0:00:00.465,0:00:06.146 So anyway for the talk[br]just to warm people up. 0:00:06.146,0:00:12.558 They're one of the good friends,[br]disciples, followers from Canada. 0:00:12.558,0:00:17.223 I'm sure is listening [br]and if not listening now 0:00:17.223,0:00:19.599 will get hold of the talk later on. 0:00:19.599,0:00:25.373 They're very, very devoted disciples,[br]very wonderful people too. 0:00:25.373,0:00:29.110 But they asked me that they've been[br]trying to encourage some of their friends 0:00:29.110,0:00:32.166 to do some meditation. 0:00:32.166,0:00:37.893 But then some of the friends equate[br]meditation to mindfulness practice. 0:00:37.893,0:00:42.678 And sometimes you see[br]the people who practice mindfulness 0:00:42.678,0:00:46.123 that sometimes they get[br]into difficulties and problems. 0:00:46.123,0:00:53.988 Sometimes it's just like people who[br]have Covid 19 vaccine. 0:00:53.988,0:00:59.736 Sometimes they have problems[br]only it's a tiny, tiny sort of proportion. 0:00:59.736,0:01:01.703 I think somebody said that 0:01:01.703,0:01:05.933 you've got more chance of [br]having a problem with a Covid vaccine. 0:01:05.933,0:01:09.562 The chances of that are just more remote[br]than winning the Lotto. 0:01:09.562,0:01:11.908 It's just like people surfing, 0:01:11.908,0:01:16.458 some people who surf on [br]Western Australia get eaten by sharks 0:01:16.458,0:01:20.215 that doesn't really stop people surfing. 0:01:20.215,0:01:23.412 But even with mindfulness practice 0:01:23.412,0:01:25.864 sometimes there's some problems there. 0:01:25.864,0:01:32.008 You know, it doesn't need to be.[br]It's much safer than surfing, 0:01:32.008,0:01:36.417 but it's also much more healthy. 0:01:36.417,0:01:41.147 And one of the reasons why[br]any problems exist in the first place 0:01:41.147,0:01:48.672 is that this thing called mindfulness[br]has been just almost like titrated 0:01:48.672,0:01:53.412 and just taken away from its context[br]in other forms of Buddhist practice. 0:01:53.412,0:01:56.404 And when it's by itself it misses out 0:01:56.404,0:02:01.426 on some of the wonderful safeguards[br]which are always there. 0:02:01.426,0:02:10.180 And to make a point, when I first went[br]to teach meditation overseas. 0:02:10.180,0:02:18.769 I think it was over in Malaysia. [br]Malaysia is a Muslim country, 0:02:18.769,0:02:22.220 there's a lot of Buddhists[br]over in Malaysia as well. 0:02:22.220,0:02:27.705 And over there they were very keen[br]on doing all the parts of Buddhism 0:02:27.705,0:02:30.624 especially meditation practice. 0:02:30.624,0:02:35.768 when I talked to them [br]I was stunned, I was surprised! 0:02:35.768,0:02:38.068 Because they were complaining 0:02:38.068,0:02:42.488 that meditation gave you[br]"Samadhi headache!" 0:02:42.488,0:02:45.762 They called samadhi means like, [br]well it actually meant over there, 0:02:45.762,0:02:47.741 concentration. [br]It really means stillness. 0:02:47.741,0:02:49.384 "Meditation headache?" 0:02:49.384,0:02:55.725 I couldn't understand that. I've been[br]meditating for years by that time. 0:02:55.725,0:02:58.859 How many years of, crikey![br]About 30 years probably. 0:02:58.859,0:03:01.939 I never had a headache by meditating. 0:03:01.939,0:03:05.843 Actually I use meditation[br]to overcome headaches. 0:03:05.843,0:03:14.913 I use meditation overcome headaches,[br]indigestion, scrub typhus fever. 0:03:14.913,0:03:18.265 That's a pretty big one. [br]And all these other stuff, 0:03:18.265,0:03:23.691 even injuries, bruises[br]and stuff if we fell over. 0:03:23.691,0:03:26.490 And it's amazing I thought, 0:03:26.490,0:03:29.711 meditation is there to help your health 0:03:29.711,0:03:32.570 not to create more headaches [br]and problems. 0:03:32.570,0:03:36.093 What on earth have you been doing? 0:03:36.203,0:03:40.294 And of course, it was a meditation[br]which was being done, 0:03:40.444,0:03:44.813 which has a lot of problems [br]if you compared it with 0:03:44.813,0:03:48.183 traditional Buddhist meditation. 0:03:48.853,0:03:52.365 The meditators there were [br]struggling and striving 0:03:52.365,0:03:54.835 and trying to get something. 0:03:55.445,0:03:57.431 And you find whenever [br]you want something, 0:03:57.431,0:03:59.948 try to get something [br]and strive something; 0:03:59.948,0:04:03.529 I'm going to do this.