0:00:01.607,0:00:04.338 Anything that you dream, [br]just don't give up on it. 0:00:04.338,0:00:07.069 Never give up on it, [br]because it can happen. 0:00:07.069,0:00:09.385 I never would've thought [br]that when I was six, 0:00:09.385,0:00:13.648 and stepped onto the ice, [br]that it would turn into this dream, 0:00:13.648,0:00:16.520 and like this, this thing that [br]I love so much. 0:00:16.520,0:00:43.681 (Music) 0:00:43.681,0:00:46.013 When I was two days old [br]I stopped breathing 0:00:46.013,0:00:48.304 and my mom and dad were panicked. 0:00:48.304,0:00:52.136 The doctors didn't know why, [br]but it was actually 0:00:52.136,0:00:54.948 that I had really really[br]bad acid reflux. 0:00:54.948,0:00:58.206 And I was allergic to my mom's breastmilk, 0:00:58.206,0:01:01.341 but we didnt' know at the time [br]because the doctors didn't know 0:01:01.341,0:01:04.101 I was anaphylactic to anything,[br]because I was only 2 days old. 0:01:04.101,0:01:08.381 And I continued and continued to have [br]really bad food allergy reactions. 0:01:08.381,0:01:12.789 and eventually, when I was [br]probably two years old 0:01:12.789,0:01:14.557 they finally did blood testing [br]and skin testing 0:01:14.557,0:01:19.689 and found out I was anaphylactic [br]to 95% of all food. 0:01:19.689,0:01:38.853 (Music) 0:01:38.853,0:01:41.481 When I started skating when I was six, 0:01:41.481,0:01:45.238 I went to an iceskating class [br]just because I had convinced my mom 0:01:45.238,0:01:48.477 to take me, and my dad... 0:01:48.477,0:01:50.906 my dad was kind of, like, skeptical. 0:01:50.906,0:01:54.717 He was kind of like:[br]"Well I think you should try it, 0:01:54.717,0:01:57.922 but let's not get crazy, [br]let's just be careful." 0:01:57.922,0:02:01.562 because he was really worried that [br]I was going to fall on my stomach 0:02:01.562,0:02:03.885 and hurt my tube or something. 0:02:03.885,0:02:08.771 Growing up, I can't really imagine [br]a time when I wasn't allergic. 0:02:08.771,0:02:11.465 It's just been a part of my life. 0:02:11.465,0:02:15.176 And then when I was 3 1/2, [br]I got my feeding tube placed, 0:02:15.176,0:02:17.646 because I was failure to thrive, 0:02:17.646,0:02:24.023 and I was, I think 22-27 pounds[br]when I was like three years old. 0:02:24.023,0:02:25.239 And they were really worried. 0:02:25.239,0:02:35.126 (Music) 0:02:35.126,0:02:38.411 Well, I can eat some things now, 0:02:38.411,0:02:40.559 and that's why I got the feeding tube, 0:02:40.559,0:02:44.783 so they put formulas into that [br]which helped me grow so much 0:02:44.783,0:02:47.077 and kept me alive. 0:02:47.077,0:02:49.796 And then as I got older, it became harder [br]because when I wanted to skate, 0:02:49.796,0:02:53.532 I didn't want to have a pump on my back [br]and have a backpack on. 0:02:53.532,0:02:57.882 So, they told me....[br]I started doing gravity feeds, 0:02:57.882,0:03:03.735 which is where I hook my tube up [br]and I pour formula down into my stomach. 0:03:03.735,0:03:06.425 so I did that about four times a day, 0:03:06.425,0:03:11.862 and so throughout the day, like breakfast,[br]lunch, dinner and then if I needed extra 0:03:11.862,0:03:15.558 I'll normally need an extra [br]before school time 0:03:15.558,0:03:18.629 because I'm so exhausted from skating. 0:03:18.629,0:03:20.445 But after two feeds, 0:03:20.445,0:03:22.460 I definitely have more energy, 0:03:22.460,0:03:24.599 it's just like after eating a big meal. 0:03:24.599,0:03:27.163 And I can eat like the 5% of foods [br]I'm not allergic to, 0:03:27.163,0:03:33.522 so I can eat chicken, rice, [br]potatoes, turkey, beef. 0:03:33.522,0:03:36.205 So I can have like [br]a good amount of things, but 0:03:36.205,0:03:39.103 my favorite thing is potatoes. 