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[Music] [Music] allahar ill Allah abbar Allah abbar Allah abbar Allah abbar asuh allahar alhamd [Music] [Music] [Music] billah in [Music] [Music] all Allah allahar [Music] Allah alhamd [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] B [Music] [Music] for Allah allb allb allahar allahar allahar allahar allahar Allah ill [Music] [Music] sub [Music] [Music] [Music] of Al for for all the people who passed in the last 24 hoursb Allah allahar allahar [Music] he [Music] in the Heavenly realm the heart holds a central and revered position serving as the Locust of divine connection and spiritual enlightenment drawing from Timeless wisdoms unlocking the six powers of the heart offers insights and guided practices to help individuals purify and awaken the heart towards inner illumination as a certified shikh in the field of meditation shikh njan mirahmadi reveals the six intrinsic powers of the heart each serving as a key to unlocking the secrets of the human soul available on amazon.com in the Journey of Faith every step is a doorway into Discovery and connection enter the updated muhammadan Way app your Islamic companion made with the Seeker in mind now enriched with over 30 Innovative features dive into the wisdom of thousands of holy hadiths immerse yourself in the full Holy Quran with Comprehensive search audio and multiple translations experience guidance at its best stay in tune with the Islamic events calendar from duas for every occasion to digital tasp and prayer times the app guides your daily practice add free join a global community of over 100,000 Believers with the muhammadan way app embracing your faith has never been easier download the muhammadan way app today available on IOS and Android your journey awaits introducing Shake AI the shake aiot is designed to embody the principles of Sufism in the digital realm providing guidance and wisdom inspired by m shik nurjan mm's teachings on spirituality Islam and the journey of the soul the key benefits of this bot includes accessibility to the shik's teachings at any time helping Seekers of knowledge to learn and grow in their spiritual path compassionate and respectful responses aligned with the shak's approach fostering a loving environment for discussions on faith a resource for learning about the Practical aspects of Sufism and Islamic spirituality offering insights into the journey towards Divine love this powerful tool is multilingual and able to Converse in many languages so this is John thank you for watching the video that you're watching inshah if you're happy with the content and happy with these programs please support the button below the programs that we have for our orphanage repairs our water well give the gift of life our mobile food Vans we have now five Vans Vancouver Chicago Los Angeles Pakistan there many programs that reach thousands of people and rescue foods and give those supplies to people in need your support is greatly appreciated also be so kind as to leave loving comments and please share the stream every bit counts insan Al by author and spiritual guide shik njn marak describes that in order to be known the Divine created a Sublime treasure for all of Creation The Glorious light and soul of the insan Alam Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon Him vast universes including every particle in existence came into manifestation through this all-encompassing ocean of perfection order on amazoncom Imus and always a reminder from myself but for the grace of Allah that we still in existence and alhamdulillah this immense oceans of mirroring and that everything has a reflection and we're the product of that reflection and every way that we look upon is a reflection of what we're looking upon means this immensity of the understanding that we look into a mirror the way that we look at things is a result of what are we mirroring when insan looks at everything through its Badness it's a sign of the reflection of what that individual is looking at means if all day everything is just looking and gazing upon negativity as a result that becomes the reflection in which they cast out into their existence and if you take all the teachings because we said all the teachings are like beads when we enter into the subjects they're all interl we begin to manifest these negativities and this is why Allah is giving for us from I don't change a condition of a people until they change with what's within themselves this is our whole life of cuz everything that I'm doing and gazing upon putting my my heart upon it's reflecting to me and as a result of reflecting to me Shan makes me to forget my power and my god-given ability to manifest so if I'm continuously in the oceans of negativity I will begin to manifest every type of negativity everything I say and think I begin to manifest that reality because Allah gave to us if you don't know your value but Allah knows our value and all are coming in our lives and teaching us that this creation is a mirror from the realities of Muhammad and that's a mirror from and as a result Allah describes I created this in my reflection I created Creation in my reflection and people are thinking oh then it must be that God has a human form that he's talking about no it's from the immense of hidden treasure and will always be a hidden treasure but but wanting to be known and will be known through the best of creation and created that light in truth no crookedness and as a result the one whom brought the book of Truth the unfiltered uncorrupted straight and clean and purified speech of the Divine the presence of Allah this is the immensity of that reflection so we don't know ourselves until we take a path of getting to know ourselves so when Allah created Creation in my image it's from the of casting a light