0:00:01.070,0:00:03.842 When we come across fractions,[br]one of the things that we have 0:00:03.842,0:00:07.769 to do is to look at them and see[br]if we can put them in a simple 0:00:07.769,0:00:14.514 form. In fact, see if we can put[br]them in a form that might be 0:00:14.514,0:00:19.566 called the lowest terms. So for[br]instance, if we have a fraction 0:00:19.566,0:00:25.460 12 over 36, then what we want is[br]a fraction in its lowest terms. 0:00:25.460,0:00:31.775 Now 12 will divide into both 12[br]and 36, so we can divide 12 into 0:00:31.775,0:00:37.669 12 one and 12 into 36 three. So[br]that reduces to the fraction 1/3 0:00:37.669,0:00:40.195 the two fractions are the same. 0:00:40.210,0:00:44.000 They are equivalent fractions.[br]Now that's OK with numbers, but 0:00:44.000,0:00:49.306 we want to be able to do it with[br]similar things, but with algebra 0:00:49.306,0:00:53.096 in other similar expressions[br]that have got letters in them. 0:00:53.710,0:00:59.305 And where is here? We look for a[br]number that was in fact a common 0:00:59.305,0:01:03.408 factor. That's a number that[br]will divide into both the top 0:01:03.408,0:01:08.257 and the bottom. What we've now[br]got to look for is a common 0:01:08.257,0:01:11.987 factor. That's an expression[br]that will divide into both the 0:01:11.987,0:01:16.463 top and the bottom. So instead[br]of talking about it, let's have 0:01:16.463,0:01:20.939 a look at some examples. So[br]supposing we've got 3X cubed all 0:01:20.939,0:01:22.804 over X to the 5th. 0:01:23.340,0:01:29.025 We've got to look at is what's[br]the same on the top and on the 0:01:29.025,0:01:33.703 bottom? Well, we've got a 3[br]here, but no numbers down here. 0:01:33.703,0:01:38.548 We've got X is here and we've[br]got X is here and what we can 0:01:38.548,0:01:43.070 see is that we've got X cubed[br]here and X to the fifth here. 0:01:43.710,0:01:49.665 Now X cubed times by X squared[br]gives us X to the 5th, so any 0:01:49.665,0:01:55.620 fact we've got a common factor[br]of X cubed on the top and on the 0:01:55.620,0:02:00.781 bottom. So let's just write that[br]down so we can see it more 0:02:00.781,0:02:05.780 clearly. Thanks for the 5th is X[br]cubed times by X squared? What 0:02:05.780,0:02:11.100 we can see very clearly here is[br]we've got a common factor of X 0:02:11.100,0:02:16.040 cubed, so we can divide top and[br]bottom by X cubed. That leaves 0:02:16.040,0:02:20.980 us with three over X squared.[br]Now we don't need to do this 0:02:20.980,0:02:26.300 middle step every time we have[br]to be able to do is to see 0:02:26.300,0:02:28.200 exactly what that common factor 0:02:28.200,0:02:33.984 is. So let's have a look at some[br]examples and the examples will 0:02:33.984,0:02:37.904 increase in terms of their[br]complexity as we move through 0:02:37.904,0:02:42.608 them in terms of the difficulty.[br]So what's common here to both 0:02:42.608,0:02:48.096 the top and the bottom? On the[br]top? We can see we've got X 0:02:48.096,0:02:53.192 cubed, and on the bottom X[br]squared, and we know that if we 0:02:53.192,0:02:59.072 multiply X squared by X, it will[br]give us X cubed. So in effect we 0:02:59.072,0:03:04.446 can divide. Top and bottom by X[br]squared X squared in two X 0:03:04.446,0:03:09.854 squared goals once and X squared[br]into X cubed leaves us with X 0:03:09.854,0:03:15.262 because X Times X squared gives[br]us X cubed. Similarly, Y into Y 0:03:15.262,0:03:20.670 goes once and Y into Y cubed.