1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:03,840 Earlier this month, I challenged 23,000 2 00:00:03,840 --> 00:00:08,340 game designers to create a  brand new game - in just 48 hours. 3 00:00:08,340 --> 00:00:12,780 And, what's more - the game had  to fit a very difficult theme... 4 00:00:15,734 --> 00:00:18,840 That's right. Roles reversed. 5 00:00:18,840 --> 00:00:23,340 I wanted to see games that let us become a  character that we don't normally get to play. 6 00:00:23,340 --> 00:00:26,940 Like, instead of controlling  the buff knight in a suit of 7 00:00:26,940 --> 00:00:31,560 armour - what happens if we get to play  as the army of enemy skeletons, instead? 8 00:00:31,560 --> 00:00:34,740 As always, the community rose to the challenge. 9 00:00:34,740 --> 00:00:38,280 They submitted over 6,800 games. 10 00:00:38,280 --> 00:00:42,480 Making it, once again, the  biggest jam in itch.io's history. 11 00:00:42,480 --> 00:00:44,100 Sorry about the servers. 12 00:00:44,100 --> 00:00:49,140 I played through the top 100 rated games,  and picked out my 20 absolute favourites. 13 00:00:49,140 --> 00:00:52,440 These games are clever, creative, inventive, 14 00:00:52,440 --> 00:00:56,040 and annoyingly good for games  made in a single weekend. 15 00:00:56,040 --> 00:00:59,640 As always, the results are in  no particular order or ranking - 16 00:00:59,640 --> 00:01:05,100 and this year, I've bundled them into groups  that show off different takes on the theme. 17 00:01:07,440 --> 00:01:12,600 Okay. So, a very popular take on the theme  was to make a game with a hero character, 18 00:01:12,600 --> 00:01:14,700 who moves through the level by themselves. 19 00:01:14,700 --> 00:01:19,680 And you've got to help or hinder them,  by taking on a completely different role. 20 00:01:19,680 --> 00:01:22,200 Take, for instance, Princess Paladin. 21 00:01:22,200 --> 00:01:26,520 Here, the titular princess is  very much the main character 22 00:01:26,520 --> 00:01:30,300 as she takes on waves of demonic  bats and slime-spitting snakes. 23 00:01:30,300 --> 00:01:34,260 You, on the other hand, play  as her measly minion sidekick. 24 00:01:34,260 --> 00:01:38,040 So you dash around the level to  pick up weapons and health potions, 25 00:01:38,040 --> 00:01:41,400 which you can then yeet towards  to the princess to help her out. 26 00:01:41,400 --> 00:01:45,540 Which means you're basically playing  as Elizabeth from Bioshock Infinite. 27 00:01:45,540 --> 00:01:49,500 But it's surprisingly fun  to play in the support role. 28 00:01:49,500 --> 00:01:53,880 For one, while it can be tricky to  work alongside an autonomous AI, 29 00:01:53,880 --> 00:01:58,560 these cute thought bubbles help make the  princess's decision-making more transparent. 30 00:01:58,560 --> 00:02:04,140 And there's some clever design here as you juggle  your own needs with those of the so-called hero. 31 00:02:04,140 --> 00:02:08,520 When you pick up a health potion, for instance  - you have to ask yourself: who needs this more? 32 00:02:08,520 --> 00:02:10,320 You or me? 33 00:02:10,320 --> 00:02:14,340 Another take on this idea  can be seen in LedgePainter. 34 00:02:14,340 --> 00:02:18,960 You're a game dev making a fancy  3D shooter but - alas - your 35 00:02:18,960 --> 00:02:22,140 playtesters can't seem to navigate  the level without some assistance. 36 00:02:22,140 --> 00:02:25,260 So, it's time to do what all  triple A games do and paint 37 00:02:25,260 --> 00:02:27,420 the way forward with bright yellow splotches. 