0:00:01.155,0:00:04.356 If could turn back the clock[br]and bring Shalon back, 0:00:04.356,0:00:07.312 I would literally do anything. 0:00:09.078,0:00:11.212 I would happily give everything 0:00:11.212,0:00:14.087 if I could see her smiling[br]face once again. 0:00:14.861,0:00:16.210 But sadly, 0:00:16.210,0:00:18.310 even if Shalon were here, 0:00:18.310,0:00:19.701 it would not change the fact 0:00:19.701,0:00:26.099 that between 700 to 800 women[br]die each year in America 0:00:26.099,0:00:29.872 from pregnancy and[br]childbirth-related complications. 0:00:30.722,0:00:35.332 The choice to have a child should never[br]equate to a death sentence. 0:00:38.727,0:00:43.914 The rate of maternal deaths[br]in America is utterly appalling. 0:00:45.348,0:00:50.026 In 2017, NPR and ProPublica reported 0:00:50.026,0:00:56.169 that the United States has the highest[br]rate of maternal mortality 0:00:56.169,0:00:59.611 of any developed country in the world. 0:01:00.467,0:01:06.020 And the United States is the only country[br]where that rate is steadily rising. 0:01:08.196,0:01:12.349 Black mothers like Shalon[br]remain the primary group 0:01:12.349,0:01:14.641 for maternal mortality. 0:01:15.301,0:01:19.114 It is truly reprehensible 0:01:19.114,0:01:20.525 that Black women die 0:01:20.525,0:01:24.924 at a rate of three to four times[br]that of white women. 0:01:25.779,0:01:29.304 It is absolutely shameful 0:01:29.304,0:01:35.363 that 60 percent of those deaths[br]are totally preventable, 0:01:35.363,0:01:37.258 as was my daughter's. 0:01:38.029,0:01:40.061 And here's a shocking fact: 0:01:40.061,0:01:46.205 according to the report by Health[br]Resources and Services Administration, 0:01:46.205,0:01:51.692 the difference in risk[br]has been steadily unchanged 0:01:51.692,0:01:55.439 for the past six decades -- 0:01:55.439,0:01:56.860 six decades. 0:01:57.666,0:02:03.463 Clearly, current efforts to address[br]maternal mortality rates 0:02:03.463,0:02:08.462 and the racial and health[br]disparities in that area 0:02:08.462,0:02:10.710 remain woefully inadequate. 0:02:11.464,0:02:14.583 Only when race stops being the precursor 0:02:14.583,0:02:19.177 to how Black women are treated[br]or not treated in the health care system, 0:02:19.177,0:02:22.130 then outcomes will be[br]drastically different. 0:02:23.740,0:02:26.325 I want to be abundantly clear now. 0:02:27.581,0:02:33.156 The medical community is failing[br]Black mothers in America. 0:02:34.615,0:02:36.082 For decades, 0:02:36.082,0:02:38.307 Black women have been dismissed, 0:02:38.307,0:02:39.377 ignored, 0:02:39.377,0:02:40.595 disregarded 0:02:40.595,0:02:42.462 or at the very least, 0:02:42.462,0:02:46.713 they have been not taken seriously 0:02:46.713,0:02:49.423 in their interactions[br]with the health care system. 0:02:50.256,0:02:54.996 It's not uncommon for Black women[br]to experience racism and discrimination 0:02:54.996,0:02:56.630 by medical prodivders. 0:02:57.438,0:03:02.961 That racism can be blatantly overt[br]or covertly subtle, 0:03:02.961,0:03:04.620 but make no mistake -- 0:03:04.620,0:03:05.756 it is there. 0:03:06.447,0:03:11.093 It didn't matter that Shalon[br]had a dual PhD 0:03:11.093,0:03:14.148 in Sociology and Gerontology; 0:03:14.148,0:03:17.456 it didn't even matter that Shalon[br]had two master's degrees, 0:03:17.456,0:03:20.968 one of them a Masters in Public Health[br]from Johns Hopkins. 0:03:21.532,0:03:25.641 It made no difference that Shalon[br]was a lieutentant commander 0:03:25.641,0:03:27.943 in the US Public Health Service, 0:03:27.943,0:03:33.607 an alumnus of the world-renowned[br]Epidemic Intelligence Service, 0:03:33.607,0:03:38.648 a highly respected epidimiologist[br]at the Centers for Disease Control 0:03:38.648,0:03:41.636 and president of her own[br]diversity company. 0:03:42.235,0:03:44.208 She was still a Black woman. 