0:00:00.755,0:00:02.035 The foreman pushes you. 0:00:02.092,0:00:04.321 He sees tomatoes on the ground [br]and screams, 0:00:05.119,0:00:06.313 "Pick them up!" 0:00:10.413,0:00:16.392 If there are any left over, he pushes you [br]and slaps you. 0:00:17.240,0:00:20.574 He hurts you, he doesn't respect you. [br]That is slavery. 0:00:21.555,0:00:23.966 Slavery, not just exploitation. 0:00:27.358,0:00:31.103 Exploitation is unfair wages, but if they[br]push you, 0:00:31.317,0:00:35.220 you don't have papers and you sleep in [br]the ghetto, that is slavery, 0:00:35.220,0:00:39.709 you don't have papers and you sleep in[br]ghettos - that's slavery. 0:00:39.709,0:00:43.374 Modern day slavery does not require [br]chains. 0:00:43.856,0:00:46.493 What is happening here is slavery. 0:00:48.363,0:00:54.272 Slavery in Italy 0:00:54.598,0:00:57.798 A report by [br]Katrin Sandmann and Fritz Schapp 0:01:02.476,0:01:07.286 Yvan Sagnet refers to the over 400,000 [br]african and eastern-workers 0:01:07.286,0:01:11.058 that work in the Italian agriculture [br]industry as slaves. 0:01:11.911,0:01:13.792 This man from Cameroon used to be [br]one of them. 0:01:14.738,0:01:18.649 Today, I fight for their rights [br]against mafia-like unfair competition, 0:01:18.649,0:01:21.825 abuse of power and exploitation 0:01:25.756,0:01:30.152 Sañe wants to send the exploiters[br]to prison and put an end 0:01:30.152,0:01:33.247 to the inhumane living condiitons[br]of these workers. 0:01:37.241,0:01:39.976 These are typical living conditions[br]for the immigrants. 0:01:42.328,0:01:47.843 They use the fireplace for everything as[br]there's no power, light or running water. 0:01:48.360,0:01:49.522 Nothing at all. 0:01:52.979,0:01:57.049 But they improvise; they use the fireplace[br]to heat and cook. 0:01:58.489,0:02:01.901 This is used as a table.[br]There's not even any oil. 0:02:02.679,0:02:04.771 And these are the plates they eat off. 0:02:18.110,0:02:20.572 Look, there are eight mattresses. 0:02:22.802,0:02:25.376 40 people may sleep here. 0:02:26.846,0:02:27.660 See them? 0:02:27.910,0:02:30.753 They put 40 people in this room. 0:02:44.981,0:02:47.772 Plaster may fall on them as[br]they sleep 0:02:48.774,0:02:50.521 and it's too cold. 0:02:51.540,0:02:55.109 There's no glass in the windows. They're[br]covered with a metal sheet. 0:02:59.271,0:03:01.024 The immigrants have to buy 0:03:01.024,0:03:03.444 almost everything they need to survive 0:03:03.444,0:03:06.402 from intermediaries called foremen. 0:03:07.212,0:03:10.116 Sometimes they come from the same[br]countries as the workers. 0:03:11.278,0:03:14.219 For a rotten mattress, they ask[br]for 10 euros. 0:03:19.800,0:03:26.679 Italians live in that yellow house.[br]No foreigners, Italians. 0:03:28.020,0:03:29.960 But they get on with the foremen. 0:03:30.691,0:03:34.704 It's the only house in the area with[br]running water and power. 0:03:35.513,0:03:39.917 The ones who live here have to go there[br]to charge their phones, for example. 0:03:40.506,0:03:42.009 Because there's nothing here. 0:03:42.513,0:03:47.911 And they charge 50 cents for each charge[br]and €1 or €1.50 to have a wash. 0:03:55.558,0:03:59.878 It makes me cry. I am so disgusted[br]when I see that there are 0:03:59.878,0:04:04.331 people who have to live in these[br]conditions in 21st century Italy. 