[br]I'm going to make sure it works. 0:04:03.529,0:04:04.901 I'm going to be ... 0:04:04.901,0:04:07.486 My own story... 0:04:09.011,0:04:10.981 I'm still a lay person, 0:04:10.981,0:04:16.336 we started doing some meditation[br]and it was the Vesak time. 0:04:16.336,0:04:21.684 This was celebrating the birth[br]enlightenment, passing away of the Buddha. 0:04:21.694,0:04:27.287 And when I heard the story[br]of the Buddha's enlightenment. 0:04:27.287,0:04:31.917 What I heard was that[br]the Buddha sat under the Bodhi tree 0:04:31.917,0:04:36.896 and he made a resolution, [br]a determination. 0:04:36.896,0:04:40.097 "I'm gonna get enlightened. 0:04:42.077,0:04:45.149 Right here, I'm not gonna move. 0:04:45.149,0:04:51.759 Even if my blood dries up[br]and my bones turn to dust. 0:04:51.759,0:04:55.845 I'm not gonna move from this seat until 0:04:55.845,0:04:59.775 ... until I get full enlightenment". 0:05:00.855,0:05:05.446 Being stupid at the time I thought that[br]was really cool. 0:05:06.166,0:05:08.473 So you know what I did? 0:05:08.473,0:05:13.183 I went back to my room,[br]I put a little couple of cushions out, 0:05:14.145,0:05:15.145 (Laugh) 0:05:16.107,0:05:21.539 stupid young man, [br]I was about 18 at the time (laugh) 0:05:21.539,0:05:24.159 You know, 18 year old men. 0:05:24.159,0:05:26.305 Any 18 year old man here? 0:05:26.754,0:05:28.456 Don't admit it. Don't admit it. 0:05:28.456,0:05:30.999 Come on, you're not 18 [br]you're much older than that. 0:05:30.999,0:05:32.579 I said 18 not 80. 0:05:37.634,0:05:44.997 So I sat down on that cushion[br]I made a resolution. 0:05:45.647,0:05:48.071 I'm as good as the Buddha. 0:05:48.071,0:05:51.251 That was in India,[br]he didn't have an education. 0:05:51.251,0:05:54.860 I thought like that, really arrogant. 0:05:54.860,0:05:59.407 You know my maximum amount of time[br]I could meditate for at 18 0:05:59.407,0:06:02.948 was about 20 minutes[br]and that was pushing it, 0:06:02.948,0:06:06.574 25 sometimes on a good meditation. 0:06:06.664,0:06:09.458 So I sat down and said forget about[br]all of that, 0:06:09.458,0:06:13.819 I'm not going to move.[br]Now I've got to get enlightened, 0:06:13.830,0:06:18.846 I want to get it out of the way, I've got[br]many other things to do in my life. 0:06:18.846,0:06:21.724 I sat there and made the resolution[br]I'm not gonna move 0:06:21.724,0:06:25.005 until I get perfect enlightenment or 0:06:25.005,0:06:28.455 you always gotta have [br]an alternative or 0:06:28.455,0:06:31.695 my blood dries up and [br]bones turn to dust. 0:06:31.695,0:06:35.383 I actually made that resolution,[br]honestly I did. 0:06:35.383,0:06:38.570 It was hell. After half an hour 0:06:38.570,0:06:44.425 I meant to get to half an hour, my bones[br]were just ... they were burning in pain, 0:06:44.425,0:06:46.839 my back was aching, [br]every muscle was on fire. 0:06:46.839,0:06:49.749 No, I'm not enlightened yet, carry on. 0:06:50.179,0:06:52.633 [Laughter] 0:06:52.633,0:06:56.371 You know, I got about[br]between 35 and 40 minutes. 0:06:56.371,0:06:59.061 I couldn't stand it any longer 0:06:59.061,0:07:03.281 and I opened my eyes and[br]you know I wasn't enlightened! 0:07:03.281,0:07:09.900 And my blood hadn’t dried up yet,[br]my bones hadn't turned to dust. 0:07:09.900,0:07:12.827 I was really stupid! 0:07:12.827,0:07:18.977 But later on, instead of just running[br]because of arrogance 0:07:18.977,0:07:24.229 and meditating just because[br]I thought I was so good. 0:07:24.229,0:07:29.152 I had a marvelous teacher[br]like an Ajahn Chah. 0:07:29.152,0:07:32.010 And he kept on saying [br]not just once but 0:07:32.010,0:07:35.640 many, many, many, many times.[br]Probably a thousand times 0:07:35.640,0:07:39.249 in the nine years [br]which I meditated with him. 0:07:39.249,0:07:45.349 He said you meditate to let go of things[br]not to gain things. 0:07:45.539,0:07:51.140 And I didn't understand a word of it[br]when I first heard it. 0:07:51.140,0:07:55.166 I realized that was some of the most[br]wonderful advice he could ever give. 0:07:55.166,0:07:57.083 You want to get something, 0:07:57.083,0:08:02.814 something you want to aim for,[br]to strive for, you get very tense. 