for 5 million subtitles
Non killing. Therefore, all
the killers punished
unless they kill in large numbers
and to the sound of trumpets
- Voltaire
Irene! Happiness! Smile!
1, 2, 3, 4!
Smile! More!
Do not catch your camera to show
1, 2, 3, 4!
Real happiness, not simple pleasures
And natural beauty! Is not this fake
that we do
Let peace! Irene!
In 1965 the Indonesian government
overthrown by military
Anyone who opposed the military dictatorship
He could be accused of being communist
trade unionists, landless peasants, intellectuals
and indigenous Chinese
In less than a year, and the
direct assistance of Western governments
more than one million "communists"
They murdered
The army used paramilitaries
Mafiosi and execute killings
These people are in power
and persecute their rivals since
When we met the killers
Our proud recounting what they did
To understand why, we asked them
to represent the killings
in whatever way they wanted
The film follows this process
and records the results
Anwar Congo
Performer 1965
Hermann chickens
Chief mobsters and paramilitary
Seeking an Actress
an actress to play the role of mother
Old women like you
when see movie stars
on TV
You should dream that will become too one
-No, No dream
-Why not;
-I Have nothing else to do
-No, I
These women will not agree
to impersonate communist simply
You can do it if you first
the invite to your house
If we ask them here, they will fear
Others may believe that it is
really communist
I disagree ... in my neighborhood
anyone would do
Then let's go there. Here is
impossible. The whole area was always communist
We are looking for women with children
to impersonate Communist
You will try to prevent us
to burn your house
But at the end of the burn
"Mother, burned our house!"
And do not worry if you touch the
her chest. You are a child yet
Kill them!
-Katastrepste Their home
No, please do
Do not burn my house
Continue to cry
Okay, stop shooting!
Whether he ends up being played in the cinema
or just on television, has not
We must show ...
-That Is story
That these are
So in the future people will
It does not have to be big production
as the Rank of Paramount or MGM's
We, simply, step by step
will recount
what we did when we were young
Sorry ...
There are many ghosts here, because
many people were killed here
-No Died of natural causes
-No Natural causes
They arrived here perfectly healthy
and here the beating to death
At first the beating to death
But it was much blood
There was a lot of blood here
When cleaned, smelled awful
To avoid blood had this
the system
To show you;
Sit here
Look to see
We have to represent properly
So we did
without much blood
I tried to forget all this
good music ... dance ...
to have a good time
little alcohol ...
little marijuana ...
bit ... how to say? Ecstasy ...
When drunk, I make and felt
Cha cha
They are happy man
Anwar Congo, from the paramilitary group
You've heard of him? From cinema
to Medan (capital B. Sumatra)
Now that I'm governor, will the
if stabbed with threatened
North Sumatra Governor
Siamsoul Arifin
Everybody feared
The only one who was not afraid I was
because to look after a kid
When I was in high school
I was the only one who was not afraid of him
because I saw him not as a Mafioso
But when people heard his name,
-Why Is one from the killers
Now, the children of communists
begin to speak
trying to negate history
One of them wrote "I am proud
I'm kid communist "
But this will not last long
because people will not accept it
Communism will never be accepted
Here because
we have so many gangsters, and
That's good
The word "gangster" is derived from the
English language. It means "free man"
Criminals need freedom to make
things, even if it is mistake
But if we know how to cooperate
with them
all you have to do is
to direct their
We were mafiosi. We had normal
We did everything for money
just and buy good clothes
That was the cinema
where I worked
I was standing here selling tickets
the black market and making figure
When movies were popular, we sold
tickets on the black market
But when the communists had power
They demanded a ban on American
They wanted fewer US film
-and So we gangsters puts less money
-Why There were no fans
The Hollywood movies were popular
Without them we put the same money
As they say "Hungry Bear does not dance"
When we were watching happy movies like
These Elvis
we checked out of the cinema smiling
and dancing with music
Our hands
They danced yet
We were still under the influence
the strip
If girls passed, their whistles
We liked. He does not care what people say
Here were the offices of the paramilitary
organization, where people kill
I saw someone being interrogated
and she gave him a cigarette.