0:04:07.705,0:04:11.167 It's horrible, it's dreadful, and everyone[br]knows it. 0:04:12.892,0:04:16.741 Everyone knows it but they don't care[br]because it's about immigrants. 0:04:18.581,0:04:21.067 They treat immigrants like animals. 0:04:21.535,0:04:23.162 They only want them to work so 0:04:23.162,0:04:26.847 the farmers' and politicians' businesses[br]make money. 0:04:27.017,0:04:29.327 They aren't considered human. 0:04:32.409,0:04:34.810 This is Italy, welcome to Italy. 0:04:46.958,0:04:51.758 The immigrants that live here are totally[br]controlled by the foremen 0:04:51.758,0:04:54.963 who are organised like a kind of mafia. 0:04:55.493,0:04:59.493 When the farmers need labour[br]for the fields, 0:04:59.493,0:05:03.271 they call the intermediaries who abuse[br]their power 0:05:03.271,0:05:06.495 to exploit and control the migrants. 0:05:08.619,0:05:12.439 And they can do it because they live[br]alongside them in the ghettos. 0:05:20.782,0:05:24.802 The regions of Apulia and Basilicata in[br]the south of Italy 0:05:24.802,0:05:28.275 are the country's biggest vegetable[br]producers. 0:05:28.275,0:05:32.516 30% of Italian tomatoes are harvested[br]in Apulia alone. 0:05:33.752,0:05:38.759 The large ghettos are often found[br]in the isolated areas 0:05:38.759,0:05:40.845 which surround the fields. 0:05:44.210,0:05:47.710 Cities of misery grow there. 0:05:49.613,0:05:55.328 If we go in, we'll have to use a hidden[br]camera. Put the big camera down. 0:06:05.463,0:06:09.553 The foremen don't like camaras. 0:06:09.553,0:06:13.385 They'd show their illegal business. 0:06:18.247,0:06:23.527 And the immigrants are ashamed to be seen[br]living in the ghettos. 0:06:23.527,0:06:25.624 They are ashamed to be recorded. 0:06:25.624,0:06:28.807 They'd be ashamed if people in their[br]country could see them like this. 0:06:29.957,0:06:34.517 Because every time they speak to their[br]parents, they tell them a completely 0:06:34.517,0:06:39.177 different story where they are lawyers[br]or work in an office. 0:06:39.177,0:06:41.910 They lie simply because they're ashamed[br]to admit 0:06:41.910,0:06:44.449 what their life is really like. 0:06:49.753,0:06:53.433 During the harvest, more than[br]3,000 people live here. 0:06:53.433,0:06:56.199 Most of them are from Africa. 0:06:56.199,0:07:00.645 They are people who arrived on the[br]coasts of Italy decades ago, 0:07:00.645,0:07:05.188 the immigrants who Europe has been[br]abandoning to Italy for years. 0:07:05.188,0:07:08.430 Some have papers. Others are illegal. 0:07:12.225,0:07:16.415 The Italian government looks the other way[br]because without cheap labour, 0:07:16.415,0:07:18.734 the harvests would go to waste. 0:07:19.817,0:07:23.629 There's rubbish everywhere,[br]it attracts flies and mosquitos. 0:07:26.829,0:07:30.786 In these ghettos, there's neither[br]rubbish collection nor laws. 0:07:30.786,0:07:36.216 This land, where the strongest rule,[br]is dangerous for Yvan. 0:07:36.216,0:07:40.378 He suspects this is where the[br]death threats are coming from. 0:07:40.378,0:07:45.379 The foremen who live here know[br]that he's the most determined enemy. 0:07:45.379,0:07:50.752 Yvan has spent years gathering proof of[br]their illegal behaviour in such fields. 0:07:51.076,0:07:54.626 He's looking for witnesses and[br]identifying criminals. 0:07:54.626,0:07:58.375 That's why he knows many of the[br]inhabitants and their stories, 0:07:58.375,0:08:00.662 like the one of this man from Sudan. 