and power and un wanting to be known and then created this immense reality of light the ocean of All Souls and all manifestations everything manifesting from M the all encompassing ocean of hakak everything must come from that ocean and begin to manifest and as a result of this way of marifa and gnosticism to know the realities of the heavens now we attained our self-importance that I'm created from that light and no wonder and no doubt what an immense secret must be in my soul and I knew it in paradise and then we came to this Abode and on this Abode Shan deceives us Keeps Us in a continuous state of ignorance this becomes our motive when police ask you for why a crime has occurred why has this crime occurred in our lives this crime of ignorance and forgetting our Paradise this is Shan's motive is if I keep them to forget their power I can hijack their power because he's are very powerful Creations I'll hijack them to manifest all that I want cuz I want to make this the Abode of corruption sh on things I want to show how bad this creation is and how come Allah didn't choose Shan to be the leader of this creation so his incentive and motive is the downfall of mankind using their power because he has no power Allah clarifies in Quran thatan has to use the permission of Allah which is where the permission of prophet and in the hands and in the permission of so it's by that Authority and that transmission he's taking their power so his whole motive on Earth is to keep people to be ignorant as soon as we take a path of hakak and realities we begin to understand goodness how much Allah is has given to us of power and how much Allah has given to us of honor and esteem not for ourselves but from where we're taking this reality and what we've inherited of this reality and as a result these are the lights and these are the blessings and these are the dressings when the servant understands the reality then they understand what Shan is trying to do get them to focus on every type of negativity as a result of their focus on negativity they manifest negativity and then Allah is giving guidance from Quran knowing what Shan was going to plan because Allah's plan is always better and is all encompassing that I don't change your condition of what Shan has put you through because this is the decree of your free Free Will until you change your condition cuz this is the owner of free will if Allah had taken Free Will away from us we would have been like the angels and other Allah would have immediately change the condition if you saw that the shans were playing with the angels immediately changed the condition and corrected everything according to Divine will but the owner of having free will is Allah is teaching for us that lukan is going to take your gifts and he's going to make you to manifest every sickness every sadness every depression every anxiety and every type of negativity and your purpose in life is to combat that and how do you combat that is by all of these teachings that where i gaze to and where I connect my heart and the oceans of which I take my power should become the reflection of what I cast out upon this material world if all that I look at is the D the work the work people all of the the attributes of D it becomes its television its music it's its media everything of D will bring in its negativity and as soon as we look out all we see is just negativity why is these people like this negative why is this like this why this type of person is around me what is like this in our lives and the immensity of these realities or teaching for us this is why there's so much power in in contemplation we say it and thousands of people are listening but at some point it will click into somebody's heart that if I contemplate the higher reality connect my heart with the shakes connect my heart with Divine oceans of Grace specific to the love andh of muh it's like a GPS is it just divine grace that I can get from a tree is it divine grace that I can get from an ocean or no no this is the divine grace I'm asking from the muhammadan inheritors Those whom represent the Sunnah the way and the character of Muhammad and as a result of connecting my heart with them asking to be in their spiritual presence to hear from their spiritual realities to eat and drink from their spiritual realities so that my heart becomes acquainted and draws near to the soul of Muhammad and as a result of that which I focus on focuses on me and and that which focuses on me if it's from Allah's divinely Grace and divinely love the best of his creation it begins to purify my character purify my lights purify my intentions not to make us perfected because people then say oh let's see if you're imperfect you this this wrong you did that wrong it's not about perfection but it's about taking a path towards Perfection that with their and with their love they draw near and Prophet sallallah Al described these people maybe their is little bit weak but their love and their character is dear to Allah cuz that was the secret of approaching not approaching with a pride and think oh my actions are going to be fantastic my prayers are going to be impressive My fasting is going to be astonishing but be in this corrupted world how I'm going to pray that's going to impress you how am I going to fast that's going to be recognized I negate myself and my actions I'm doing them to the best of my ability but I'm coming through this door of love and humility that I'm a weak servant and allow me access into these lights and into the these realities and as a result of T and contemplation and then showing that this love I have I have to put it into action and go out to be in service to God's creation these lights begin to dress the servant bless the servant these Powers begin to open the true power of manifestation now they say