I continued to dance, to laugh
It was like killing
with pleasure
When my mother lived
sometimes when I called
Mom came in and woke with
"Before you fall asleep to wash your feet"
"Make prayer. Do not sleep directly"
I know that my nightmares prerchontai
than what I did
kill people who do not like
Causes them to die
Why dreamers darling;
You have doubts;
You are a star now
The guy is a star
Newspaper Publisher
Ibrahim Great
Joshua (the director), pull the photos!
He is the father-the President,
Sargon Eddie
-You Recommend them one by one
-This Is the President
Here are the President
Ibrahim Great is famous throughout
We protect the mafiosi
We wish him a prosperous life
Do not forget to share only money
Ask from Joshua money
From London is
Interrogating communists in the editorial office
the newspaper?
Always collected information
When he had gathered information
He said "Guilty" and we we took away
and kill them
When interrogating communists in your office
what you ask me?
Whatever we asked them, we changed the
to make them look guilty
As publisher
my job was to make the public
to hate them
And your relationship with the army?
-The Army
-I Had a formal relationship
But when we arrested the communist
and rotted wood
gave them to the army, but the army
not take them
We were told "Throw them in the river"
Do you remember what the army said?
There I went to the victims. I
people about it
Why would I do such chamalodouleia?
Why kill people?
Not needed. A nod and I was
Youth Pantzazila is one of the largest
paramilitaries Indonesia
He played a leading role in the killings
in 1965-1966
Youth Pantzazila!
Head of Youth Pantzazila
Giapto Sourzosoumarno
Anwar How are you?
This is the real Anwar Congo!
Youth Pantzazila
servants of the nation
When we sail
not turn back
Youth Pantzazila has three
million members
All members of the Youth Pantzazila
Whether exterminating communists
or fighting the neo-communists
and leftist extremists
and those who want to destroy
our country
This is not only the duty of army
and police
We, the Youth Pantzazila, we
to take place
These are threats to the nation
and we must act
They say that youth is Pantzazila
mafia organization
If we are mafiosi
I am the largest of all
What killed the communists
Youth Pantzazila?
We killed all
Here's how it happened
I can hit the ball now?
Paraechoume democracy. It's chaos
What is "democracy"?
Things were better when we had
Better economy. More security
The mafiosi are free people
They want to enjoy life with your own
"For institutions and Rolex"
You definitely mole on your pussy
Very good
If you do strikes has massage
There must be many ghosts
They reached perfectly healthy
And after the spanking
to the death
Sit here
We have to represent right
I will never wore white pants
I never wore white
Always wearing dark colors
Here I look like here I am dressed picnic
My interpretation must be brutal.
Maybe I should paint it and my hair
And now he is dead
How do you feel seeing it?
How do I feel? Old felt freer
Older people are polite
but the younger ...
Especially that I've watched so many
sadistic movies
We were affected by these
We were tougher than the movies
I know a good site for tent
Behind the school, old toilets
- 'But hear the neighbors
- I know who I am
They look at them and run away
Look at me, laughing. This I did wrong, huh?
My mistake
I was influenced by films
Marlon Brando, Al Pacino
These were my favorite. And
Westerns with John Wayne
I brought these clothes from home
I hope to express my vision
Change your shirt. Put a white
You looking nice with it. Perfect!
-What The heck is that?
-A Little gem
Match your body type
-This Is for the "Big Boss"
-Yes, I go perfect
Do you know who inspired this?
Ever watched a gangster film
which kill wire
It becomes faster with wire
When you pull hard on the wire, the victim
can not catch
It can not, because the cuts
It's great to be communist, eh?
Not just nods. Say "Yes sir"
-Thes To smoke, Pang?
Try this "neo-imperialist" cigar
Take a puff
Put it on your nose if you do not want to
-Koitaxe The
-Look at me
Look at him in the eyes
Wait Joshua. It's time for the evening
-Non Deneis my eyes so tight
-Not The truss
I shoot and do you think it is tight
Even next to the window is hot
"Human rights!"
All this talk about "human rights"
it irritates me
"We want a few human rights!"