0:08:00.662,0:08:02.859 He fled to Italy 20 years ago. 0:08:13.623,0:08:18.032 His European dream ended in a hut[br]where he sells second hand clothes. 0:08:20.643,0:08:23.616 His customers are refugees from[br]all around the world. 0:08:27.831,0:08:32.326 Suddenly a man approaches Yvan.[br]He's a foreman. 0:08:36.772,0:08:42.205 He exaggerates his nervousness, but[br]he urges us to leave. 0:08:49.002,0:08:52.009 We want to put an end to these ghettos[br]once and for all. 0:08:52.650,0:08:57.973 We demand structures, water, light[br]kitchens, decent bedrooms, 0:08:58.520,0:09:01.749 and my dream is to achieve all this[br]with NOCAP. 0:09:10.657,0:09:16.575 Roma. Yvan Sagnet lives and works in the[br]city centre, near the Vatican. 0:09:23.487,0:09:26.633 Here in his apartment, he founded NOCAP, 0:09:26.633,0:09:31.169 a certification system for[br]ethically-produced food. 0:09:35.012,0:09:40.272 NOCAP is based on article 4 of the[br]universal declaration of human rights, 0:09:40.272,0:09:45.085 which says "No one shall be held[br]in slavery or servitude; 0:09:45.085,0:09:49.927 slavery and the slave trade shall be[br]prohibited in all their forms." 0:09:56.743,0:10:01.193 NOCAP is an organisation that says "no"[br]to the foreman system, 0:10:02.413,0:10:05.344 and opposes it with a labelling system. 0:10:06.938,0:10:11.998 We put these labels on products from all[br]the farmers who don't exploit 0:10:11.998,0:10:17.561 their workers, after checking that[br]they respect the workers' rights. 0:10:24.103,0:10:29.357 We have started a collaboration with[br]an association of small farmers 0:10:29.357,0:10:32.271 called "Altra-Agricultura". 0:10:32.638,0:10:35.446 There are sixty thousand producers. 0:10:37.735,0:10:41.377 That's how we've started with a small[br]and solid base. 0:10:47.306,0:10:51.906 Yvan's commitment to human rights and[br]his bravery when it comes to calling out 0:10:51.906,0:10:55.176 and reporting the mafioso structures[br]in agriculture 0:10:55.176,0:10:57.136 is valued by the Italian president, 0:10:57.136,0:11:01.597 Sergio Matarella, who awarded him a[br]a knighthood in 2017. 0:11:08.130,0:11:10.777 It was a great moment in my life. 0:11:10.777,0:11:15.075 It was an amazing moment, because I[br]received recognition from a country 0:11:15.075,0:11:17.333 of which I don't have citizenship. 0:11:17.888,0:11:21.623 I'm not Italian, I'm still Camaroonian[br]at the moment. 0:11:21.623,0:11:26.132 And receiving an award from Italy made[br]me so happy. 0:11:29.477,0:11:34.337 [Singing in Italian] 0:11:34.337,0:11:39.052 In 2017, Yvan is a father. It's a year[br]full of happiness. 0:11:39.052,0:11:42.489 But it is overshadowed by death threats. 0:11:42.489,0:11:47.203 His enemies know that Yvan is ready to[br]take them to the supreme court. 0:11:51.406,0:11:54.873 Verónica, his wife,[br]fears the consequences. 0:11:56.116,0:12:00.116 [Singing in Italian] 0:12:00.742,0:12:04.472 Unfortunately, the death threats indicate[br]how well he's doing his job, 0:12:04.472,0:12:07.892 how much he's obstructing the[br]interests of the powerful. 0:12:07.892,0:12:11.263 And naturally, as his family,[br]that worries us. 0:12:16.029,0:12:20.252 Especially when he goes to the places[br]those death threats come from. 0:12:21.844,0:12:26.055 We pray for him so that he might achieve[br]what he wants without coming to harm. 0:12:36.155,0:12:39.667 Yvan has proved that he's very brave[br]and tenacious, 0:12:39.667,0:12:43.970 and he's shown us that it's possible[br]to change things, little by little, 0:12:43.970,0:12:46.816 by working hard and making sacrifices. 