on videos that these are people that can't be defeated I said why they can't be defeated because they have spiritual power they have a connection to the heavens and that's why we described when s said we came across a people who barely had a spoken word not that they were mute but their language had no power and there if your language and your [ __ ] and your letters and all that you combined of letters into words and into sentences and if those sentences don't have a power upon your soul and connected into the heavens you might as well be deaf dumb and blind it has no power has no energy but these people of Deceit and the people of D who will be following Dalal they say no no these people have a power yeah because they're not telling you the truth they lost their power they lose their contracts with the heavens look at the atrocities that they're committing they have no Rob no hand no nothing to the heavens and the only rope from the heavens onto this Earth is in the hand of Muhammad and as soon as we hold tight to that rope and don't separate and take their system of connecting our hearts receiving the fires receiving the energies and begin to tame the wild character every manifestation begins to open cuz you no longer look through the eyes of impurity and darkness and and and Badness but you look through the eyes of the heavens in which prophet described Beware of the Gaze of the believer for they look at you with the light of Allah mean these are all documented everything of these beads they put together from Prophet because they say where where where follow along and go find it yourself where these references are where Prophet Sall Al to the Apex of this whole talk Prophet Sall Ali wasam describe be be careful for the Gaze of a Believer because they look at you with the light of Allah from the holy I become the the seeing in which you see I become the hearing in which you hear I become the speech in which you speak means the servant reached to be a mobile phone for Allah mobile phone for Muhammad of course it has power your phone now has power and this is the immensity of why Shan is blocking these realities but the same Shan's coming and saying no these are people these are a people and a nation they have power then they get together and say well how are we going to stop their power so can we corrupt their book say no we can't and that's why we're divulging these realities on these videos the immensity of sharing the teachings is if you don't know the value we know the value just share the teachings and get out of the way you don't have to share yourself share the teachings because they're like bullets against Shan they're like a bazooka against shitan they're like a bomb against Shan one teaching that goes out and one reality that goes out it destroys all that they've built and all that they're planning to build build and to deceive this nation but this is a guarded Nation so they got together and they said well how are we going to take and and emasculate and take the power out of their reality can we corrupt their book like we corrupted all the other books said no why because Allah knows he wrote These criminals and he wrote their stories and Allah says they plan but I plan better because I wrote theirs but my plan is the best plan for the best of Nations for the best of Messengers so the nation of s Muhammad sallam has a Incorruptible book and its reality is on earth now as a blockchain and it's in a ledger that nobody can alter that ledger and that's why they're trying to duplicate this with their money system cuz if you give 10 bucks and you give 10 bucks and everybody give everybody knows where those $10 went they said no we have to put it on a ledger a clear register we want to know who has all these $10 and who's moving them around Allah says we did this first the Quran is a blockchain no one central location holds the book that many hold the book within their heart and they are the guardians of this knowledge and they're the Guardians of this holy text so they say okay we can't corrupt the book we've tried so many times to corrupt it but their H pops up and says oh this is a corrupt publication to destroy this person who made this book and throw it away burn it so the Quran is not corruptible and as a result then they say well the only other power is that we have to affect the Hadith and the jurist Prudence cuz the ver icts of what they give of knowledge will deplete their connection to the heavens and they won't be so powerful so they went after the holy Hadith of prophet Sall Ali wasallam to try to corrupt the Hadith and to introduce not correct understandings of Hadith and then to bring scholarships that are not accepted from and not accepted from the heart of s Muhammad for what why because we said they have to take the power out of Islam to fight it they have to take the power out of Muslims to destroy them and the only key they can take is to take away your connection to Muhammad that's why theas says hold firm to your means what hold firm to the hand of s Muhammad all the shakes are nothing all the shakes on this Earth are nothing they're nothing but the hand of prophet sallam that's the only importance of a sh is not that he's individually something but he holds the hand of the most beloved of Allah and as a result they are the representatives of Muhammad and that's why in this anti- djelic system it's only key that they're trying to destroy is our connection our love our respect and admiration infallibility and immense love and respect and honor for S Muhammad this the key this is the golden key everything related to take this key in your life and say this key of Muhammad every day polish it every day look and make sure that you still have it and every day put it dear and and in into your heart don't go a day without looking at that