0:00:01.112,0:00:05.063 So, my journey began[br]in the Bronx, New York, 0:00:06.098,0:00:07.866 in a one-bedroom apartment, 0:00:07.890,0:00:10.561 with my two sisters and immigrant mother. 0:00:11.712,0:00:14.519 I loved our neighborhood. 0:00:15.382,0:00:16.890 It was lively. 0:00:16.914,0:00:19.359 There was all this merengue blasting, 0:00:19.383,0:00:21.772 neighbors socializing on building stoops 0:00:21.796,0:00:25.219 and animated conversations[br]over domino playing. 0:00:26.327,0:00:27.789 It was home, 0:00:28.852,0:00:30.344 and it was sweet. 0:00:31.368,0:00:32.964 But it wasn't simple. 0:00:33.645,0:00:37.259 In fact, everyone at school[br]knew the block where we lived, 0:00:37.283,0:00:41.398 because it was where people came[br]to buy weed and other drugs. 0:00:41.950,0:00:44.520 And with drug-dealing comes conflict, 0:00:44.544,0:00:48.413 so we often went to sleep[br]to the sound of gunshots. 0:00:49.839,0:00:52.692 I spent much of my childhood worried, 0:00:53.121,0:00:55.549 worried about our safety. 0:00:56.803,0:00:58.201 And so did our mother. 0:00:59.277,0:01:03.871 She worried that the violence we witnessed[br]would overtake our lives; 0:01:04.338,0:01:06.063 that our poverty meant 0:01:06.087,0:01:08.762 that the neighbors with whom[br]we lived and shared space 0:01:08.786,0:01:10.071 would harm us. 0:01:10.851,0:01:13.881 Our entire life was in the Bronx, 0:01:14.566,0:01:17.562 but my mother's anxiety[br]spurred her into action, 0:01:17.586,0:01:22.356 and soon we were driving[br]so fast to Connecticut -- 0:01:22.380,0:01:23.452 (Laughter) 0:01:23.476,0:01:27.833 To boarding school campuses,[br]with full scholarships in tow. 0:01:27.857,0:01:33.591 Man, don't underestimate[br]the power of a mother 0:01:33.615,0:01:36.167 determined to keep her children safe. 0:01:37.010,0:01:38.292 (Cheers) 0:01:38.316,0:01:40.735 (Applause) 0:01:43.553,0:01:45.004 At boarding school, 0:01:46.658,0:01:48.795 for the first time, 0:01:49.867,0:01:52.184 I was able to sleep without worry. 0:01:53.391,0:01:55.396 I could leave my dorm room unlocked, 0:01:55.968,0:01:57.803 walk barefoot in the grass, 0:01:58.291,0:02:02.410 and look up to see[br]a night sky full of stars. 0:02:04.061,0:02:05.992 Happy novelties. 0:02:07.172,0:02:09.512 But there were other novelties as well. 0:02:10.298,0:02:13.825 Very quickly, I felt like I didn't belong. 0:02:14.469,0:02:17.358 I learned that I didn't speak[br]the right way, 0:02:17.382,0:02:20.682 and to demonstrate[br]the proper ways of speaking, 0:02:21.226,0:02:25.287 my teachers gave me[br]frequent lessons, in public, 0:02:25.759,0:02:29.291 on the appropriate way[br]to enunciate certain words. 0:02:31.068,0:02:33.889 A teacher once instructed me[br]in the hallway: 0:02:35.040,0:02:37.701 "Aaaaaas-king." 0:02:39.535,0:02:41.135 She said this loudly. 0:02:42.024,0:02:46.946 "Dena, it's not 'axing,'[br]like you're running around with an axe. 0:02:47.809,0:02:49.217 That's silly." 0:02:50.082,0:02:55.016 Now at this point, you can imagine[br]the snickers of my classmates, 0:02:56.258,0:02:57.779 but she continued: 0:02:59.246,0:03:04.174 "Think about breaking the word[br]into 'ass' and 'king, ' 0:03:04.667,0:03:07.725 and then put the two together[br]to say it correctly -- 0:03:08.720,0:03:10.006 'Asking.'" 