[br]Well why times by Y squared 0:03:20.670,0:03:26.910 gives us Y cubed. So if we[br]divide in what we get there is Y 0:03:26.910,0:03:31.070 squared. So on the top we've got[br]X times by. 0:03:31.120,0:03:36.112 Squared on the bottom. We've got[br]one times by one so we don't 0:03:36.112,0:03:40.336 really need to write the one[br]there. And there's our answer. 0:03:41.740,0:03:48.952 You can also involve numbers in[br]this, so we have alot minus 0:03:48.952,0:03:54.962 16 X squared Y squared over[br]4X cubed Y squared. 0:03:56.400,0:04:03.600 Here minus 16 an 4 four[br]goes into minus 16 - 4 0:04:03.600,0:04:09.121 times. X squared on the top and[br]X cubed underneath X squared 0:04:09.121,0:04:14.204 goes into X squared. Once an X[br]squared goes into X cubed X 0:04:14.204,0:04:19.678 times and here Y squared is the[br]same on both top and bottom, so 0:04:19.678,0:04:24.370 Y squared into Y squared goes[br]once and Y squared into Y 0:04:24.370,0:04:25.934 squared ones as well. 0:04:26.530,0:04:33.478 So here we minus 4 *[br]1 * 1 - 4 over. 0:04:34.290,0:04:39.603 14 went into 4 one select[br]remember one times X times 0:04:39.603,0:04:44.433 one that's X. So we have[br]minus four over X. 0:04:46.300,0:04:50.704 Sometimes that common factor may[br]not be obvious. We may have to 0:04:50.704,0:04:56.209 work to see it. We may have to[br]work so that it stands out over 0:04:56.209,0:05:00.613 what we've got. So let's have a[br]look at something like this. 0:05:01.400,0:05:04.922 X squared minus two XY all 0:05:04.922,0:05:08.742 over X. Well, is there a 0:05:08.742,0:05:13.890 common factor? The best way to[br]look at this is not so much. Is 0:05:13.890,0:05:17.855 there a common factor on top and[br]bottom, but is there a common 0:05:17.855,0:05:19.380 factor here? Can we factorize 0:05:19.380,0:05:25.622 this expression? Well, in each[br]term that is at least an X as an 0:05:25.622,0:05:32.278 X here and an X squared here. So[br]we can take that X out as a 0:05:32.278,0:05:36.854 common factor X times by X gives[br]us the X squared. 0:05:37.660,0:05:43.420 Taking X out of here, we're left[br]with minus two Y so that X times 0:05:43.420,0:05:48.412 Y minus two Y would give us[br]minus two XY, and then that's 0:05:48.412,0:05:54.172 all over X. Now we can cancel[br]the X. We can divide the top a 0:05:54.172,0:06:00.316 numerator by X and the bottom by[br]X&X in 2X goes one and X in 2X 0:06:00.316,0:06:04.924 goes once, and So what we're[br]left with is one times that 0:06:04.924,0:06:07.612 divided by one. So we just left. 0:06:07.670,0:06:10.520 With X minus two Y. 0:06:11.470,0:06:16.090 Have a look at another One X to[br]the power 6. 0:06:16.890,0:06:24.330 Minus Seven X to the[br]fifth plus 4X to the 0:06:24.330,0:06:31.256 8th. All over X squared. Again,[br]what we want to do is look at 0:06:31.256,0:06:36.008 this top line and see. Have we[br]got a common factor. 0:06:36.720,0:06:41.114 Well, yes, we have its X to[br]the power five 'cause X the 0:06:41.114,0:06:46.184 power five is included in X to[br]the power 6 and X to the power 0:06:46.184,0:06:51.254 8. So we can take that out as[br]a common factor X to the power 0:06:51.254,0:06:55.310 five times by X will give us X[br]to the power 6. 