key [Music] every day ask ourselves that you take it out pull the [ __ ] kiss it and that 'll be burn the key into my hand that is way is our way of life it's not third it's not fourth it's first make we have these tawi cards that have Muhammad take them out every morning and kiss it said that I kiss your holy feet and you're the center of my existence your NE be upon me upon my family upon my loved ones and that you're my final destination and then when I take my last breath from this Earth that raise me into your presence and keep me under the shade of your intercession for this is our greatest reward and key this is the purpose of our existence on this Earth this was the highest achievement of leaving Paradise to enter this Abode this was the greatest video game but Allah sent on to this Abode of of demonic Abode demonic desires horrific characters every type of Temptation every type of everything and all it seems that Allah wanted from us did you find me that I was hidden treasure through everything that you've uncovered in your life and everything that you've gone through in your life did we find that reality and if we found that reality this is the greatest Treasure of our existence and if Allah gr granted us to find that reality of Muhammad is our key is our golden key it's the hidden reality of Allah is a hidden treasure we found everything we found everything this is the greatest gift and the one whom holds that gift their life is every day kissing the name of prophet sallam kissing that golden key and say that grant us to be under your under your and all that they asked from us and holy companions asked from us make your faith to be real prove yourself to Prophet sallam that's why we said then these are most powerful weapons against sh how much it makes Prophet s wasam to be happy when he sees all these people making videos and articles and posts bombarding all of these social media accounts not one Central account where no John if they take no John down everything stops no there's now a thousand no Johns a thousand Muhammad and way everyone putting out people email all the time I I I joined your account I said thanks but which one there's 500 people out there exactly why it's supposed to be like that like a blockchain these centralized and everybody putting out videos and making Prophet sallam happy alhamdulillah look they hit against against Shan and they keep hitting against Shan and when he talks about fashion they hit against it when he talks about food they hit against it when he talks against Prophet we hit it in every direction hitting against Shan is the greatest success of this D and this what brings the the holy Nazar of prophet Alam and the immense blessings within our lives that draws near to that presence people email how to draw near to the presence of prophet s Alam is by your it brings aah what is Allah's Rah the prophet s is looking that look every time you're throwing something you're throwing it against Shan and this is the greatest purpose on this life is those who come against sh but they're kind to Believers that their life is to give hope to Those whom trying to believe which belief the belief of the heavens and the belief of the Creator and they're harsh against sh because they're teachings coming against devils not Horan language but the realities are so powerful that they shatter everything Shan is trying to do he's trying to operate in the shadow so that nobody knows what he's trying to pull he's trying to pull a rug on people that in the end they'll think though they were safe and they find that somebody pulled a rug on them and they fell and the coming no actually hammering this rug onto the ground that don't let him take the love of s Muhammad away don't let him to take the love of your sheh away from your heart and don't let him to make you fooled by the love of this da we pray that Allah grant us the immensities of these divinely Mires in this holy month of and grant us immense success in the month of Z that the success is the Y and to be in the presence of s and to receive from its immense lights and blessings that grant us that to grant us an immense support and immense satisfaction from Divine the presence immense love of s Muhammad s Alam and to burn Muhammad Alam into our hearts and into our soul that it can't be taken out only Allah can grant that security we pray that Allah accept these efforts and these actions and that give us a him and strength to accomplish more sh k mean alhamdulillah I mean inshah what do we have from our SMC family inshah assalamu alaykum sium Salam please forgive my ignorance if we do kmat out of desire to be with our shikh in our Eternal existence is this the level of Nani is wanting to be with our shik equivalent to setting an expectation or a condition no the N was is wanting something for yourself that you you don't you you want to take something and go but to be with the shave and come against yourself this is the whole OFA so the intention is I want to be with the sh so that was the whole talk tonight to be and under their reflection so that I'm not reflecting Shan's desires and shanic energy I want to reflect from the Heavenly energy so then people come and say oh Thea very powerful go get Dua for this Dua for that Dua for this Dua for that it's no problem to get the Dua but that's the only reason you're you're there and then if that's the character of the person then Allah will reflect that all around around them and then they email the next stage is oh all these people just want something from me so you see the world in the image of yourself so I don't know if people got that last night but you have to meditate to to see it cuz people see the side that they don't like oh I have so many friends they always want something from me thinking it ended there but what we're trying to