WEBVTT 00:00:00.924 --> 00:00:02.453 Carlos, 00:00:02.477 --> 00:00:04.030 the Vietnam vet Marine 00:00:04.054 --> 00:00:07.838 who volunteered for three tours and got shot up in every one. 00:00:08.650 --> 00:00:10.752 In 1971, he was medically retired 00:00:10.776 --> 00:00:13.075 because he had so much shrapnel in his body 00:00:13.099 --> 00:00:15.217 that he was setting off metal detectors. 00:00:16.279 --> 00:00:19.380 For the next 42 years, he suffered from nightmares, 00:00:19.404 --> 00:00:21.618 extreme anxiety in public, 00:00:21.642 --> 00:00:23.653 isolation, depression. 00:00:23.677 --> 00:00:25.581 He self-medicated with alcohol. 00:00:25.605 --> 00:00:28.511 He was married and divorced three times. 00:00:28.535 --> 00:00:31.256 Carlos had post-traumatic stress disorder. NOTE Paragraph 00:00:32.129 --> 00:00:35.706 Now, I became a psychologist to help mitigate human suffering, 00:00:35.730 --> 00:00:40.217 and for the past 10 years, my target has been the suffering caused by PTSD, 00:00:40.241 --> 00:00:42.763 as experienced by veterans like Carlos. 00:00:43.356 --> 00:00:48.573 Until recently, the science of PTSD just wasn't there. 00:00:49.161 --> 00:00:51.537 And so, we didn't know what to do. 00:00:51.561 --> 00:00:53.925 We put some veterans on heavy drugs. 00:00:53.949 --> 00:00:56.753 Others we hospitalized and gave generic group therapy, 00:00:56.777 --> 00:00:58.875 and others still we simply said to them, 00:00:58.899 --> 00:01:02.213 "Just go home and try to forget about your experiences." 00:01:03.534 --> 00:01:06.877 More recently, we've tried therapy dogs, wilderness retreats -- 00:01:06.901 --> 00:01:09.822 many things which may temporarily relieve stress, 00:01:09.846 --> 00:01:13.751 but which don't actually eliminate PTSD symptoms over the long term. NOTE Paragraph 00:01:14.654 --> 00:01:16.011 But things have changed. 00:01:16.451 --> 00:01:21.607 And I am here to tell you that we can now eliminate PTSD, 00:01:21.631 --> 00:01:23.458 not just manage the symptoms, 00:01:23.482 --> 00:01:25.030 and in huge numbers of veterans. 00:01:25.054 --> 00:01:28.032 Because new scientific research has been able to show, 00:01:28.056 --> 00:01:30.434 objectively, repeatedly, 00:01:30.458 --> 00:01:33.933 which treatments actually get rid of symptoms and which do not. NOTE Paragraph 00:01:33.957 --> 00:01:35.605 Now as it turns out, 00:01:35.629 --> 00:01:40.859 the best treatments for PTSD use many of the very same training principles 00:01:40.883 --> 00:01:44.735 that the military uses in preparing its trainees for war. NOTE Paragraph 00:01:46.227 --> 00:01:47.706 Now, making war -- 00:01:48.254 --> 00:01:50.559 this is something that we are good at. 00:01:50.993 --> 00:01:55.133 We humans have been making war since before we were even fully human. 00:01:56.006 --> 00:01:59.470 And since then, we have gone from using stone and sinew 00:01:59.494 --> 00:02:04.084 to developing the most sophisticated and devastating weapon systems imaginable. 00:02:04.108 --> 00:02:06.443 And to enable our warriors to use these weapons, 00:02:06.467 --> 00:02:08.788 we employ the most cutting-edge training methods. 00:02:08.812 --> 00:02:10.239 We are good at making war. 00:02:10.898 --> 00:02:13.885 And we are good at training our warriors to fight. NOTE Paragraph 00:02:14.687 --> 00:02:18.176 Yet, when we consider the experience of the modern-day combat veteran, 00:02:18.200 --> 00:02:21.387 we begin to see that we have not been as good 00:02:21.411 --> 00:02:23.031 at preparing them to come home. 00:02:23.447 --> 00:02:24.649 Why is that? 00:02:25.731 --> 00:02:29.005 Well, our ancestors lived immersed in conflict, 00:02:29.029 --> 00:02:31.407 and they fought right where they lived. 