0:12:46.816,0:12:50.046 And he has my support in that battle[br]he fights every day. 0:12:55.993,0:13:00.913 In 2017, Yvan arrived in Italy,[br]the country he'd admired since childhood, 0:13:00.913,0:13:03.726 not to fight, but to study. 0:13:04.626,0:13:06.961 It was all going well until he failed[br]an exam 0:13:06.961,0:13:09.427 and lost his grant at Turin University. 0:13:10.053,0:13:14.193 His desperate search for work led[br]him to Nardó, in the south, 0:13:14.193,0:13:16.030 to the tomato harvest. 0:13:24.752,0:13:28.722 Yvan Sagnet arrived at this farm on[br]10 July 2011, 0:13:28.722,0:13:31.726 and something happened that changed[br]his life forever. 0:13:37.034,0:13:41.594 Today, this 33 year-old is returning[br]to the outskirts of the place 0:13:41.594,0:13:47.413 where, at the time, there were thousands[br]of African workers in dome tents, 0:13:47.413,0:13:50.623 under plastic covers or outdoors. 0:13:59.346,0:14:02.575 This was incredibly dirty and[br]it was very hot, 0:14:02.575,0:14:06.037 and I asked God, "What is this? Where have[br]I ended up?" 0:14:12.244,0:14:16.106 I'd been living in a normal environment[br]in Turin, 0:14:16.106,0:14:20.395 where I was living in normal house,[br]a student residence 0:14:20.395,0:14:24.085 with a bath, my own room, a bed. 0:14:24.085,0:14:29.403 And suddenly I found myself in a place[br]sleeping on a mattress outdoors. 0:14:37.635,0:14:40.479 While exploring the terrain, Yvan[br]discovers that 0:14:40.479,0:14:42.739 there are harvest workers here again. 0:14:46.865,0:14:51.700 There aren't many, but their conditions[br]are no better than back then. 0:15:08.854,0:15:13.241 Three days after he arrived, he met[br]a leader called Meki. 0:15:14.474,0:15:18.864 He was from Sudan. A big strong guy. 0:15:21.585,0:15:26.230 Yvan spent four days in the fields[br]under Meki's brutal control. 0:15:26.230,0:15:30.339 He was paid one euro for every[br]100 kilos of tomatoes picked. 0:15:30.555,0:15:33.952 He earnt a total of 14 kilos on day one. 0:15:34.478,0:15:38.979 From that, he had to pay 10 to Meki for[br]transport, food and water. 0:15:42.347,0:15:46.152 After a 14-hour day under the hot sun[br]and beatings, 0:15:46.152,0:15:48.069 he was left with four euros. 0:15:54.362,0:15:57.751 That's it. And it would be even worse[br]if you got ill. 0:15:58.128,0:16:02.746 I remember a co-worker who fainted[br]suddenly because of the sun. 0:16:02.746,0:16:06.669 It was too hot. He fell to the floor. 0:16:07.728,0:16:10.139 Damn, it was really hard. 0:16:12.549,0:16:17.587 I was next to him when he fell and I asked[br]him what happened, what should I do. 0:16:17.587,0:16:20.734 I went to find water and[br]poured it on him. 0:16:24.513,0:16:27.693 I told the leader he needed to go[br]to hospital. 0:16:27.693,0:16:30.700 But there wasn't one nearby. 0:16:33.101,0:16:36.013 The neares hospital was a long way away. 0:16:37.021,0:16:44.635 And the leader answered: "Leave him there.[br]If you want him to go to hospiral, 0:16:44.635,0:16:48.285 I'll charge you 50 euros[br]for the transport." 0:16:48.285,0:16:51.883 That isn't even exploitation.