WEBVTT 00:00:00.400 --> 00:00:03.050 从原因到结果的路径 00:00:03.050 --> 00:00:05.539 既黑暗且危险的 00:00:05.539 --> 00:00:08.900 但是计量经济学的武器非常强大 00:00:09.211 --> 00:00:13.700 当目睹平行趋势时 我们掌握了双重差分法 00:00:14.450 --> 00:00:16.850 ♪ [] ♪ 00:00:20.100 --> 00:00:21.423 计量经济学大师在寻找 00:00:21.423 --> 00:00:24.800 令人信服的 「其他条件不变的比较」 00:00:25.100 --> 00:00:29.419 理想的对比是 00:00:29.419 --> 00:00:30.600 看起来相似的处理组和对照组 形成对照 00:00:30.600 --> 00:00:34.630 但有时这种可比性是难以捉摸的 00:00:34.630 --> 00:00:36.805 在没有处理的情况下 00:00:36.805 --> 00:00:40.100 当处理组及对照组类似地演变时 00:00:40.100 --> 00:00:42.307 即使起点不同 00:00:42.307 --> 00:00:44.900 也有望进行因果推断 00:00:45.600 --> 00:00:48.400 针对平行演化的武器 00:00:48.664 --> 00:00:50.886 大师说的「平行趋势」 00:00:50.886 --> 00:00:53.233 叫做「双重差分法」… 00:00:53.233 --> 00:00:54.420 - 双重差分法... 00:00:54.420 --> 00:00:56.900 - ...或简称为DD - 好的 00:00:56.900 --> 00:00:59.987 - 现在让我们看看 DD 00:00:59.987 --> 00:01:02.888 如何帮助我们了解美国历史上 00:01:02.888 --> 00:01:04.370 最重要的经济事件之一 00:01:05.300 --> 00:01:08.300 - 现在我们一起回顾大萧条的情況— 00:01:08.800 --> 00:01:12.200 我国有史以来最严重的经济灾难 00:01:13.100 --> 00:01:16.200 在 1933 年失业率达到 25%— 00:01:16.600 --> 00:01:19.114 这是之前或之后从未见过的水平 00:01:19.473 --> 00:01:22.100 数百万国民失去了家园或土地 00:01:22.600 --> 00:01:24.737 自杀率飙升 00:01:24.737 --> 00:01:26.766 贫困的家庭依靠施食处和面包生产线 00:01:26.766 --> 00:01:28.155 来避免挨饿 00:01:29.400 --> 00:01:31.589 - 经济学家们 00:01:31.589 --> 00:01:34.000 就大萧条的原因展开了激烈的争论 00:01:34.000 --> 00:01:36.983 然而,大多数经济学家都同意 这个难题的关键部分 00:01:36.983 --> 00:01:39.458 是银行大规模倒闭 00:01:39.800 --> 00:01:41.900 这是施行存款保险制度之前的年代 00:01:42.100 --> 00:01:46.513 因此,如果银行破产 你的储蓄也会化为乌有 00:01:46.513 --> 00:01:47.672 - 取消你的帐户? 00:01:47.672 --> 00:01:48.892 - 对啊,我想取消我的帐户 00:01:48.892 --> 00:01:50.616 我不会在这家银行留下一分钱 00:01:52.600 --> 00:01:56.100 - 面对银行业危机,央行有一项选择 00:01:56.400 --> 00:01:58.524 随意地放贷给陷入困境的银行 00:01:58.524 --> 00:02:01.100 或者袖手旁观拒绝贷款 00:02:01.500 --> 00:02:05.440 借钱给有困难的银行叫「易钱」 00:02:05.440 --> 00:02:08.100 拒贷叫「紧钱」 00:02:10.200 --> 00:02:12.872 - 货币学派的代表人物 米尔顿弗里德曼和安娜施瓦茨 00:02:12.872 --> 00:02:14.882 把大萧条称为 00:02:14.882 --> 00:02:16.350 「大收缩」 00:02:16.800 --> 00:02:18.262 指责美联储 00:02:18.262 --> 00:02:21.200 就国家摇摇欲坠的金融机构 实施紧缩政策 00:02:21.200 --> 00:02:24.000 是一项错误的政策 00:02:24.360 --> 00:02:25.743 他们争辩说 00:02:25.743 --> 00:02:27.895 易钱可让许多银行继续营业 00:02:27.895 --> 00:02:29.700 从而缩短大萧条的时期 00:02:30.400 --> 00:02:32.110 但其他人不同意 00:02:32.110 --> 00:02:33.769 如果银行因为其不明智的贷款决定 00:02:33.769 --> 00:02:35.954 而资不抵债 00:02:35.954 --> 00:02:38.900 那么救助只会鼓励更多的愚蠢行为 00:02:39.600 --> 00:02:42.965 经济学家把这个问题称为「道德风险」 00:02:42.965 --> 00:02:46.100 今天人们仍就救助和道德风险 继续进行辩论 00:02:46.500 --> 00:02:48.599 如果金融巨头雷曼兄弟 00:02:48.599 --> 00:02:51.500 被允许在大衰退前夕倒闭 00:02:52.000 --> 00:02:54.703 在理想的世界里 我们将会通过对随机选择的地区 00:02:54.703 --> 00:02:58.400 应用不同的美联储政策 来回答这个问题 00:02:59.000 --> 00:03:00.250 但是通过使用双重差分法 00:03:00.250 --> 00:03:02.119 来比较不同货币政策的跨领域趋势 00:03:02.119 --> 00:03:06.300 我们仍然可以学到很多事情 00:03:10.810 --> 00:03:12.522 - 这怎么可能呢? 00:03:12.522 --> 00:03:15.623 所有美国银行不是实施 相同的美联储政策吗? 