0:03:45.328,0:03:50.797 A Black woman accessing a system[br]that saw her as a sterotype 0:03:50.797,0:03:52.793 and responded to her as such. 0:03:54.582,0:03:57.790 During the three weeks[br]after her child was born, 0:03:57.790,0:04:02.889 Shalon went to her health care providers[br]again and again in distress. 0:04:03.978,0:04:07.207 Obviously with her education and training, 0:04:07.207,0:04:12.441 she could and she did articulate[br]her concerns very clearly. 0:04:15.204,0:04:20.601 Yet her cries for help[br]were minimized and dismissed 0:04:20.601,0:04:23.908 by the covert bias[br]of her medical provider. 0:04:24.510,0:04:26.962 That very bias, 0:04:26.962,0:04:29.806 fueled by structural racism, 0:04:29.806,0:04:33.887 is the root cause[br]of disparities in health care. 0:04:34.558,0:04:38.726 That very bias impacted Shalon's outcome. 0:04:39.594,0:04:41.762 That very bias 0:04:41.762,0:04:46.302 caused my daughter[br]to be among the statistics 0:04:46.302,0:04:48.388 for 2017. 0:04:49.872,0:04:51.695 As a result, 0:04:51.695,0:04:54.002 I lost my beautiful, little girl. 0:04:54.310,0:04:55.873 My baby girl. 0:04:57.114,0:04:59.636 I lost my confidant; 0:04:59.636,0:05:02.194 I lost my best friend; 0:05:02.194,0:05:04.147 I lost my whole world. 0:05:05.991,0:05:08.734 Shalon's daughter lost her mother 0:05:08.734,0:05:11.297 and all of the relationship possibilities 0:05:11.297,0:05:14.101 that could have existed[br]between the two of them. 0:05:16.450,0:05:19.361 The society may have suffered[br]the greater loss. 0:05:20.752,0:05:23.169 Who knows how many medical advancements 0:05:23.169,0:05:27.542 or social justice contributions[br]Shalon may have made 0:05:27.542,0:05:31.810 if only her medical provider[br]had listened to her 0:05:31.810,0:05:34.111 and heeded her cries for help. 0:05:35.224,0:05:36.935 We will never know. 0:05:38.125,0:05:39.873 But this much we do know. 0:05:40.699,0:05:47.677 Behind every one of those 700[br]to 800 women who die is a family 0:05:47.677,0:05:51.720 and a whole social network of loved ones, 0:05:51.720,0:05:56.086 including the children[br]left behind, like Soleil. 0:05:57.957,0:06:01.217 Shalon's daughter Soleil[br]is three years old now. 0:06:02.186,0:06:04.100 She has a quick smile -- 0:06:04.100,0:06:06.706 every bit as brilliant[br]as her mother's was. 0:06:07.841,0:06:09.526 Soleil is fearless. 0:06:09.851,0:06:11.180 She's determined 0:06:11.180,0:06:13.074 and she's so opinionated -- 0:06:13.074,0:06:14.074 (Laughter) 0:06:14.074,0:06:15.561 so smart. 0:06:16.268,0:06:18.973 Soleil constantly amazes me 0:06:18.973,0:06:22.501 at how confidently[br]she is navigating her world. 0:06:23.703,0:06:28.096 But Soleil only knows her mother[br]through photographs 0:06:28.096,0:06:32.659 and the cherished memories that I have[br]and share with her every day. 0:06:33.627,0:06:36.640 Yet Soleil loves her mommy, 0:06:36.640,0:06:42.065 who was with her[br]for only three short weeks -- 0:06:42.065,0:06:43.757 she tells me so each day. 0:06:44.873,0:06:50.949 My heart aches each time[br]Soleil cries for her mommy. 0:06:52.372,0:06:56.501 It is during those times[br]Soleil has said to me, 0:06:56.501,0:07:01.259 "Nana, I want to go to heaven[br]so I can be with my mommy." 0:07:02.907,0:07:04.575 It should not be that way. 0:07:06.625,0:07:08.875 It doesn't have to be that way. 0:07:09.745,0:07:14.993 It can really no longer [br]continue to be that way. 0:07:16.453,0:07:21.044 When I said earlier that the medical[br]community is failing Black mothers, 0:07:21.044,0:07:24.393 some may have wondered if I'm painting[br]with too broad a brush. 0:07:24.548,0:07:28.030 After all, it's individuals who are[br]to blame here, right? 0:07:28.759,0:07:32.801 Or perhaps we should say[br]that a relative handful of hospitals, 0:07:32.801,0:07:36.828 which happen to be the ones[br]that are largely used by Black women 0:07:36.828,0:07:38.515 and other minorities, 0:07:38.515,0:07:42.150 are at the epicenter of maternal[br]mortality in America. 