Welcome to the online church service of ecclesia church, I am happy about this day I am happy about everyone who is joining today, no matter whether in front of your XXL screen or on your mobile phone, so awesome that you have taken the time to celebrate and experience church service with us, the bible says where 2 or 3 are gathered in my name, there I am among them and this also applies to virtual gatherings, God is here, He is real, God loves us and He wants to encounter uns and you, no matter where you are, Let´s that make the best of this time and you are invited to actively participate and experience God through different elements in this service, We want to praise God through worship songs, we want to celebrate communion together. It´s best if you already prepare some bread and wine or juice, we want to honor God very practically through our finances and we want to hear a sermon from God's Word that can change our lives and right now we have a live chat going on parallel to this, where you can just join in and also receive prayer and right after the church service we have online foyer to hang out and exchange a bit, it´s a cool thing! More about that later but now I would say: Let's go, let´s worhsip God, let´s make Him great, feel free to stand up, get moving, clap your hands, raise your hands and give glory to God. The Lord bless you. What a powerful song, I like it so much. This is God's heartbeat that we can see throughout the whole Bible. God wants good things for us. For you and for me, and also in this challenging time you may know: God can and wants and will turn everything for the best. We can trust Him. I think the greatest proof that God loves us and blesses us beyond all measures is the cross of Jesus and we celebrate this in the communion, in the communion we thank Jesus for giving His life for us in our place. His Body was broken in our place, His blood shed so that we can live and experience freedom and healing. And this bread stands for grace. Take the bread for you personally the body of Christ broken for you. Whenever we take communion and drink from the wine or juice we remember that Jesus will come back, He will renew everything, His kingdom is completely without suffering without pain, without danger, without sin. In the blood there is life and hope. Take the wine or the juice and take it personally for you and I can speak that over you: Christ's blood shed for you. Jesus I thank You so much for everything You did for us, thank You for coming to this earth, that You died and rose again that You have given Your life so that we can live. Thank you that You will come back, thank You that we have an absolute hope, even in these times that are challenging and difficult, we give you all the honor for that, Amen. Hey, you can also have communion during the week in your Online groups and families and keep celebrating together what Jesus has done for us, and receive what He has for us. Hey, God blesses us through communion, and whenever we talk about blessing the topic of giving is not far from it. God blesses us with good gifts materially and financially and much more and that is why I have realized in this crisis that I am actually really well and we are doing so well, I have everything I need and even more, thanks to God. But did you know: God bless you so that you can be a blessing for others? Giving means blessing, nothing different and we want to do that now that we just give finances because we don't want to stop in difficult times to give and God does not stop blessing us, because God is absolutely constant and He is reliable and many people in Ecclesia do it for example through a monthly payment, but there are also completely different options and you can also find all the information you need on this page it is important that nothing has to be given, it is absolutely voluntary, especially if you are a guest among us but anyone who would like to give can do so, whatever God puts on your heart and at this point I want to say: Ecclesia, thank you for your generosity. Yes for everyone who gives. Everything that we give together and put in is a huge blessing for other people. So now is the time for it and the end now just following we have a few news and infos, and after that we hear the sermon. And after the sermon we´ll see each other again and I will tell you a little bit about how things go right after the service we can meet, have a really good time! Halli Hello, I am Maria and I send you the best regards to your home in front of your screen or even in the podcast no matter how and where you are, how nice that you are joining in and celebrating with us. So amazing to see how many people are online together, so feel part of this big community and click directly into the chat now, there you can get to know our team and other dear people. If you are new here or wonder who we are and how you can do your part, then I can encourage you to join the next steps today. Just like the service, next steps is also available online, and here you can easily join from your home, we look forward to getting to know you and exchanging ideas and that you can experience how church online is not anonymous but ecclesia church consists of an incredible number of dear and valuable people. Whether big or small, for our kids we also have an online service with lots of fun. If you have children at home then tune up the boxes for the kids church in the online edition. Above here you will find the link for kids celebration. Enjoy it and celebrate! At the current time it is super important that we pray together. Praying but also just praying together, that's why I want to invite you to join Pray First every Friday from 6 a.m. to 7 a.m. You don't even have to leave your home at the moment because you can simply join online you can find it as usual under live@ecclesia.church The last information I have for you, I'm really excited about The application phase of the Momentum College in Nuremberg is starting again. I don't know if you knew this but as ecclesia church we have a campus of the Momentum College here in Nuremberg. If you want to take a year from September on where you invest in yourself and your relationship with God but also want to spend a really cool year with many young people and if you are under 30, then just apply. It is very easy and currently we still have free spots, so be fast! You can find all information online at momentumcollege.de or send us your questions to nuernberg@momentumcollege.de Me and our whole team, we would really celebrate to start the next school year with you. Now that's it already, we´re starting with the sermon, best regards and see you soon! Hey, what a great message! I hope you could take something for you. Maybe you just made a personal decision for Jesus for the first time in your life or again, we celebrate that totally. It is the most important decision you can make in Your life and we would like to help you take the next steps with God in a very practical way in your everyday life, so please let us know about your decision so that we can get in touch with you during the week easily via the digital contact card here on the page live.ecclesia.church I think we had a really good time together, Thank you Jesus, many thanks also to the whole dream team for this great service, we are looking forward to hopefully seeing each other face to face and hugging again soon but until then we want to make the best out of our possibilities if you go to our YouTube channel you can watch the complete service again or recommend it to other people and you can also find all of our preaching on Spotify, Apple Podcast or our website ecclesia.church and also on our website there is always the latest news you can also subscribe to our new newsletter feel free to follow us on Instagram or Facebook and to stay up to date and there you will find our online hangout where we hang out together and chat live and interactively. You can totally join us, just go on Instagram or Facebook and then click on the livestream. I look forward to seeing you. We look forward to seeing You! Have a ​​really good week and see you soon, Ciao!