describe is Allah that doesn't change changed a condition because you emailed it but what he wants something to be changed within oursel and then am I approaching Allah like that too give me give me give me my name is Jimmy every Dua give me this give me this give me this and if you dialogue with them they upset too that all didn't answer it oh good God you know that you got a problem coming so that's not life like that so give me gimme my name is Jimmy is not our life say well that's some people like that and that that's how they're going to have everybody around them same same style then there are people who say oh just be kind to them they're very powerful you don't want to get on their bad side so they say I love you I love you I love the way I love this I love that and because they're kinding being kind to them so you say okay okay alhamdulillah thank you thank you bye-bye but they're not going to do anything if if you you you need something you you have to have a event you have to do this you have to do that they're nowhere to be found hiden hiding just like don't call on me like people who would in in your sports class they didn't want to be picked they would like hide and Hope Oh nobody I hope the coach doesn't see me so he doesn't pick me cuz they don't want to be called into action they don't want to support they don't want to help no problem Allah will make your entire life like that and those same people emailed that yeah I have so many people around me they say my friends not one of them ever helps if I'm in a difficulty they hide I can't find anyone and that's what the blessings of difficulty in life as soon as you have difficulty you see how everybody ran away tell somebody oh I lost my job I have absolutely no money everybody will hang up run and hide on the fear that you're going to call them and ask for some money this is human nature say I don't have any food oh I just lost this you see who your friends are there are people who intentionally like to talk like that just to challenge people cuz when there's too many people holding on to the bananas you want to shake the tree a little bit because you don't need to have a weighted audience of just bunch of people holding bananas you want to shake it to see who's really there with you so other people watch our system and they say oh they're always fundraising always fundraising always fundraising yeah this is the system if you don't want to give into the fundraisings okay you're Lani just sit in the audience but we have to see who's going to step up you know this is between you and Allah if you want to be n you're watching to get something okay get what you want go your way but you want to be L with the probably the bulk of that audience 90% is is Lani they say they love you they love it but you can't get them to make a single action and that's why the shakes are teaching our system especially because people to email and text make comments on other videos is this sh pushes everybody pushes everybody because that's the way of Johnny Johnny Janan John Johnny new John Janan mean you got to do it by the soul if you're not in this for your soul then you know it's it's it's not interesting to us because we put our soul into it inshallah Allah knows best and we like to be surround founded by people whom put their heart and soul into it and with that you can move mountains we said before people think maybe there's you know a thousand people in their in their it Department I won't divulge how many there are but just good few men can wreck havoc on Shan right because this is sincerity that's all you need cuz each one of them like a thousand men so this is this is the importance of it the people who are editing you know people are now making comments it's amazing Mah you people put out videos with beautiful Graphics because each one like a thousand men if they come and they they want to be sincere and they want to serve and and receive the Nazar of prophet you don't think Prophet is looking at that look at the audience and imagine ourselves that we're all vying for the attention of Muhammad one person talking about how to eat a date and not put your saliva on your finger and touch the other date does this hit Chan in anyway why you thought Shan was confusing people about how to eat a DAT or then look at an audience that putting out all of these different subjects all of them about light and energy all of them countering everything Shan is trying to teach our life is to get the Naz of prophet s Alam so this is what's important when you look at the quality of what people are going to be propagating and who benefits and to whose detriment is that knowledge so these knowledges affect Shan the most and they benefit the believer to connect to energy and watch what the enemies are describing these are hard people to kill and destroy because they have power they have a blessings from Heavens they describing everything they describe our entire game plan why because we work for the heavens give the people to reach to the oceans of this immense fires and to keep and look the love of prophet Alam until they dying breath in their heart and in their hands that your money has to be in it your heart has to be in it your soul has to be in it your hands and your family all have to be in it and everyone looked onto that reality you're Johnny you're giving your heart and soul to that so alhamdulillah this what we learned this is how we moved in our life and as a result every immense blessing opened so this is this is the the system from the heavens inshah and it works for us other people say no no do like this do like that good do do as you like I don't care this system is working and if you work it alhamdulillah with every immense blessing opening assalam alaykum sium we learned from your teachings that 124,000 aah mirror the