WEBVTT 00:00:00.053 --> 00:00:06.086 [COSTCO SUBS PRESENTS] 00:00:06.152 --> 00:00:12.566 [Previously unaired footage] 00:00:12.873 --> 00:00:15.280 -We made dinner for everyone. -Really? I'm glad. 00:00:16.116 --> 00:00:18.260 What's up? You don't look too happy though. 00:00:18.260 --> 00:00:20.260 -Well... today... -What's wrong? 00:00:20.673 --> 00:00:23.600 On my way home... I happened to see... 00:00:24.226 --> 00:00:26.530 -Were you googling yourself? -No! I wasn't. 00:00:26.593 --> 00:00:28.970 I've deleted the Twitter app, in the first place. 00:00:28.970 --> 00:00:32.853 I didn't google myself, but I casually looked over comments on Yama-channel. 00:00:32.913 --> 00:00:34.316 It was crazy. 00:00:34.350 --> 00:00:36.760 Were the comments positive? 00:00:36.760 --> 00:00:39.913 -I was so shocked by what I read! -Were they coming for you? 00:00:39.913 --> 00:00:41.613 I realized I took the wrong train. 00:00:44.090 --> 00:00:46.626 And I was like, "Oh, no! I can't get home." 00:00:47.960 --> 00:00:50.321 -I was surprised at myself! -Were you okay? 00:00:50.450 --> 00:00:52.966 -You shouldn't read comments. -That's right. 00:00:53.120 --> 00:00:55.383 They pointed out you wear the hat indoors, right? 00:00:55.420 --> 00:00:57.106 Right! But, look at this! 00:00:57.143 --> 00:00:59.918 I didn't want to be seen like this on the first day! 00:01:00.420 --> 00:01:03.006 -Careful, they might make more comments now. / -Yeah. 00:01:03.693 --> 00:01:05.813 I'm like... really... 00:01:05.813 --> 00:01:09.240 -They could make fun of the hat hair. -Did you look through the comments? 00:01:09.460 --> 00:01:11.686 Hmm, I looked at them on the train... 00:01:11.686 --> 00:01:13.680 I couldn't stop reading... 00:01:13.700 --> 00:01:16.136 You miss your station when you focus on something. 00:01:16.440 --> 00:01:18.030 Were you hurt? 00:01:18.333 --> 00:01:22.220 I wouldn't say I was hurt... I mean, I was prepared. 00:01:22.966 --> 00:01:25.240 In particular, I knew Yamachan would attack us. 00:01:25.240 --> 00:01:27.680 He's really harsh. 00:01:28.260 --> 00:01:31.626 Since I'm very shy around new people, 00:01:33.280 --> 00:01:36.593 I thought I was used to being told I have a bad personality. 00:01:37.006 --> 00:01:44.326 But I realized I made many people think like that. 00:01:44.873 --> 00:01:46.720 I'm just... how should I put it... 00:01:46.980 --> 00:01:48.720 Well, it might've upset me a bit. 00:01:49.806 --> 00:01:50.993 I'm scared! 00:01:51.080 --> 00:01:52.873 I always think... 00:01:53.520 --> 00:01:56.053 they don't know you at all. 00:01:56.512 --> 00:01:57.280 You-- you're right... 00:01:57.280 --> 00:02:02.073 People who don't know you just think this and that. 00:02:02.480 --> 00:02:05.666 It doesn't matter. They don't know anything about you. 00:02:05.800 --> 00:02:08.626 What's more, what they say isn't true. 00:02:08.980 --> 00:02:12.223 I saw this coming. 00:02:12.223 --> 00:02:16.190 I thought I was emotionally prepared for people's negative opinions. 00:02:16.340 --> 00:02:19.110 -It became a reality. -I'm facing the issue now, oh no...! 00:02:19.506 --> 00:02:22.983 Only you guys can relate to this, 00:02:23.133 --> 00:02:26.013 so I wanted to see you all as soon as possible. 00:02:26.113 --> 00:02:28.953 -Oh no, I'm going to cry. -It's ok, go ahead and cry. 00:02:28.950 --> 00:02:31.186 No, it'd be uncool if I cry because of this. 00:02:31.553 --> 00:02:33.180 Why? That's not uncool. 