00:03:15.623 --> 00:03:17.400 - 对啊 - 好问题 00:03:17.700 --> 00:03:21.484 联邦储备系统分为 12 个区 00:03:21.484 --> 00:03:23.860 由12家地区性的联邦储备银行组成 00:03:24.301 --> 00:03:27.467 今天,美联储政策是在国家层面制定的 00:03:27.467 --> 00:03:31.973 但在 1930 年代,地区性的 联邦储备银行几乎可以随心所欲 00:03:31.973 --> 00:03:33.276 - 啊,真有趣 00:03:33.276 --> 00:03:35.500 - 这就是最棒的地方 00:03:35.500 --> 00:03:39.302 在1930 年代,管理第六区的 亚特兰大联邦储备银行 00:03:39.302 --> 00:03:41.473 遵循「易钱」政策 00:03:41.473 --> 00:03:45.400 用手推车运送现金 去拯救破产的金融机构 00:03:45.900 --> 00:03:48.816 而管理第八区的 圣路易斯联邦储备银行 00:03:48.816 --> 00:03:50.668 则采取了紧缩的资金政策 00:03:51.100 --> 00:03:53.900 「让愚蠢的人倒下吧!」 他们在圣路易斯说 00:03:54.300 --> 00:03:58.225 因此,货币政策的自然实验诞生了 00:03:58.701 --> 00:04:02.000 更好的是,这是州内的实验 00:04:02.000 --> 00:04:04.347 第 6 区和第 8 区之间的边界 00:04:04.347 --> 00:04:06.762 穿过密西西比州中部 00:04:07.300 --> 00:04:09.321 密西西比北部实施紧钱政策 00:04:09.321 --> 00:04:11.870 而密西西比南部则实施易钱政策 00:04:11.870 --> 00:04:15.200 但是两个地区施行相同的 州法律和银行法规 00:04:15.520 --> 00:04:16.853 - 密西西比州第 6 区 00:04:16.853 --> 00:04:19.985 是处理组 00:04:19.985 --> 00:04:23.100 在金融危机期间可以获得「易钱」 00:04:23.800 --> 00:04:25.091 密西西比州第 8 区 00:04:25.091 --> 00:04:27.800 是对照组 00:04:27.800 --> 00:04:30.225 在金融危机期间实施「紧钱」政策 00:04:31.300 --> 00:04:34.040 1930 年是 00:04:34.040 --> 00:04:35.400 自然实验的关键年份 00:04:35.800 --> 00:04:37.439 考德威尔公司 00:04:37.439 --> 00:04:40.377 是一个位于南方的庞大金融帝国 00:04:40.377 --> 00:04:41.987 垮台了 00:04:42.700 --> 00:04:46.000 银行业建立在信心和信任的基础上 00:04:46.500 --> 00:04:49.151 考德威尔的垮台引发了恐慌 00:04:49.151 --> 00:04:53.049 一下子导致了大规模的银行挤兑 00:04:53.049 --> 00:04:55.114 存款人想拿回他们的钱 00:04:55.114 --> 00:04:58.200 导致银行破产并关门大吉 00:05:01.000 --> 00:05:03.321 我们将会使用双重差分法 00:05:03.321 --> 00:05:06.614 来衡量相反的货币政策的影响 00:05:06.614 --> 00:05:09.164 以应对考德威尔危机 00:05:12.500 --> 00:05:16.279 这幅图按年份绘制了 00:05:16.279 --> 00:05:18.762 密西西比州第8区和第6区的 银行数目 00:05:19.273 --> 00:05:21.413 我们从 1929 年开始 00:05:21.413 --> 00:05:24.200 这是考德威尔垮台前一年 00:05:24.200 --> 00:05:27.565 在8区有169家银行开业 00:05:27.565 --> 00:05:31.242 而在6区有141家银行开业 00:05:31.242 --> 00:05:32.574 在接下来的一年里 00:05:32.574 --> 00:05:37.000 我们在两个地区都看到 类似的少数银行倒闭 00:05:37.400 --> 00:05:40.135 运营银行数目的变化 00:05:40.135 --> 00:05:42.168 非常相似— 00:05:42.168 --> 00:05:44.600 这就是平行趋势的样子 00:05:45.500 --> 00:05:48.783 于1930 年 11 月,考德威尔倒下 00:05:48.783 --> 00:05:50.400 恐慌开始了 00:05:51.200 --> 00:05:53.917 施行紧钱政策的 8 区银行 00:05:53.917 --> 00:05:55.300 倒闭频发 00:05:55.800 --> 00:05:58.712 但是施行易钱政策的6区银行 00:05:58.712 --> 00:06:00.247 倒闭速度较慢 00:06:00.800 --> 00:06:03.000 这一时期的分化趋势 00:06:03.000 --> 00:06:06.602 可能归因于易钱与紧钱的分别 00:06:06.602 --> 00:06:12.020 在1931年7月,8区放弃紧钱政策 00:06:12.020 --> 00:06:14.420 在两个区都施行易钱政策 00:06:14.700 --> 00:06:16.900 平行趋势得以恢复 00:06:17.300 --> 00:06:19.229 在反事实的世界里 00:06:19.229 --> 00:06:22.420 6 区银行亦施行紧钱政策的话 00:06:22.420 --> 00:06:23.800 那会发生什么事呢? 00:06:24.201 --> 00:06:28.547 如果我们将第 8 区的趋势 推断到第 6 区 00:06:28.547 --> 00:06:29.900 看起来就像这样子 00:06:30.290 --> 00:06:33.095 因此有效的「易钱」政策 00:06:33.095 --> 00:06:36.462 使 6 区偏离 8 区趋势 00:06:36.462 --> 00:06:38.900 所默示的路径 00:06:41.244 --> 00:06:44.475 「易钱」政策拯救了多少家银行呢? 