reality of 124,000 prophets who is mirroring the reality of Imam Mahi alisam Imam mahi yeah 124,000 they take from the fires of right now that all the They inheriting from holy companions 124,000 companions from 124,000 prophets from 124,000 they com they inherit from that and the most powerful of all aah is Muhammed he's not a prophet of Allah he's from the and under the title of so this is the sulan of Alla and in which IM is sending his support to spiritual energy and spiritual reality and all of that is dressing all and allas they know they don't know it doesn't matter so in your home those who live in a power or Hydro or Edison Company does it matter if you went to the hydro company to see who they are who works here who's the president of this Hydro company no the power are reaching your house nobody cares but if you work at the hydro company you know who's there you know who works there everything so it depends upon the level of people if they know where their power coming from and they work at that power company then that's their mifa everyone else may be just receiving the power which doesn't matter anyways so the the head of this pyramid is IM and receiving from the fires of Imam from Prophet most high from Allah most high so from comes to Mam and that becomes then flowing down through the holy Companions and IM Al upon this Earth from that light to the aah the head of all these aah means all fires must be coming from his holy heart and the video that was released just recently the short video on how to connect this is the year make your connection connect with your sheh make sure you connected the protocol with the sheh and then you ask the Sheik that I want my soul to be connected to Muhammad if you can't connect with your shik don't bother connecting with anyone else so first you have to go through the discipline and the protocol of connecting with the Sheikh Find Out Who Your Sheikh is first of all then keep your woodoo keep your practices keep your connection keep your connection keep your connection that his knowledges resonate with you his voice and vibration resonate into your heart make your connection strong when your connection is strong WR as that please keep us in the presence of and as soon as you do your your then ask to be in the presence ofam in which you see just the red tur don't look for his face it's toal you're not somebody that's worthy of looking in anyone's face is how you should be talking to yourself don't be arrogant and I want to see you this is not the the way of humility the hum it is that I want to be in the presence of s but I'm ashamed of who I am and my dirtiness just let me to be at your Threshold at your holy feet and you visualize his red turban is right in front of you and that not look for his holy face just keep your fires and that your NZ be upon me my NZ doesn't have to be upon you I'm nothing my NZ will be on your feet your eyes be on me so in life if your face is at his feet and and his eyes are upon you you don't need to look to anyone's face but this is a western teaching which is very bad is you keep looking at someone's face why are you looking in their face look to their feet and look down don't look at somebody's face especially in spiritual training this is not the the maners of uh because you're saying when I look at your face I'm same as you I'm higher than you maybe I'm giving you fires you're not giving me fires so this this is the the Badness of this culture our culture was looked down we went into traveling with Manana shik you would go into the presence of royalty they got on their knees and they crawled into the presence of the president there was nobody walking looking like this and we described many times many years before this was called that when you were trained by having a king in your life and no body entered the presence of the King by looking at the king because it was a it was a respect that the your holy eyes your holy presence who am I to be looking at you so these were all of the the protocols of a of a kingdom demonocracy came and said no we're all equal absolutely not equal and if you think you're equal nothing opens no spiritual ity opens that's why then connect with your sh first cuz he's going to begin to spiritually train you and teach you don't look up look down and keep yourself to I'm not worthy of looking at your face and just keep my face on your feet and your eyes upon my heart and my presence so when we enter with this humility you begin to spiritually visualize the presence of s's NZ upon you that's all that's needed inah and keep training keep training ourselves to be nothing we live in a world in says that we're everything so it's our responsibility to deflate that and admit to ourselves I'm nothing if they shine upon me I can be everything if they should take that shine away my reality is nothing what is the moon if the sun doesn't shine nothing completely ugly looking Planet but if the Sun Shines on it it illuminate the entire Earth so that's power assalam alaykum sium you mentioned last night that our life in very organized and we should be organized in our lives I I am struggling to organize the Affairs of my life what should I do organize is be organized person look Allah has us praying five days a week five times a day isn't that organized at specific times because he doesn't trust us to just figure out I'll pray five times on my own sending an example for us that at every moment remember your lord you prayed all of a sudden another aan goes off then you have to pray again another aan goes off pray again so as a Muslim somebody trying to submit to the will of Allah not to ourselves it teaches us to be disciplined like an army you have to wake up in the morning say I can't wake up in the morning then don't go to sleep stay up you have to have a discipline