0:08:02.814,0:08:07.258 But if you want to let go of things[br]you get lighter and lighter 0:08:07.258,0:08:11.062 and the path becomes [br]so easy and peaceful. 0:08:11.412,0:08:14.445 And that becomes another reason why[br]many people, 0:08:14.445,0:08:20.687 if they don't understand[br]what meditation or mindfulness is, 0:08:20.687,0:08:22.880 they want to get something, 0:08:22.880,0:08:25.780 always be the tension,[br]the tightness there. 0:08:25.780,0:08:27.767 And a lot of times you can't get 0:08:27.767,0:08:32.587 what you think you want[br]or you think you need. 0:08:32.587,0:08:34.605 You don't need very much. 0:08:34.605,0:08:36.693 But every time we think we need this 0:08:36.693,0:08:42.107 and when you're fighting[br]you'd always get injuries, 0:08:42.107,0:08:45.198 or sometimes they call[br]collateral damage. 0:08:45.448,0:08:49.770 And that's actually what happens when[br]people are just mindful. 0:08:49.770,0:08:57.446 So as soldiers they can shoot[br]more accurately and kill people. 0:08:57.446,0:09:03.817 When they're mindful so they can win[br]more arguments in debates. 0:09:03.817,0:09:06.239 When they're mindful [br]so they can make more money 0:09:06.239,0:09:09.039 on the stock market or whatever. 0:09:09.039,0:09:11.392 If you're trying to get something 0:09:11.392,0:09:15.502 you'll find that's not really[br]Buddhist meditation, 0:09:15.952,0:09:17.484 it's not mindfulness. 0:09:17.484,0:09:21.624 When you're trying to let go of things,[br]to simplify your life, 0:09:21.934,0:09:25.107 to make your life more peaceful, [br]more at ease. 0:09:25.107,0:09:27.954 We always know in spiritual life[br]you keep on saying 0:09:27.954,0:09:30.219 how much do you really need 0:09:30.219,0:09:34.299 to be healthy, to be happy,[br]to have a wonderful life? 0:09:34.299,0:09:36.251 How much do you really need? 0:09:36.251,0:09:41.055 If you want to know, next time you go to[br]Bodhinyana monastery, 0:09:41.055,0:09:47.512 go and ask to have a visit[br]to my home where I live. 0:09:47.512,0:09:51.862 Hands up now, how many of you[br]have actually been into my cave? 0:09:52.232,0:09:57.846 I've got to put my hand up as well cause[br]I've got to be honest I've been in there. 0:09:57.846,0:09:59.362 Is it big?[br](Laughter) 0:10:04.622,0:10:09.742 It's big in peace. [br]It's big in freedom. 0:10:09.742,0:10:15.419 It's a tiny little cave and that's all[br]I need, I got a toilet around the back 0:10:15.419,0:10:20.448 but it's about three meters,[br]it's like a dome 0:10:20.448,0:10:26.573 three meters... no, three meters diameter[br]and that's semi dome. 0:10:26.573,0:10:31.438 And in that cave I've got a bed,[br]meditation cushion, 0:10:31.438,0:10:38.961 a blanket and water, a flashlight[br]and a clock, a little Buddha statue. 0:10:38.961,0:10:42.800 And I do have I must admit electricity 0:10:42.800,0:10:51.816 that's just to light the way and[br]a...not bamboo, a cork floor. That's it. 0:10:51.816,0:10:56.320 You know it's really easy to clean, 0:10:56.880,0:11:01.001 it doesn't take that long but[br]it's also the simplicity of it. 0:11:01.001,0:11:03.626 What do you need? 0:11:04.056,0:11:09.511 So a lot of times even in life[br]when we simplify things 0:11:09.511,0:11:14.191 we find that life is much more peaceful. 0:11:14.191,0:11:19.550 And even in meditation,[br]if you want to get things 0:11:19.550,0:11:23.104 then there's no end [br]of getting more things. 0:11:23.104,0:11:25.180 How many more things do you want? 0:11:25.180,0:11:27.431 How rich do you want to be? 0:11:27.431,0:11:32.916 Have you noticed really rich people,[br]they always have to keep on working? 0:11:33.976,0:11:37.323 You know Elon Musk, [br]he's got enough money now 0:11:37.323,0:11:42.571 he should be able to retire.[br]He has to work! 0:11:42.571,0:11:45.935 So how much money would you want? 0:11:45.935,0:11:50.847 Apparently that somebody[br]won the lottery on Friday. 0:11:51.447,0:11:53.145 Anyone here? 0:11:55.125,0:11:59.309 If it was you, now being that wealthy[br]is just really a burden, 0:11:59.309,0:12:01.445 it causes you so much suffering. 