Is this what you want? he asked. and I said yes. so he took his skin off for me It happened just before dinner I'd bought a fresh cut of lamb for a recipe I wanted to try he always liked it when I cooked I could see everything he was beautiful some things were no different lovemaking, for example, was the same just two people showing each other what they really look like... but of course, some things were new the sheets needed to be washed each day they took in the smells of his open body and released them long after he'd gone to work I had to clean the house more often too a few hours a day if I could it was the least I could do at night he'd get cold so easily I'd say to him, 'at least it's not winter yet' and we'd smile... but we both knew it was coming I tried to be understanding, but me? I was boiling and gas didn't come cheap he said he wasn't having much luck with clients I told him they were the wrong clients the right clients won't care, I said the right clients will understand he said we'd run out of money if we waited for the right ones I said he'd figure it out some of his old friends came by they asked him about his skin just the normal questions you would ask do you miss it? does it hurt? he'd answer yes, or he'd answer no. simple answers it was unlike him he loved words loved to use many when a few would suffice but either he had less to say now or he felt he was already saying it