drink a lot of water so you wash all night so that you're not sleeping heavy uh trim your beauty shave your hair to do things that you know come against the the how and desire of people so it's a continuous discipline organize your a then on top of everything you came to the Tara now I have all these recitations then you get a nice time organizer so everybody has school so anyone asking these questions you didn't go to school where you had to know which class was at 9:00 which class was 11:00 what was your homework assignment which class did you have to take your your math book or your spelling book you couldn't take your English book to your math class so you had all sorts of organizational skills all your life why all of a sudden you lost it so these are you know our life skills that we were supposed to have learned now you need them even more Ina right you didn't uh go to school and know what class and what book to bring or you had it all written down same in life now that I have to wake up at this time make an organizational uh chart from a spreadsheet or a piece of paper I wake up this time I pray this prayer I do this all right I wake up this time I do like this at this Z time I'm going to recite this at the after time I'm going to recite this m time I'm going to do this and then I'm going to eat my dinner then I'm going to have Sal is then I'm going to recite this then I'm going to watch the TV I'm going to do this I'm everything in our lives write it down so that you don't miss things because then you say oh I just leave it in my mind then at the end of the night I forgot my so these are very organized people who excel in life and this is a life skill you only organize just to make money or you have to organize for Allah and if you organize for Allah you're going to make money too because you're going to be an organized person you're going to accomplish your your goals when you you you accomplish your spiritual goals I'm going to do this I'm going to make my connections I'm going to read the books and I'm going to hand out my food that person is going to succeed in anything they do because they're organized but if they just mush it together like a soup where well it'll happen with the Shak Bara no that's not the system they're looking at they they're a school looking for generals not for the whole bunch of chiefs Not For What the chief Indians Chiefs Indian what's the example yeah yeah it's officer training they want they want the re is is a school the allas they're the school for whether male or female doesn't matter means they have to become mature first part of maturity is discipline that their lives are organized and everything you was meticulous on their organization and this is a good quality and they'll carry that quality in everything they do they'll go to work and realize I have to be very meticulous I have to have my call sheets I have to have everything organized I how am I going to make money it just doesn't happen so everything in our life is organized when we're spiritually organized everything falls into place everything is done and it becomes a part of your system you get nervous when it's not happening according to how you trained yourself so alhamdulillah it's something you burn into your heart and soul inah cheps and Indians asalam alaykum s you mentioned that Shan made suud everywhere in dun and that he attacks us from six directions is he casting a holographic Mirage on every point of creation I don't know is that like philosophy of course I don't know what that means holographic I yeah I don't know I would imagine if he he made suud everywhere so he's everywhere right and when we say if Shan is everywhere who has more power than Shan because he's taking from the power of shitan is hard than another the prophet sallallah Ali wasallam must be everywhere and every omnipresence and we described before people who are not wave realities they have a hard time describing that so why you have a hard time describing that that Muhammad is in every atom every manifest and non-manifest reality presence of prophet Alam must be there and through his might and through his power that Allah has given to him Shan is able to access and to be present but by the power of so it means he has to take from the EA and might Prophet Sall Al wasam who's already present everywhere it's just you don't see it and you don't see the reality of light and the atoms where Muhammad is in every atom around us it's from his ocean of Muhammad atam Adam so everything is all around us Prophet is all around us does he see us Shah of course his atam see us but we don't see him s why because of our character and our belief system if we believe and begin to destroy the naps and bad character you'll see Prophet sallam on everything you look up in the entire Sky will be the face of prophet sallallah alaihi wasallam you look at the wall every atom on the wall every tree everything will all be Madam everywhere I looked I saw my Lord so this is you know this is a immense reality they thought they were talking about Allah but no you don't see Allah you can never see Allah but they saw their lord who who's their their lord means the reality in the lights of prophet sallallah Ali wasallam what is Arab this is the knowledge of the Lord what we described before why is they call Arabic will be in heaven Arab will be in heaven what is that isn't that the a of the r there's not bunch of people from Dubai are going to be in in in Paradise but what was Arab it was so these are the ancient knowledges of This House of Lords so alhamdulillah this is the these are the hak and realities of uh the oceans of authority and ancient knowledges me dress everyone bless everyone and forgive me and we see everybody tomorrow night please people out there 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