0:12:01.445,0:12:06.385 I remember, I don't mind saying,[br]meeting this guy 0:12:06.385,0:12:12.365 he was the CEO of Tropicana resort and [br]lots of other businesses over in Malaysia 0:12:12.365,0:12:18.611 and he invited me to his house. No,[br]I can't say houses... mansion, huge thing. 0:12:18.611,0:12:25.524 But what really I...was really struck me[br]that going into his residence 0:12:25.524,0:12:32.263 there were like two guards[br]with machine guns at the gate, 0:12:32.263,0:12:37.910 it's like going into Buckingham palace[br]where they have these household guards. 0:12:37.910,0:12:43.890 And so, why do you need guards[br]with machine guns? 0:12:43.890,0:12:49.100 I've got no guards with machine guns[br]in front of my cave. (laughter) 0:12:51.240,0:12:57.014 Is because there's a lot of fear [br]when you have many things. 0:12:57.014,0:13:01.110 If you only have a few things or old[br]things you don't have to be afraid at all. 0:13:01.110,0:13:03.979 I learned that from my father,[br]strange enough, 0:13:03.979,0:13:09.614 because where he lived was [br]in a very small council flat in London, 0:13:09.614,0:13:13.954 like government sponsored housing[br]for the poor. 0:13:13.954,0:13:17.171 But it was very...[br]we had a very happy time there, 0:13:17.171,0:13:21.624 but often I just asked him[br]"why don't we lock the door when we go out 0:13:21.624,0:13:24.264 aren't you afraid of burglars?" 0:13:24.264,0:13:27.736 You know what my father said, he said:[br]"No, I'm not afraid of burglars 0:13:27.736,0:13:31.597 in fact I'm quite hopeful[br]a burglar might come in 0:13:31.597,0:13:35.829 take pity on us and leave us something."[br](Laughter) 0:13:39.684,0:13:43.706 So at least you didn't have [br]to worry about anything. 0:13:43.706,0:13:47.966 Not worrying about anything,[br]great peace and happiness, contentment. 0:13:47.966,0:13:49.560 So that's also one of the reasons 0:13:49.560,0:13:52.770 when you're not worrying about[br]attaining things or losing...oh no 0:13:52.770,0:13:56.857 attaining, getting things [br]but you're more happy 0:13:56.857,0:13:59.300 with emptying out your mind. 0:13:59.300,0:14:03.099 then actually you're meditating[br]in a proper way. 0:14:03.099,0:14:07.825 And where that comes from[br]if anybody wants to check me out, 0:14:07.825,0:14:11.664 that comes from the second factor[br]of the eightfold path, 0:14:11.664,0:14:14.762 meditation is a whole path [br]eightfold path. 0:14:14.762,0:14:18.302 Meditation ... the deep meditations [br]are the last factor. 0:14:18.302,0:14:19.973 Mindfulness is the seventh factor. 0:14:19.973,0:14:26.357 The second factor is of the right ways [br]of what we call right motivation. 0:14:26.357,0:14:28.607 Ajahn Brahmali kept calling it intention 0:14:28.607,0:14:31.644 but I prefer motivation,[br]where you're coming from, 0:14:31.644,0:14:33.718 not what you're trying to achieve. 0:14:33.718,0:14:37.542 Because the right motivations are[br]three right motivations for meditation. 0:14:37.542,0:14:40.807 If you do your mindfulness practice 0:14:40.807,0:14:44.547 with these three motivations [br]you're really safe. 0:14:44.547,0:14:48.496 The first motivation[br]is called nekkhamma. 0:14:48.496,0:14:51.846 It's a Pali word it means [br]letting go, renunciation, 0:14:51.846,0:14:54.806 giving up, simplifying. 0:14:54.806,0:14:57.798 I knew that was... that's really Buddhist, 0:14:57.798,0:15:00.098 we are supposed to live simple lives. 0:15:00.098,0:15:03.876 Very few people live [br]simple lives these days. 0:15:03.876,0:15:08.940 But we really try as best we can [br]as monks and nuns 0:15:08.940,0:15:15.075 to live simple as we possibly can. 0:15:16.695,0:15:20.282 It's really strange isn't it that [br]you know, sometimes I go off 0:15:20.282,0:15:22.552 I used to go overseas.. 0:15:22.552,0:15:26.357 I used to go overseas and sometimes you[br]know what would happen? 0:15:26.357,0:15:30.878 People buy you business class tickets,[br]honestly they did. 0:15:30.878,0:15:37.818 I did this ... what was it called,[br]a keynote address at conferences. 0:15:37.818,0:15:46.560 I used to go to conferences, a keynote[br]address at the 2018 I think it was 0:15:46.560,0:15:52.470 World Computer Conference[br]in Dejun, South Korea. 