Old there were no human rights
-Because You did revolution
-This Is not an excuse
In Argentina, for example, some
generals staged a coup
and then convicted of violating
human rights
But I'm a gangster
Gangsters. Free man
A black marketeer in cinema
Without education
-A Waste society
There are people like me
everywhere in the world
A happy look
There were many Chinese Communists
I had a thick book with all
their names
I visited them, "How much will you pay?"
They said, "Please sir, do not, I am an old man"
We were taking the money. They do not kill
If they do not yet paid their kills. There
could be the "both contain a
If they do not pay
Chief local paramilitary group
Safita Parntente
These Chinese are tough. A few
times with nerves
This is...
You speak good Chinese
When I need money I can count
to an old friend
With others, if not quite, not
I accept
Hey Lung. Come on, shake my hand
It's been longtime
-Chreiazomai Money
-Why Me?
To ask politely
Others did not even ask them
Click through them
Aperkat stomach
The giving them with your heart? Then
Thank you very much
Our organization is preparing a big meeting
We need money
More than usual
We need huge amount
Do not pay the usual
What the fuck is this?
Give more or do not accept
-de Would accept ever so little
They are not enough
What's wrong with you Sic?
To consider our father Sheikh
Put and other means to get them, because
they are not for everyone
Measures and Val 'means
Vice President of Indonesia
Yusuf Callas
The morale of Youth Pantzazila
who is accused of being gangsters
Gangsters are those who work
Outside The System
not for the government
The word "gangster" means
"free man"
This nation needs "free people"
If everyone worked for the government
we'll nation bureaucrats. Dec
will we made nothing
We need gangsters who are
Free people who make things
Use your mouskoula
The mouskoula not just to spank
although spanking is sometimes
-One More time, Pantzazila!
While you wait for the train, will
We like to inform you
that the highway code is
to protect you and your family
You are also advised that under
By law ...
-This Is me, Anwar Congo
-A, Thou art!
Look, twisted joints.
Smoke Marijuana
That's who I am. I wear plaid shirt, pants
variant, low boots ...
You see how elegant I?
These we should wear on stage
the studio
And jeans for the scene of the murder. Wearing
jeans to kill
When kill, wearing thick pants
Like this...
-What Could say for plaid?
-Oraio Would, but with small diamonds
To look good, copy them
movie star
But not the Elvis Presley
Herman, I'll build a beautiful dress
-More energy!
-We Are ready boss!
Burn them all!
At last, you did right
Weep, "What mom? Leave us alone!"
Wait! Anwar, show us how you kill
You! Come here!
Chief death squad in 1965
What happens;
Who says that I am a communist?
Hold him down
Tortured him! Kill him!
You hear?
Stop denying that you're a Communist
Neighbor Anwar
-Leave Our grandfather quiet
Take, I'll take the kids
You love children?
-Stamatiste Please
-Allios Will crush the child
-Leave me!
If you love children, you stop saying
Your own selection
Stop shooting
Why do people see James Bond?
For action
Why watch movies with the Nazis? To see
power and sadism
We can do what we
To do something even more sadistic ...
... from the movies with Nazis
Of course we
Why do not you ever movie where cut
other than fiction, but this
it is different
because I did actually
It is clear that no film never
We have used our method
We can attract a large audience
Humor is essential ...
Fuck the umbrella
The Hermann trapped
You must shout "Leave me alone!
Stop! "
Meanwhile, we three shout
Continue the attack
Will VIOLENCE! I'll kill you!
For how long have you been pregnant? You births
But if the public is all the time
without something to entertain, not
to work
The Saturday night I went to the cinema
I will not shake my ass or anything
I watched the movie with my girl
The tickets were sold out
so I bought from the black market
How nice ...
Instead Zoulkantri
Co-executor in 1965
-instead! What does the family?
-All Well we are
It was a good flight?
Anwar -How are you?
-I am fine
-The City has changed much
I called several times
But never answer
Your nose wants more makeup
-Thymasai The Sountouon?
-Yes, That is?
