0:00:00.539,0:00:02.810 Utopian is creating an[br]Open Source economy 0:00:02.835,0:00:06.911 in which contributors to Open Source projects[br]are rewarded for their valuable work. 0:00:06.936,0:00:09.355 This work can come in[br]a variety of forms. 0:00:09.380,0:00:12.858 So to keep things organized Utopian[br]has identified several categories 0:00:12.883,0:00:15.258 into which contributors[br]can submit their work. 0:00:15.283,0:00:18.364 One of these categories[br]is Video Tutorials. 0:00:18.389,0:00:20.539 Education is at the[br]heart of innovation, 0:00:20.564,0:00:23.523 and to foster learning in the[br]Open Source community, Utopian 0:00:23.548,0:00:26.474 is supporting the development of[br]high quality learning resources. 0:00:26.499,0:00:29.878 The Video Tutorial category[br]is part of this initiative. 0:00:29.903,0:00:34.616 It is crucial that contributions to the Video[br]Tutorial category be educationally sound. 0:00:34.641,0:00:39.517 Contributions must contain highly engaging,[br]educational and original video content 0:00:39.542,0:00:42.030 along with supportive[br]text and images. 0:00:42.055,0:00:45.855 Creating an educationally sound video[br]tutorial contribution is not difficult, 0:00:45.880,0:00:48.823 but it does require some[br]careful consideration. 0:00:48.848,0:00:53.174 Let’s have a closer look at what makes an[br]excellent video tutorial contribution. 0:00:53.199,0:00:59.466 Utopian wishes to maintain consistency of format[br]and quality in all video tutorial contributions. 0:00:59.491,0:01:05.248 To achieve this, Utopian has provided you with some[br]tools to help in the creation of consistent content. 0:01:05.274,0:01:09.150 First, Utopian has developed a thorough[br]set of general rules and guidelines 0:01:09.175,0:01:11.528 which apply to all[br]contribution categories. 0:01:11.553,0:01:13.911 These must be followed[br]by all contributors. 0:01:14.151,0:01:18.174 Utopian has also created a set of[br]guidelines specific to video tutorials 0:01:18.199,0:01:20.991 to help contributors create[br]educationally sound content 0:01:21.016,0:01:24.286 and to aid Utopian Moderators in[br]the evaluation of this content. 0:01:24.680,0:01:28.730 Let’s have a closer look at a few of the[br]guidelines for the Video Tutorials category. 0:01:28.955,0:01:33.164 Video Tutorials teaching simplistic concepts[br]which are found in other applications 0:01:33.189,0:01:37.685 or tutorials which focus on how to create[br]content are not appropriate for Utopian. 0:01:37.710,0:01:40.716 Utopian supports only content[br]of the highest quality. 0:01:40.741,0:01:44.646 Therefore, it is wise to research the[br]internet for existing learning resources 0:01:44.671,0:01:47.431 before you begin creating[br]your own contributions. 0:01:47.689,0:01:49.898 Before you begin creating[br]your video tutorial 0:01:49.923,0:01:53.054 create an outline which you[br]can refer to as you record. 0:01:53.079,0:01:58.563 Do some practice runs of your video to identify[br]any issues before you record your final version. 0:01:58.588,0:02:01.304 Background noise can be[br]distracting for learners. 0:02:01.329,0:02:04.098 Close all windows and doors[br]before you begin recording 0:02:04.123,0:02:07.511 to insure that there will be no[br]unwanted noises on your recording. 0:02:07.536,0:02:10.491 Be sure to get close to your[br]microphone when you record. 0:02:10.517,0:02:13.765 10 cm is a good distance from[br]your mouth to the microphone. 0:02:14.058,0:02:17.284 Along with adhering to the[br]general and category guidelines, 0:02:17.309,0:02:22.165 Utopian has provided a video tutorial template[br]to guide you in formatting your submission. 0:02:22.190,0:02:24.029 Let’s have a closer[br]look at the template. 0:02:24.384,0:02:26.140 As you have seen[br]in the guidelines, 0:02:26.165,0:02:31.958 it is critical that you associate your Video Tutorial[br]contribution with an appropriate Github repository. 0:02:31.983,0:02:37.386 In this section of your contribution you will itemize each[br]of the concepts you will be addressing in your tutorial. 0:02:37.411,0:02:42.784 These concepts must be substantial and not things[br]an average user can figure out themselves. 0:02:42.809,0:02:45.882 While it is important to cover[br]multiple concepts in your tutorial, 0:02:45.907,0:02:50.611 covering too many substantial concepts in one[br]tutorial can be overwhelming for learners. 0:02:50.636,0:02:54.581 In this section of your submission you must[br]list all the software and hardware requirements 0:02:54.606,0:02:56.695 for learners to[br]complete your tutorial. 