[Translated and subtitled by ShibaSubs] [Translated and timed by Dishwasher JYS, auro, dawn.] [Reviewed by jackie & cissy] Welcome back to Shanghai Sharelife! This show is brought to you by the sports app Keep. Keep Live Classes make burning fat fun. The penultimate episode! Let's review what happened last episode. Carmon and Didi left the house, after falling in love. Congratulations to them. Gaogao's mother suddenly came to visit. She, Pupu, and QQ had a little stand-off. For now, QQ seems to have the upper hand. At least, Teacher Chen hopes QQ has the upper hand. It's unclear if he really does. We don't know what will happen when Gaogao comes back. Let's find out! [panelist] I have a bad feeling about this. Profile photo! Relax. Smells good. It's my mom. [QQ] They're back. Hello. Hi there. "Piggy." You're a "piggy." You and your mom look super alike. Hello auntie! -Your little buddy. -Yup. Best friends. She was so excited all day today, knowing that you were coming. You didn't say auntie was coming. We should have been the ones to cook and take care of her. Not at all, I decided to come by last minute. I happened to be nearby. -Hugging mommy. -All right, do you need to change? Nope. Don't stick to me. Annoying. Help me! Is he helping you? I'm going to make a shredded cabbage dish. -Impressive, right? -Auntie said you like vegetables. [panelist] Oh no, I think it's going to be QQ. Adding chili peppers. -I'll put my clothes away and come down. -Ok. It smells good. When I came in, I thought Auntie was so young. She really is so young. I adopted her. Adopted someone who looks like you! I specifically searched for someone who looked like me. -Let me wash it. -Go for it. There are a couple of pots. Excuse me. Thanks. There, the yellow one? Thank you. Very much. Wash a few bowls. -Sure. -For serving. [panelists] -A harmonious family of three. -Yeah. Take it easy. That's not how you wash it. I'll tell you how. You put this here first. Add water to wash it, then take it out. The water falls to the bottom, so you dump it out. -Got it? -That makes sense. -You get it? -I got it. [panelist] Auntie looks so graceful. Send me 300 yuan and I'll follow your instructions. It's too much pressure washing them next to him. ARe! Pupu! Time to eat. Auntie, I'm sorry. Something urgent came up for work. I might have to head out now. -You have to go? -Yeah. Have two bites first? Two minutes. Really fast. What if Gaogao saves me a plate, is that ok? I have to head out. It's ok, go ahead. -I'm going. -Go, quickly. The food my mommy prepared. Eat quickly before it gets cold. I feel a bit blessed. It's been so long since I've eaten food cooked by a parent. -Hello. -Go ahead. It's getting cold. Let's eat. -It's ok. -Alright. -I'm going ahead then. -Let's taste it. Delicious. So good. Auntie, you eat too. Before ARe and I got back, what did you guys talk about? I'm so curious. -Tell me. -We talked about how great you are. We talked about how you bring a lot of happiness to this home. A lot of joy. You're lying. No, it's true. Really. Ask your mom. Really. Don't you feel bad now? When Auntie came today, the living room was super messy. My clothes and snacks were scattered all over the sofa. I'm sorry. Thank god you weren't here, or you would have killed me. If you saw him mess up the place, would you get angry? I would clean up. His anger hasn't reached that level yet. It builds up. Your anger builds up? "Hadouken!" [T/N: An special attack from Street Fighter] It's an assault on his spirit. Pu Xiaobo (Pupu) PhD Candidate, 26 years old Gao Qilian (Gaogao) Cosplayer, 25 years old Zhang Ting (ARe) Musician, 27 years old Qiu Bohan (QQ) Dance Teacher, 24 years old [panelist] Girl talk. Mom's going to tell her what she thinks. Sit down. What's up? You gained weight. When you're happy, you gain weight. Is it better here or at home? They're different. Choose one. I can't choose. It's not obvious that home is better, which means this place has its charm. Do you want me to tell you about it? Okay, tell me. Coming here... I've talked it about this a lot already, so you already know about the famous Hao. What about Hao? He's the one person I've met here who's a 120% perfect man. Hao. 120 percent? Yeah. When Hao was here, he took on