0:07:43.283,0:07:47.932 But I would argue that focusing[br]on a handful of individuals 0:07:47.932,0:07:50.461 or a handful of hospitals 0:07:50.461,0:07:53.665 is defining the problem way too narrowly. 0:07:54.615,0:07:59.018 The problem behavior isn't about[br]the actions of specific individuals 0:07:59.018,0:08:00.286 or hospitals, 0:08:00.286,0:08:02.803 it's much more systemic than that. 0:08:03.824,0:08:05.173 What's more, 0:08:05.173,0:08:11.048 the prevalence of the problem[br]is deeply entrenched -- 0:08:11.048,0:08:17.158 embedded in the very foundation[br]of our health care system. 0:08:19.546,0:08:24.366 It is this broad-based failure[br]that continues to allow disparities 0:08:24.366,0:08:27.046 in maternal health and death, 0:08:27.046,0:08:31.495 which result in Black women[br]just like Shalon 0:08:31.495,0:08:36.513 dying at rates 300 percent higher[br]than white women. 0:08:37.333,0:08:39.152 It's been well documented, 0:08:39.152,0:08:41.203 year after year, 0:08:41.203,0:08:43.538 decade after decade, 0:08:43.538,0:08:46.555 generation after generation, 0:08:46.555,0:08:50.563 and nothing effective[br]has been done to fix it. 0:08:52.073,0:08:53.594 How do we fix it? 0:08:55.146,0:08:58.242 Is there a definitive answer[br]to eradicating disparities 0:08:58.242,0:08:59.857 in maternal mortality? 0:09:00.485,0:09:04.867 Well, improvements in data[br]accuracy are critical 0:09:04.867,0:09:06.509 but not nearly enough. 0:09:07.071,0:09:10.874 Algorithms, checklists, apps -- 0:09:10.874,0:09:12.549 they all play an important role, 0:09:12.549,0:09:15.041 but they're no panacea either. 0:09:15.755,0:09:19.226 And I really can't emphasize enough 0:09:19.226,0:09:24.286 that implicit bias training[br]without explicit -- 0:09:24.286,0:09:28.075 explicit measures of accountability 0:09:28.075,0:09:30.945 will make absolutely no difference at all. 0:09:32.416,0:09:34.629 It is time -- 0:09:34.629,0:09:37.868 it is long past time 0:09:37.868,0:09:43.360 that leaders in the medical community[br]take steps to transform 0:09:43.360,0:09:46.234 the health care system status quo. 0:09:47.957,0:09:51.939 The first step must be acknowledging[br]that the inherent problem 0:09:51.939,0:09:53.680 in the health care system 0:09:53.680,0:09:55.616 is more than a problem; 0:09:55.616,0:09:57.019 it's a failure. 0:09:57.969,0:10:01.310 The next step requires[br]taking responsibility 0:10:01.310,0:10:03.269 and owning that failure. 0:10:03.926,0:10:05.938 But the most important step 0:10:05.938,0:10:09.749 is actively taking the necessary actions 0:10:09.749,0:10:13.415 to right the wrongs[br]created by that failure. 0:10:15.799,0:10:17.754 A wise woman once told me 0:10:17.754,0:10:19.605 if you want something different, 0:10:19.605,0:10:22.104 you have to do something different. 0:10:22.723,0:10:26.267 My daughter was committed[br]to doing something different. 0:10:26.924,0:10:30.038 Shalon was known as a woman[br]of great integrity 0:10:30.038,0:10:32.019 and high moral values. 0:10:32.540,0:10:35.473 When asked about her driving[br]principles in life, 0:10:35.473,0:10:36.927 she would respond, 0:10:36.927,0:10:40.037 "I see inequity wherever it exists. 0:10:40.238,0:10:43.204 I'm not afraid to call it by name 0:10:43.204,0:10:45.374 and I work hard to eliminate it. 0:10:45.803,0:10:48.781 I vow to create a better earth." 0:10:49.910,0:10:54.532 Shalon put those words into action[br]every day of her life. 0:10:55.792,0:10:59.667 Former Surgeon General[br]David Satcher once said, 0:10:59.667,0:11:02.084 "Leaders must care enough, 0:11:02.084,0:11:04.501 leaders much know enough, 0:11:04.501,0:11:07.402 leaders must be willing to do enough 0:11:07.402,0:11:12.205 and leaders must be willing[br]to persist until the work is done." 0:11:12.738,0:11:15.395 Shalon was such a leader. 