0:00:20.410,0:00:24.656 Welcome to the third video on[br]binary numbers. In this video, 0:00:24.656,0:00:28.902 we're going to look at how to[br]convert decimal numbers to 0:00:28.902,0:00:32.762 binary numbers, and in this[br]particular video I'm going to 0:00:32.762,0:00:37.008 show you the place value table[br]or addition method. In this 0:00:37.008,0:00:41.640 video. Our goal is to find out[br]what place, why you combinations 0:00:41.640,0:00:45.886 build out the decimal number[br]that needs to convert it into 0:00:45.886,0:00:50.518 binary. I can only use once for[br]any of the place values. 0:00:50.650,0:00:54.966 As in the binary number system,[br]I only have the digit one and 0:00:54.966,0:00:58.950 zero in a further video I'm[br]going to show you a different 0:00:58.950,0:01:01.938 method called the division[br]method, so it doesn't matter 0:01:01.938,0:01:05.258 which way you learn to convert[br]binary numbers. Whatever method 0:01:05.258,0:01:08.910 you feel more comfortable with,[br]just stick with that and then 0:01:08.910,0:01:12.894 your answer will be just as[br]correct. If you are doing it 0:01:12.894,0:01:16.546 with the other method. So the[br]table method, it's called the 0:01:16.546,0:01:20.530 place value table method because[br]we are going to use the binary 0:01:20.530,0:01:24.504 place value. To convert decimal[br]numbers for that again, let's 0:01:24.504,0:01:28.827 look at what the binary place[br]value table looks like. So 0:01:28.827,0:01:32.757 remember that the place values[br]were due to the 0. 0:01:33.540,0:01:36.390 2 to one. Two to two. 0:01:37.190,0:01:38.249 Two to three. 0:01:39.150,0:01:44.205 2 to 4, two to five etc. You can[br]continue this as long as you 0:01:44.205,0:01:47.912 want it to, but these numbers[br]also translate back down to 0:01:47.912,0:01:51.619 normal decimal numbers without[br]the power form. So 2 to the 0:01:51.619,0:01:57.011 power of 0 would be 1. Two to[br]the power of 1 would be 2. Two 0:01:57.011,0:02:02.740 to the power of two would be 4.[br]To do a power of three is 8 to 0:02:02.740,0:02:08.469 two power of four is 16 and 2[br]two power of five is 32. So if I 0:02:08.469,0:02:14.241 have got. Decimal number, such[br]as the teen? How am I going to 0:02:14.241,0:02:18.872 use my knowledge of the place[br]values to convert this number? 0:02:19.630,0:02:20.520 Into binary. 0:02:22.360,0:02:26.826 So what I'm going to do, I'm[br]going to look at how many 30 0:02:26.826,0:02:31.611 twos would I need to use? Use to[br]make the 13 while it's too big 0:02:31.611,0:02:36.077 because 13 is much much smaller[br]than 32, so I'm not going to use 0:02:36.077,0:02:40.543 any of that. How many six teams[br]am I going to need? I'm not 0:02:40.543,0:02:44.371 going to need any of the[br]sixteens either, because 16 is 2 0:02:44.371,0:02:48.518 big 413, so the biggest place[br]value I can use is 8 because 0:02:48.518,0:02:52.346 eight is the bigger out of the[br]place values, which is smaller. 0:02:52.430,0:02:56.170 Done 13 so now if I'm used[br]eight, what's the difference 0:02:56.170,0:03:00.250 between 13 and eight? What is[br]the remainder that I still need 0:03:00.250,0:03:05.690 to build up from the rest of the[br]place? Values so 13 -- 8 makes 5 0:03:05.690,0:03:10.790 and five can be built up from 4[br]an one, which means that I'm not 0:03:10.790,0:03:15.210 going to use any of the tools[br]and here is an important thing 0:03:15.210,0:03:19.290 that any of the place values[br]that are in between the biggest 0:03:19.290,0:03:22.350 and smallest place value that I[br]need to use. 0:03:22.470,0:03:28.758 All the way up to to the power[br]of 0, which is one I need to 0:03:28.758,0:03:32.688 place zeros in between. Because[br]these errors are very, very 0:03:32.688,0:03:36.225 important. These are the secret[br]place Holder zeros. Remember 0:03:36.225,0:03:40.941 that in decimal numbers 502 and[br]52 are very, very different. So 0:03:40.941,0:03:45.657 if I forgotten this placeholder[br]0 here and I'm just writing them 0:03:45.657,0:03:50.373 52, I'm altering the value of[br]the number. So these places were 0:03:50.373,0:03:51.945 placeholder, zeros are extremely 0:03:51.945,0:03:58.241 important. Now. O's I could put[br]in here but so far it's not 0:03:58.241,0:04:02.251 important because I'm just[br]telling by placing zeros in here 0:04:02.251,0:04:06.662 that I'm not using this place[br]values. But these zeros are 0:04:06.662,0:04:10.672 don't really carry any essential[br]information, so these kind of 0:04:10.672,0:04:15.484 zeros at the frontier the so[br]called unnecessary 0 so I don't 0:04:15.484,0:04:19.895 have to write them out.