0:03:11.918,0:03:15.321 There were some other moments[br]that reminded me that I didn't belong. 0:03:16.186,0:03:19.291 Once, I walked into[br]a classmate's dorm room, 0:03:20.028,0:03:23.138 and I watched her watch[br]her valuables around me. 0:03:24.349,0:03:27.242 Like, why would she do that?[br]I thought to myself. 0:03:28.385,0:03:30.824 And then there was the time 0:03:30.848,0:03:34.287 when another classmate[br]walked into my dorm room, 0:03:34.311,0:03:38.341 and yelled, "Ew!" as I was applying[br]hair grease to my scalp. 0:03:41.072,0:03:46.007 There is emotional damage done[br]when young people can't be themselves, 0:03:46.504,0:03:51.238 when they are forced to edit who they are[br]in order to be acceptable. 0:03:52.627,0:03:54.637 It's a kind of violence. 0:03:56.940,0:04:00.985 Ultimately, I'm a quintessential[br]success story. 0:04:01.992,0:04:05.199 I attended boarding school[br]and college in New England, 0:04:05.223,0:04:07.303 studied abroad in Chile 0:04:07.327,0:04:10.442 and returned to the Bronx[br]to be a middle school teacher. 0:04:11.027,0:04:13.424 I received a Truman Scholarship, 0:04:13.448,0:04:16.666 a Fulbright and a Soros Fellowship. 0:04:16.690,0:04:18.220 And I could list more. 0:04:18.598,0:04:19.759 (Laughter) 0:04:20.116,0:04:21.312 But I won't. 0:04:21.336,0:04:22.734 (Laughter) 0:04:23.908,0:04:27.041 I earned my doctorate[br]at Columbia University. 0:04:27.792,0:04:28.883 (Cheers) 0:04:28.907,0:04:30.713 (Applause) 0:04:30.737,0:04:33.079 And then I landed a job at Yale. 0:04:33.103,0:04:34.869 (Applause) 0:04:35.363,0:04:39.645 I am proud of everything[br]that I've been able to accomplish 0:04:40.036,0:04:41.948 on my journey thus far. 0:04:44.884,0:04:47.847 I have eternal imposter syndrome. 0:04:49.150,0:04:52.059 Either I've been invited[br]because I'm a token, 0:04:52.083,0:04:54.290 which really isn't about me, 0:04:54.314,0:04:57.404 but rather, about a box[br]someone needed to check off. 0:04:58.388,0:05:00.983 Or, I am exceptional, 0:05:01.673,0:05:05.995 which means I've had to leave[br]the people I love behind. 0:05:07.528,0:05:13.573 It's the price that I and so many others[br]pay for learning while black. 0:05:15.595,0:05:18.761 (Applause) 0:05:22.689,0:05:26.470 I police myself all the time. 0:05:28.008,0:05:29.491 Are my pants too tight? 0:05:30.768,0:05:33.372 Should I wear my hair up or in a fro? 0:05:34.726,0:05:37.171 Should I speak up for myself, 0:05:37.195,0:05:41.893 or will the power of my words[br]be reduced to "She's angry"? 0:05:44.114,0:05:46.724 Why did I have to leave the Bronx 0:05:46.748,0:05:49.607 to gain access to a better education? 0:05:51.433,0:05:55.894 And why, in the process[br]of getting that better education, 0:05:55.918,0:06:01.798 did I have to endure the trauma[br]of erasing what made me me -- 0:06:03.449,0:06:07.952 a black girl from the Bronx,[br]raised by an Antiguan mother? 0:06:09.861,0:06:14.534 So when I think about our current[br]education reform initiatives, 0:06:15.390,0:06:17.203 I can't help asking: 0:06:18.179,0:06:21.881 What are our students of color[br]learning about themselves? 0:06:23.830,0:06:27.117 Three -- three decades of research reveal 0:06:27.141,0:06:30.407 that students of color[br]are suspended and expelled 0:06:30.431,0:06:33.546 at a rate three times greater[br]than white students, 0:06:34.170,0:06:39.349 and are punished in harsher ways[br]for the same infractions. 