0:03:39.103,0:03:41.392 I eat potatoes in everything,[br]and I also... 0:03:41.392,0:03:46.463 the only allergen I outgrew [br]was milk and dairy. 0:03:46.463,0:03:49.166 So I can have chocolate, [br]and that's my favorite. 0:03:49.166,0:03:50.918 It's my little treat. 0:03:50.918,0:04:04.520 (Music) 0:04:04.520,0:04:07.393 A day in the life of Kendall would be: 0:04:07.393,0:04:11.366 getting up, taking my formula [br]and my medicines, 0:04:11.366,0:04:15.151 for having my medical situation[br]to right key to 0:04:15.151,0:04:16.946 and then going to the rink. 0:04:16.946,0:04:19.984 And skating for a few hours. 0:04:19.984,0:04:22.609 And then I might have [br]a vocal lesson after that, 0:04:22.609,0:04:25.608 so, I have to go to my church[br]and have a vocal lesson. 0:04:25.608,0:04:28.685 And then, normally I have school. 0:04:28.685,0:04:32.838 'cause I have school [br]in the afternoons because 0:04:32.838,0:04:35.847 I am home-hospital schooled[br]through my school district. 0:04:35.847,0:04:39.502 So I'll have school, do lots of homework, [br]and that's pretty much it. 0:04:39.502,0:04:41.645 And the same thing over again. 0:04:41.645,0:04:55.538 (Music) 0:04:55.538,0:04:58.473 I basically...[br]they've done a lot of studies and 0:04:58.473,0:05:00.918 they're still researching food allergies, 0:05:00.918,0:05:03.173 because it's growing,[br]like an epidemic. 0:05:03.173,0:05:08.822 I think it's 15 million Americans with [br]food allergies at the moment, 0:05:08.822,0:05:12.092 but it's sort of funny because [br]the things that I eat a lot, 0:05:12.092,0:05:15.164 I tend to not have allergies to, 0:05:15.164,0:05:19.124 but then one day, you can just wake up [br]and eat it, and have an allergy. 0:05:19.124,0:05:21.441 I used to have tomato all the time. 0:05:21.441,0:05:25.134 I would eat tomato sauces [br]on spaghetti noodles 0:05:25.134,0:05:28.838 or ketchup on french fries, [br]that type of thing, 0:05:28.838,0:05:33.092 and then one day I had..[br]I think I was eating like a cheese pizza 0:05:33.092,0:05:37.538 my mom cooked for me, [br]and there was sauce on it, 0:05:37.538,0:05:40.144 and I just got a really bad reaction, 0:05:40.144,0:05:43.630 and then ever since then, [br]when I eat tomato, my lips swell up. 0:05:43.630,0:05:47.039 It's not anaphylactic, [br]but its a really bad allergy. 0:05:47.039,0:05:58.511 (Music) 0:05:58.511,0:06:01.546 The reactions are normally the same. 0:06:01.546,0:06:04.299 There's different types of reactions[br]to different things, 0:06:04.299,0:06:08.952 like if I am deathly allergic [br]to peanuts, tree nuts, 0:06:08.952,0:06:13.928 really any kind of nut or seed,[br]eggs and soy and pork, 0:06:13.928,0:06:18.904 and things like that. 0:06:18.904,0:06:22.792 So, if I were to ingest that, [br]or when it comes to nuts, 0:06:22.792,0:06:27.808 even breathing it or touching it, [br]my lips swell up, my face swells up, 0:06:27.808,0:06:31.242 and the worst part is my throat [br]swells up. So then I stop breathing, 0:06:31.242,0:06:34.156 and that's what happens many times 0:06:34.156,0:06:36.920 I've almost lost my life eight times. 0:06:36.920,0:06:41.515 And it's definitely what [br]drives me to keep going, 0:06:41.515,0:06:44.756 because it was terrifying. 0:06:44.756,0:06:48.195 Every time it happens, [br]it's a different reaction. 0:06:48.195,0:06:52.958 Mainly it's from just breathing [br]or touching something I'm allergic to. 0:06:52.958,0:07:24.091 (Music) 0:07:24.091,0:07:27.593 What keeps me going [br]is definitely my faith. 0:07:27.593,0:07:30.605 On a daily basis, I don't know 0:07:30.605,0:07:34.468 what I would do without my faith [br]in God and my family. 0:07:34.468,0:07:36.842 And the support of my friends. 0:07:42.313,0:07:46.313 (Music)