the same role as you. I would tell him... everything that was on my mind, everything new that I thought. Or when I was troubled by something, I would ask him to help me figure things out. In the span of my entire life, he's the most perfect man I've ever met. I would have been so happy if my dad was like him. Not that I want him to be my dad. I just mean that if my dad was like him, things would have been perfect. [panelist] She doesn't want her mom to take it personally. I realized that it affects how I think about choosing a partner. Do you like him? I keep wondering why I didn't fall in love with him. Why? Maybe... He's too good. I feel unworthy. So I didn't catch feelings. I'm happy just to admire him from afar. At least it broadens your horizons. Yes. After all, coming here and meeting Hao was an incredible experience. Later, when you're looking for a boyfriend, maybe he can be... Just a tiny bit like him. I see. If "Hao" is in his name, I'll feel-- Hao this, Hao that. Can't stand it. When his episodes air, you'll see what I mean. As long as you don't become his number one fan. Other than Hao, who do you like best? [panelist] Come on! Pupu! -ARe. -ARe? Yeah. Why? Before I came, I really wanted... -Yeah. -A female friend. -Right. -And she's smart, and we get along really well, and we go shopping together and keep each other company. If she was a boy, we would hold hands. That's why. What. about other than ARe? Other than ARe... She'll say Pupu next. If she says Pupu next, it's not Pupu. What matters is who she puts last. Hello. Auntie, I cut some fruit for you. -Thank you. [panelist] He interrupted! Keep talking, we're so close to knowing. -Please sit. -Sure. You plated this fruit? -Yeah, how is it? -Great. Not bad, right? -This is Qiu's plate. -Qiu's? As soon as you see food, you cheer up. -Your eyes light up. -You sounds so happy. -Your eyes light up. -Nothing can divert your gaze. When she eats good food, she'll lick the plate. To be able to eat is a blessing. It's great. -You're making me upset. -No, I mean it. Ok, please keep chatting. I'm going down to do the dishes. -Thank you. -No worries. -Thanks. I'm going. Bye. Bye-bye. You went dancing with him? Yeah. My dancing is trash. Really? I can't do it. I see. Is there a boy you like here? Nope. -Really? -Yeah. Didn't you used to like guys that can dance? That's true. QQ just arrived... we haven't had much time to get acquainted. You don't know him well enough? Yes, but I feel like he's very nice. If you got to know him more, would you like him? How can I know that now? You don't know yet, it's up in the air? You're both here. I wanted to practice a bit. [panelist] He's so clueless. Go ahead. Come in. -Great. -Still wearing your little cap? What? What? You look a bit like... those street performing monkeys that wear those hats. This is a new style. A new style. I know! It's a landlord's hat. [T/N: referring to Fight the Landlord, a card game] You're too much. You're being... you and ARe bully me every day. Mom, do you think we bully him? Or he bullies us? You're bullying him. Yeah! Every day, my gentle nature has to face the sarcasm and malice towards me. Now that Auntie's here, let me play her a song. Amazing. I've heard so much about it. I'll play a familiar tune for you. Hurry up, stop rambling. Here we go. I don't want to hear this one. It's for your mom. For your mom. Just ignore it. [panelist] I knew he was going to play this one. This again. "Romance d'Amour." [panelist] He came to play for her. If you have the skills, show it off. You play very well. We're all really so happy that auntie came. It's special to eat such good food. Are we getting in the way of your practice? No. I can always practice. -Good. -I can-- always find time to practice. Right, so... Thank you also for raising Gaogao to be such an-- Okay, stop. To be such a what? ––outspoken and straightforward girl. Straightforward. In english it's called "candid." Friendly. [T/N: Mom is wrong. Friendly doesn't mean candid.] Friendly? You two always-- No. Our relationship is very good usually. We joke because we're close. -Yes. -It shows we're close. Yes, right. I'm off to practice more. Ok. You both have a good chat. I won't bother you. I'll head out now. I'm going. Thank