WEBVTT 00:00:00.735 --> 00:00:04.827 bang, bang The convention hall will come to order. 00:00:04.979 --> 00:00:09.817 We're now holding the first general session of the 89th national FFA 00:00:10.002 --> 00:00:14.124 convention and expo. Madam Vice President, 00:00:14.405 --> 00:00:17.026 are all officers at their stations? 00:00:17.213 --> 00:00:20.597 VP: I shall call the role of officers to determine if they are at their stations 00:00:20.783 --> 00:00:24.282 and report back to you, Madam President. The Sentinel 00:00:24.465 --> 00:00:27.317 Sentinel: Stationed by the door. VP: Your duties there? 00:00:27.473 --> 00:00:32.120 Sentinel: Through this door passed many friends of the FFA. It is my duty to see 00:00:32.308 --> 00:00:35.930 that the door is opened to our friends at all times. And that they are welcome. 00:00:36.086 --> 00:00:40.179 I care for the meeting room and the paraphernalia. I strive to keep the room 00:00:40.396 --> 00:00:44.431 comfortable, and assist the president in maintaining order. 00:00:44.895 --> 00:00:45.641 VP: The Reporter. 00:00:46.262 --> 00:00:48.714 Reporter: The Reporter is stationed by the flag. 00:00:49.149 --> 00:00:51.194 VP: Why by the flag? Reporter: As the flag covers the 00:00:51.352 --> 00:00:56.626 United States of America, so I strive to inform the people in order that every man 00:00:56.811 --> 00:01:02.372 woman, and child may know. That the FFA is a national organization that reaches 00:01:02.529 --> 00:01:07.521 from the state of Alaska to Puerto Rico. And from the State of Maine to Hawaii. 00:01:08.388 --> 00:01:09.137 VP: The Treasurer 00:01:10.035 --> 00:01:12.178 Treasurer: Stationed at the emblem of Washington. 00:01:12.734 --> 00:01:15.807 VP: Your duties there? Treasurer: I keep a record of receipts and 00:01:15.962 --> 00:01:19.816 disbursements. Just as Washington kept his farm and house. 00:01:19.971 --> 00:01:24.760 Carefully and accurately. I encourage thrift among the members and strive 00:01:24.946 --> 00:01:28.334 to build up our financial standing through savings and investments. 00:01:29.021 --> 00:01:32.432 George Washington was better able to serve his country because he was 00:01:32.652 --> 00:01:35.921 financially independent. VP: The Secretary 00:01:36.355 --> 00:01:39.550 Secretary: Stationed by the ear of corn. VP: Your duties there? 00:01:39.802 --> 00:01:42.659 Secretary: I keep an accurate record of all meetings and correspond with other 00:01:42.877 --> 00:01:46.321 secretaries. Wherever corn is grown, FFA members meet. 00:01:46.785 --> 00:01:49.914 VP: The Advisor Advisor: Here by the owl. 00:01:50.588 --> 00:01:53.926 VP: Why stationed by the owl? Advisor: The owl is a time honored 00:01:54.080 --> 00:01:57.857 emblem of knowledge and wisdom. Being older than the rest of you, 00:01:58.015 --> 00:02:03.138 I'm asked to advise you from time to time as the need arises. 00:02:03.324 --> 00:02:08.692 I hope that my advice will always be based on true knowledge and ripened with 00:02:08.848 --> 00:02:14.747 wisdom. Madame Vice President, why do you keep a plow at your station? 00:02:14.903 --> 00:02:18.832 VP: The plow is the symbol of labor and tilling of the soil. 00:02:18.989 --> 00:02:21.908 Without labor, neither knowledge nor wisdom can accomplish much. 00:02:22.093 --> 00:02:25.717 My duties require me to assist at all times in directing the work of our 00:02:25.872 --> 00:02:29.974 organization. I preside over meetings in the absence of our president who's 00:02:30.161 --> 00:02:32.150 placed beneath the rising sun. 00:02:33.233 --> 00:02:34.851 Advisor: Why is the president so stationed? 00:02:35.069 --> 00:02:38.612 VP: The rising sun is a token of a new era in agriculture. 00:02:38.769 --> 00:02:42.146 If we will follow the leadership of our president, we shall be led out of the 00:02:42.332 --> 00:02:45.523 darkness of selfishness, into the glorious sunlight of brotherhood 00:02:45.678 --> 00:02:51.699 and cooperation. Madam President, all officers are at their stations. 00:02:51.885 --> 00:02:56.072 President: Thank you Madam Vice President. bang 00:02:56.230 --> 00:02:57.939 The secretary will call the role of members. 00:02:58.278 --> 00:03:01.806 Secretary: I'm pleased to announce that at this, the first general session, 00:03:01.992 --> 00:03:08.172 of the 89th National FFA Convention and Expo, there are 53,101 members, 00:03:08.325 --> 00:03:11.062 advisors, and guests present Madam President. 00:03:11.187 --> 00:03:19.060 music and applause 00:03:19.278 --> 00:03:24.543 President: Thank you. FFA Members, why are we here? bang, bang, bang 00:03:24.725 --> 00:03:30.217 In unison To practice brotherhood, honor our cultural opportunities and 00:03:30.403 --> 00:03:35.524 responsibilities, and develop qualities of leadership which an FFA member 00:03:35.678 --> 00:03:38.056 should possess. bang 00:03:38.242 --> 00:03:45.064 President: May we accomplish our purposes and I declare this first general session 00:03:45.219 --> 00:03:50.240 of the 89th National FFA Convention and Expo dually open for the transaction 00:03:50.424 --> 00:03:54.959 of business, or attention to any matters which may properly be presented.