38 00:02:27,420 --> 00:02:29,580 The game's split into two halves: 39 00:02:29,580 --> 00:02:32,760 you've got the editor where you lay  down your paint, from a limited supply. 40 00:02:32,760 --> 00:02:37,320 And then you can hit play to see how the  AI-controlled character handles your stage. 41 00:02:37,320 --> 00:02:39,480 You can also look at The Tutorial, 42 00:02:39,480 --> 00:02:44,400 which is also about painting a level layout  to give commands to an autonomous hero. 43 00:02:44,400 --> 00:02:48,360 So those are games where you help the  AI-driven character reach their goal. 44 00:02:48,360 --> 00:02:53,640 But plenty of games went the other way, and  instead pitted you against the protagonist. 45 00:02:53,640 --> 00:02:58,320 Bready or Not is clearly inspired by  the breakout hit Vampire Survivors. 46 00:02:58,320 --> 00:03:03,540 But instead of playing as the whip-wielding  hero, you're now commanding the army of enemies. 47 00:03:03,540 --> 00:03:05,820 Each one is on a different cooldown timer, 48 00:03:05,820 --> 00:03:09,480 so you need to bounce between the  different birds to create a varied team. 49 00:03:09,480 --> 00:03:13,200 When you do enough damage, you can pick  from a random selection of upgrades - 50 00:03:13,200 --> 00:03:16,140 from faster cooldowns, to twice-as-many spawns. 51 00:03:16,140 --> 00:03:19,200 Now I have to admit, the similar entry, Vampire: 52 00:03:19,200 --> 00:03:24,060 No Survivors, is probably a little bit  smarter as you must carefully spend a 53 00:03:24,060 --> 00:03:27,600 limited pool of resources to build  the most effective army of enemies. 54 00:03:27,600 --> 00:03:30,390 But I slightly preferred playing Bready or Not - 55 00:03:30,390 --> 00:03:34,560 probably because there's something wickedly  fun about spawning such a massive pool 56 00:03:34,560 --> 00:03:37,620 of pigeons that it literally  breaks the game's audio system. 57 00:03:42,180 --> 00:03:46,200 Another popular approach for this  theme was to take a well-known game, 58 00:03:46,200 --> 00:03:48,600 and completely flip it on its head. 59 00:03:48,600 --> 00:03:52,500 So, Inside Job is an upside-down tower defence 60 00:03:52,500 --> 00:03:55,680 game where you place down the  minions, rather than the towers. 61 00:03:55,680 --> 00:03:59,880 You've got a bunch of different baddies to  pick from - each on different cooldowns - 62 00:03:59,880 --> 00:04:03,480 and you have to carefully deploy them  to overwhelm the opponent's defences. 63 00:04:03,480 --> 00:04:06,780 Sometimes that means making  sure many enemies arrive at 64 00:04:06,780 --> 00:04:10,560 the towers simultaneously,  so some slip by unharmed. 65 00:04:10,560 --> 00:04:14,700 Or using a costly power-up to  temporarily shut down the defences. 66 00:04:14,700 --> 00:04:19,920 Bonus points to Tower Attack, which also  toyed with the "tower offence" concept. 67 00:04:19,920 --> 00:04:23,940 Another genre that's ripe for  reversal is the stealth game. 68 00:04:23,940 --> 00:04:28,200 In Sneakerdoodle, we actually want  to be spotted by patrolling guards. 69 00:04:28,200 --> 00:04:32,640 You play as an attention-hungry pooch  who wants to be chased by humans. 70 00:04:32,640 --> 00:04:34,860 But not caught and cuddled. 71 00:04:34,860 --> 00:04:38,100 So you need to intentionally trip  these wandering view-cones... 72 00:04:38,100 --> 00:04:40,680 and then make a dash for it  before you're actually caught. 