0:00:23.000,0:00:25.000 You're a jerk, Thom. 0:00:25.000,0:00:27.000 Look Celia, we have to follow our passions; 0:00:27.000,0:00:30.800 ...you have your robotics, and I[br]just want to be awesome in space. 0:00:30.800,0:00:34.500 Why don't you just admit that[br]you're freaked out by my robot hand? 0:00:34.500,0:00:37.000 I'm not freaked out by- it's... 0:00:37.000,0:00:38.000 ...alright! Fine! 0:00:38.000,0:00:41.000 I'm freaked out! I have nightmares[br]that I'm being chased... 0:00:41.000,0:00:43.000 ...by these giant robotic claws of death... 0:00:43.000,0:00:50.000 Whatever, Thom. We're done. 0:00:50.000,0:01:01.000 Robot's memory synced and locked! 0:01:01.000,0:01:57.000 This is pretty freaky. 0:01:57.000,0:02:11.000 Shouldn't you be down there? 0:02:11.000,0:02:16.000 I heard you guys talking last night. 0:02:16.000,0:03:11.000 It's not my fault, you know. 0:03:11.000,0:03:13.000 Are you ready? 0:03:13.000,0:03:17.000 Of course you're ready, you're a rockstar. 0:03:17.000,0:03:19.000 How's it looking, Barley? 0:03:19.000,0:03:21.500 We should have about ten minutes... 0:03:21.500,0:03:23.500 Well that's perfect. 0:03:23.500,0:03:28.000 We're on in one! All systems go![br]Yeah you, go! 0:03:28.000,0:03:33.000 Go! Move your asses! Go go go! 0:03:33.000,0:03:43.000 I love it! Come on, go! 0:03:43.000,0:03:44.500 That's nice. 0:03:44.500,0:03:46.000 Nothing to worry about. 0:03:46.000,0:03:51.000 Thom. 0:03:51.000,0:03:53.500 There she is. 0:03:53.500,0:03:55.000 Now. 0:03:55.000,0:03:57.000 You love her. 0:03:57.000,0:04:00.000 She is your passion! 0:04:00.000,0:04:01.500 Be tender to her. 0:04:01.500,0:04:05.000 Be honest! Eh- be tender. 0:04:05.000,0:04:52.000 Remind her what love is. 0:04:52.000,0:04:56.500 ...and, action! 0:04:56.500,0:04:59.000 Memory overwrite in progress! 0:04:59.000,0:05:02.500 You're a jerk, Thom! 0:05:02.500,0:05:16.000 Ohp- Sorry! Sorry. 0:05:16.000,0:05:18.000 Look Celia. 0:05:18.000,0:05:21.000 We have to follow our passions. 0:05:21.000,0:05:25.000 You have your robotics... 0:05:25.000,0:05:39.000 ...and I just want to be awesome in space. 0:05:39.000,0:05:43.000 Okay, they're coming. Two minutes left! 0:05:43.000,0:05:45.000 Speed it up, Thom! 0:05:45.000,0:05:47.000 Vivacissimo! 0:05:47.000,0:05:56.000 Why don't you just admit that you're [br]freaked out by my robot hand? 0:05:56.000,0:05:59.500 Listen Celia, I was young... 0:05:59.500,0:06:01.000 ...and a dick. 0:06:01.000,0:06:05.000 But that's no reason to[br]destroy the world. 0:06:05.000,0:06:06.500 Why does he do this? 0:06:06.500,0:06:11.500 We already tried that one! 0:06:11.500,0:06:13.000 Abort! 0:06:13.000,0:06:14.000 Cut! 0:06:14.000,0:06:19.000 Whoaaa! 0:06:19.000,0:06:21.000 Whoaaa! 0:06:21.000,0:06:23.000 Nooooo! 0:06:23.000,0:06:26.000 You broke my heart. 0:06:26.000,0:06:27.000 I know. 0:06:27.000,0:06:29.000 You forgot me on earth. 0:06:29.000,0:06:30.500 I know. 0:06:30.500,0:06:36.000 I should just crush you. 0:06:36.000,0:06:47.000 I'm- 0:06:47.000,0:06:50.000 I'm sorry. 0:06:50.000,0:06:59.000 Good ad-lib. 0:06:59.000,0:07:02.000 Not my fault! 0:07:02.000,0:07:08.000 This time. 0:07:08.000,0:07:10.000 Quiet on set! 0:07:10.000,0:08:13.000 We're out of time! 0:08:13.000,0:08:22.000 Come on! 0:08:22.000,0:08:24.000 RAAAAAAAAH! 0:08:24.000,0:08:26.000 Memory overwrite, 90%. 0:08:26.000,0:08:38.000 Captain! We have to abort! 0:08:38.000,0:08:54.000 The world's changed, Celia... 0:08:54.000,0:08:58.000 ...maybe we can too. 0:08:58.000,0:09:19.000 Memory overwrite complete! 0:09:19.000,0:09:22.000 You know. 0:09:22.000,0:09:26.000 There's a lesson to be learned from this. 0:09:26.000,9:59:59.000 Could'a gone worse.