[br]It's slavery. 0:16:55.936,0:16:59.891 The man barely survived the collapse[br]in the field. 0:17:01.775,0:17:09.554 I worked for five days and on the fifth,[br]we said "Enough. We're exhausted. 0:17:10.464,0:17:14.427 We want a contract. We want our[br]rights to be recognised. 0:17:14.427,0:17:17.065 We're fed up of being[br]treated like slaves." 0:17:24.789,0:17:29.046 Yvan called for a strike, the first[br]among the workers. 0:17:29.889,0:17:31.932 The men from the ghetto follow him. 0:17:32.569,0:17:35.871 The local TV channel, Teleama, reported[br]on the event. 0:17:35.871,0:17:41.559 The death threats made Yvan flee,[br]but his indignation made him return. 0:17:42.361,0:17:46.462 When three months later, the harvest was[br]in danger of rotting, 0:17:46.462,0:17:50.733 the farmers gave up and offered more[br]money and work contracts. 0:17:51.729,0:17:56.059 The govenment of Rome passed a law[br]against the brutal leader system. 0:17:56.934,0:18:02.942 Shortly afterwards, Yvan brough the first[br]case against owners and supervisors. 0:18:11.477,0:18:14.787 Yvan has dedicated his life to the fight[br]for human rights, 0:18:14.787,0:18:19.758 and today he's fighting on several fronts:[br]In industrial zones, 0:18:19.758,0:18:24.129 in the fields, in the courts, and[br]increasingly at the negotiation tables. 0:18:25.412,0:18:28.668 Here in Basilicata, he's meeting with[br]some farmers. 0:18:28.668,0:18:31.238 And he needs speakers from the 0:18:31.238,0:18:33.768 direct employers of the workers. 0:18:36.516,0:18:39.896 The meeting was organised by Yvan's[br]main ally, 0:18:39.896,0:18:42.255 the trade unionist Gianni Fabris. 0:18:43.762,0:18:48.568 The production of fruit and vegetables[br]in Italy is abysmal. 0:18:48.568,0:18:52.779 Our products are subjected to[br]"price dumping". 0:18:57.619,0:19:01.433 The sellers tell the farmers[br]"I will pay the same 0:19:01.433,0:19:04.706 for your peaches as I pay for those[br]from Morocco or Turkey. 0:19:04.706,0:19:09.288 They are cheaper than yours. If you[br]want to sell them, that's the price." 0:19:09.288,0:19:12.020 This is the reality in the[br]Italian countryside. 0:19:19.511,0:19:23.747 The food industry corporations[br]keep the system as it isl. 0:19:24.837,0:19:29.327 They lower the prices to the minimum,[br]leaving no margin for the farmers to pay 0:19:30.017,0:19:34.996 the workers, meaning the system dictates[br]they have to exploit their workers. 0:19:40.863,0:19:45.433 Yvan is trying to find a solution with[br]farmers and trade unions. 0:19:49.542,0:19:52.934 We need to raise awareness[br]and ask consumers 0:19:52.934,0:19:55.502 to take more social responsibility. 0:19:55.935,0:19:59.975 The consumer needs to be aware that for[br]every kilo of tomatoes they buy, 0:19:59.975,0:20:01.376 there is a job. 0:20:03.065,0:20:08.223 A job that exploits workers, or one that 0:20:08.223,0:20:09.944 is ethically sound. 0:20:09.944,0:20:13.072 If they don't rething it, we're dead. 0:20:16.185,0:20:19.656 A few days later, Yvan gets a message that[br]cheers him up. 0:20:20.404,0:20:24.780 An Italian supermarket chain offered[br]him a first deal. 0:20:25.914,0:20:28.445 They committed to buying NOCAP products, 0:20:28.445,0:20:32.514 for a value of up to a million euros[br]for the first consigment. 0:20:33.059,0:20:37.136 A great incentive for all those who[br]want to work with Yvan. 0:20:42.653,0:20:48.196 Yvan demonstrates the work of the NOCAP[br]system in Grazán. 