0:15:52.470,0:15:55.988 That was a really good gig, 0:15:55.988,0:15:59.672 the World Computer Conference 0:15:59.672,0:16:05.179 and I'm not just giving a small talk,[br]giving the keynote address. 0:16:05.179,0:16:08.974 That's after all these politicians[br]and dignitaries and stuff gave 0:16:08.974,0:16:13.178 and then I had to set the tone[br]of the conference. 0:16:13.178,0:16:17.405 And I did really well. [br]You know that's where they brought... 0:16:17.405,0:16:20.933 they offered this business class ticket[br]on Singapore airlines 0:16:20.933,0:16:25.158 all the way to South Korea and back,[br]nice hotel. 0:16:25.158,0:16:29.123 And they gave 2000$[br]to the Buddhist Society 0:16:29.123,0:16:32.173 just for a quarter of an hour's talk. 0:16:32.173,0:16:38.988 So what we call a nice little earner[br]for our BSWA. (laugh) 0:16:41.218,0:16:44.184 But then you know [br]you go on business class 0:16:44.184,0:16:47.619 and they ask how much do you earn?[br]Nothing! 0:16:47.619,0:16:53.124 How much money have you got? [br]Zero. 0:16:53.124,0:16:57.777 What's a poor person doing[br]travelling on business class, 0:16:57.777,0:17:00.568 no money in the bank anywhere. 0:17:00.568,0:17:05.002 So I like those like [br]contradictions in life 0:17:05.002,0:17:07.598 and what is a person who... 0:17:07.598,0:17:16.368 I don't know much about computers, [br]do I? (laughter) 0:17:16.368,0:17:19.229 When anything goes wrong [br]you have to ask somebody else, 0:17:19.229,0:17:23.382 what's gone wrong? 0:17:23.642,0:17:28.526 What are you doing dude?[br]Do the keynote address 0:17:28.766,0:17:35.602 in front of all these computer wizards?[br]They asked me that. 0:17:35.602,0:17:38.775 And I gave the answer [br]that in life 0:17:38.775,0:17:45.030 you don't have to know very much[br]to actually to innovate. 0:17:45.030,0:17:48.571 In fact the more you know,[br]the less you see. 0:17:48.571,0:17:53.782 And you're trained always to see things[br]in the same way. 0:17:53.782,0:17:57.442 A narrow course of mind. 0:17:57.442,0:18:02.033 And as a monk you can actually[br]do all sorts of weird stuff, 0:18:02.033,0:18:07.343 like meditate and see things[br]in a different way. 0:18:07.343,0:18:11.397 To innovate [br]means being still, 0:18:13.577,0:18:17.197 letting everything go[br]and seeing things afresh. 0:18:17.887,0:18:21.184 And of course, [br]we all know in economies, 0:18:21.184,0:18:24.638 innovation is a key to success. 0:18:24.638,0:18:30.162 Not doing things in the same old way[br]but doing things in a different way. 0:18:30.162,0:18:34.882 And look at this place I mean[br]Buddhist Society Western Australia. 0:18:34.882,0:18:39.642 As far as I know it's one of the biggest[br]Buddhist societies in the world. 0:18:39.872,0:18:46.336 It's because this is how we practice,[br]innovation, doing things differently. 0:18:46.336,0:18:50.148 But anyway back to mindfulness[br]when we learn how to let go of things. 0:18:50.148,0:18:54.419 The other thing in right motivation[br]is letting go 0:18:54.771,0:19:04.042 and then the second factor of right[br]motivation is kindness, compassion. 0:19:05.302,0:19:08.994 and that was something[br]I often say this to people 0:19:08.994,0:19:12.891 that was something I thought[br]was obvious if ever you read 0:19:12.891,0:19:16.265 the life story of the monks and nuns[br]in the time of the Buddha. 0:19:16.265,0:19:21.802 Compassion was really important,[br]being kind to all beings. 0:19:22.082,0:19:28.242 This is one lady, I think,[br]she didn't say where she was from. 0:19:28.242,0:19:33.242 There's still a lot of people[br]who have discriminatory minds 0:19:33.242,0:19:38.304 and she was a Buddhist but she said[br]something happened last week. 0:19:38.874,0:19:43.251 She said her son came out [br]and said he was gay. 0:19:43.251,0:19:46.410 " Oh! Ajahn Brahm, [br]what should I do?" 0:19:46.410,0:19:50.940 Because there's some societies [br]where that's still regarded as terrible 0:19:50.940,0:19:55.914 and I said look, you probably chant[br]this every day as a Buddhist, 0:19:55.914,0:19:59.184 "may all beings be happy and well." 0:19:59.184,0:20:04.003 I think you chanted that here[br]just before I came in. 0:20:04.003,0:20:10.713 Gay people, lesbians, transgenders,[br]L G B T Q I A plus. 0:20:12.373,0:20:14.935 Aren't they beings? 