[br]Therefore I can conclude that 13 0:04:19.895,0:04:21.499 in binary is 110. 0:04:22.360,0:04:22.770 1. 0:04:27.000,0:04:30.300 So again, just quickly right up[br]the place value table. 0:04:32.310,0:04:35.369 And the exit decimal[br]numbers as well. 0:04:41.060,0:04:44.427 And then look at another[br]decimal example. 0:04:48.090,0:04:54.978 42 in decimal, what would that[br]be in binary? Now this is a much 0:04:54.978,0:04:59.898 much bigger number than the[br]previous example, and looking at 0:04:59.898,0:05:06.005 42. Is 32 the biggest place[br]value I can get out from 42 or 0:05:06.005,0:05:11.255 can I use the next place value[br]up while the next place value up 0:05:11.255,0:05:15.005 would be 64? 'cause remember,[br]these numbers are always double 0:05:15.005,0:05:20.255 up if I'm going from right to[br]left, which means that 64 is too 0:05:20.255,0:05:25.505 big for my 42. So yes, 32 will[br]be the biggest place value that 0:05:25.505,0:05:30.380 I can use now. What's the[br]remainder? 42 -- 32 gives me a 0:05:30.380,0:05:31.880 nice and simple number. 0:05:32.020,0:05:36.580 10 and again, when I'm looking[br]at this place values, 10 can 0:05:36.580,0:05:41.140 easily build up from 8 and two[br]again. Don't forget about the 0:05:41.140,0:05:46.460 placeholder zeros, so I need to[br]place a 0 here under 16 here on 0:05:46.460,0:05:49.120 the four and here on the one. 0:05:50.140,0:05:55.348 Whether to put a base value on[br]the 64 or not, it's usually your 0:05:55.348,0:05:58.696 choice, but in practical[br]examples you don't really see 0:05:58.696,0:06:02.044 binary numbers starting with[br]zeros, unless this is something 0:06:02.044,0:06:06.508 called like the fixed length[br]place value table is like the 8 0:06:06.508,0:06:10.600 bit binaries, but at the moment[br]we're just looking at general 0:06:10.600,0:06:17.715 binary numbers. Therefore, 42 in[br]decimal is 101010 in binary, and 0:06:17.715,0:06:25.095 again 42 is an even number.[br]So I'm expecting my last digit, 0:06:25.095,0:06:28.170 the one to be 0. 0:06:31.740,0:06:35.052 Let's up our game and look at a[br]much, much bigger number. 0:06:36.230,0:06:41.443 75 in decimal, what would that[br]look like in binary? Now I don't 0:06:41.443,0:06:46.255 know about you, but I'm getting[br]a little bit tighter writing out 0:06:46.255,0:06:51.067 all the powers and they don't[br]really give me that much extra 0:06:51.067,0:06:56.280 information. So what I'm going[br]to do from now on just write out 0:06:56.280,0:07:00.290 the decimal place value[br]equivalent, the one the two, the 0:07:00.290,0:07:06.305 four, the eight, the 16, the 32,[br]the 64, and the next one is 120. 0:07:06.420,0:07:11.321 8 now as soon as you went over[br]the number in question with 0:07:11.321,0:07:16.222 place values, then you know that[br]that place where you will not be 0:07:16.222,0:07:21.500 used and the biggest place value[br]that you can use to make 75 will 0:07:21.500,0:07:25.647 be 64. So again, what is the[br]remainder? So what's the 0:07:25.647,0:07:29.417 difference between 75 and 64?[br]Well easily calculated at 11. 0:07:29.417,0:07:34.695 That means 32 is too big. 16 is[br]too big for eight will be 0:07:34.695,0:07:36.957 sufficient. So if I'm using up 0:07:36.957,0:07:41.550 an 8. What else do I need to[br]difference between 8:00 and 0:07:41.550,0:07:46.399 11:00? Is 3 and three can be[br]built up from two and one. 0:07:47.100,0:07:54.856 Again four, I haven't used so I[br]need to place the zero down to 0:07:54.856,0:08:01.504 indicate that that place value[br]is not used, so the final binary 0:08:01.504,0:08:03.166 answer is 1001011. 0:08:03.920,0:08:06.110 And I'm indicating that this[br]is a binary number here. 0:08:10.560,0:08:17.347 Next example 122 in decimal.[br]What does it look like in 0:08:17.347,0:08:24.134 binary? So again, start with the[br]place values 124, eight, 1630, 0:08:24.134,0:08:31.538 two 64128, now 120. Just a[br]slightly too big. But it means 0:08:31.538,0:08:38.325 that it's still not place value[br]that I'm going to use. 0:08:38.630,0:08:44.120 So the biggest place for you I[br]can use to build up 122 it's 64 0:08:44.120,0:08:48.146 again. So 64 will definitely be[br]used. So what's the remainder? 