00:02:33.260 --> 00:02:35.866 It's like... Ah, I'm tearing up. 00:02:36.060 --> 00:02:39.106 -It's ok to cry. -I've been feeling vulnerable since yesterday. 00:02:39.560 --> 00:02:40.760 Here you are. 00:02:40.873 --> 00:02:43.193 Come to think of it, they're so annoying, right? 00:02:43.530 --> 00:02:50.260 They just comment online without showing their faces or giving their names. 00:02:50.420 --> 00:02:53.473 Right... I thought I understood that, but... 00:02:54.020 --> 00:02:55.470 Did you feel offended? 00:02:56.060 --> 00:02:57.813 What? No, not at all-- It's like... 00:02:58.860 --> 00:03:06.526 Some people are quick to assume that people they don't know well are incompatible with them. 00:03:07.193 --> 00:03:13.686 I don't want to be judged too quickly, so I don't do that to others as a rule. 00:03:15.190 --> 00:03:18.573 So I was amazed, "What a channel Yamachan has!" 00:03:18.700 --> 00:03:20.360 while I was watching YouTube. 00:03:20.700 --> 00:03:23.973 Like, "Emika must have been a bully." 00:03:25.786 --> 00:03:30.093 I was like "Wow!" I have been bullied before, but I never bullied anyone! 00:03:30.480 --> 00:03:34.393 So... I think I was shocked. 00:03:34.726 --> 00:03:38.513 I shouldn't have done it. Why did I look... 00:03:38.610 --> 00:03:42.700 Maybe you were worried about what other people think of you. 00:03:43.253 --> 00:03:45.353 Well, it's fine as long as you don't look. 00:03:45.573 --> 00:03:49.043 -But you can't help but look at it again... -When the next episode airs. 00:03:50.026 --> 00:03:53.013 That's crazy. They'll probably criticize Ryo and me, too. 00:03:53.266 --> 00:03:54.820 But I'm excited! 00:03:54.913 --> 00:03:58.560 But both of us are dissed because of our occupations. 00:03:58.853 --> 00:04:01.793 When we lose, some people say like, "You're shit!" 00:04:02.133 --> 00:04:06.140 So we eventually stop looking at it. 00:04:06.253 --> 00:04:10.680 If that would have a bad effect on your performance, 00:04:11.000 --> 00:04:12.866 -that'd be the worst. -You're right. 00:04:12.986 --> 00:04:18.133 So I avoid those harmful things as much as possible. 00:04:18.453 --> 00:04:23.966 Everyone has first impressions of others. 00:04:24.413 --> 00:04:27.406 Of course, I had a first impression of you too. 00:04:27.546 --> 00:04:32.506 If you can simply be yourself from now on, 00:04:33.326 --> 00:04:36.866 viewers will see what you are really like. 00:04:37.040 --> 00:04:40.446 -It depends on how you act. -That's true. 00:04:40.606 --> 00:04:42.200 So I don't want you to be hurt-- 00:04:42.353 --> 00:04:46.600 I mean, I hope you don't feel down because of googling yourself. 00:04:46.693 --> 00:04:50.613 -I don't want you to waste your time. -I just happened to see the comments on YouTube. 00:04:50.940 --> 00:04:52.873 What possessed you to check YouTube? 00:04:53.020 --> 00:04:55.640 I wanted to watch our entrance interviews. 00:04:55.873 --> 00:05:00.013 I thought, "It's so dumb. What the hell are these?" "You just say whatever you like!" 00:05:00.013 --> 00:05:01.466 You mean yourself? 00:05:01.466 --> 00:05:04.593 I mean, that's what I want to say to the people who wrote the comments. 00:05:04.640 --> 00:05:07.440 Some people praise you, but some people diss you. 00:05:07.560 --> 00:05:11.440 -It's not that I want to be praised. -Yeah, of course. 