:24:36.042 --> 00:24:39.906 all to dispose of one eco-friendly light bulb. 00:24:39.907 --> 00:24:45.002 Waste separation actually works quite efficiently in environmentally conscious Germany 00:24:45.003 --> 00:24:48.896 but the CFLs pose a gigantic recycling problem. 00:24:48.897 --> 00:24:51.474 Recycling centers are required to accept them 00:24:51.475 --> 00:24:58.802 but experts estimate that only about 10% of CFLs from german households are properly disposed of. 00:24:58.803 --> 00:25:01.822 That means that 90% are thrown out with the trash 00:25:01.823 --> 00:25:05.884 ending up in landfills and posing an environmental hazard. 00:25:06.811 --> 00:25:10.257 But surely the EU commission has imposed recycling guidelines 00:25:10.258 --> 00:25:15.093 Eurocrats in Brussels have regulated almost every aspect of our lives 00:25:15.094 --> 00:25:21.886 but the spokesperson for the EU energy commissioner couldn't find the laws applying to recycling up CFLs. 00:25:24.338 --> 00:25:29.814 As far as recycling is concerned stores that sell the bulbs must also take the used ones back. 00:25:30.115 --> 00:25:31.698 But they dont't. 00:25:31.733 --> 00:25:33.416 They have to. 00:25:33.417 --> 00:25:35.867 The stores have to take them back. 00:25:35.868 --> 00:25:39.211 Take CFLs back for recycling? 00:25:39.212 --> 00:25:41.985 The stores refuse and say they're not required to. 00:25:41.986 --> 00:25:45.254 You can't dispose of the burned out bulbs at the place you bought them. 00:25:49.508 --> 00:25:52.355 The law stipulates that the stores must accept them. 00:25:52.356 --> 00:25:58.424 The law also says that member nations must inform its citizens where and how to dispose of these bulbs. 00:25:58.425 --> 00:26:01.215 Of course that includes Germany and German citizens. 00:26:05.697 --> 00:26:08.815 The spokesperson for the EU energy commissioner is wrong. 00:26:08.850 --> 00:26:12.210 Mrs Holsner corrects her statement the day following our interview 00:26:12.211 --> 00:26:16.758 Stores may recycle the bulbs on a voluntary basis. 00:26:20.963 --> 00:26:24.758 Light designers are developing bulbs that work without mercury. 00:26:24.759 --> 00:26:32.304 At the Unilever house in Hamburg LEDs and natural lighting are part of the progressive energy-efficient concept 00:26:32.305 --> 00:26:34.212 It's an expensive solution. 00:26:34.213 --> 00:26:37.303 At a cost of 30 to 40 euros per bulb 00:26:37.304 --> 00:26:40.471 LEDs are beyond the price range of many families 00:26:40.506 --> 00:26:44.745 but they do last up to 5 times longer than CFLs. 00:26:50.211 --> 00:26:54.516 These LEDs are a very effective and energy efficient way of generating light. 00:26:54.517 --> 00:26:59.812 The major advantage is that LEDs emit maximum light at the flip of the switch. 00:26:59.813 --> 00:27:02.120 That's my major complaint with CFLs 00:27:02.121 --> 00:27:04.467 You can fall down the stairs because there's no light. 00:27:04.468 --> 00:27:06.726 LEDs solve that problem. 00:27:06.727 --> 00:27:08.712 They're a good alternative. 00:27:11.353 --> 00:27:17.171 But if LEDs are too expensive and CFLs too dangerous there's little choice left. 00:27:19.940 --> 00:27:24.123 This lighting shop in Hamburg recognized a business opportunity 00:27:24.124 --> 00:27:27.943 ordering and hoarding thousands of traditional bulbs. 00:27:27.944 --> 00:27:31.599 Stefan Shroder expects to be doing a booming business. 00:27:37.897 --> 00:27:42.752 Look at this bulb, it's beautiful - I have about a thousand in this style 00:27:43.453 --> 00:27:46.583 And how many bulbs in all? 00:27:46.584 --> 00:27:49.435 One of two million at least. 00:27:53.558 --> 00:27:57.706 On September first farewell to the incandescent bulb. 00:27:57.707 --> 00:28:03.412 Consumers have stocked up and demand for CFLs is moderate at best 00:28:03.413 --> 00:28:08.574 a potentially toxic product that simply doesn't live up to the hype.