you, you play so well. Play one more. I shouldn't. Still have to practice. -Goodbye. -Have a good chat. Goodbye. -Bye. -Bye bye, -Comments? -Comments...comments? -No comments? -No comments. But you already have a... role model now, right? Keep a high standard. I support you. The person you find will be good no matter who, right? It should be like that. I hope so. [Daxun] Who is she into? -No idea. -Mother didn't say anything. -No. Mom gave us one clue. She said her kid liked dancers since she was young. Correct. If you had to say who she liked between those two, who would you pick? I can't really tell. But if I had to choose one of them, right now I feel like Gaogao seems more into QQ. She kind of likes him. Right. But don't you think when she's with QQ it's very polite? Then when she's with Pupu it's very relaxed? It's that kind of friends where something more could happen. I think Pupu is already in the friend zone. He won't move. QQ is still unknown. -Yes. -Very possible. She also said that they just met and don't know each other well yet. Pupu said one thing, he thanked auntie for raising Gaogao into such a straightforward–– Gaogao told him to stop it. I think he was embarrassing her. He acted like he was marrying her. Yes. He's just weird. He made an entrance just to play a song for them. Right. That was too much. Playing a song for her wasn't called for. "You haven't heard my guitar? Gotta play." He's amazing. Because he's so abnormal. Anyways, we've confirmed -Gaogao's favorite is Brother Hao. -Yes. But QQ is a bit like Hao. Hao 2.0. Kind of. He's young. Does things the right way. He may be the version of Hao that Gaogao can actually be with. Not that she can't be with Hao. -Just not a fit. -Not a match. Like certain gears don't fit. She admires Hao, adores him. But that doesn't mean-- We're not saying Gaogao's less than Hao. Just maybe in Gaogao's eyes, QQ is... QQ is... A low budget version of Hao. He's like a stable, young version of Hao that she can talk to. In fact, Gaogao and Didi have a special affection for Hao. This amazing person suddenly appeared in their lives. It doesn't even matter if he's a guy or girl, he's an excellent elder. -A big brother. -Yes. So maybe QQ will actually be more approachable for her, romantically. It's so confusing again. Alright, let's continue to watch. [Yang Li] Prince Charming's here. [Daxun] Amazing, he's making them breakfast. Morning. I just made breakfast for everyone. Made some egg salad sandwiches. -I'll take this for you. -Ok Someone's knocking at the door. I'll get it. Hello there. Your slippers are so cute. [panelist] Yoga teacher. Thank you. I'll grab that. Thanks. -You're the new roommate? -Yes. Hi. Your hands must be cold. Hurry in and get warm. Sure. You're all up already? Over here? Yeah, yeah. Ok. [panelist] Yoga teacher's a sweetie. You're all eating breakfast? Yup. Sit down. Just in time! Yay. Thank you. Pupu! Our new roommate has arrived. Let's meet her together. Come on. And breakfast is ready too. Your short hair looks very nice. You too. Like Ayanami. [T/N: Rei Ayanami from Evangelion.] -Really? -Yes. -I like Ayanami a lot. -Goddess. So pretty. Really really. -Hello there. -Hello. This is our roommate Xiaobo. Hello, I'm Mia. Call me Pupu or Xiaobo, ok. Mia? Yes, Mia. Good name. Ok. I mean it's the first time we've had... such a distinctive name. Sorry, I'll start over. My name is Yufei, hello everyone. No, "Mia" is very good. Our names are usually "A-something." Or kind of like, Pupu. Mia-mia, ok? -Mia-mia. -Mia-mia. Mia -Welcome, Mia. -Welcome, Mia. Thank you. A toast. Cheers. Cheers. This is our first bite of breakfast. Try it first, guys. Here Pupu, try some. Not bad. -Not too shabby, lad. -"Not too shabby, lad." Why are you speaking Northeastern dialect? Northeast! "Northeast". Northeasterners say xiaohuo (1) or yadan (2). [T/N: 1. lad, 2. girl.] Yadan. So where are you from? Where do I look like I'm from? I'm not a local. -From the south? -Thanks! Anyway, not from Shanghai. I'm thinking maybe the southwest. Sichuanese. Yes, I'm from Sichuan. Sichuan. How's it said in Sichuanese? "Sichuan." [T/N: Sichuanese dialect.] "Silly." [T/N: Sichuanese.] The Sichuanese can eat very spicy food. Yes we can. So what do you do? I do