Let me read you some of what your own MP's have told me about what's been going on. "It's checkmate, we're stuffed." "It's dire." "We're all done for." These are your own colleagues. Well my message to my colleagues is yes. Do you feel humiliated? That must feel humiliating so early in office. Look I understand it is very difficult for families across the country. And they're blaming you. and if... But do you accept that you have made it worse But we've What you've done has made it worse for people. It's made it harder for people to pay their bills. Definitely. Well it... yeah. First of all I have said sorry. Oh hello. Welcome to System Fail, the show that speaks truth to power. It is my great pleasure to present you with the chief's award for valour. Congratulations, I'd like to give you an opportunity to say a few words. I'm very uncomfortable being here with you guys. I do not rock with the police. And I just want folks to know that they don't keep us safe We keep us safe. Riots work. Thank you. Blow, how you like me now? Appreciate it. I am your host, Dee Dos, and for months now, the drums of war have been growing louder. 84 missiles and 24 drones targeting at least 10 cities From one end of Ukraine to the other Revenge after a key bridge connecting Russia to Crimea was blown up this weekend. Tensions in the Taiwan straight The largest ever military maneuvers that China has done. Are you willing, militarily, to defend Taiwan if it comes to that? Yes. Taiwan is an inimitable part of Chinese territory. Could we be heading toward World War 3? You know, global thermonuclear war end of days scenario. Despite the focus of western media coverage, today's most deadly war is being waged in the territories ruled by the Ethiopian state. In Amhara and Afar, recent fighting has displaced tens of thousands of people from their homes, mostly women and children, while in Tigray, millions of people are being systematically starved to death, underconditions of a government-imposed communications blackout, regular shelling, air strikes, mass rapes, and other atrocities carried out by the Ethiopian and Eritrean armed forces. I'm starving. It's awful. Hunger doesn't kill you in one hit, it destroys you slowly. Turkey continues to wage a vicious and largely unreported war in Syria and Iraq, bombing Kurdish villages and repeatedly using chemical weapons against guerrilla fighters aligned with the Kurdish Worker's Party, or PKK. And in Yemen, civilians are bracing themselves for a fresh round of fighting, following the collapse of a six month ceasefire that had provided a temporary reprieve from eight years of hell. Meanwhile, Putin's invasion of Ukraine, and increased sabre-rattling over Taiwan, have ramped up geopolitical tensions between the world's so-called Great Powers to levels not seen since the Cold War. Geriatric politicians, some of whom look like they could barely fight a cold, have assumed the role of wartime leaders, framing armed conflicts over energy markets, trade routes and so-called spheres of influence as epic clashes of moral, cultural and national values. Democracy will and must prevail. Against neo-nazisand extreme nationalists The actual values in question have proven quite elastic. In Ukraine, Western media outlets have gone to great lengths to rehabilitate the neo-nazis of the Azov Battalion, re-framing them as misunderstood patriots, while RT and Sputnik have heaped praise on the neo-nazis of the Wagner Group for their efforts to, quote, de-nazify the so-called Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics. Beneath all the misinformation and patriotic spin lies the brutal reality of war: working-class humans slaughtering one another for the vanity of politicians and the profits of their capitalist handlers. When you look at the leadership that's come from the defence contractors it's telling us that this conflict in Russia and Ukraine will last longer than the consensus expects. It's giving us the same message that say the energy stocks or oil here is. So this idea of peak conflict or peak inflation or peak yields I don't think the market is justifying any of those and these defence contractors, I think, support that view. But not everyone is going along with the plot. I'm not afraid of anything The most valuable thing that they can take from us Is the lives of our children I won't give them my child's life. In Russia, a militant anti-war movement has risen up, launching a sustained, multi-pronged attack on the government's war effort. The Russian state, for its part, has arrested thousands of protesters for peacefully demonstrating their moral objections to the war. No to War! No to War! Which leads to an obvious conclusion: if all opposition is criminalized, you might as well make it count. Members of the Anarchist Communist Combat Organization, known by its Russian acronym BOAK, have carried out dozens of acts of sabotage against railways, aimed at disrupting the transfer of military equipment and ammunition. They have been joined by partisan counterparts in Belarus, whose sabotage of railways has disrupted Russian troop movements, and played an important role in thwarting its initial invasion of Kyiv. Meanwhile, within Russia, more than 50 military recruitment offices have been attacked since the war began, many of them set alight in brazen, night-time, molotov attacks. Government buildings, and police vehicles have also been put to the torch. The pace of these attacks has intensified since Putin issued a decree on September 21st, mobilizing 300,000 reservists for active duty on the front lines. That's it! The games are over. You re all military! We're here to takeyou to the army. What army? I m 52 years old. The conscription age has been raised to 60 years old. Raised by who? What do you mean by who? The President. On September 26, a 25 year old man named Ruslan Zinin shot a military officer in a conscription office in the Siberian city of Ust-Ilimsk, after his friend had been called up for service. In Primorye, near the country's border with North Korea, the commissar in charge of regional mobilization and enlistment was found dead on October 14th. Numerous protests have broken out in the country's far east, as well as the Caucasus regions of Dagestan, Kabardino-Balkaria and Chechnya, where the region's Putin-obsessed strongman, Ramzan Kadyrov, I can't hide the way I feel about you anymore I can hold the hurt inside keep the pain out... responded to protests by threatening to forcibly conscript participants and their families. Why are you taking the boy from us? Don t allow them to take the men! On the other side of the increasingly fluid border, a number of Ukrainian, Russian and Belarusian anarchists have joined the Ukranian war effort, integrating themselves within the national army in order to fight against what they see as the greater evil of Russian occupation. Other anarchists have maintained an active antagonism to Russia, NATO, and the Ukrainian state, which has enacted authoritarian war-time measures criminalizing dissent, limiting freedom of movement for refugees, and enforcing military conscription on all men and trans women between the ages of 18 and 60. On October 5th, the Ukrainian embassy in Prague was vandalized, and a communique was released blasting Zelensky for forcibly confining Ukrainian civilians who want to flee. It goes without saying, but Ukraine's oligarchs are not fighting on the front lines. Most of them fled the country for the safety of Western Europe as soon as the first bombs started falling. Meanwhile, in France, Germany, Italy and Greece, anarchists have carried out a number of clandestine attacks against NATO military contractors, and disrupted weapons shipments. Despite all the death, devastation and divisions sparked by Russia's invasion, new solidarities are being formed between those fighting to end the war. Peoples of Russia have been oppressed by the Russian state for a long time and all have reasons to fight it. Radical ideas have surfaced in the political environment. We don't think Putin can win this war and losing the was could be followed by anything from change of power to the collapse of the Russian Federation which is a scenario that is becoming more and more beleivable by the day. It's worth noting that Russia's defeat in World War One, hastened by widespread defections and military sabotage, served as a primary catalyst for the February Revolution, and the overthrow of the Tsar. History, as they say, doesn't repeat itself but it sometimes rhymes. When the dust settles from this there's going to be hell to payin Moscow. Well perhaps maybe some good will come from it. A little revolution, now and then, is a healthy thing. We have now reached the end of this episode of System Fail. 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