00:02:32.094 --> 00:02:35.108 So until only very recently in our evolutionary history, 00:02:35.132 --> 00:02:38.024 there was hardly a need to learn how to come home from war, 00:02:38.048 --> 00:02:40.174 because we never really did. 00:02:41.377 --> 00:02:42.619 But thankfully, today, 00:02:42.643 --> 00:02:45.658 most of humanity lives in far more peaceful societies, 00:02:45.682 --> 00:02:49.661 and when there is conflict, we, especially in the United States, 00:02:49.685 --> 00:02:53.182 now have the technology to put our warriors through advanced training, 00:02:53.206 --> 00:02:56.023 drop them in to fight anywhere on the globe 00:02:56.047 --> 00:02:57.506 and when they're done, 00:02:57.530 --> 00:02:59.555 jet them back to peacetime suburbia. NOTE Paragraph 00:03:00.514 --> 00:03:04.372 But just imagine for a moment what this must feel like. 00:03:05.064 --> 00:03:07.084 I've spoken with veterans who've told me 00:03:07.108 --> 00:03:10.200 that one day they're in a brutal firefight in Afghanistan 00:03:10.224 --> 00:03:13.099 where they saw carnage and death, 00:03:13.867 --> 00:03:16.337 and just three days later, they found themselves 00:03:16.361 --> 00:03:18.945 toting an ice chest to their kid's soccer game. 00:03:20.405 --> 00:03:23.170 "Mindfuck" is the most common term. NOTE Paragraph 00:03:23.194 --> 00:03:24.608 (Laughter) NOTE Paragraph 00:03:24.632 --> 00:03:27.751 It's the most common term I've heard to describe that experience. 00:03:27.775 --> 00:03:29.299 And that's exactly what that is. 00:03:29.323 --> 00:03:33.312 Because while our warriors spend countless hours training for war, 00:03:33.336 --> 00:03:35.229 we've only recently come to understand 00:03:35.253 --> 00:03:38.713 that many require training on how to return to civilian life. NOTE Paragraph 00:03:39.642 --> 00:03:43.733 Now, like any training, the best PTSD treatments require repetition. 00:03:43.757 --> 00:03:44.908 In the military, 00:03:44.932 --> 00:03:48.172 we don't simply hand trainees Mark-19 automatic grenade launchers 00:03:48.196 --> 00:03:51.388 and say, "Here's the trigger, here's some ammo and good luck." 00:03:51.412 --> 00:03:56.108 No. We train them, on the range and in specific contexts, 00:03:56.132 --> 00:03:57.818 over and over and over 00:03:57.842 --> 00:04:00.631 until lifting their weapon and engaging their target 00:04:00.655 --> 00:04:02.491 is so engrained into muscle memory 00:04:02.515 --> 00:04:04.843 that it can be performed without even thinking, 00:04:04.867 --> 00:04:07.787 even under the most stressful conditions you can imagine. NOTE Paragraph 00:04:08.630 --> 00:04:11.364 Now, the same holds for training-based treatments. 00:04:11.875 --> 00:04:15.206 The first of these treatments is cognitive therapy, 00:04:15.230 --> 00:04:18.599 and this is a kind of mental recalibration. 00:04:19.166 --> 00:04:20.795 When veterans come home from war, 00:04:20.819 --> 00:04:23.415 their way of mentally framing the world is calibrated 00:04:23.439 --> 00:04:26.098 to an immensely more dangerous environment. 00:04:26.860 --> 00:04:32.016 So when you try to overlay that mind frame onto a peacetime environment, 00:04:32.040 --> 00:04:33.245 you get problems. 00:04:33.269 --> 00:04:37.724 You begin drowning in worries about dangers that aren't present. 00:04:37.748 --> 00:04:41.071 You begin not trusting family or friends. 00:04:41.935 --> 00:04:45.999 Which is not to say there are no dangers in civilian life; there are. 00:04:46.402 --> 00:04:49.094 It's just that the probability of encountering them 00:04:49.118 --> 00:04:50.388 compared to combat 00:04:50.412 --> 00:04:52.720 is astronomically lower. NOTE Paragraph 00:04:53.675 --> 00:04:56.815 So we never advise veterans to turn off caution completely. 