yoga. That's why you're so thin, with a great figure. You haven't seen it. Haven't seen it. I want to see. Show you in the room later. Ok. ARe, you're being extra. I'll show you in the room too. Don't touch me. He's already seen it. So now you three girls can have fun together. Aren't us two guys having fun? -Us two guys–– -We have fun. How do we have fun? Let's look at the girls' room. Ok. Hello there. What a cute girl. Wait, why didn't I put this away. Can I bring my luggage in? Sure. Thank you. I'll do it myself. -Here. -What's your name? -Gaogao. -Your eye makeup is so pretty. No, it's not. You always look cute. Lovely. [panelist] Those two are close. [panelist] So close. Your name? Mia. My name's Mia. This is Gaogao. You're Gaogao and ARe. Why are you being so shy? Don't be shy. Go ahead and sit. Sure. We like to chat here. What's your job? I'm a live stream yoga teacher. Yoga live stream. Have you done yoga? -No. -Can you? -Nope. -But you have a face for live streaming. How did you know? Really? I'm a salted fish streamer. Salted fish level streamer. [T/N: Salted fish = amateur] She's saying she's not very professional. Let me translate. You two are so close. Yup. Because the two of us are both salty fish (amateurs). -So we've been-- -fooling around-- on the show together. Got it. So... I don't know how to say it. What are you trying to say? I want to know what... effect...yoga has. So before the live stream class I did yoga for less than a month and my thighs got way skinnier. There's rapid weight loss. But it’s different from dieting weight loss. Then can you maybe teach us? Sure. When you have time, we can practice together. She gave us finger hearts. We are Crayon Shin-chan [T/N: Japanese manga character.] We can too. No, I want to be in it too. I want to get in. What's going on? There are three? I see, it's like this. Yes, three of them. What weird ritual are we doing? So weird. What kind of weird ritual is this? Okay, so face forward. So since this is our first practice and we just finished eating, this form is very suitable. Because it will stimulate our stomachs' gastrointestinal motility. MSG. [T/N: stomach tendon sounds like MSG.] It's also extremely effective in helping weight loss. Ok. Exhale, push out. Arch the back. Look towards your inner thighs. Exhale. [Gaogao] You see what I look like? [ARe] Try again, try again. [panelist] He's doing yoga, but for the soul. [panelist] He seems unhappy. What's he agonizing about? What are you doing? Why haven't you bundled up in a down jacket like me? It's so nice out, I'm going to wear a nice yellow. Okay, okay, your point is taken. You look choked by your feelings. What? I'm just... Smiling mysteriously. Although your face always looks like that, right now... Inside your usual fake smile, there's a trace of something even more depressing than usual. Tell me what's in your heart. Wow, I sound more and more like you. "Tell me what's in your heart." Sounds like a foreign film. "Hey, dude." Dude, tell me what's in your heart. Well, dude, there isn't much to say. It's nothing. I'm just a bit... Lost. Lost. Yeah. Alright, if you're not going to tell me, I'm leaving. Three, two, one... Okay, okay. Do you think I'm a loser? I feel like I don't know how to do anything. In some respects, you are. In others, you're not. Just...it's about Gaogao. You're in a crisis, aren't you. I feel like my relationship with her is kind of... I'm growing more distant from her. After QQ came, they... They seem to be happy together. I don't know what to do. Just... Remember when her mom came? QQ can do this, he can do that... He's very spirited. Yeah. Then look at me. I'm just really... A little timid. And a little... I don't know how to say it. I know what you mean. But do these things matter when it comes to expressing your feelings? Regardless of whether QQ's here. I don't know how to express my feelings. Right, that's the problem. You like Gaogao, have you ever told her? Just try it out. Be a little bolder. If you're bold, the results might not always be bad. It's too cold, I'm done here. Anyway, I think your biggest problem is You think too much and do too little. Before you think... I'm a dreamer. Sure, a dreamer, at best. Delusional, at worst. Earlier, you