To create a score in MuseScore 4, you can select "File—new" or you can select this "Add" button in the score section. Doing this brings up a list of instruments that you can add to your score by double-clicking on them, or pressing this button. To quickly search for instruments you can enter their name in this search section too. In some cases, there will be alternate versions of the same instrument. For example, you can add a guitar that uses tablature or standard notation. You can also select the "Create from template" tab to start your score from a  range of prepared templates. So once you've chosen your instrumentation, you can press "Done" to begin notating your music right away. However, you can also press "Next" if you want to specify more information, like the key signature, time signature, tempo and number of measures. Once your score is created, you can make additional changes using our new "Instruments" panel. For example, you could add a third stave to a piano. In the case of guitar, if you'd like to create a linked tablature stave, you can do this by expanding the instrument to see its properties, then clicking on this settings icon and then choosing "Create a linked staff". Once that is created, you can then choose "Tablature" from this drop-down. In this way, notation you enter on one staff will appear on the other. If you liked this tutorial and  want to learn more about MuseScore, check out some of our later chapters on our YouTube channel or look through our online handbook, which is linked in the description below.