Let’s go! Mexico city July 2015 It is important to create networks because it allow us to learn from others In Latin America borders divide us, and we recognize that it’s as if these borders were placed there almost by hand because we have so many things that unite and join us. Convening of Collectives From 15 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. In Latin America the tissue is something ancestral for many cultures and also for our own identity. It is the collective participation and above all, to be able to conciliate several ideas and worldviews. Community cinema Free media, independent and alternative. Video to denounce It’s sharing all that information from one place to another and that everybody realize that it is not just only a community or an organization, but thousands and thousands of people fighting to achieve something better. Here we brought together a very interesting diversity of experiences -community cinema, video for denouncing, video as an evidence All of this is our learning process, our exchange process, our space for building/growing knowledge. For us it is fundamental to work as a network to support the communities that are in resistance against mining and petroleum extractive projects which are the common thread in Latin America In this moment it feels really important to build networks to share our practices, our strategies and also our productions. Is what gives us the strength as community and free media, to awaken the people who still live within the system. It has been very interesting to meet other people who are documenting the reality of their lives, communicating it with other people and helping others take control of the media and tell their own stories. The idea of a short film produced by a local organization in Argentina being presented here in Mexico or in Peru, seems to us a very important event for the strategy of thinking on a community cinema. The importance of working as a network is a peace experience, a diverse peace that can be built among the youth, artistic or cultural movements in Latin America. What we did here here is an important step for the articulation of free/independent media networks in Latin America and the Caribbean. These ties, at this point become important as the repression and the violence coming from the governments are increasing and targeting our fights. We have a common enemy, the transnational capital is beating us all. So finding these people is a way of saying “we are not alone, we are in this together.” You share, you exchange and you also feel the support of a lot of people who are also performing acts of resistance in their communities. Let’s keep growing our solidarity saying we are in this together and we will be until the end!