0:08:48.146,0:08:52.904 How much more do I need to take[br]out from this place values? 0:08:54.380,0:08:59.855 So 122 -- 64 four is too big[br]for two to be taken away from. 0:08:59.855,0:09:04.235 So I need to borrow from here.[br]Therefore one stays here and 0:09:04.235,0:09:07.520 then 12 appears. Here the[br]difference between 12:00 and 0:09:07.520,0:09:12.265 4:00 is 8. Again, I will need[br]to borrow because six is too 0:09:12.265,0:09:17.375 big for one, so zero will be[br]here. 11 will be here and 11 0:09:17.375,0:09:18.835 -- 6 is 5. 0:09:20.690,0:09:26.423 So 58 is the remainder 58. I can[br]take 32 out from it. 0:09:29.690,0:09:33.026 The remainder in this[br]case will be 26. 0:09:35.090,0:09:37.754 26 that can take[br]a 16 out from it. 0:09:39.700,0:09:44.796 The remainder is 10 and I[br]remember at 10 can be built up 0:09:44.796,0:09:50.284 from 8 and two there are two[br]place values that I need to fill 0:09:50.284,0:09:54.596 up with zeros because these are[br]placeholders, the 0, four and 0:09:54.596,0:09:56.556 one. So the binary equivalent. 0:09:57.510,0:10:00.038 Of 122 in debt. 0:10:00.120,0:10:04.312 Symbol[br]is 0:10:04.312,0:10:06.408 1111010. 0:10:16.840,0:10:20.389 The final example on[br]converting decimal numbers 0:10:20.389,0:10:25.459 to binary numbers in this[br]video is 249. Again, start 0:10:25.459,0:10:27.487 with the place values. 0:10:29.320,0:10:33.130 1248 0:10:34.140,0:10:42.076 1630 Two, 64128 and[br]256. The next one 0:10:42.076,0:10:45.052 would be 512. 0:10:45.680,0:10:50.090 But that is too big and so is[br]256. I just needed to make sure 0:10:50.090,0:10:53.030 that this number is actually[br]bigger than my place value, 0:10:53.030,0:10:56.852 because if I start with a place[br]where you that is slightly too 0:10:56.852,0:11:00.380 small, then I will run out of[br]digits that together. And don't 0:11:00.380,0:11:04.496 forget you can only put ones and[br]zeros in here, so I can't say 0:11:04.496,0:11:08.612 that I'm using two of the 32[br]because two is not part of my 0:11:08.612,0:11:10.376 number system. I only have got 0:11:10.376,0:11:16.488 one and 0. So the biggest place[br]value I can take out is the 128, 0:11:16.488,0:11:22.392 so I'm going to use one of the[br]128 and I need to see what's my 0:11:22.392,0:11:29.403 remainder. 9 -- 8 is one 4 -- 2[br]is 2 and 2 -- 1 is 1. So I 0:11:29.403,0:11:33.831 still got quite a big number,[br]but that number is smaller than 0:11:33.831,0:11:38.628 128 so I'm on the right track.[br]Anytime when you got a remainder 0:11:38.628,0:11:42.318 here, your remainder should[br]always be smaller than the last 0:11:42.318,0:11:43.794 place where you've used. 0:11:44.360,0:11:50.552 But 121 is less than 128, so I'm[br]on the right track. So 64 I will 0:11:50.552,0:11:54.809 definitely use. But what's the[br]remainder? Again? So four is too 0:11:54.809,0:11:59.840 big for one to be taken away[br]from DEF running to borrow again 0:11:59.840,0:12:06.419 11 -- 4 makes it 7 again six I[br]can take away 6 from 1 so need 0:12:06.419,0:12:12.224 to borrow again. 11 -- 6 gives[br]it 5 so I've got 57 as remainder 0:12:12.224,0:12:14.159 after I've used the 64. 0:12:14.430,0:12:20.820 The next place why is 32? So[br]take away 32 gives me 7 -- 2 0:12:20.820,0:12:26.784 gifts, five, 5 -- 3 gifts two,[br]so I'm using that after the 32 0:12:26.784,0:12:33.174 I'm going to use the 16 as well.[br]So the difference here now 25 -- 0:12:33.174,0:12:40.932 16. Is 9 an? I remember[br]the nine can be easily build up 0:12:40.932,0:12:48.030 from 8:00 and 1:00, so I'm going[br]to need two placeholder zeros in 0:12:48.030,0:12:54.036 here, so 249 in decimal is[br]11111001. In binary. This was 0:12:54.036,0:12:59.496 our last example. I'm hoping[br]that you understand how to 0:12:59.496,0:13:04.410 convert decimal numbers to[br]binary numbers using the place 0:13:04.410,0:13:08.870 values. And that you probably[br]find it easy in the next 0:13:08.870,0:13:11.694 minute, you will have some[br]opportunities to practice 0:13:11.694,0:13:14.871 these questions yourself and[br]you will have the answers 0:13:14.871,0:13:15.224 after. 0:13:17.380,0:13:19.456 So these are the practice[br]questions. 0:13:25.220,0:13:26.800 And here are the answers.