73 00:04:40,680 --> 00:04:46,860 This leads to some surprisingly clever levels as  you dart under tables, squeeze through tight gaps, 74 00:04:46,860 --> 00:04:51,120 and carefully choose the order in which you get  spotted, so you don't find yourself trapped. 75 00:04:51,120 --> 00:04:55,740 Retro games also provided a good  opportunity for role reversal. 76 00:04:55,740 --> 00:05:00,300 In Bricker Breaks Free, the game  starts with a very familiar set-up: 77 00:05:00,300 --> 00:05:04,020 a paddle firing a ball towards a bundle of blocks. 78 00:05:04,020 --> 00:05:09,120 But then things change: the camera  swaps into an isometric view and 79 00:05:09,120 --> 00:05:13,560 you're now controlling the entire field of  blocks as a single, amorphous character. 80 00:05:13,560 --> 00:05:18,120 Now you're moving through corridors  of enemy paddles and wandering balls. 81 00:05:18,120 --> 00:05:21,900 You can shoot at the paddles to destroy  them, but this actually uses your blocks 82 00:05:21,900 --> 00:05:25,860 as ammo - making you a tiny bit  smaller with every shot you take. 83 00:05:25,860 --> 00:05:29,520 And the smaller you get, the more  vulnerable your core becomes. 84 00:05:29,520 --> 00:05:32,460 However, it's not all bad being small - you can 85 00:05:32,460 --> 00:05:35,400 use your slimmed-down structure  to sneak through tight gaps. 86 00:05:35,400 --> 00:05:40,200 This is a fun, frantic, and very  clever twist on an arcade favourite. 87 00:05:40,200 --> 00:05:44,160 I just love games that use the  character's shifting size and 88 00:05:44,160 --> 00:05:47,340 shape to organically change  the way you play the game. 89 00:05:47,340 --> 00:05:52,140 Kinda like... Snake, which actually  inspired two games in the top 100. 90 00:05:52,140 --> 00:05:55,560 My favourite, though, was VERSUS SNAKE, 91 00:05:55,560 --> 00:06:01,260 which turns the sedate Nokia phone favourite into  a legitimately scary first-person horror game. 92 00:06:01,260 --> 00:06:05,220 So you need to find all the apples in  the room and feed them to the snake. 93 00:06:05,220 --> 00:06:08,400 Or you can throw them far away  from you to distract the giant 94 00:06:08,400 --> 00:06:10,620 cobra and give yourself a chance to get away. 95 00:06:10,620 --> 00:06:14,160 It plays on the familiar AI  patterns of the original game, 96 00:06:14,160 --> 00:06:16,560 but turns it into something completely fresh. 97 00:06:16,560 --> 00:06:21,060 Real-world games were also at the  mercy of our clever game jammers. 98 00:06:21,060 --> 00:06:25,620 Descriptionary is a really  imaginative rethink of Pictionary. 99 00:06:25,620 --> 00:06:29,760 Basically, the character tells  you what to draw - just squares, 100 00:06:29,760 --> 00:06:34,140 lines, arches, and circles, with vague  directions for where they should go. 101 00:06:34,140 --> 00:06:36,720 You can then doodle that in the box below. 102 00:06:36,720 --> 00:06:40,140 Your job is to guess what you've just drawn. 103 00:06:40,140 --> 00:06:45,090 It's a bit like translating the same message  through 4 languages on Google Translate - 104 00:06:45,090 --> 00:06:49,560 you know, things start getting a bit wonky, but  you can still figure out the original intent. 105 00:06:49,560 --> 00:06:52,740 This game is super polished and well worth a play. 106 00:06:52,740 --> 00:06:56,580 I also want to give props  to The Last Piece Standing, 107 00:06:56,580 --> 00:07:00,480 for being a rare chess-based  game that I actually enjoy. 