I like to give myself options for the opening. Hi everyone, I'm Amythest and this is the much anticipated episode of Ask an Autistic, what is Autism? Ow. My leg fell asleep. Can you go back a little bit? Thank you. And, would you mind getting me some tap water? [Marvin] Tap water. This is awesome. Makeup check. [Marvin] If you ever want to refocus, you just push partially down on the shutter button. Kay [Marvin] Obviously you have to be there. ... To have access to the same level of education, to get the same... I'm getting really tired. All the non-disabled, neurotypical majority... get... [Marvin] You are Wonder Woman. I am? ...To communicate and to express themselves... Can you go back? [Marvin] Yeah. My back hurts. [Marvin] You're doing awesome. Thank you. Thanks for watching Ask an Autistic. Kay, I think I did it. [Marvin] Awesome.