Over there. Sountouon Siregkar
Now appropriates everything but
then he was nothing
I remember
-instead, The Sountouon Siregkar
-I remember you
It's a from journalists
Ibrahim Great
As they say
"Although camels living in Arabia
never visited Mecca "
Being near rich boss
and did the same rich
Like me. Sit
Communist Interrogation, Download 2
We give land to the peasants
Give them fertilizer, seeds,
agricultural equipment
In order to spread communism, eh?
00:43:27,948 --> 00:43:35,508
Yes, we want to show that the Communists
It is the best party
Why recruit people
engage in illegal party?
Old was not illegal
-It was not;
-Before 1965? Of course not
It's easy to get communists
They look bad upon them destroyed
The Communists were tougher than us
We'd be hard
"Hard" is completely different from
No, synonymous
The sadism is different
-Paizeis With words
Play on words
He hit his head
Sometimes I think ... if the father
He was a communist and had been killed
I would have shaken. Normal is not it?
For example, if you had killed him
My father, I would have shaken with you
Why kill my father?
You do not leave me to go to school.
Do not leave me to work
Neither to marry not leave me. This
must be changed
There was no official apology
but because it 's so difficult to apologize?
The government will respond by, not us
It was like a cure. He softened the pain
-de You swore us in secret?
Cursing our secret, because if we
swear profess ...
So they whisper their insults?
I, instead, I finally ...
I have restless sleep. Perhaps because
when people strangled with wire
I watched them die
And when employing other methods,
again saw
Yes, I sleep and when I come back
So I have nightmares
You feel haunted because the mind
you are weak
Have you ever been to a neurologist?
If I went to a neurologist will
mean I'm crazy
No! Psychiatrists are not for lunatics
Psychiatrists are not for lunatics. They are
Experts for nerves
And I've been to a specialist for nerves.
But for mild stroke
Your nightmares are simple disorder
Come on, make an effort
When you see a psychiatrist, talk to you, talking
And then you give vitamins to nerves
You remember the campaign "Crush Chinese"
Throughout the route Sountirman
Chinese kill anyone saw. Their
I do not remember how many, but it was dozens
If they succeed, their stabs
In all the way up the street Asia
I met the father of my girlfriend
Remember? My girlfriend was Chinese
The "Crush Chinese" became
"Crush the father of my girlfriend"
So, I stabbed him. Because
was Chinese
He fell into a ditch. I hit him with a brick.
He sank in the water
The murder is the worst crime
you can do
Therefore, the key is to find a way
do not feel guilty
You need to find the right excuse
For example, if I ask to
kill someone ...
If payment is good ...
then of course I do, and from a visual
angle is wrong
From this perspective we have to
At first I was afraid. These are mob boss
As you and Anwar
Frightening! And to shoot film!
But if you want real story, you
I have a
Tell us. Everything in the film should be 'yes
He was a shopkeeper
He was the only Chinese in the region
For here I am honest, I was my stepfather
Neighbor Anwar
But although he was my stepfather
I lived with him since I was baby
On 3 the dawn someone knocked on the door
They called him Dad. Mom said "It
dangerous, do not go out "
But he went
We heard him yelling "help!"
Then silence
They took him with them. Not slept
until morning
-How Old were you?
-11 Or 12
I remember it well
Impossible to forget
We found his body under a
oil barrel
The barrel was cut in half
and his body was underneath, so
The head and legs were covered
with sacks
but one foot protruded so
The same morning nobody dared
help us
As we buried beside him in the goat
main street
Just me and my grandfather, we carry the corpse
We dig up the grave ... Nobody helped us.
I was so small
After all communist families
They flew in a slum
on the edge of the jungle
That's why I did not go school, here I am
I had to learn on my own writing
and reading
Why do I hide?
I promise not criticize what we do
It is only material for the film. Pledge
that I do not criticize
Look, everything has been designed
We can not include every
story because the movie will never end
And your own complicated. It 'takes
days to turn
Perhaps we can work ...
-Or May inspire actors
We believe that this man is
When we decided to kill
there were reactions. Some prayed
-Come, Pray
- "My God, help me!"
How to tell him that he will die? Angrily
or soft?
