Who did you turn to for support? The CATS Foundation. Was my first port of call. I look up on the internet and found the website for the charity and emailed Daniel and got a response quickly. They put me in contact with quite a few people with Tay-Sachs, parents and their children. We, fairly quickly got in touch with Daniel and Patricia. There wasn't anyone prior to that to talk to. Initially I wanted to keep to myself. I didn't want to meet other people with a Sandhoff affected child. But first, Alex in Australia. Then, slowly I put the feelers out, mostly through the internet because there didn't seem to be anyone local either in the US or where we were in England. Slowly I found the Facebook group and from there I found The CATS Foundation and those people, rather than the medical teams I turned to for support because they were families who were living with the diseases and they knew and had better advice and more experience and I felt more comfortable with them. My mother, she was my strength. We turned together for support. We are very close as a couple and we faced some difficulties with those around us. So, originally we just turned to each other for support and then we had the medical community around us. Slowly, friends and even parents from other children affected by Tay-Sachs became part of our support network. The Tay-Sachs and Sandhoff community is very close knit. So, everyone is there for each other and helps you with any problems you may have. I think that really helped us. In terms of support, asking questions and helping us through the darker days at the beginning. We like to think we can now support the newly affected families.