Here at subMedia we're locked in the throes of a good ol'fashioned identity crisis. So a couple months ago we asked you to fill out survey to help us get our shit together. Turns out you had lots to say. Android announcer is unsettling. Well that's less than ideal... Robot is kinda annoying tbh lmao Need I remind you that I have a name? At least I could see Stim's dirty lips. What an odd thing to say... The reason I came to this survey was to ask you to get rid of the robot. God... why?! Godspeed humans. Yep, you really came through! A huge thanks to everyone who filled out the survey. And a super special shout out to whoever wrote that one wacky Unibomberesque response. Now that guy really doesn't like robots. Or vaccines... Amidst all the shit talk and predictable yet tragically futile calls to "Bring Back Stim" there was also tons of useful feedback and tips for improving our social media game. Lots of you said you want more videos about anarchist theory and practice. And a more streamlined and frequent news show. Don't worry. We got you. On that note, some of our more astute, savvy viewers may have noticed a slight dip in our output over the past couple of months. While we'd love to chalk this up to us making space for reflection, personal growth and self care, truth is we've been busting ass working on a four-part miniseries called Transmissions and a feature-length documentary about Fedbook in between stints doing frontline media support. Over the coming months we're going to be reshuffling our collective, launching a new website, and putting out the odd video here and there. Stick it out, because we've got some big-time plans for 2022 that we think you're gonna love.