0:02:56.720,0:03:01.798 Indicate the level of skill and knowledge a learner[br]must possess in order to complete your video tutorial. 0:03:01.823,0:03:06.662 Here you will provide highly detailed supportive[br]text and images for your video tutorial. 0:03:07.068,0:03:12.451 You need to address each of the substantial concepts and[br]provide supporting information to aid the learners. 0:03:12.476,0:03:15.506 Your video can either be[br]uploaded to YouTube or DTube 0:03:15.531,0:03:17.529 then embedded into[br]your submission. 0:03:17.554,0:03:19.184 As mentioned in the guidelines, 0:03:19.209,0:03:23.374 your video must not be older than 14[br]days to be considered by Utopian. 0:03:23.399,0:03:26.756 Utopian encourages the development[br]of sequential video tutorials 0:03:26.781,0:03:29.795 to thoroughly cover the concepts[br]of an Open Source project. 0:03:29.820,0:03:33.416 As you create your series of tutorials[br]focused on a specific project 0:03:33.441,0:03:38.655 you need to list your contributions so learners can[br]select the materials they require for their studies. 0:03:38.680,0:03:42.020 There are two subcategories of[br]the video tutorial category: 0:03:42.045,0:03:43.676 Code writing contributions 0:03:43.701,0:03:45.811 and end-user focused[br]contributions. 0:03:45.836,0:03:50.684 Code writing contributions must provide clear[br]sequential instruction on programming concepts. 0:03:50.709,0:03:55.606 As you introduce concepts and techniques you must[br]clearly explain how and why you are using them. 0:03:55.631,0:03:59.138 Code writing can be complex so it is[br]important to be thorough in your instruction 0:03:59.163,0:04:02.526 and maintain a pace which will allow[br]learners to easily follow your work. 0:04:02.551,0:04:07.495 End-user focused video tutorial are focused on[br]complex functions of Open Source applications. 0:04:07.727,0:04:12.093 As with code writing contributions, these[br]submissions must be sequential and thorough. 0:04:12.118,0:04:15.892 Contributors must avoid simple functions[br]such as print, open, and install. 0:04:16.190,0:04:19.959 Concepts must be too complex for an[br]average user to figure out themselves. 0:04:19.985,0:04:23.670 As stated in the guidelines, tutorials[br]providing simple onscreen instruction, 0:04:23.695,0:04:27.183 gameplay and content creation are[br]not appropriate for Utopian. 0:04:27.208,0:04:30.106 When selecting a topic for your[br]video tutorial contribution, 0:04:30.131,0:04:34.144 you must insure that your content provides[br]educational value to the community. 0:04:34.169,0:04:36.939 Research existing learning[br]resources related to your topic 0:04:36.964,0:04:40.463 and avoid submitting content which is[br]already addressed sufficiently elsewhere. 0:04:40.488,0:04:44.343 Choose topics which you are both[br]knowledgeable in and passionate about. 0:04:44.368,0:04:48.400 Consider your audience and create content[br]which is suited to their learning needs. 0:04:48.425,0:04:51.323 Once you have researched and chosen[br]a topic for your video tutorial, 0:04:51.348,0:04:54.968 it is time to create your contribution[br]with your favourite Steem interface. 0:04:54.993,0:04:57.822 First choose an appropriate[br]title for your contribution. 0:04:57.847,0:05:01.549 Using the video tutorials template,[br]create the body of your contribution. 0:05:01.574,0:05:05.215 Be sure to include all the required[br]information outlined in the template. 0:05:05.240,0:05:09.473 After recording and editing your video,[br]upload it to either YouTube or DTube. 0:05:09.498,0:05:11.127 Paste the embed[br]code for your video 0:05:11.152,0:05:14.296 into the correct area of your[br]post according to the template. 0:05:14.321,0:05:16.735 Tagging your contribution[br]is very important. 0:05:16.760,0:05:19.773 Your first tag[br]must be utopian-io 0:05:19.798,0:05:23.514 and your second tag[br]must be video-tutorials. 0:05:23.539,0:05:28.345 Before you publish your contribution proof read[br]everything to insure that there are no mistakes. 0:05:28.370,0:05:31.280 Once you’re happy with your[br]contribution it’s time to post. 0:05:31.305,0:05:34.087 Education is at the heart of[br]the Open Source community. 0:05:34.508,0:05:37.076 Your contributions to the[br]Video Tutorial category 0:05:37.101,0:05:40.932 will empower learners to use and[br]develop new Open Source applications 0:05:40.957,0:05:43.507 and in turn strengthen[br]the community around us.