thought Gaogao might like you. Don't bring it up... I won't say much. As long as you know. -I've buried it in my heart, okay? -Yeah, yeah. Think about it. I'm going back, bye. Dress warmer! [panelist] Tomorrow, we're going to... [panelist] The photobooths. [panelist] Man, I remember going there in middle school. [panelist] Oh, no, Pupu. Goodbye. [panelist] He's sunken into self-doubt. [panelist] He's looks like a Simpson. [panelist] I thought the same! They're so similar. It's so you! Perfect, perfect. You want to wear this for the photo? [panelist] It's like QQ is playing with a kid. I think... It's kinda... It's kinda ugly. I think... Put it on your head. Smell it. A poop just hit me. You're too much. Ok! I'm ready. How should we pose? Do crabs eat poop? Sorry! Ready? It's too fast! Another one! I'm panicking! -Think before taking it! -Panicking! -Make a face! -A face. [panelist] Gaogao's too cute. [panelist] They're so happy. -Not bad! -Not bad! Okay, okay. Next! Binshen! What the... Too funny. I haven't done this in probably ten years. I'm amazed. I remember we used to be able to peel the photos off and stick them... Yeah, these should be peel and stick too? I wanted to ask, why Why did you suddenly want to take photos? I... I just... People I'm close with I like to invite them to take photos. Oh, so you take photos With people you're close with? There's a closeness threshold. Then I have crossed this threshold? Yes. Good friends. And then... Okay, okay. I feel like the things you do with your friends Are pretty fun. I'll show them these. Show! Let's all go out together. Sure! The more the merrier. Let me know if you're ever hanging out with them. Sure! He also wants to come. You wanna come? You want pics? It's nodding at you! It's jumping! So cute. Woah, so awesome! You're too big, I can't hold you if you jump like that! Gaogao. Gaogao, I'm back. Aw, so cute. Save me. What did you do today? Ouch! How was today? Had fun? Was what it was. Oh, you look like you had fun. It was good, he's nice. We had fun. Don't you start with such generalities. "It was good." Course it wasn't as fun without you. Obviously! But I'm in love with you! I think she's starting to like QQ! I don't think she should be with QQ. She's starting to. It does seem like she likes him. Watch how ARe responds, as her best friend: "You must be very happy." If we look at it from her best friend's point of view, What does ARe know now? Actually, it's the way that Gaogao responds. It makes me think that there are feelings starting to stir in her heart. Because, you see, She's trying to downplay her happiness. -She nonchalantly says, "it was fun." -Right, right. Mr. Dan, you've lost this one real bad. But I'm a happy loser. I haven’t changed my avatar until today. It doesn't matter if I win or lose, I'm just worried... I don't know, maybe I'm going crazy. Like what Teacher Chen says, I'm especially worried for Gaogao's wellbeing. I don't know why... You've gotten invested in her story. Right, regardless of whether she finds love, I'm afraid she's going to get hurt while she's here, Whether it's cause of Pupu, or QQ. I care about her, what can I say? When it comes to Gaogao, I think the reason she's so likeable It's cause Gaogao can find so much joy in the smallest things. Just the simple joys of life. Like with the photobooth, her genuine joy comes from within To infect everyone around her. When she was messing around with ARe, slapping the mattresses Even that can make her so happy. This is something ARe can't do on her own. She only does it when Gaogao's around, Gaogao brings out that side of her. This is a talent. Yes, I just really hope She ends up in a good relationship. Also, I don't quite understand Can anyone explain to me Why didn't Pupu go with them to the photobooth? Right? He mentioned when he was talking with ARe, that Compared to QQ, he's not as... He gave up. Yes, he gave up. He's sunken deep into self-doubt. -No, Pupu was always like this. -No. He thinks, "I know that you like me." "Now, when I confess to you..." "I only tell you this because I know you like me" "Now, let's get together." He doesn't do anything unless he's confident about succeeding. It's the same old problem, he's too scared of losing face. So