0:20:15.385,0:20:18.355 Do they deserve kindness, [br]compassion, empathy 0:20:18.355,0:20:22.693 just like everybody else?[br]What's the problem? 0:20:22.693,0:20:24.443 And the fact that [br]she didn't realize 0:20:24.443,0:20:27.983 she'd be chanting and part of the chant,[br]may all beings be happy and well. 0:20:27.983,0:20:34.485 Even Donald Trump, Mr. Putin. 0:20:34.485,0:20:38.955 Who else is in the black books?[br]May they all be happy and well, come on. 0:20:38.955,0:20:44.080 Because there's something powerful[br]which I saw in this type of Buddhism 0:20:44.080,0:20:47.432 when you give happiness to your enemies 0:20:47.602,0:20:51.448 then your enemies are not[br]your enemies anymore. 0:20:51.448,0:20:56.295 It's weird but they become soft[br]and peaceful. 0:20:56.795,0:21:00.087 And where this comes up,[br]Why I wanted to bring this up was 0:21:00.087,0:21:04.507 you know sometimes when I think[br]this BBC article I read a long time ago, 0:21:04.507,0:21:07.219 so one of the problems with mindfulness 0:21:07.219,0:21:10.393 they get you to actually just allow[br]things to be. 0:21:10.973,0:21:14.193 That's not good enough. 0:21:14.193,0:21:16.731 Because sometimes what comes up 0:21:16.731,0:21:19.781 is some of the past traumas[br]which people have. 0:21:19.781,0:21:22.797 And those past traumas if [br]it's just being aware of them, 0:21:22.797,0:21:24.998 you can't hold them,[br]you can't handle them, 0:21:24.998,0:21:27.088 they're just really painful. 0:21:27.088,0:21:30.182 And that's where a lot of times people[br]just have almost psychosis 0:21:30.182,0:21:32.512 with this mindfulness practice. 0:21:32.512,0:21:35.042 But what's the difference between[br]how we do things 0:21:35.042,0:21:38.062 in Buddhist mindfulness practice? 0:21:38.062,0:21:41.658 If something comes out from the past [br]and it's really a bad memory, 0:21:41.658,0:21:43.622 very awful memory, [br]difficult memory, 0:21:43.622,0:21:50.483 something very hard for you to hold.[br]How can we let go of that past? 0:21:51.473,0:21:53.935 With kindness. 0:21:54.413,0:21:58.940 It's a strange thing to say but I've[br]said this so many times before 0:21:58.940,0:22:05.013 if you are meditating and you know[br]your mind just wanders off to the past 0:22:05.013,0:22:07.752 where something really hard [br]happened to you 0:22:07.752,0:22:11.284 or a repressed memory comes up [br]into your mind 0:22:11.284,0:22:15.968 and it's a painful memory.[br]What do you do with it? 0:22:16.808,0:22:22.269 And if you try and get rid of it,[br]you give it anger, ill will. 0:22:22.269,0:22:26.680 You don't want to face it,[br]it often gets much worse. 0:22:27.520,0:22:29.679 So there's something else [br]you can do with it 0:22:29.679,0:22:33.079 give it kindness. 0:22:33.559,0:22:38.771 Give you yourself kindness.[br]Give whoever did that to you kindness. 0:22:38.771,0:22:44.535 And here we go again with this simile,[br]it's such a beautiful simile. 0:22:44.535,0:22:48.755 The last time I gave on the retreat[br]which I did after Easter 0:22:48.755,0:22:50.856 I remember after doing this simile 0:22:50.856,0:22:53.896 everyone was looking at me, [br]just blown away 0:22:53.896,0:22:59.436 even though they heard before.[br]Many actually were teary afterwards. 0:22:59.566,0:23:04.233 There was that simile of that...[br]that group here in Perth 0:23:04.233,0:23:11.143 called ASSETT - Australian Society [br]Survivors of Torture and Trauma. 0:23:11.143,0:23:16.817 And one day they invited me to go[br]and visit their center 0:23:16.817,0:23:19.150 do a blessing or something.[br]I said: "Yes, sure." 0:23:19.150,0:23:21.840 because many of them actually came here 0:23:21.840,0:23:27.358 and I didn't know why.[br]Why did you invite me? 0:23:27.358,0:23:34.593 And they said because a couple of[br]their key strategies - they learnt here. 0:23:34.593,0:23:37.654 Which ones? [br]And when they told me 0:23:37.654,0:23:42.605 oh it's just it's an emotional[br]deep right inside me, really high, 0:23:42.605,0:23:46.716 make me incredibly happy. [br]That's why I love telling that story. 0:23:46.716,0:23:49.982 They said the one story[br]which worked the best. 0:23:49.982,0:23:52.720 It was kindness. 0:23:53.125,0:23:55.558 What do you mean kindness? 