0:00:07.553,0:00:09.894 How do we develop a new vaccine? 0:00:09.894,0:00:14.394 After lots of laboratory work, how do we[br]know it is ready to get tested in humans? 0:00:14.695,0:00:17.002 And then, how do we know [br]whether or not it works? 0:00:17.639,0:00:22.950 We test new vaccines in clinical trials to[br]determine that they're both safe and effective 0:00:22.950,0:00:25.249 before they get licensed in the US. 0:00:25.589,0:00:27.901 Stick with us, this is going to be interesting. 0:00:28.521,0:00:31.600 And, although this applies[br]to all kinds of drugs and vaccines, 0:00:31.600,0:00:36.522 we're going to focus here on vaccines used for[br]prevention of a specific type of infection. 0:00:37.292,0:00:41.152 The first thing to know is that a lot of[br]testing is done before a vaccine 0:00:41.152,0:00:42.890 ever gets tested in humans. 0:00:42.890,0:00:45.783 There is a long process of development in[br]a laboratory, 0:00:45.783,0:00:49.600 and testing, both for safety and for [br]protection, in animal studies. 0:00:50.160,0:00:54.602 After we have a vaccine that looks both safe[br]and promising in preventing infection 0:00:54.602,0:00:57.724 in a laboratory, we begin testing in humans. 0:00:59.094,0:01:02.074 Because we don't know whether or not[br]the vaccine will work, 0:01:02.074,0:01:05.834 we begin a very structured set of studies[br]called clinical trials. 0:01:05.834,0:01:10.804 These studies involve healthy volunteers,[br]who are told in detail about how and why 0:01:10.804,0:01:14.550 this vaccine is being tested, and about any[br]potential harm. 0:01:15.390,0:01:19.545 This educational process is a process[br]called informed consent, 0:01:19.545,0:01:22.276 and goes on before and during the trial. 0:01:23.016,0:01:26.189 There's a continual discussion that happens[br]between the researchers 0:01:26.189,0:01:27.776 and the study volunteers. 0:01:27.776,0:01:31.917 Describing the study, informing the[br]volunteers about any new information 0:01:31.917,0:01:34.317 that happens at any time during the study, 0:01:34.317,0:01:37.267 and answering all questions that[br]the volunteers have. 0:01:38.207,0:01:42.209 The study staff also determine whether[br]the volunteer meets all the eligibility 0:01:42.209,0:01:46.879 criteria to participate, which involves[br]physical exams and blood tests. 0:01:48.969,0:01:53.082 Next, we start what is called a ramdomized,[br]double-blinded clinical trial. 0:01:53.082,0:01:57.440 What that means is that after volunteers[br]enrol in a study, 0:01:57.440,0:02:00.786 a computer randomly decides whether they[br]will get the vaccine 0:02:00.786,0:02:02.832 or whether they will get the placebo, 0:02:02.832,0:02:05.131 which is usually just salt water. 0:02:05.521,0:02:09.462 We do this to be able to separate outside[br]effects that are due to the vaccine 0:02:09.462,0:02:13.424 from those that are just happening to[br]people in a community at the same time, 0:02:13.505,0:02:16.397 like the rate of cold symptoms,[br]or headaches. 0:02:17.301,0:02:21.928 And, we double-blind, meaning neither[br]the participant nor the study staff 0:02:21.928,0:02:24.846 know who is getting which type of injection. 0:02:25.606,0:02:30.277 That prevents both the volunteers and the[br]staff from over or under reporting symptoms. 0:02:30.277,0:02:34.158 We advise participants to tell us about[br]everything that is happening to them. 0:02:35.038,0:02:39.253 Before a vaccine is licensed by the[br]US food and drug administration, 0:02:39.253,0:02:42.409 it usually goes through 3 phases of[br]clinical trials, 0:02:42.409,0:02:44.739 each of which has a specific purpose. 0:02:45.829,0:02:48.779 Phase 1 trials, which can last up to 2 years, 0:02:48.779,0:02:52.841 compare the safety - does the vaccine[br]cause any side effects, 0:02:52.841,0:02:57.711 and tolerability - does the injection hurt,[br]and for how long? 0:02:58.211,0:03:02.264 In this phase of studies, scientists are[br]also gathering information about 0:03:02.278,0:03:04.819 the body's immune response to the vaccine, 0:03:04.829,0:03:09.073 to see whether it is a promising approach[br]to preventing this specific infection. 0:03:09.623,0:03:14.561 Phase 1 trials do not determine whether[br]or not the study product is actually doing 0:03:14.561,0:03:15.733 what we hope it will do. 0:03:16.983,0:03:20.303 Phase 2 trials, which can last[br]longer than 2 years, 0:03:20.303,0:03:23.843 will confirm the safety in a larger group[br]of volunteers, 0:03:23.843,0:03:28.099 and focus on the best dose and the best[br]timing of vaccinations to produce 0:03:28.099,0:03:29.904 the strongest immune response. 0:03:31.444,0:03:35.435 Promising vaccines that are safe and[br]generate a strong immune response 0:03:35.435,0:03:37.715 move into phase 3 trials. 0:03:37.715,0:03:42.592 These are the largest trials, and compare[br]the rate of infection in the vaccine and 0:03:42.592,0:03:43.676 placebo groups. 0:03:44.606,0:03:47.448 This will tell us whether the vaccine is[br]able to prevent infection, 0:03:47.448,0:03:53.225 and, if so, if it is effective in all of[br]the volunteers, or only a sub-group, 0:03:53.225,0:03:55.488 like younger volunteers, or women. 0:03:56.798,0:04:01.168 Along with the safety data that is collected[br]in all phases of vaccine studies, 0:04:01.168,0:04:07.049 this efficacy data is used by the FDA to[br]decide if the vaccine should be licensed, 0:04:07.049,0:04:09.940 and, if so, for whom it is recommended. 0:04:11.960,0:04:16.549 In the best case scenario, it could take[br]6-10 years for a promising vaccine to move 0:04:16.549,0:04:20.040 from phase 1 testing[br]to real world distribution. 0:04:20.040,0:04:21.894 Often it takes longer. 0:04:22.904,0:04:26.342 The clinical trials are absolutely [br]necessary to determine that a vaccine 0:04:26.342,0:04:29.512 is safe and effective in preventing [br]new infections. 0:04:31.212,0:04:35.032 This video has been provided to you by[br]Youreka science, in collaboration with 0:04:35.032,0:04:36.326 BridgeHIV. 0:04:36.326,0:04:39.152 To stay in touch with Youreka science,[br]like us on Facebook, 0:04:39.152,0:04:42.892 follow us on Twitter, or subscribe to this[br]YouTube channel, or visit us at 0:04:42.892,0:04:44.402 YourekaScience.org 0:04:44.402,0:04:45.426 Thank you for watching!