00:06:44.475 --> 00:06:49.021 这个表的第一行报告了 00:06:49.021 --> 00:06:50.162 第 6 区处理组的数据 00:06:50.162 --> 00:06:54.237 第二行报告了第 8 区对照组的数据 00:06:54.237 --> 00:06:57.494 第一列显示了 1930 年危机开始之前 00:06:57.494 --> 00:07:00.613 营运银行的数目 00:07:00.613 --> 00:07:03.673 第二列显示 1931 年的数目 00:07:03.903 --> 00:07:05.607 这是每个地区在危机期间 00:07:05.607 --> 00:07:08.663 采取不同货币政策时的 00:07:08.663 --> 00:07:10.237 关键时期 00:07:10.237 --> 00:07:14.347 最右边的一栏报告了区内的变化 00:07:14.347 --> 00:07:20.456 第 6 区有 14 家银行倒下 而第 8 区有 33 家银行倒下 00:07:20.456 --> 00:07:23.973 政策效果的数学公式很简单 00:07:24.400 --> 00:07:28.430 我们从第 6 区运营银行的变化中 00:07:28.810 --> 00:07:32.200 减去第 8 区运营银行的变化 00:07:32.800 --> 00:07:35.700 因而得名「双重差分法」 00:07:37.000 --> 00:07:41.736 -14 minus -33 equals 19.\] 00:07:42.500 --> 00:07:46.800 We estimate that 19 banks were saved by easy money. 00:07:47.300 --> 00:07:50.730 In practice, tables and figures like those shown here 00:07:50.730 --> 00:07:52.912 are the beginning rather than the end 00:07:52.912 --> 00:07:54.453 of a DD analysis. 00:07:55.400 --> 00:07:57.100 The problem of how to gauge 00:07:57.100 --> 00:08:00.047 the statistical significance of DD estimates 00:08:00.047 --> 00:08:02.264 turns out to be exceedingly tricky, 00:08:02.264 --> 00:08:05.600 and a regression is typically part of the solution. 00:08:09.200 --> 00:08:12.336 The key assumption behind a valid DD analysis 00:08:12.336 --> 00:08:14.894 is that of parallel trends. 00:08:15.369 --> 00:08:17.842 Recall the principle of ceteris paribus. 00:08:17.842 --> 00:08:20.922 Our ideal comparison would have the two districts 00:08:20.922 --> 00:08:24.023 experience an identical business environment, 00:08:24.023 --> 00:08:25.997 except for one factor: 00:08:25.997 --> 00:08:27.916 easy or tight money. 00:08:29.200 --> 00:08:32.348 Both districts would have identical types of customers 00:08:32.348 --> 00:08:35.300 who would go bankrupt at exactly the same rate. 00:08:35.700 --> 00:08:38.600 The skill of their employees would be equal, and so on. 00:08:39.200 --> 00:08:43.498 Perfect ceteris paribus comparisons would allow us to clearly see 00:08:43.498 --> 00:08:46.594 the causal effect of different Fed policies. 00:08:46.594 --> 00:08:49.019 In this case, that's not possible. 00:08:49.019 --> 00:08:53.600 But the idea of parallel trends is based on a similar concept. 00:08:53.600 --> 00:08:57.364 If we see that the two regions experience similar trends 00:08:57.364 --> 00:08:59.654 in the number of banks over time, 00:08:59.654 --> 00:09:01.294 in the absence of treatment, 00:09:01.294 --> 00:09:04.407 we can assume they are good comparisons. 00:09:04.407 --> 00:09:07.434 We see that the two districts move in parallel, 00:09:07.434 --> 00:09:09.800 both before the crisis and after, 00:09:10.100 --> 00:09:12.400 when they have the same Fed policy. 00:09:13.100 --> 00:09:16.028 The only time the districts behave differently 00:09:16.028 --> 00:09:18.300 is when the Fed policy is different. 