0:23:55.558,0:24:01.302 It's that old story of telling[br]what my father told me. 0:24:01.302,0:24:05.852 My father teaches... pictures a lot[br]in this talk this evening. 0:24:05.852,0:24:09.309 My father used to tell me just[br]"Son, wherever you go, 0:24:09.309,0:24:12.216 whatever you do, however [br]you turn out in your life. 0:24:12.216,0:24:15.015 He said to me when I was [br]about 14 year old. 0:24:15.015,0:24:19.335 And it's so uncertain in life.[br]He said "whatever you do, 0:24:19.335,0:24:24.154 the door of my house will always [br]be open to you." 0:24:24.154,0:24:28.124 And of course his house was a council flat[br]with hardly anything in it. 0:24:28.814,0:24:33.743 But you know that sometimes[br]somebody says something 0:24:33.743,0:24:37.665 maybe here, maybe a friend,[br]maybe something you read or hear. 0:24:37.665,0:24:40.289 It's so you know this is important. 0:24:40.289,0:24:43.379 And I remember that [br]as a 14 year old boy 0:24:43.379,0:24:46.835 that this is important.[br]I don't know why I can't understand it 0:24:47.135,0:24:50.715 because you know boys emotions [br]are not very developed. 0:24:50.715,0:24:54.787 But I remembered it enough that[br]when I became a monk. 0:24:54.787,0:24:59.056 And one of the nice things about[br]being a monk or a nun, you have time, 0:24:59.056,0:25:02.877 you have time to really figure out your[br]emotional world and what it means. 0:25:02.877,0:25:05.846 And that was one of[br]the unfinished business 0:25:05.846,0:25:09.216 I had from my father - he died[br]when I was about 16. 0:25:09.216,0:25:11.975 What did he really mean by that? 0:25:12.235,0:25:14.621 And of course, you've heard me[br]say this before 0:25:14.621,0:25:17.184 it became the title of my first book. 0:25:17.184,0:25:22.402 What he meant was not his house,[br]he meant his heart. 0:25:22.402,0:25:25.382 He said whatever you do, [br]however you turn out, 0:25:25.382,0:25:28.206 whatever happens to you, 0:25:28.206,0:25:33.406 the door of my heart [br]will always be open to you. 0:25:33.406,0:25:38.146 When I realized that was just me[br]that hit me so deeply. 0:25:38.146,0:25:44.729 It was the first expression [br]of unconditional love 0:25:45.249,0:25:51.892 that I could really understand.[br]And it made so much sense to me 0:25:51.892,0:25:55.732 and of course, a father to his son[br]was, you know, so powerful. 0:25:55.732,0:25:59.361 I wish I'd understood that [br]when he said it to me 0:25:59.361,0:26:01.781 how powerful it was. 0:26:01.781,0:26:05.845 And of course that story, which [br]I can see you're looking at me, 0:26:05.845,0:26:09.119 and it's meant something to you already. 0:26:09.119,0:26:11.695 That meant something [br]to a couple of psychologists, 0:26:11.695,0:26:14.415 psychiatrists who would come here 0:26:14.415,0:26:20.021 and then work with people who had been[br]very badly abused overseas. 0:26:20.381,0:26:25.468 And people who had survived somehow. 0:26:25.468,0:26:28.279 When I heard some of their statements[br]I don't know how 0:26:28.279,0:26:34.084 they could survive some of that abuse, [br]physical, emotional 0:26:34.084,0:26:37.664 in some of these regimes overseas. 0:26:38.404,0:26:43.094 But anyway they'd made it[br]to Australia physically safe, 0:26:43.094,0:26:47.188 emotionally still in the torture chambers, 0:26:47.308,0:26:52.368 still being raped, beaten [br]for no reason. 0:26:53.788,0:26:59.963 I've had a very simple life[br]so I can't really understand 0:26:59.963,0:27:06.462 how they must have felt and[br]how they survived is beyond me. 0:27:06.652,0:27:10.280 But now they're here, they're still[br]carrying that huge burden 0:27:10.280,0:27:14.910 and how they overcame that burden. 0:27:14.910,0:27:19.690 And that's because I developed [br]that story and taught it 0:27:19.690,0:27:24.421 that gives me so much joy.[br]How they overcame that was 0:27:24.421,0:27:30.078 they decided to incorporate that[br]as one of their strategies. 0:27:30.078,0:27:34.231 But when a person feels safe, [br]you can't force anything, 0:27:34.231,0:27:39.869 you can't say now do it.[br]It has to be when you're ready. 