00:04:56.839 --> 00:04:59.223 We do train them, however, to adjust caution 00:04:59.247 --> 00:05:00.888 according to where they are. 00:05:01.685 --> 00:05:04.170 If you find yourself in a bad neighborhood, 00:05:04.194 --> 00:05:05.449 you turn it up. 00:05:05.878 --> 00:05:07.527 Out to dinner with family? 00:05:07.551 --> 00:05:09.479 You turn it way down. 00:05:09.975 --> 00:05:12.747 We train veterans to be fiercely rational, 00:05:13.271 --> 00:05:16.825 to systematically gauge the actual statistical probability 00:05:16.849 --> 00:05:20.657 of encountering, say, an IED here in peacetime America. 00:05:21.460 --> 00:05:25.724 With enough practice, those recalibrations stick. NOTE Paragraph 00:05:27.193 --> 00:05:29.507 The next of these treatments is exposure therapy, 00:05:29.531 --> 00:05:31.958 and this is a kind of field training, 00:05:32.453 --> 00:05:35.514 and the fastest of the proven effective treatments out there. NOTE Paragraph 00:05:35.974 --> 00:05:37.531 You remember Carlos? 00:05:37.555 --> 00:05:39.422 This was the treatment that he chose. 00:05:39.869 --> 00:05:42.309 And so we started off by giving him exercises, 00:05:42.333 --> 00:05:43.639 for him, challenging ones: 00:05:43.663 --> 00:05:45.609 going to a grocery store, 00:05:45.633 --> 00:05:48.258 going to a shopping mall, going to a restaurant, 00:05:48.282 --> 00:05:50.772 sitting with his back to the door. 00:05:51.214 --> 00:05:52.399 And, critically -- 00:05:53.032 --> 00:05:54.545 staying in these environments. 00:05:55.791 --> 00:05:57.501 Now, at first he was very anxious. 00:05:57.525 --> 00:06:00.017 He wanted to sit where he could scan the room, 00:06:00.041 --> 00:06:01.966 where he could plan escape routes, 00:06:01.990 --> 00:06:05.017 where he could get his hands on a makeshift weapon. 00:06:05.041 --> 00:06:07.881 And he wanted to leave, but he didn't. 00:06:08.390 --> 00:06:11.261 He remembered his training in the Marine Corps, 00:06:11.285 --> 00:06:13.129 and he pushed through his discomfort. 00:06:13.530 --> 00:06:16.722 And every time he did this, his anxiety ratcheted down a little bit, 00:06:16.746 --> 00:06:19.505 and then a little bit more and then a little bit more, 00:06:19.529 --> 00:06:20.843 until in the end, 00:06:20.867 --> 00:06:25.777 he had effectively relearned how to sit in a public space 00:06:26.785 --> 00:06:28.269 and just enjoy himself. NOTE Paragraph 00:06:29.704 --> 00:06:33.022 He also listened to recordings of his combat experiences, 00:06:33.046 --> 00:06:35.227 over and over and over. 00:06:35.706 --> 00:06:39.946 He listened until those memories no longer generated any anxiety. 00:06:40.419 --> 00:06:42.981 He processed his memories so much 00:06:43.005 --> 00:06:46.234 that his brain no longer needed to return to those experiences 00:06:46.258 --> 00:06:47.543 in his sleep. 00:06:48.400 --> 00:06:51.953 And when I spoke with him a year after treatment had finished, 00:06:51.977 --> 00:06:53.348 he told me, 00:06:53.372 --> 00:06:57.773 "Doc, this is the first time in 43 years 00:06:58.472 --> 00:07:00.058 that I haven't had nightmares." NOTE Paragraph 00:07:01.412 --> 00:07:05.590 Now, this is different than erasing a memory. 00:07:06.087 --> 00:07:09.082 Veterans will always remember their traumatic experiences, 00:07:09.106 --> 00:07:10.763 but with enough practice, 00:07:10.787 --> 00:07:15.993 those memories are no longer as raw or as painful as they once were. 00:07:16.379 --> 00:07:19.940 They don't feel emotionally like they just happened yesterday, 00:07:19.964 --> 00:07:23.770 and that is an immensely better place to be. NOTE Paragraph 00:07:25.985 --> 00:07:27.255 But it's often difficult. 