0:00:01.000,0:00:04.000 (English captions by Trisha Paul, University of Michigan) 0:00:04.000,0:00:13.000 After completing the capability based plan[br]using the matrices, you have to write the plan 0:00:15.000,0:00:19.000 The plan should have background information[br]on the situational analysis, purpose and objectives 0:00:19.000,0:00:24.000 of the plan, institutional and legal frameworks[br]for operationalisation of the plan. 0:00:24.000,0:00:33.000 This is called, the planning matrix is called,[br]'relational data' because the items are related 0:00:33.000,0:00:39.000 to each other under strategic objectives,[br]operational objectives, and activities. 0:00:39.000,0:00:46.000 However, the background information to the[br]plan is called 'non-relational data' because 0:00:46.000,0:00:47.000 it is descriptive. 0:00:47.000,0:00:54.000 It is important for advocacy purposes defining[br]the concept of operation, showing who is in 0:00:54.000,0:01:01.000 charge, showing the justification for the[br]capability tables by showing a succinct disaster 0:01:01.000,0:01:08.000 hazard analysis plan that you earlier on developed. 0:01:08.000,0:01:11.000 We shall introduce you also to the ADEPT planning[br]method. 0:01:11.000,0:01:17.000 ADEPT is short for Automated Disaster and[br]Emergency Planning Tool. 0:01:17.000,0:01:24.000 It is best on the matrix that you have been[br]using, on an electronic form of the matrix. 0:01:24.000,0:01:31.000 It converts relational data in a plan into[br]an automated electronic reference so that 0:01:31.000,0:01:39.000 you sort by activities, by time, and by person[br]responsible, and you are able to quickly get 0:01:39.000,0:01:43.000 to what you want. 0:01:43.000,0:01:48.000 ADEPT recommends the following approach to[br]planning: establish a partnership, determine 0:01:48.000,0:01:57.000 the planning context, collect the planning[br]data, make the plan, negotiate the plan, write 0:01:57.000,0:02:08.000 and present the plan, validate the plan, and[br]revise the plan accordingly. 0:02:08.000,0:02:16.000 Populate the plan with relational data, that[br]is, prepare the SOA Matrix for each capability. 0:02:16.000,0:02:22.000 Thereafter, populate the plan with non-relational[br]data, that is, prepare a succinct background 0:02:22.000,0:02:27.000 to the plan. 0:02:27.000,0:02:33.000 Present relational data in tables, that is,[br]a matrix, one table per capability. 0:02:33.000,0:02:38.000 Capability tables are to contain strategic[br]objectives, operational objectives and activities, 0:02:38.000,0:02:47.000 and responsible parties, and the times and[br]budgets. 0:02:47.000,0:02:54.000 For reemphasis, this is an example of the[br]matrix. 0:02:54.000,0:02:59.000 In this session, we are mainly concerned with[br]the non-relational data. 0:02:59.000,0:03:05.000 Determine what non-relational headings are[br]desired, and assign responsible parties to 0:03:05.000,0:03:14.000 write or collect information on these non-relational[br]items that is the background information. 0:03:14.000,0:03:18.000 Write or collect information on each heading. 0:03:18.000,0:03:25.000 Headings proposed include introductory material,[br]the purpose of the plan, the concept of operations, 0:03:25.000,0:03:33.000 the plan development and maintenance, and[br]then authorities and references. 0:03:33.000,0:03:40.000 This is an example of the detailed plan headings[br]that you are going to use to develop the background 0:03:40.000,0:03:44.000 material to your plan before you present the[br]capability tables. 0:03:44.000,0:03:53.000 Take some time to flip through them. 0:03:53.000,0:04:00.000 Therefore, you show us some administrative[br]issues in your background, the executive summary, 0:04:00.000,0:04:05.000 the approval, the table of contents, how this[br]plan will be reviewed and maintained, how 0:04:05.000,0:04:11.000 the plan will be distributed, and authorities[br]and references. 0:04:11.000,0:04:15.000 In the introduction, tell us the purpose,[br]scope, policy, and plan organization. 0:04:15.000,0:04:22.000 Tell us the situation, the Risk Assessment,[br]the HVCA that you have already conducted, 0:04:22.000,0:04:31.000 put it as part of the situation analysis for[br]your plan and tell us the planning assumptions. 0:04:31.000,0:04:37.000 Describe in detail the concept of operations:[br]alert, notification, activation of this plan 0:04:37.000,0:04:44.000 and how it will be deactivated, command and[br]coordination issues, communications. 0:04:44.000,0:04:48.000 Tell us the roles and responsibilities of[br]different persons in the event of a disaster. 0:04:48.000,0:04:55.000 You may attach addenda showing terms and[br]definitions, acronyms and abbreviations, tables 0:04:55.000,0:05:00.000 of organization, department organizational[br]chart, divisions and bureaus. 0:05:00.000,0:05:09.000 These headings can be modified according to[br]your situation and context. 0:05:09.000,0:05:16.000 Therefore, in the next, following activity,[br]we will go back to your groups and write a 0:05:16.000,0:05:23.000 background to your plan based on this key[br]that is shown. 0:05:23.000,0:05:30.000 Insert a title page, give a brief introduction[br]of the document, a letter of reference or 0:05:30.000,0:05:41.000 statement of authority, situation and assumptions,[br]a description of the concept of operations: 0:05:41.000,0:05:46.000 Who is the leading agency? Are there agencies[br]that are cooperating? the incident command 0:05:46.000,0:05:53.000 structure in the district and how these agencies[br]would be coordinated. Would there be a disaster 0:05:53.000,0:05:58.000 management committee in the district and how[br]would this relate with all the different parties 0:05:58.000,0:06:00.000 in disaster response? 0:06:00.000,0:06:06.000 Thereafter, you will insert the capability[br]tables that you have prepared. 0:06:06.000,0:06:11.000 Then, you can insert appendices. 0:06:11.000,0:06:21.000 Don't forget to tell us how the plan would[br]be reviewed and maintained. 0:06:21.000,0:06:25.000 You can now start the activity of preparing[br]the background information.