0:00:06.994,0:00:09.445 Created by logician Raymond Smullyan 0:00:09.445,0:00:12.566 and popularized by his colleague[br]George Boolos, 0:00:12.566,0:00:17.176 this riddle has been called the hardest[br]logic puzzle ever. 0:00:17.176,0:00:21.515 You and your team have crash-landed[br]on an ancient planet. 0:00:21.515,0:00:26.516 The only way off is to appease[br]its three alien overlords, 0:00:26.516,0:00:29.056 Tee, Eff, and Arr, 0:00:29.056,0:00:31.745 by giving them the correct artifacts. 0:00:31.745,0:00:34.596 Unfortunately, you don't[br]know who is who. 0:00:34.596,0:00:39.187 From an inscription, you learn that you[br]may ask three yes or no questions, 0:00:39.187,0:00:42.266 each addressed to any one lord. 0:00:42.266,0:00:44.747 Tee's answers are always true, 0:00:44.747,0:00:46.776 Eff's are always false, 0:00:46.776,0:00:50.327 and Arr's answer is random each time. 0:00:50.327,0:00:51.767 But there's a problem. 0:00:51.767,0:00:54.839 You've deciphered the language enough[br]to ask any question, 0:00:54.839,0:00:59.927 but you don't know which of the two[br]words 'ozo' and 'ulu' means yes 0:00:59.927,0:01:01.628 and which means no. 0:01:01.628,0:01:05.188 How can you still figure out [br]which alien is which? 0:01:05.188,0:01:08.147 Pause here if you want [br]to figure it out for yourself! 0:01:08.147,0:01:09.968 Answer in: 3 0:01:09.968,0:01:11.447 2 0:01:11.447,0:01:12.716 1 0:01:12.716,0:01:17.228 At first, this puzzle seems not just hard,[br]but downright impossible. 0:01:17.228,0:01:18.797 What good is asking a question 0:01:18.797,0:01:23.227 if you can neither understand the answer[br]nor know if it's true? 0:01:23.227,0:01:24.918 But it can be done. 0:01:24.918,0:01:27.598 The key is to carefully formulate[br]our questions 0:01:27.598,0:01:31.298 so that any answer [br]yields useful information. 0:01:31.298,0:01:35.827 First of all, we can get around[br]to not knowing what 'ozo' and 'ulu' mean 0:01:35.827,0:01:39.578 by including the words themselves[br]in the questions, 0:01:39.578,0:01:43.539 and secondly, if we load each question[br]with a hypothetical condition, 0:01:43.539,0:01:47.988 whether an alien is lying or not[br]won't actually matter. 0:01:47.988,0:01:49.559 To see how that could work, 0:01:49.559,0:01:53.630 imagine our question[br]is whether two plus two is four. 0:01:53.630,0:01:55.399 Instead of posing it directly, 0:01:55.399,0:01:59.348 we say, "If I asked you whether[br]two plus two is four, 0:01:59.348,0:02:01.539 would you answer 'ozo'?" 0:02:01.539,0:02:04.619 If 'ozo' means yes [br]and the overlord is Tee, 0:02:04.619,0:02:07.359 it truthfully replies, "ozo." 0:02:07.359,0:02:09.289 But what if we ask Eff? 0:02:09.289,0:02:13.459 Well, it would answer "ulu,"[br]or no to the embedded question, 0:02:13.459,0:02:17.116 so it lies and replies "ozo" instead. 0:02:17.116,0:02:20.049 And if 'ozo' actually means no, 0:02:20.049,0:02:23.589 then the answer to [br]our embedded question is 'ulu,' 0:02:23.589,0:02:27.069 and both Tee and Eff still reply 'ozo,' 0:02:27.069,0:02:29.110 each for their own reasons. 0:02:29.110,0:02:31.180 If you're confused about why this works, 0:02:31.180,0:02:33.610 the reason involves logical structure. 0:02:33.610,0:02:38.640 A double positive and a double negative[br]both result in a positive. 0:02:38.640,0:02:43.320 Now, we can be sure that asking[br]either Tee or Eff a question put this way 0:02:43.320,0:02:47.461 will yield 'ozo'[br]if the hypothetical question is true 0:02:47.461,0:02:49.630 and 'ulu' if it's false 0:02:49.630,0:02:53.020 regardless of what [br]each word actually means. 0:02:53.020,0:02:56.621 Unfortunately, [br]this doesn't help us with Arr. 0:02:56.621,0:03:01.231 But don't worry, we can use our first[br]question to identify one alien lord 0:03:01.231,0:03:03.771 that definitely isn't Arr. 0:03:03.771,0:03:08.112 Then we can use the second to find out[br]whether its Tee or Eff. 0:03:08.112,0:03:09.371 And once we know that, 0:03:09.371,0:03:12.955 we can ask it to identify [br]one of the others. 0:03:12.955,0:03:14.732 So let's begin. 0:03:14.732,0:03:16.452 Ask the alien in the middle, 0:03:16.452,0:03:22.122 "If I asked you whether the overlord on[br]my left is Arr, would you answer 'ozo'?" 0:03:22.122,0:03:26.342 If the reply is 'ozo,' [br]there are two possibilities. 0:03:26.342,0:03:30.961 You could already be talking to Arr,[br]in which case the answer is meaningless. 0:03:30.961,0:03:34.921 But otherwise, you're talking to either[br]Tee or Eff, 0:03:34.921,0:03:36.191 and as we know, 0:03:36.191,0:03:41.402 getting 'ozo' from either one means [br]your hypothetical question was correct, 0:03:41.402,0:03:44.713 and the left overlord is indeed Arr. 0:03:44.713,0:03:49.463 Either way, you can be sure the alien[br]on the right is not Arr. 0:03:49.463,0:03:52.072 Similarly, if the answer is 'ulu,' 0:03:52.072,0:03:55.662 then you know the alien [br]on the left can't be Arr. 0:03:55.662,0:04:00.027 Now go to the overlord you've determined[br]isn't Arr and ask, 0:04:00.027,0:04:04.163 "If I asked 'are you Eff?' [br]would you answer 'ozo'?" 0:04:04.163,0:04:07.152 Since you don't have to worry about[br]the random possibility, 0:04:07.152,0:04:11.303 either answer will [br]establish its identity. 0:04:11.303,0:04:14.373 Now that you know whether its[br]answers are true or false, 0:04:14.373,0:04:19.471 ask the same alien whether the center[br]overlord is Arr. 0:04:19.471,0:04:23.984 The process of elimination will identify[br]the remaining one. 0:04:23.984,0:04:26.853 The satisfied overlords help you[br]repair your ship 0:04:26.853,0:04:28.863 and you prepare for takeoff. 0:04:28.863,0:04:33.473 Allowed one final question, you ask[br]Tee if it's a long way to Earth, 0:04:33.473,0:04:36.393 and he answers "ozo." 0:04:36.393,0:04:39.283 Too bad you still don't know [br]what that means.