0:06:57.070,0:07:01.390 Minus Seven X to the power five.[br]We've got the X to the power 5 0:07:01.390,0:07:03.118 outside, so we want minus 7. 0:07:04.310,0:07:07.470 Plus X to the power 8. 0:07:08.030,0:07:13.294 We're taking out X the power[br]5th, so it's going to be 4X to 0:07:13.294,0:07:17.430 the power three. Close the[br]bracket and all over X squared. 0:07:17.430,0:07:21.566 Now we can see what we're[br]looking at is. Is there 0:07:21.566,0:07:25.326 something common now between[br]these two? And clearly we can 0:07:25.326,0:07:30.590 divide X squared by X squared[br]and we can divide X to the power 0:07:30.590,0:07:32.094 5 by X squared. 0:07:32.760,0:07:35.768 So we'll do that X in two X 0:07:35.768,0:07:42.072 squared once. X squared into X[br]to the power five is X cubed. 0:07:42.820,0:07:50.380 And so we end up with X[br]cubed times by X minus 7 + 0:07:50.380,0:07:52.000 4 X cubed. 0:07:52.010,0:07:54.710 We don't worry about the[br]dividing by one. That's not 0:07:54.710,0:07:55.790 going to change anything. 0:07:56.640,0:08:00.160 Notice we don't multiply out the[br]brackets. It's better to keep 0:08:00.160,0:08:04.320 the brackets there. We may want[br]it in that form to work with 0:08:04.320,0:08:11.032 later. What[br]if we 0:08:11.032,0:08:14.840 have something 0:08:14.840,0:08:23.072 like this?[br]No obvious common factor, 0:08:23.072,0:08:26.784 but this is a 0:08:26.784,0:08:31.275 quadratic. And so because it's a[br]quadratic expression, there is 0:08:31.275,0:08:32.575 the possibility of factorizing 0:08:32.575,0:08:36.930 it. If there's the possibility[br]of Factorizing it, then what we 0:08:36.930,0:08:41.760 might find is that one of those[br]factors could be X plus one, in 0:08:41.760,0:08:45.900 which case we could then divide[br]top on bottom by that common 0:08:45.900,0:08:52.070 factor. So leave the top as[br]it is and let's concentrate 0:08:52.070,0:08:57.394 on this bottom. We want to[br]be able to factorize that. 0:08:57.394,0:08:59.330 That means two brackets. 0:09:01.160,0:09:03.240 An X in each bracket. 0:09:03.740,0:09:06.350 That ensures is the X squared. 0:09:07.350,0:09:08.538 We want to have. 0:09:09.250,0:09:13.397 2 as a result of multiplying[br]these two numbers together that 0:09:13.397,0:09:17.544 go in here and here. So we'll[br]have two and one. 0:09:18.340,0:09:23.800 Now we need a plus sign to give[br]us the Plus 3X. 0:09:24.400,0:09:29.594 And what we can see is that X[br]Plus one is a common factor, 0:09:29.594,0:09:33.675 so I'm going to put the[br]brackets around that one on 0:09:33.675,0:09:38.498 top to show us. We've got a[br]common factor and X plus one 0:09:38.498,0:09:42.950 into there goes 1X plus one[br]into. There goes one and so 0:09:42.950,0:09:45.547 we're left with one over X +2. 0:09:47.650,0:09:54.235 You can have one that is if you[br]like the other way up, so let's 0:09:54.235,0:10:00.820 have a look at that X minus 11 A[br]plus 30. Sorry, A squared minus 0:10:00.820,0:10:04.332 11 A plus 30 over a minus 5. 0:10:04.390,0:10:09.034 Again, the A minus five. That's[br]nice. That's OK. Let's keep that 0:10:09.034,0:10:13.678 together with a bracket, but[br]let's have a look at this. A 0:10:13.678,0:10:19.096 squared minus eleven 8 + 30. Can[br]we factorize it? Can we break it 0:10:19.096,0:10:20.644 down into two factors? 