00:09:19.400 --> 00:09:20.599 In view of this, 00:09:20.599 --> 00:09:24.268 Fed policy is a likely cause of diverging trends 00:09:24.268 --> 00:09:26.700 from 1930 to 1931. 00:09:27.800 --> 00:09:30.106 But we should also check for other changes 00:09:30.106 --> 00:09:31.703 unique to northern Mississippi. 00:09:31.703 --> 00:09:33.200 - [Man] Huh? - What do you mean? 00:09:33.500 --> 00:09:35.396 - [Teacher] Imagine that bad tornadoes 00:09:35.396 --> 00:09:39.100 hit northern but not southern Mississippi in 1930. 00:09:39.600 --> 00:09:41.950 These tornadoes devastate farms, 00:09:41.950 --> 00:09:44.300 causing farmers to default on loans, 00:09:44.551 --> 00:09:46.800 which drives their banks out of business. 00:09:47.400 --> 00:09:49.438 Then the 6th and 8th districts 00:09:49.438 --> 00:09:52.272 would differ in not one but two ways: 00:09:52.700 --> 00:09:55.047 Fed policy and weather. 00:09:55.047 --> 00:09:58.219 And we'd have trouble identifying Fed policy 00:09:58.219 --> 00:10:01.590 as the causal factor behind increased bank failures 00:10:01.590 --> 00:10:02.600 in the 8th. 00:10:02.600 --> 00:10:04.248 - [Man] Ceteris is not paribus. 00:10:07.200 --> 00:10:09.014 - DD credibility lives or dies 00:10:09.014 --> 00:10:10.980 with the claim that the only reason 00:10:10.980 --> 00:10:13.794 northern Mississippi was special in 1930 00:10:13.794 --> 00:10:16.161 is differing regional Fed policy. 00:10:16.600 --> 00:10:20.530 We're in DD heaven with strong, visual evidence of parallel trend. 00:10:21.277 --> 00:10:25.549 - In general, the first step in evaluating whether to use DD 00:10:25.549 --> 00:10:30.200 is usually this type of visual confirmation of parallel trends 00:10:30.200 --> 00:10:31.700 outside of the period, 00:10:31.700 --> 00:10:34.784 when we expect to see a treatment effect. 00:10:35.094 --> 00:10:36.985 The treatment in our example 00:10:36.985 --> 00:10:39.835 is easy money in the face of bank failures. 00:10:40.500 --> 00:10:45.000 Metrics masters use DD to explore effects of many policies, 00:10:45.800 --> 00:10:47.900 like the minimum legal drinking age, 00:10:48.500 --> 00:10:52.200 and environmental changes, like access to clean water. 00:10:52.867 --> 00:10:54.200 In our next video, 00:10:54.500 --> 00:10:57.035 we'll see an example of how regression is used 00:10:57.035 --> 00:10:59.200 to implement a DD approach. 00:11:00.800 --> 00:11:02.183 - [Narrator] Are you a teacher? 00:11:02.183 --> 00:11:05.788 Click to explore ways to use these videos in class. 00:11:05.788 --> 00:11:08.847 If you're a learner, make sure this video sticks 00:11:08.847 --> 00:11:11.200 by taking a few quick practice questions. 00:11:11.600 --> 00:11:14.200 Or if you're ready, click for the next video. 00:11:14.600 --> 00:11:17.093 You can also check out MRU's website 00:11:17.093 --> 00:11:20.193 for more courses, teacher resources, and more. 00:11:20.193 --> 00:11:21.692 ♪ [music] ♪