108 00:07:00,480 --> 00:07:04,140 You play as the king, and have  to destroy a bunch of enemy 109 00:07:04,140 --> 00:07:06,720 pieces that are slowly marching towards your army. 110 00:07:06,720 --> 00:07:09,360 However, you can borrow the powers of the other 111 00:07:09,360 --> 00:07:13,080 pieces to make massive jumps and  diagonal leaps across the board. 112 00:07:13,080 --> 00:07:16,800 This turns each bout into a  careful positioning puzzle. 113 00:07:16,800 --> 00:07:17,520 Good stuff. 114 00:07:18,660 --> 00:07:24,120 Another way to interpret the theme was to look at  the different roles in games and relationships, 115 00:07:24,120 --> 00:07:27,600 and let us take the side that  we don't usually get to play. 116 00:07:27,600 --> 00:07:33,780 Take, for instance, Get Packing where we become  the shopkeeper NPC from your typical RPG. 117 00:07:33,780 --> 00:07:38,820 In each round you have a limited amount  of money to spend on the weapons, shields, 118 00:07:38,820 --> 00:07:43,500 food, and potions, brought in by the  brave and copyright-dodging adventurer. 119 00:07:43,500 --> 00:07:47,820 You then flip to the store room where you  embrace your inner Leon S. Kennedy and 120 00:07:47,820 --> 00:07:51,420 try to squish all this stuff into  the cramped confines of a crate. 121 00:07:51,420 --> 00:07:55,260 What's more, certain items can  affect their surroundings - so 122 00:07:55,260 --> 00:07:59,580 don't put a magic flame sword next to  your bananas, because the fruit will go bad. 123 00:07:59,580 --> 00:08:02,640 Sure, we have seen games about being a shopkeeper, 124 00:08:02,640 --> 00:08:05,640 but this was still a cute game,  and is worth checking out. 125 00:08:05,640 --> 00:08:08,400 Another game to do this was Crabjuice. 126 00:08:08,400 --> 00:08:11,340 It's clearly inspired by the horrible headcrabs 127 00:08:11,340 --> 00:08:15,240 from the Half-Life games - those mutant  chicken nuggets who pounce on your face. 128 00:08:15,240 --> 00:08:18,060 But here, it's used to make  a excellent puzzle game. 129 00:08:18,060 --> 00:08:20,760 Playing as the headcrab, you have to get around 130 00:08:20,760 --> 00:08:24,480 these cramped levels by leaping  from one human's face to another. 131 00:08:24,480 --> 00:08:29,820 Soon you'll be flinging yourself into switches to  open doors, narrowly avoiding enemies with guns, 132 00:08:29,820 --> 00:08:33,060 and ricocheting yourself off  walls for a better vantage point. 133 00:08:33,060 --> 00:08:37,740 Pets and Pokemon were also  common targets for role reversal. 134 00:08:37,740 --> 00:08:40,020 We're so used to playing as the human that 135 00:08:40,020 --> 00:08:42,420 we don't stop to think what  it's like to be the animal. 136 00:08:42,420 --> 00:08:47,400 Not so in Walkies - a game where  you play as a bone-hungry dog, 137 00:08:47,400 --> 00:08:51,540 who is cruelly constrained by a  tight leash and a strong owner. 138 00:08:51,540 --> 00:08:54,660 So the owner wanders around  the town automatically, 139 00:08:54,660 --> 00:08:57,480 giving you a small radius to explore for bones. 140 00:08:57,480 --> 00:09:02,580 And also ways to gain power - you  can get pets from passing humans, 141 00:09:02,580 --> 00:09:05,520 say, or use fire hydrants as a handy toilet. 142 00:09:05,520 --> 00:09:10,680 Once you're powered up completely, the screen  zooms out and now the dog is totally in charge. 143 00:09:10,680 --> 00:09:14,700 You can zoom around at double speed  and the human is powerless to stop you. 144 00:09:14,700 --> 00:09:18,720 It's a fun back and forth  of power and powerlessness. 