we can see, the only thing we see Pupu doing on the show Is just playing the guitar. Others get into relationships, He gets with his guitar. Like Daxun says, what he's not good at, he doesn't do. I think he is a character. I really think he's similar to a classic archetype You'd see in a play or show. He's always living on the outside looking in, And he'll never be able to experience its interior. He's outside it all, viewing it from a distance. Like who? There's a character in Chekhov's "The Cherry Orchard" Nicknamed "Twenty-Two Calamities". He's like him, no matter what he does, he's always... Unfortunate. Right. Yes, a little, but I think he's also just going through a stage in life. If you think about it, he just graduated, Then he realizes his profession isn't what he expected In terms of how he's viewed by society. So he feels frustrated. So why didn't go to the photobooth? He probably thinks there's no point in going. He's already lost Gaogao. He doesn't interest her. It's like he didn't hear a word of what ARe said to him. No, I think he heard her, but after hearing such a thing -It'll take time for him to change. -True. He's still trying to digest what she said and to self-reflect. Mia seems kind of uncomfortable. That new girl really wants to fit in with them. Then those two are like, "She's making hearts with us!" She just got here, they've known each other for so long. If she fit in immediately, that wouldn't make sense. Mia doesn't show any discomfort with being new, It's pretty impressive. -Of course, cause she's a good teacher. -Yes. So she's good at talking to others. Why is she so good? Because with a livestreamed class, you're facing new students every day. So she's good at interacting with strangers. Let's see what happens. [panelist] Oh, he's cooking now. Can you save the oil when you're done? Okay. [panelist] Since when did he cook? [panelist] Of course, he needed a woman to motivate him... To be honest, I kind of like my bacon a little burnt. Almost done. You want it to start turning black? It's okay so far. It's about done, yeah? Based on your previous experiences. It's good, it's good. However you like it, it should be good. It's good, it's good. How do I turn this off again? I got it. You want orange juice? Okay, sounds good. What's that sound? What's that sound? What's the sound? Is that the smoke detector? I think it might be because... The oil started smoking too much. [panelist] Why didn't you turn on the vent? [panelist] Does he have no common sense? [panelist] Has he never had pork or seen others cook? Wonderland? [panelist] Wonderland. Why is it so smoky? What are you doing? We're making breakfast! Making breakfast? Want to join us? This is my debut. You're making breakfast today, Pupu? Yes, can't you see my love for everyone? Is this vegetable soup? The sun's rising from the west today. Want to try my bacon and see if it's done? Yes, try it. I'm a little scared. I think you should try. Try it, try it. Feed him! Try it, try it. Tell me whether it's fully cooked or not. I feel like... I'll try it. Just try it, how is it? Is this a bacon of love? I feel greasier after eating this. It's done cooking, right? Just about? Yeah. That works for me. -I'm afraid of you frying it more. -I'm scared I'll burn it. Okay, give it here. Actually, I'm kinda looking forward to Pupu's breakfast today. Don't get your hopes up. I'm excited too. -Hello! -Hello. -Morning. -Morning. Come quick, the sun rose from the west today. Pupu is cooking. Pupu made breakfast. Oh yikes, we're leaving. Don't go! Don't go! It'll be fine, really! Test it for edibility. We've prepped the digestive medicine just in case. No wonder the house smelled like it was on fire, It was so smoky. This is Pupu's bacon. [panelist] It's the Sarcastic Sisters. What got into you to make you start cooking today? I've never contributed before. You with a kitchen knife, the horror. Look, I've chopped it very nicely. Look at this. I've been here for almost a month He's never made breakfast before. Same. You said your hands are for playing guitar, not for cooking. You said you thought cooking Was too tedious for you, didn't you. I feel like I always trouble everyone, so... Maybe he was influenced by you all to like cooking