00:05:13.306 --> 00:05:17.986 The internet and social media have a big impact on society these days. 00:05:18.400 --> 00:05:20.366 It's like... What should I say... 00:05:21.940 --> 00:05:25.800 I'm not nervous around you guys anymore. 00:05:26.340 --> 00:05:29.980 But I can't completely show my true self yet. 00:05:29.980 --> 00:05:33.573 It took me a month to start to open up. 00:05:33.880 --> 00:05:37.716 So now I have to see negative comments about my personality for the next month. 00:05:37.716 --> 00:05:39.186 I feel... 00:05:39.186 --> 00:05:41.560 I'm frightened. 00:05:42.346 --> 00:05:48.706 For me, the saddest thing would be if nobody were to notice me. 00:05:49.233 --> 00:05:50.140 Me too. 00:05:50.300 --> 00:05:53.916 So I'm glad to hear both good things and bad things. 00:05:53.916 --> 00:05:58.386 If you didn't appear on this show, you wouldn't be noticed at all. Sorry if that sounds rude. 00:05:58.446 --> 00:06:00.106 Nobody would remember you. 00:06:00.100 --> 00:06:01.693 But I think... 00:06:01.690 --> 00:06:07.026 if I aspired to work in the entertainment industry... 00:06:07.426 --> 00:06:09.530 You could take advantage of the opportunity? 00:06:09.613 --> 00:06:11.713 Right! But that's not my goal. 00:06:13.466 --> 00:06:15.300 I wonder if I made the wrong choice... 00:06:15.360 --> 00:06:16.373 No, no... 00:06:16.370 --> 00:06:18.926 I'm worried about it-- but I'm having fun. 00:06:19.320 --> 00:06:23.273 I'm glad that I met you guys... but-- 00:06:24.093 --> 00:06:27.613 -I'm anxious about my future. -It'll be okay. 00:06:27.853 --> 00:06:29.746 People online just diss whoever. 00:06:29.740 --> 00:06:31.433 I've been worried. 00:06:31.430 --> 00:06:33.326 They criticize everybody. 00:06:33.706 --> 00:06:38.286 Nitpickers find fault with everything, 00:06:38.500 --> 00:06:43.206 but they're actually dissatisfied with themselves. 00:06:43.456 --> 00:06:44.270 You're so cool. 00:06:44.346 --> 00:06:46.133 They're pitiful, right? 00:06:46.270 --> 00:06:49.493 I don't care about what haters say these days. 00:06:49.490 --> 00:06:51.466 I remember you saying that. 00:06:51.846 --> 00:06:53.546 They are crazy. 00:06:53.733 --> 00:06:55.886 I don't want to think like this, but... 00:06:56.246 --> 00:06:58.053 They're gross! 00:06:58.166 --> 00:06:59.680 I think that's fine. 00:06:59.813 --> 00:07:02.986 You can think "You're gross," "Die!" 00:07:02.986 --> 00:07:04.980 or "You piece of shit!" 00:07:05.733 --> 00:07:17.493 It's a waste of your limited time to think of anonymous people who say negative things. 00:07:17.490 --> 00:07:21.040 I'm the type of person who cares about what others think. 00:07:21.350 --> 00:07:23.746 Just think about it, 00:07:24.220 --> 00:07:30.793 do you want to be praised by millions of people? 00:07:30.830 --> 00:07:33.506 -No, I don't need that. -Right? Then no problem. 00:07:33.873 --> 00:07:36.293 If people around you point out your bad habit-- 00:07:36.426 --> 00:07:39.213 I was sorry about not taking off my hat indoors. 00:07:39.453 --> 00:07:43.686 -But people around you don't care about it. -That's fine. 00:07:43.906 --> 00:07:45.820 We don't care about it. 00:07:46.580 --> 00:07:48.540 You'll get used to the comments. 00:07:48.960 --> 00:07:51.726 If you don't checked them, you won't care. 00:07:54.540 --> 00:07:58.366 [Translated and Timed by koma] [Reviewed by hiro]