145 00:09:18,720 --> 00:09:24,660 Meanwhile, in One Day Better, you play as a  cat who tries to help its depressed human. 146 00:09:24,660 --> 00:09:30,000 The dude wakes up in a funk - a fuzzy  fog of thoughts clouding their mind. 147 00:09:30,000 --> 00:09:33,240 Left to their own devices  they'd happily sleep in all day. 148 00:09:33,240 --> 00:09:37,200 But their faithful moggy can use  a few tools to get them going. 149 00:09:37,200 --> 00:09:40,320 So you can meow to get the human's attention. 150 00:09:40,320 --> 00:09:43,500 Scratch at stuff to make  them move towards objects. 151 00:09:43,500 --> 00:09:47,100 And even headbutt the human's legs  to get them to move between rooms. 152 00:09:47,100 --> 00:09:52,860 Using these three commands you can make your owner  tidy their room, have a shower, and eat breakfast. 153 00:09:52,860 --> 00:09:55,680 It's a heartfelt and touching little game 154 00:09:55,680 --> 00:09:59,640 about the restorative power of  animals, and I really liked it. 155 00:10:00,540 --> 00:10:04,080 Another take on the theme was to  give you a pretty standard game. 156 00:10:04,080 --> 00:10:07,620 and then pull the rug from beneath  your feet by reversing the roles. 157 00:10:07,620 --> 00:10:09,420 Take UVSU. 158 00:10:09,420 --> 00:10:13,380 It's a platformer where you have to get  the angel to the goal before time runs out. 159 00:10:13,380 --> 00:10:16,800 Seems simple enough? But  then you replay the level, 160 00:10:16,800 --> 00:10:21,240 but now as an imp who has to kill the  angel before they reach the door. 161 00:10:21,240 --> 00:10:25,080 And then you play it AGAIN, but as  another angel who now has to reach 162 00:10:25,080 --> 00:10:27,480 the door while dodging the imp and its bullets. 163 00:10:27,480 --> 00:10:29,280 Hopefully that made some sense. 164 00:10:29,280 --> 00:10:34,020 Basically, you're simultaneously  killing and dodging yourself and 165 00:10:34,020 --> 00:10:38,340 must think several steps ahead so you  don't screw yourself over in future runs. 166 00:10:38,340 --> 00:10:40,980 I think you just need to  play this to really get it. 167 00:10:40,980 --> 00:10:42,300 It's a wonderfully clever game. 168 00:10:42,300 --> 00:10:45,480 Not surprising, when you learn that  it was made by the developer behind 169 00:10:45,480 --> 00:10:49,500 Toodee and Topdee - which also  started life as a game jam game. 170 00:10:49,500 --> 00:10:53,400 Reversal Rooms also begins as a basic platformer. 171 00:10:53,400 --> 00:10:57,960 But then, in level two, your jump  button actually controls the spikes. 172 00:10:57,960 --> 00:10:59,820 Then you control the spring. 173 00:10:59,820 --> 00:11:01,260 And then the door. 174 00:11:01,260 --> 00:11:04,500 It's a manic context-switching headscratcher that 175 00:11:04,500 --> 00:11:08,280 basically feels like Wario Ware as  a platformer, and I really dig it. 176 00:11:08,280 --> 00:11:13,680 And then Ragdolf looks like your average  putting simulator - but then this happens. 177 00:11:14,367 --> 00:11:15,687 Oops. 178 00:11:15,687 --> 00:11:19,980 Turns out you need to use the ball as a  bounce pad to get you around the level. 179 00:11:19,980 --> 00:11:23,040 It's actually way more than a  slapstick sight gag, though: 180 00:11:23,040 --> 00:11:25,620 it quickly turns into a tricky platformer where 181 00:11:25,620 --> 00:11:29,040 you must carefully time your swings  for the correct power and angle. 