0:10:21.400,0:10:26.968 We've got a squared, so we need[br]an A and and a. We now need 2 0:10:26.968,0:10:30.796 numbers that are going to[br]multiply together to give us 30, 0:10:30.796,0:10:34.972 but add together to give us[br]minus eleven. Well, six and five 0:10:34.972,0:10:40.540 seem a good bet for the 30, and[br]if we make a minus six and minus 0:10:40.540,0:10:45.064 five, that ensures the plus 30[br]minus times by A minus. And it 0:10:45.064,0:10:49.240 also ensures the minus 11 a[br]'cause will have minus 6A and 0:10:49.240,0:10:50.284 minus 5A there. 0:10:51.410,0:10:56.912 We've now got a common factor of[br]a minus five, so we can divide 0:10:56.912,0:11:02.807 the top by A minus five on the[br]bottom by A minus five. So we 0:11:02.807,0:11:07.130 end up with just a minus 6, and[br]that's our answer. 0:11:08.060,0:11:14.092 Now that's the proper way to do[br]them. Some of you might be 0:11:14.092,0:11:18.732 tempted. Might be tempted when[br]you see something like this. 0:11:18.770,0:11:25.298 Till forget what it[br]is you're supposed to 0:11:25.298,0:11:30.256 do. So you might suddenly think[br]are lots of threes. I can get 0:11:30.256,0:11:34.000 rid of some three, so let's[br]cancel 3 here and a three there. 0:11:35.080,0:11:40.630 One problem. We said we had[br]to cancel common factors. 0:11:41.850,0:11:47.454 3 doesn't appear here in this[br]term, there's no factor of three 0:11:47.454,0:11:52.124 in this term. We cannot do this[br]kind of canceling. 0:11:52.670,0:11:57.485 Let me just show you why not. If[br]we have a look at a numerical 0:11:57.485,0:12:05.000 example. Supposing we had, let's[br]say 5 + 3 over 3 0:12:05.000,0:12:10.852 + 1. Now if we do[br]the computation without doing 0:12:10.852,0:12:12.728 the canceling we get. 0:12:13.500,0:12:16.098 8 over 4. 0:12:16.670,0:12:21.080 And that's two, everybody is[br]happy that that's the case. 0:12:21.660,0:12:26.080 But if I do what I did here and[br]suddenly go absolutely bananas 0:12:26.080,0:12:29.820 and cancel the threes, then[br]that's a one there and one 0:12:29.820,0:12:35.516 there. So what I seem to have[br]now is 5 + 1, which is 6 over 1 0:12:35.516,0:12:37.924 + 1, which is 2 gives me 3. 0:12:38.890,0:12:43.257 Two and three are not the[br]same. Now we've agreed that 0:12:43.257,0:12:46.830 tools the correct answer,[br]where have we gone wrong? 0:12:48.040,0:12:51.538 We cancel these threes divided[br]by these threes, but three is 0:12:51.538,0:12:55.354 not a common factor because it[br]doesn't appear in the Five and 0:12:55.354,0:12:57.262 it doesn't appear in the one. 0:12:58.140,0:13:05.070 So we can't do this over here by[br]the same reasons what we have to 0:13:05.070,0:13:11.538 do is look and see if we can[br]factorize what is on the top 0:13:11.538,0:13:16.620 three X squared plus 10X plus[br]three. Can we factorize it? 0:13:16.620,0:13:22.626 Well, the X +3 is fine, let's[br]keep it all together in a 0:13:22.626,0:13:25.950 bracket. Brackets here. 0:13:26.760,0:13:31.120 Three X squared will need a 3X[br]and an X. 0:13:31.720,0:13:36.494 Will also need a three under one[br]to make up this number here, and 0:13:36.494,0:13:41.268 we've got to get 10 out of it,[br]so we're probably have to have 0:13:41.268,0:13:45.360 the three there to give us Nynex[br]across there under one there. 