00:07:27.677 --> 00:07:31.315 And, like any training, it may not work for everybody. 00:07:32.117 --> 00:07:33.408 And there are trust issues. 00:07:33.931 --> 00:07:35.213 Sometimes I'm asked, 00:07:35.237 --> 00:07:37.891 "If you haven't been there, Doc, how can you help me?" 00:07:37.915 --> 00:07:39.378 Which is understandable. 00:07:40.244 --> 00:07:44.615 But at the point of returning to civilian life, 00:07:44.639 --> 00:07:47.624 you do not require somebody who's been there. 00:07:47.985 --> 00:07:51.101 You don't require training for operations on the battlefield; 00:07:51.125 --> 00:07:55.038 you require training on how to come home. NOTE Paragraph 00:07:58.626 --> 00:08:00.891 For the past 10 years of my work, 00:08:01.336 --> 00:08:04.084 I have been exposed to detailed accounts 00:08:04.108 --> 00:08:06.708 of the worst experiences that you can imagine, 00:08:06.732 --> 00:08:07.961 daily. 00:08:07.985 --> 00:08:10.083 And it hasn't always been easy. 00:08:10.107 --> 00:08:13.472 There have been times where I have just felt my heart break 00:08:13.496 --> 00:08:15.343 or that I've absorbed too much. 00:08:16.150 --> 00:08:19.473 But these training-based treatments work so well, 00:08:19.497 --> 00:08:22.579 that whatever this work takes out of me, it puts back even more, 00:08:22.603 --> 00:08:25.849 because I see people get better. 00:08:26.754 --> 00:08:28.577 I see people's lives transform. NOTE Paragraph 00:08:30.656 --> 00:08:33.994 Carlos can now enjoy outings with his grandchildren, 00:08:34.018 --> 00:08:37.225 which is something he couldn't even do with his own children. 00:08:37.638 --> 00:08:41.624 And what's amazing to me is that after 43 years of suffering, 00:08:41.648 --> 00:08:45.467 it only took him 10 weeks of intense training to get his life back. 00:08:46.001 --> 00:08:48.309 And when I spoke with him, he told me, 00:08:48.333 --> 00:08:52.350 "I know that I can't get those years back. 00:08:53.088 --> 00:08:57.997 But at least now, whatever days that I have left on this Earth, 00:08:58.021 --> 00:08:59.938 I can live them in peace." 00:09:01.114 --> 00:09:04.586 He also said, "I hope that these younger veterans don't wait 00:09:04.610 --> 00:09:05.958 to get the help they need." 00:09:06.588 --> 00:09:07.874 And that's my hope, too. 00:09:09.020 --> 00:09:10.206 Because ... 00:09:11.003 --> 00:09:12.446 this life is short, 00:09:13.383 --> 00:09:16.555 and if you are fortunate enough to have survived war 00:09:16.579 --> 00:09:18.659 or any kind of traumatic experience, 00:09:18.683 --> 00:09:22.198 you owe it to yourself to live your life well. 00:09:22.629 --> 00:09:25.270 And you shouldn't wait to get the training you need 00:09:25.294 --> 00:09:26.679 to make that happen. NOTE Paragraph 00:09:28.663 --> 00:09:33.978 Now, the best way of ending human suffering caused by war 00:09:34.883 --> 00:09:36.383 is to never go to war. 00:09:37.422 --> 00:09:39.588 But we are just not there yet as a species. 00:09:40.157 --> 00:09:41.417 Until we are, 00:09:41.441 --> 00:09:46.674 the mental suffering that we create in our sons and in our daughters 00:09:46.698 --> 00:09:48.246 when we send them off to fight 00:09:48.682 --> 00:09:50.932 can be alleviated. 00:09:51.675 --> 00:09:57.761 But we must ensure that the science, the energy level, the value 00:09:57.785 --> 00:10:00.717 that we place on sending them off to war 00:10:01.516 --> 00:10:03.426 is at the very least mirrored 00:10:03.450 --> 00:10:07.056 in how well we prepare them to come back home to us. 00:10:07.868 --> 00:10:09.441 This much, we owe them. NOTE Paragraph 00:10:10.186 --> 00:10:11.369 Thank you. NOTE Paragraph 00:10:11.393 --> 00:10:18.324 (Applause)