182 00:11:29,040 --> 00:11:32,640 I played through this entire  game with a big smile on my face. 183 00:11:32,640 --> 00:11:34,200 Highly recommend this one. 184 00:11:35,100 --> 00:11:39,900 And then the final twist on the  theme was to go completely meta. 185 00:11:39,900 --> 00:11:46,020 Let's start with Pause to Play, which makes the  pause menu an active participant in the puzzles. 186 00:11:46,020 --> 00:11:50,340 So pausing the game doesn't actually  stop the action - but it does flash 187 00:11:50,340 --> 00:11:53,280 up some buttons which can be  used as platforms to get around. 188 00:11:53,280 --> 00:11:57,000 Then, the options sliders  can be used as lifts - but 189 00:11:57,000 --> 00:11:59,280 they change the settings as you go up and down. 190 00:11:59,280 --> 00:12:03,540 You can zoom the camera, for instance,  to turn your character into a tiny speck. 191 00:12:03,540 --> 00:12:06,120 More ideas are explored as the levels go on. 192 00:12:06,120 --> 00:12:09,840 It's an inventive puzzle platformer with  plenty of room to grow into a full game, 193 00:12:09,840 --> 00:12:11,280 if the designer wishes. 194 00:12:11,280 --> 00:12:17,160 A tip of the hat to The Adventures of Raddish Boy,  which also uses pause as a game mechanic. 195 00:12:17,160 --> 00:12:21,900 We also saw games that reversed the  roles between player and designer. 196 00:12:21,900 --> 00:12:26,460 In Making the Game, you start with  a platformer that is far too easy: 197 00:12:26,460 --> 00:12:29,160 just a brief stroll from start to finish. 198 00:12:29,160 --> 00:12:33,900 So you have to choose the next avenue for the  designer, from a list of three random choices. 199 00:12:33,900 --> 00:12:37,740 Each time you expand the game,  it gets harder and harder, 200 00:12:37,740 --> 00:12:39,960 but you've got to complete the level to carry on. 201 00:12:39,960 --> 00:12:44,040 When the game gets so difficult that  it's just incredibly tedious to play... 202 00:12:44,040 --> 00:12:45,360 it's time to hit release. 203 00:12:45,360 --> 00:12:50,100 Maybe a little dig at your humble host? I  dunno - but I still liked this game a lot. 204 00:12:50,100 --> 00:12:53,100 We also saw games that reversed the roles so hard, 205 00:12:53,100 --> 00:12:56,880 that they actually incorporated  the game jam into the game itself. 206 00:12:56,880 --> 00:13:05,511 There was, of course, Video Editor's Toolkit which  lets you play as me, editing this video right now. 207 00:13:05,511 --> 00:13:09,300 AI MARK: "A brief interlude for our  sponsor, please check them out". 208 00:13:09,300 --> 00:13:12,660 But I'm gonna give the win to Our Dearest Player, 209 00:13:12,660 --> 00:13:17,580 which emulates the experience of being  a game jam judge, in this exact jam. 210 00:13:17,580 --> 00:13:22,500 You play through a handful of simple  reversed-role games - including a 211 00:13:22,500 --> 00:13:26,640 surprisingly good Flappy Bird clone - before  handing out stars in different categories. 212 00:13:26,640 --> 00:13:31,440 There's even a broken Web GL page, which  makes the whole thing super authentic. 213 00:13:31,440 --> 00:13:32,880 And then finally... 214 00:13:32,880 --> 00:13:37,500 Streamer Screamer is a wonderful  fourth-wall-breaking meta comedy. 215 00:13:37,500 --> 00:13:40,080 This game features a jibbering Twitch streamer, 216 00:13:40,080 --> 00:13:43,800 who is showing off some low-rent  horror game with a spooky villain. 217 00:13:43,800 --> 00:13:48,720 But then... the screen pans up to reveal  that you are actually playing as the villain. 