0:13:46.110,0:13:50.842 Plus signs because these are all[br]plus signs here and now. We can 0:13:50.842,0:13:55.574 see we have got this common[br]factor of X plus three, so we 0:13:55.574,0:14:00.306 can divide the bottom by X +3[br]and the top by X +3. 0:14:00.830,0:14:08.032 That will give us 3X Plus One[br]and that is the correct answer. 0:14:08.630,0:14:15.590 Sometimes we have to work again[br]back a little bit harder, so 0:14:15.590,0:14:18.490 let's take this example 6X 0:14:18.490,0:14:26.247 cubed. Minus Seven X[br]squared minus 5X all 0:14:26.247,0:14:30.011 over 2X plus one. 0:14:30.560,0:14:35.344 That doesn't give me much hope[br]for is here, but there is a 0:14:35.344,0:14:39.760 common factor of X in each[br]term, so perhaps we can take 0:14:39.760,0:14:44.176 that out as a common factor.[br]To begin with. We might find 0:14:44.176,0:14:48.592 we can factorize what's left,[br]so taking that X out as a 0:14:48.592,0:14:52.640 common factor is going to give[br]us six X squared there. 0:14:53.780,0:14:56.760 Minus Seven X there. 0:14:57.290,0:15:01.886 And minus five there closed the[br]bracket and we still to divide 0:15:01.886,0:15:07.248 by the 2X plus one. Also we[br]hope. So now let's have a look 0:15:07.248,0:15:09.929 at this. 'cause this is now an 0:15:09.929,0:15:12.170 ordinary quadratics. X. 0:15:12.670,0:15:20.038 Six X squared? Well, let's have[br]a guess at 3X and 2X. 0:15:20.038,0:15:23.108 After all, there's 2X down 0:15:23.108,0:15:27.981 there. What do we need now?[br]We've got minus five to deal 0:15:27.981,0:15:32.946 with. I want if I can have it 2X[br]plus one. So let's just be 0:15:32.946,0:15:36.918 guided by that. For the moment,[br]let's make that 2X plus one. 0:15:37.560,0:15:43.286 Minus 5 is what I need to[br]multiply by the one to give me 0:15:43.286,0:15:49.413 minus 5. Have I got it right? I[br]need to check on that minus 7X 0:15:49.413,0:15:53.976 will hear I plus 3X and here[br]I've minus 10X and that does 0:15:53.976,0:15:58.539 give me minus 7X. So that's[br]right. Now I need to divide by 0:15:58.539,0:16:02.400 the 2X plus one. Let's get it[br]together in a bracket. 0:16:03.570,0:16:08.619 I can divide top and bottom now[br]by 2X plus one. 0:16:09.210,0:16:11.742 Goes into itself once and once 0:16:11.742,0:16:17.144 there. The answer is just what[br]I'm left with here X times 3X 0:16:17.144,0:16:21.980 minus five, and again I leave it[br]in its factorized form, not try 0:16:21.980,0:16:26.816 to multiply it out again 'cause[br]I may need that form later on. 0:16:27.670,0:16:32.980 Supposing we take[br]something like this 0:16:32.980,0:16:40.060 X cubed minus one[br]over X minus one. 0:16:41.270,0:16:45.072 What now? Doesn't seem[br]to be a common factor 0:16:45.072,0:16:46.702 in X cubed minus one. 0:16:48.430,0:16:55.570 Difficult. But you may[br]know a factorization 4X cubed 0:16:55.570,0:17:02.920 minus one. It does in[br]fact factorize as X minus 0:17:02.920,0:17:05.860 one brackets X squared. 0:17:06.570,0:17:10.138 Plus X plus one. 0:17:10.670,0:17:14.970 And so, because we know that[br]factorization, we can see 0:17:14.970,0:17:18.410 straight away, we can[br]simplify by dividing the 0:17:18.410,0:17:24.000 bottom by X minus one, and[br]that goes in once and the top 0:17:24.000,0:17:29.160 by X minus one. And so we[br]just left with the other 0:17:29.160,0:17:32.170 factor X squared plus X plus[br]one.