0:20:49.818,0:20:54.268 Here, the farmer picks up the workers[br]himself and doesn't leave transport 0:20:54.268,0:20:56.384 in the hands of the intermediaries. 0:21:04.940,0:21:08.009 The vans consitute the power[br]of the supervisor. 0:21:08.009,0:21:11.073 They take the workers to the fields. 0:21:15.197,0:21:17.145 There is no public transport. 0:21:17.145,0:21:21.141 This means the leaders are in charge of[br]transporting them and abuse the situation. 0:21:23.164,0:21:27.529 The leaders put up to 30 people[br]in one vehicle with a maximum 0:21:27.529,0:21:29.508 of 8 passengers permitted. 0:21:30.427,0:21:35.121 I can assure you that a journey in those[br]overloaded vans is horrible. 0:21:38.126,0:21:42.416 Most of them have no window because[br]the leaders don't want the police to see 0:21:42.416,0:21:44.484 how many people they're carrying. 0:21:44.484,0:21:48.000 There's almost no air, and there[br]are deaths every year. 0:21:56.197,0:22:00.637 In August 2008, two totally packed vans 0:22:00.637,0:22:03.624 crashed in a few days. 0:22:03.624,0:22:06.592 16 African workers died. 0:22:08.928,0:22:15.601 I will do it differently. These lads[br]are workers who've come here 0:22:15.601,0:22:17.121 in a normal vehicle. 0:22:17.121,0:22:20.080 They haven't had to pay for transport. 0:22:22.320,0:22:26.914 As you can see, their clothes are white.[br]They're working clothes. 0:22:26.914,0:22:31.377 They also wear protective[br]masks and gloves. 0:22:34.116,0:22:36.221 We take care of occupational safety. 0:22:38.184,0:22:44.028 Before starting work here, everyone[br]signs a work contract. 0:22:45.098,0:22:47.334 And the salary is in accordance[br]with the law. 0:22:50.892,0:22:55.236 In this field, they're going to pick the[br]last tomatoes of the season. 0:22:55.236,0:23:00.354 One of the workers, Tómas, from Ghana,[br]agrees to talk for a moment. 0:23:02.361,0:23:06.681 We don't usually have a contract, because[br]in Europe and Italy, you need 0:23:06.681,0:23:10.973 permits and contracts to find[br]a decent job. 0:23:10.973,0:23:14.676 That means that often we don't[br]leave the ghettos. 0:23:17.118,0:23:21.418 You believe we're bad people or that we're[br]not human beings. 0:23:22.578,0:23:26.599 Bur we are people, with a[br]different skin colour. 0:23:26.599,0:23:31.218 We have blood in our veins. We're all one.[br]We're all human. 0:23:33.289,0:23:38.109 The man in whose fields Tómas and [br]the others are working thinks the same. 0:23:38.588,0:23:43.596 Giuseppe Viniola's family have been[br]growing organic vegetables for 30 years. 0:23:50.968,0:23:55.174 Viniola signs a contract with the workers.[br]Like an increasing amount of farmers, 0:23:55.174,0:23:59.800 he's trying to leave behind the system[br]which, due to extreme price pressure, 0:23:59.800,0:24:01.872 makes him an exploiter. 0:24:03.815,0:24:08.035 I think the leader system is the worst[br]possible error, 0:24:08.035,0:24:12.587 because it means you employee a workforce[br]which you are ultimately exploiting. 0:24:13.046,0:24:15.313 The tomato harvest is very hard so 0:24:15.313,0:24:18.277 it's essential to recognise the value[br]of their work. 0:24:20.977,0:24:24.780 That's why it's important to sign[br]contracts and protect the workers. 0:24:25.090,0:24:30.730 We pay €5 net per hour plus contributions[br]for the tomato harvest. 