218 00:13:48,720 --> 00:13:52,140 You're carrying an iPad showing  the stream, meaning that you can 219 00:13:52,140 --> 00:13:56,460 triangulate the location of the streamer  and sneak up behind them for a jump scare. 220 00:13:56,460 --> 00:13:59,160 You don't want to make the  game too scary though - you 221 00:13:59,160 --> 00:14:02,580 want to vary your approach to build  tension - and raise viewer numbers. 222 00:14:02,580 --> 00:14:05,160 Plus, you'll want to hold  back to hear the streamer's 223 00:14:05,160 --> 00:14:08,100 inane babbling about Disney World and dreams. 224 00:14:08,100 --> 00:14:13,140 This is a genuinely galaxy-brained game  idea and needs to be explored further. 225 00:14:13,140 --> 00:14:15,140 STREAMER: "Oh my god!!" 226 00:14:15,180 --> 00:14:19,260 So, there we have it! By reversing roles, 227 00:14:19,260 --> 00:14:23,400 these clever game designers found  fertile ground for brand new game ideas. 228 00:14:23,400 --> 00:14:26,400 We helped and hindered AI-driven heroes. 229 00:14:26,400 --> 00:14:28,860 We turned classic game ideas on their heads. 230 00:14:28,860 --> 00:14:30,720 We took on unfamiliar roles. 231 00:14:30,720 --> 00:14:33,720 We saw surprising twists on familiar concepts. 232 00:14:33,720 --> 00:14:37,800 And we went so meta that the fourth  wall shattered into a thousand pieces. 233 00:14:37,800 --> 00:14:41,040 As always, I want to shout  out some honourable mentions. 234 00:14:41,040 --> 00:14:43,980 Firehose is a manic score-chasing 235 00:14:43,980 --> 00:14:48,240 arcade game where you play as a  firefighter... who starts fires. 236 00:14:48,240 --> 00:14:51,900 You can only move as far as your hose  will allow - so you'll then need to 237 00:14:51,900 --> 00:14:54,120 hop into the firetruck and drive somewhere else. 238 00:14:54,120 --> 00:14:59,520 The Contrarian Press sees you make  the judicious use of censor bars to 239 00:14:59,520 --> 00:15:02,700 rewrite newspaper headlines, and make new stories. 240 00:15:02,700 --> 00:15:05,940 It's all presented with  arty cut-out collage images. 241 00:15:05,940 --> 00:15:10,680 And Spared is a bowling game  where you play as the pins. 242 00:15:10,680 --> 00:15:14,100 You've got to dodge at the last  minute to avoid being struck down, 243 00:15:14,100 --> 00:15:18,240 and different bowlers with special  powers are introduced to mix things up. 244 00:15:18,240 --> 00:15:21,600 To be honest, I can easily recommend a dozen more. 245 00:15:21,600 --> 00:15:24,780 So you can now head to itch.io and find the full 246 00:15:24,780 --> 00:15:29,160 list of games - and the public's  rankings for all the entries. 247 00:15:29,160 --> 00:15:32,340 Have a look through the top  100 titles, at the very least. 248 00:15:32,340 --> 00:15:37,260 Thank you so much to everyone who took  part in the jam, or rated some games. 249 00:15:37,260 --> 00:15:39,300 Thanks to all the mods on Discord, 250 00:15:39,300 --> 00:15:44,340 to everyone who made our awesome Team  Finder app, and to Leaf over at Itch.io. 251 00:15:44,340 --> 00:15:49,140 An extra huge thank you to my Patrons  who fund GMTK Game Jam - and mean we 252 00:15:49,140 --> 00:15:50,940 don't have to get corporate sponsors involved. 253 00:15:50,940 --> 00:15:53,640 The jam will be back in 2024. 254 00:15:53,640 --> 00:15:58,191 So subscribe to this channel to receive  the date announcement next year. 255 00:15:58,191 --> 00:16:02,100 AI MARK: "And that's a wrap  for 2023. See you next year".