0:06:41.138,0:06:44.635 They also learn this through the absence[br]of their lives and narratives 0:06:44.659,0:06:45.858 in the curricula. 0:06:47.432,0:06:52.317 The Cooperative Children's Book Center[br]did a review of nearly 4,000 books, 0:06:52.848,0:06:56.927 and found that only three percent[br]were about African-Americans. 0:06:58.686,0:07:00.049 And they further learn this 0:07:00.073,0:07:02.899 through the lack of teachers[br]that look like them. 0:07:05.550,0:07:06.989 An analysis of data 0:07:07.013,0:07:10.727 from the National Center[br]for Education Statistics 0:07:10.751,0:07:15.907 found that 45 percent of our nation's[br]pre-K to high school students 0:07:15.931,0:07:17.558 were people of color, 0:07:18.300,0:07:22.724 while only 17 percent of our teachers are. 0:07:24.881,0:07:27.718 Our youth of color pay a profound price 0:07:27.742,0:07:29.860 when their schooling[br]sends them the message 0:07:29.884,0:07:32.013 that they must be controlled, 0:07:32.479,0:07:34.863 that they must leave[br]their identities at home 0:07:34.887,0:07:36.980 in order to be successful. 0:07:39.027,0:07:42.314 Every child deserves an education 0:07:42.338,0:07:45.859 that guarantees the safety to learn 0:07:45.883,0:07:50.230 in the comfort of one's own skin. 0:07:51.484,0:07:55.442 (Applause) 0:07:59.551,0:08:04.794 It is possible to create emotionally[br]and physically safe classrooms 0:08:04.818,0:08:07.544 where students also thrive academically. 0:08:08.511,0:08:11.901 I know, because I did it in my classroom 0:08:11.925,0:08:14.051 when I returned to teach in the Bronx. 0:08:15.681,0:08:17.310 So what did that look like? 0:08:19.040,0:08:21.074 I centered my instruction 0:08:21.098,0:08:25.249 on the lives, histories[br]and identities of my students. 0:08:26.621,0:08:29.613 And I did all of this[br]because I wanted my students to know 0:08:29.637,0:08:33.324 that everyone around them[br]was supporting them 0:08:33.348,0:08:35.255 to be their best self. 0:08:37.054,0:08:42.297 So while I could not control[br]the instability of their homes, 0:08:42.321,0:08:44.972 the uncertainty of their next meal, 0:08:45.472,0:08:47.922 or the loud neighbors[br]that kept them from sleep, 0:08:48.641,0:08:52.007 I provided them with a loving classroom 0:08:52.031,0:08:54.748 that made them feel proud of who they are, 0:08:55.313,0:08:58.118 that made them know that they mattered. 0:08:59.620,0:09:00.823 You know, 0:09:02.522,0:09:08.073 every time I hear[br]or say the word "asking," 0:09:10.977,0:09:12.431 I am in high school again. 0:09:14.135,0:09:18.549 I am thinking about "ass" and "king," 0:09:20.117,0:09:24.182 and putting the two together[br]so that I speak in a way 0:09:24.206,0:09:27.742 where someone in power[br]will want to listen. 0:09:30.115,0:09:31.788 There is a better way, 0:09:32.365,0:09:35.979 one that doesn't force kids of color[br]into a double bind; 0:09:36.799,0:09:39.161 a way for them to preserve their ties 0:09:39.185,0:09:41.931 to their families, homes, and communities; 0:09:42.944,0:09:47.641 a way that teaches them[br]to trust their instincts 0:09:48.555,0:09:54.110 and to have faith[br]in their own creative genius. 0:09:55.144,0:09:56.327 Thank you. 0:09:56.351,0:09:59.150 (Applause)