more? No, it's more like, QQ is always here cooking, I feel bad that he's always doing all the work. Why do I think that you wouldn't feel bad about that? Let's just sit here and let Pupu... Let's enjoy this. Show us his efforts. Go! You guys get settled Let Pupu... Let Pupu and Mia serve you all. What else is there? You want to help me -Put the avocado... -Mia How do you feel, cooking with Pupu? Is it stressful? No, I think it's been fine -Just like, cooking with a genius. -No, no. [panelist] Why is she unhappy? Chef, come on. I'm so nervous, I'm sweating. I just want to know, what's up with you Suddenly wanting to make breakfast? It's just... when I went out shopping with Mia yesterday we were talking about how all of us gained weight while here. So, since Mia's here, we were thinking we could Eat a bit healthier. Finally done. Alright, our chef's final dish is ready. I'm already sweating. [panelist] Looks alright. [panelist] I'd try it. I'll have some first and try it out. It's something. Very good, I think it's really good. It's good. This style of sandwich... Did you teach Pupu how to do this, Mia? Yup, we did it together. It's good. I have to give praise where it's due. This sandwich is actually really simple. The bottom layer is bread, which is a carbohydrate, a staple food. The avocado is a healthy fat that's good to eat in the mornings. [panelist] What's up with Pupu's face? The eggs have a lot of protein, and the yogurt... [panelist] Look at ARe's face. It's super healthy. Super healthy. Super healthy! So, if Mia never came, You would never make us a low-fat breakfast? He would, right? Someday? I would, I think. It just wouldn't be low-fat. No, it's just I didn't have the motivation to get groceries. You two went yesterday? Yeah. I have to go send an email. You guys carry on. Okay! I have to teach, I'm going to get ready. I'll clean up. Then I'll leave the dishes to you guys? -No problem. -Okay! Good work. No problem, go get ready. [panelist] He's changing, he is. [panelist] He's getting better. I'm really curious about why ARe is so upset. -Oh, she is? -She's definitely upset. Turns out she's in love with... Pupu? Pupu. Hm, so that's what it is. These feelings must be buried real deep. Don't try to pull it out. This is the first time I've seen you out here. How was the breakfast I made? That was my first time. I hope you all feel my love for everyone. [panelist] She's ignoring him. She really is. Why is she upset? She is really upset. She is upset. Did you cook for us just because of this woman? Either she is upset on behalf of Gaogao You said you liked Gaogao Why are you now... Ah, that makes sense. She's defending her sister. I feel like Mia's pretty cool. Though she's barely been here for a couple days. And the low-fat meal is really I think we can cut down on a lot of fatty meats. You think Mia's pretty great, huh? She is pretty cool. What's up? Did you forget what you told me? Almost as if it was months ago. Didn't know your mood could change so fast. What do you mean? Don't look at me with those soulless eyes. Pisses me off just looking at you. [panelist] A real sister! No What did I do to you? What did you do? When I first met you, I didn't like you very much. But after awhile, I started to treat you as a friend. You come ask me about what to do about liking Gaogao. I tried to advise you as a friend. Then you go off shopping with the new girl. It's just groceries! Have you no conscience? What, you... It was just groceries. Groceries, then breakfast. We've been here so long... I've been planning to make breakfast for a long time! Did you actually do anything? I just never got the groceries. Gaogao and I have been here for so long I've never seen you make breakfast. But you'll cook when the new girl comes. It has nothing to do with her. Nothing, really? I watched you flirting, making eyes at each other. When were we flirting? Forget it. You're always making excuses for everything. -No... -I think My personal opinion about how you're handling this Course, you don't have to listen to me. I think that first, you hurt my feelings as a friend. I tried to advise you about what do do if you like Gaogao. Second, fortunately, it turns out Gaogao doesn't like you, ok? It's that simple. You