Everything is a lie. I'm sick of cynicism, of crappy facades, of edgy aunties and slobbering bozos. How simple it would be to clarify everything. Hi. I've been watching you. I think you have a nice smile, and a great body. I'd love to spend the night with you. If everything goes well, I could love you for the rest of my life. That would be easy. But no, the opposite always happens. Hi. "What's your name?" "My name is Adela and I'm bitter. I'm sick of pigs like you. So if you don't mind, get lost." I ask her name, and for that, I'm a pig. How disgusting. I sleep alone again. I have had enough. And over here, fat Ana is turning purple. The worst part is not sleeping alone, but waking up with no one to make me breakfast. It's very hard to be romantic and a nympo at the same time. Self confidence. That is the key. Only problem is, not being too obvious. I can act self assured, but will they notice? Is it a matter of chemistry? If it were, the stars would be burning. Have fun watching me. I could fall in love with her at one glance. Ana's cow will think it's bullshit. But, is it the look? She has no idea. Why won't you pick up my vibes? He looks like a teddy bear. A teddy bear...I would not mind sleeping with. Red lips drive me crazy. Anyway, you will have a made to order boyfriend, that's all. He's pretty attractive. Seems like a good guy. Has a good personality. The personality is important. Will he be good in bed? He's making my motor run. I just have to wear a garter belt. I'm already in love. I'm infatuated. Why are the uncles always coming out? If she only knew I'm on fire for her. I can't do this any more. Come with mama. What for? If he'd only look at me. All I have left is masturbation, or suicide. Of course, no one facing that choice picks suicide. Buddy, did you not find out? Come closer. Nevermind, forget it. Forget it. Don't look, don't look. The important thing now is to choose which porno. Maybe the one about the hooker with the huge tits. Pardon, Mr. Teddy Bear. Got a light? Missed my chance. Why did I quit smoking? What a bitch. Nope, no way. I love you, although tonight I go to bed with a hooker. On top of that, I'm an idiot. That bastard, doesn't he have a clue? How did I become such an asshole? I'm stupid. I'm a coward. Autistic. Subhuman. Repressed. Gay. Well, it's over. They'll find out. How horrible. What a shame. It really stinks. That's what I was missing. Going away will give me something. That hair, those eyes, that ass. That everything. Get out. Not talking, not talking. But what do I say? I'm cold, I'm cold. I feel nothing. Let's see. How are you? What's your name? Where are you going? My name is Mayte, and I want to take you to the garden. Since I saw you, you're the only woman for me. I love the way you walk. Do you snore? I read in bed and wear men's pajamas. I like cereal for breakfast. I'm a secretary, but always wanted to be a ballerina. I hate people who wear sweats on a Sunday. All my panties are black. Do you wear boxers? Do you know the Big Bang Theory? - I'm allergic to dogs. What will we name our son? Shit, I had to come now. Staying or going? What do I do? Why doesn't it move? - Follow me, follow me. Don't go. Stay with me. - Come on. Come on. Upload? Why do you wait? What else do you want to know? - My life. - My love. Don't. Don't. I want you. Some day, we'll start a family. I will wait for you always, my love. Forever. [Music]