I tried to make them accept
that he will die
Anwar, show us how torture
"You want to use this?"
-To Scare him?
Want to use it?
She begged him not to do it
Take the cloth and links' of the eyes
Always with The Joshua asks "worked
in the same office ...
that become not you know? "
I declare that I never saw anything
Now, seeing your representation,
I understand that you were so skillful
that even I, a journalist
with exacerbated senses
I did not understand anything
I am amazed. Why not hiding what we did
-You Sokarizomoun if you did not know
-I did not know
We were in the same office
-And Not hiding
-I did not know
You were so skilful, and rarely
climbed at your desk
-The Publisher you ran torture
-The He says
-It's not true
He and other leaders decided
Who will kill
Look, do not say a liar, but reasonably ...
Instead -Continue
-I Call him a liar Joshua
But he, a journalist gets
distances of these things
It is expected. But logically, something
not hiding ...
What was not to know? As and
Neighbors knew!
Hundreds were murdered. He was
open secret
-Pies Little water
-Not Poison
Drink it!
-Pies The will to revive
-Give 'Of a cigarette
Let him smoke
It's sadistic Instead
Asked again him for his activities
Regret with
Please sir
To kill him?
Wait. You will send a message
In my family;
Can I talk to them one last time?
No way
Okay, pull
Lower your head
Listen, if you succeed this film
will deny all the propaganda that
Communists are bad
-And We will show that we were the bad guys
-But We are
If the film is successful! You must understand
every step we take here
It has nothing to do with fear. They
spent 40 years ...
... So every criminal case
It has nothing to do with fear. But with
image. The whole society will say
"Always we suspected. They told us lies
that communists are bad "
Not a problem for us, but for
The whole story will be reversed. Off 180
but 360 degrees ...
If we achieve this scene
But why always hide history
us, if this is true?
No, the result will be ...
... that what we always said Anwar and
I be lying
There were Communists bad
-But, Truth is what
-I completely agree
It does not mean that every truth must be
I think that even God has secrets
I know that we'd be bad
That's all I had to say
It's up to you what to do
I do not want to to embarrass,
but you must ask
Your convincing himself that he was "war"
you have not haunted like Anwar
But the Geneva Convention defines what
You did as "war crimes"
I do not agree with these international laws
When Bush was in government, the
Guantanamo was good
Saddam had weapons of mass destruction
This was right in line with Bush
but now they are wrong
The Geneva Convention may be
morality of today, but tomorrow
we will have the Treaty of Jakarta and
throw it Geneva
The "war crimes" are defined by
the winners
I am a winner. So I can give
my own definition
Needless n 'follow international
And most importantly, anything true
not always good
Some truths are not good. As the
to reopen this case
Even if that is true discoveries.
It's not good
But for the millions of victims, the
if the truth come to light, he'll be good
Fine, then began with the first murder,
Cain and Abel
Why focus on the murders of
The Americans killed the Indians
Has anyone punished for it? Punished!
For me, to reopen this case
will challenge war
I am ready. If people want lasting
war, I'm ready
If you want to make us to fight, I'm
If they go to the International Court
I would go! I do not feel guilty, so
why would I go?
Why would become famous. I'm ready
Please do be called to The Hague!
More sensual!
More sensual!
I like ... eye catcher
This is healthy for someone like me
Enjoy the view, lady. Ok
-1, 2, 3
-Old. 1, 2, 3
I was asked to put on MP
"Why me;" "Do not worry! You can
do "they said
Then I thought "Why not?"
I am a perfect candidate since I am
widely known
We are not enemies, but friends
Even though passions have pushed hard
the bonds of our love
not to break completely
To those who want to destroy
the world
You will defeat you!
Do not clench his fist
Be quiet! I got it!
All right, but do not punch
-Katastrefeis Sound
-But ...
Be quiet! You are very annoying! Shut up!
Long live the Party of Entrepreneurs and Workers!
I am Herman ...
ready to fight for the rights of
Remember to vote in elections
If I am elected and go to the Town Planning
I can get money from all
For example, if a building is
10 cm lower
I say "Break down the"
Then they tell me, "Please do not tell us. Do your money"