0:11:17.050,0:11:20.327 Though there will never be[br]another leader like Shalon, 0:11:20.327,0:11:23.892 we can each persist[br]until the work is done. 0:11:24.718,0:11:30.009 Here's what I'm doing to persist until[br]the work to save Black mothers is done. 0:11:30.555,0:11:32.154 To get things started, 0:11:32.154,0:11:36.017 I joined forces with several[br]of Shalon's friends 0:11:36.017,0:11:37.651 and CDC colleagues. 0:11:38.028,0:11:39.811 We founded a nonprofit. 0:11:40.485,0:11:44.762 We're working hard to eliminate[br]preventable deaths among Black mothers. 0:11:45.528,0:11:47.378 And here's how we're doing it: 0:11:47.378,0:11:51.454 with action, action and more action. 0:11:52.466,0:11:56.625 We're engaging stakeholders[br]at every point of the public health 0:11:56.625,0:11:58.492 and health care spectrum. 0:11:58.661,0:12:01.511 We're actively working[br]with the legislative office. 0:12:01.663,0:12:05.596 We're promoting accountability[br]measures in postpartum bills 0:12:05.596,0:12:08.569 and we want them enshrined in the law. 0:12:09.417,0:12:13.285 We're embarking upon[br]a community-based research project 0:12:13.285,0:12:17.634 which will redefine quality[br]of medical care for Black women. 0:12:18.963,0:12:24.006 Ultimately, we will tilt more power[br]into the hands of Black women. 0:12:24.838,0:12:26.502 How are we going to do that? 0:12:26.827,0:12:30.765 By empowering Black women[br]and their birthing partners 0:12:30.765,0:12:35.685 to effectively counteract the bias[br]and racism they experience 0:12:35.685,0:12:41.221 at any given point during pregnancy,[br]childbirth and postpartum. 0:12:42.528,0:12:43.962 Look around you. 0:12:44.907,0:12:48.259 Each one of us in this room[br]has a circle of influence. 0:12:48.787,0:12:55.185 I invite you to consider how powerful[br]an impact we could make 0:12:55.185,0:13:00.576 if we focused that collective[br]influence on this problem, 0:13:00.576,0:13:02.286 on making a difference. 0:13:02.982,0:13:06.807 What if we, like Shalon,[br]acknowledged inequity 0:13:06.807,0:13:09.496 wherever it existed in our communities 0:13:09.496,0:13:11.839 and we weren't afraid to call it by name? 0:13:12.150,0:13:15.628 What if we were each committed[br]and passionate 0:13:15.628,0:13:18.801 about using the full range[br]of our resources 0:13:18.801,0:13:20.694 to eliminate that inequity? 0:13:21.360,0:13:22.894 Could we change things? 0:13:23.216,0:13:27.275 Could we really overturn[br]centuries of prejudice 0:13:27.275,0:13:29.945 and decades of bad practice? 0:13:31.046,0:13:32.478 I know we could. 0:13:33.060,0:13:35.764 I know we could 0:13:35.764,0:13:39.831 if we were focused on that issue, 0:13:39.831,0:13:42.982 if we focused that collective energy. 0:13:43.970,0:13:45.999 To quote Nelson Mandela, 0:13:45.999,0:13:48.870 "When people are determined 0:13:48.870,0:13:51.553 they can overcome anything. 0:13:52.757,0:13:56.712 But "action without vision -- 0:13:56.712,0:13:58.311 it's only passing time. 0:13:58.819,0:14:02.608 Vision without action[br]is merely daydreaming. 0:14:03.190,0:14:08.776 But vision with action can truly[br]change the world." 0:14:09.628,0:14:14.207 Shalon's life was the perfect[br]embodiment of the vision. 0:14:14.742,0:14:18.155 Shalon's death is our call to action. 0:14:18.757,0:14:23.707 So today let's each of us vow[br]to do whatever we can. 0:14:24.396,0:14:26.970 Let us vow to right this wrong. 0:14:27.441,0:14:30.891 Let us vow to be a part of the solution 0:14:30.891,0:14:35.746 until Black women are no longer[br]marginalized and dying needlessly 0:14:35.746,0:14:37.572 in the health care system. 0:14:38.328,0:14:40.215 And like my daughter, 0:14:40.215,0:14:43.155 Dr. Shalon Maureen Irving, 0:14:43.155,0:14:46.905 let us each vow to create a better earth. 0:14:47.254,0:14:48.371 Thank you. 0:14:48.526,0:14:51.260 (Applause)