don't have to say more, Or give any more excuses. I'm tired of them. But... [panelist] ARe is so aggressive. [panelist] Pupu is so pitiable. [panelist] If I was Pupu, I'd be devastated. ARe, that was so harsh. Pupu's thoroughly... Pupu's hurt so bad he's walking like this. It's not his normal... He's swaying. ARe is so intimidating. She's hardcore. So fierce. "Don't look at me with those soulless eyes." She's so intense. That sentence was so accurate. ARe, so cool. Would you three do something like that for your girlfriends? Nope. Yes. I feel like she'd do it. Yes, she's the type. Something she'd do. Have I ever told off anyone like this... I think I have. The memory that stuck out to me the most I did this for my sister once. Daxun, have you ever been told off like this? Poor guy! You did nothing wrong. Have some confidence. I haven't been yelled at like this! Why do you look so guilty? I'm not guilty! I was thinking, would I be the one doing the confronting? Would you? I think I would. You would? If you're a really good friend. That's good. The problem for her is that the three of them are friends. Then that's pretty bold of her, If the three are all friends And she would tell off one on behalf of another. Pretty cool. I also don't understand Why he's making breakfast. At first it seems like he wants to make it for -Gaogao. -Gaogao. But from the last conversation we heard He never even mentioned making it for Gaogao. He just said, I was already planning on it. Pupu is simple, you can take his words at face value. "I've been eating your food, now I cook for you all." Yes, yes. True, he did not mention anything about it being for Gaogao. Of course, this act, trying to change himself Is naturally for Gaogao to see. He's different, he's changing. Yes, but his timing is very bad, and ARe... -A tragedy. -Yes, very tragic. "Twenty-Two Calamities" Really tragic He's really tragic, isn't he. When Teacher Chen says he's a tragic character, he's all So tragic! Teacher Chen is so happy about it. Tragic! That's life. The difficulty of life is that nobody's in the wrong. But this situation is wrong. -Yes. -That's just life. ARe has the kind of personality, where she likes to -Be defensive for her friend. -Yes. As for Pupu, Pupu... Finally did one good thing, but... It went wrong. It turned out wrong. Isn't life like this, how inexplicable it can be? I think ARe and Pupu should get together. -What? -They'll fight every day, those two. I bet they'll get together. I won't watch the next episode. I'll bet on it too. I think they should get together. I think they're a good match, Pupu needs someone like her to keep him in line. He might improve. I gotta say, in that house, No one is more concerned about Pupu than ARe. Yes, yes. Besides us here, nobody else cares about Pupu. He's so right. Nobody cares about him in this world more than the six of us. And after us... After us is ARe. ARe is the only person in that house who cares about Pupu. Just now when you said she got upset, I didn't even notice. Why get so angry? She really saw Pupu as a friend. That's my take. Yes, yes. If she didn't see Pupu as a friend She wouldn't be so angry. She expected steel and got iron. (T/N: He did not meet her standards) Yes. So she's in love with Pupu. I think she's in love with him. No way! Come on, Teacher Chen, that's... See, Teacher Chen agrees with my hypothesis! It's possible. Absolutely not. She's in love! Wanna bet? I'll bet. Wanna bet? I will. They're getting together in the next episode. What if they don't? What'll you do, Teacher Chen? What should Teacher Chen do? We'll change his avatar. Change his hat. If they don't get together, he has to wear a bald cap. Wear the cap. If I'm wrong, he wears the cap. Right there and then. I'm not a part of this! That doesn't matter, I'm in, so you're in. What if you're wrong? If we're wrong, he doesn't have to wear it. It's not like I don't have hair! You're acting like I'm bald. Too funny. All this about a cap. For our last episode, we have to show our audience something special. Wearing the cap. Okay, okay? I haven't promised... The biggest reveal. Alright, let's Look forward to the next episode of Shanghai Share Life Will Daxun wear the cap? Goodbye! Zeng Keni will win big!