0:24:31.453,0:24:34.908 That's double the amount paid by[br]leadership systems. 0:24:45.395,0:24:48.712 We must change the system from the roots[br]up when it comes to the tomato harvest. 0:24:48.712,0:24:52.887 There are great difficulties and it's[br]extremely hard to fight 0:24:52.887,0:24:54.217 against those prices. 0:24:56.466,0:25:01.306 An Italian trade unionist worked out what[br]needs to happen to solve this. 0:25:01.747,0:25:05.606 If the large commercial chains were to pay[br]the farmers, 0:25:05.606,0:25:11.867 just two cents more per kilo of tomatoes,[br]they would have 235 million euros 0:25:11.867,0:25:13.587 of additional turnover. 0:25:14.042,0:25:17.642 This would allow them to provide the[br]workers with dignified 0:25:17.642,0:25:19.650 accomodation and working conditions. 0:25:19.650,0:25:22.951 And the problem with the leaders would[br]be resolved. 0:25:27.890,0:25:31.225 The end of October.[br]Lecce, in the south of Italy. 0:25:32.104,0:25:36.404 Yvan's fight against the leaders and[br]producers began five years ago. 0:25:36.514,0:25:41.484 This is where he had his biggest success.[br]A conviction in the first instance. 0:25:42.077,0:25:46.737 But now the court could also be[br]the setting for his worst defeat. 0:25:51.655,0:25:54.569 The appeal process begins today. 0:25:59.348,0:26:06.045 At the first hearing, nine supervisors[br]were sentenced to 11 years in prison. 0:26:08.907,0:26:15.932 They were declared guilty of slavery, and[br]nine supervisors and 0:26:15.932,0:26:18.723 three Italian farmers were sentenced. 0:26:24.277,0:26:28.687 To begin with, about 50 of us testified[br]against those who exploited us 0:26:28.687,0:26:30.541 to the police. 0:26:30.541,0:26:33.496 We reported them all by name. 0:26:33.496,0:26:38.859 Today, there are only eight remaining[br]who are brave enough to testify. 0:26:38.859,0:26:41.208 I am the main witness. 0:26:46.191,0:26:49.581 Their enemies, sitting on the[br]accused bench, 0:26:49.581,0:26:52.391 defend themselves with every means. 0:26:53.560,0:26:56.928 The farmers have a team of[br]expensive lawyers. 0:26:57.288,0:26:59.264 Yvan isn't happy. 0:27:00.116,0:27:02.805 "They all exploit workers. 0:27:02.805,0:27:06.734 I am one of their victime and I[br]stand by my statement. 0:27:08.919,0:27:13.172 If the conviction were confirmed[br]at the end of the appeal, 0:27:13.172,0:27:16.407 it would be an extraordinary success for[br]Yvan Sagnet, 0:27:16.407,0:27:19.098 although for now, it would only[br]be symbolic. 0:27:21.959,0:27:24.906 This process hasn't changed[br]the working conditions 0:27:24.906,0:27:26.913 of the workers in the fields. 0:27:28.251,0:27:33.551 Of course, the leader system still[br]rules all over Italy. 0:27:33.551,0:27:37.449 And the bad living conditions of the[br]people in the ghettos persists, 0:27:37.449,0:27:39.788 they still have no water or light. 0:27:39.788,0:27:45.220 I was always aware that this process[br]wouldn't be enough to change everything. 0:27:48.034,0:27:52.540 However, Yvan Sagnet believes that[br]the process is a milestone. 0:27:56.719,0:28:02.442 It's worth fighting. We live in a world[br]where you have to fight for your rights, 0:28:02.442,0:28:06.123 because if you don't fight,[br]nothing will change. 0:28:06.403,0:28:11.062 Change will only be achieved by fighting,[br]and we're ready.