0:27:39.869,0:27:42.857 And they would sit down [br]in a comfortable safe place, 0:27:42.857,0:27:45.207 the safety was important 0:27:45.207,0:27:51.666 and then they closed their eyes and[br]then they imagine a heart in their chest 0:27:51.666,0:27:56.425 and it was a Valentine's day heart[br]not a real heart. 0:27:56.425,0:27:59.405 If you've seen real hearts[br]in medical books 0:27:59.405,0:28:06.314 they're not beautiful at all,[br]got tubes all over the place. 0:28:06.314,0:28:09.950 But the Valentine's day heart[br]as everyone knows 0:28:09.950,0:28:14.120 imagine a Valentine's heart[br]in the center of your chest 0:28:14.120,0:28:18.969 with two big doors.[br]The two doors open out 0:28:18.969,0:28:21.973 and the nice part of you, [br]the part of you 0:28:21.973,0:28:26.769 which you can respect and love[br]and live with happily, 0:28:27.379,0:28:29.046 all the nice times you remember, 0:28:29.046,0:28:32.549 the joyful times that people[br]who care for you and love you 0:28:32.549,0:28:36.544 and the wonderful experiences[br]you've had in your life 0:28:36.544,0:28:43.186 all those little beings which bear your[br]name at different ages, that's inside. 0:28:43.186,0:28:47.255 That's you,[br]you can very easily live with. 0:28:47.255,0:28:51.713 Then what happens next [br]is you look outside, 0:28:51.713,0:28:57.016 outside of your own heart,[br]is these little beings, 0:28:57.016,0:29:01.554 you were in the past, [br]young girls, young boys 0:29:01.554,0:29:08.358 who were treated just so painfully.[br]The physical abuse is only 0:29:08.358,0:29:12.648 a fraction of it, the emotional - Why? 0:29:12.648,0:29:16.363 That just makes it just so hard to bear. 0:29:16.383,0:29:19.417 You kept all those beings outside[br]of your own heart 0:29:19.417,0:29:24.604 and they were you.[br]So, imagine a ladder 0:29:24.604,0:29:31.601 coming from your heart [br]going down to the ground 0:29:31.601,0:29:36.497 and seeing all these people [br]who were you 0:29:36.497,0:29:38.837 and you're inviting them up. 0:29:38.837,0:29:45.242 I don't, I won't judge who you are [br]what happened to you, 0:29:49.642,0:29:53.468 no matter who you are, come in. 0:29:53.848,0:29:57.392 And to actually to do that, 0:29:57.392,0:30:04.611 it's just one of the most[br]courageous things you could do. 0:30:04.611,0:30:08.220 Invite those little beings[br]you're trying to just forget. 0:30:08.220,0:30:10.398 Trying to ignore, [br]trying to cover up, 0:30:10.398,0:30:12.398 trying to get out of here, get away, 0:30:12.398,0:30:16.344 you don't belong with me.[br]You're just so painful. 0:30:16.344,0:30:19.508 You allow them all to come up one by one 0:30:19.508,0:30:22.163 so little beings who have been alone 0:30:22.163,0:30:27.364 and separated out of your heart[br]for so many years 0:30:29.044,0:30:35.154 and you embrace them.[br]They're in your heart now, not out. 0:30:36.324,0:30:42.372 That's a huge change and they said[br]that worked amazingly. 0:30:42.372,0:30:46.595 And some of those women[br]who've gone through that 0:30:46.595,0:30:49.415 would come here on a Friday night. 0:30:49.415,0:30:53.752 I remember speaking to them, seeing them[br]and it just blew my mind. 0:30:53.752,0:30:56.757 They told me what they've been through[br]and you look at them now. 0:30:56.757,0:31:00.812 Wow! they were just[br]some of the amazing heroes. 0:31:00.812,0:31:05.636 So strong, they were like saints.[br]They said that's who I am! 0:31:06.996,0:31:12.803 And they don't traumatize themselves[br]with that anymore. 0:31:13.803,0:31:18.460 That's an extreme, I mean[br]you've been through some, 0:31:18.460,0:31:21.396 we've all been through some pain[br]and difficulty in our life. 0:31:21.396,0:31:23.089 There's things we'd rather forget. 0:31:23.089,0:31:26.073 Why don't we invite that in instead, 0:31:26.073,0:31:30.481 you embrace that [br]that's who you are, it's your life 0:31:30.481,0:31:36.071 and something happens,[br]what happens, 0:31:36.071,0:31:40.619 I keep on saying the same old stories [br]but they're powerful. 0:31:40.619,0:31:45.264 What happens is the old story of[br]the monster in the emperor's palace. 0:31:45.264,0:31:48.606 Monster came in the emperor's palace.[br]Get out, you don't belong. 0:31:48.606,0:31:51.408 Who do you think you are, [br]coming in here. 0:31:51.408,0:31:54.183 and the empress, [br]she was wise. 0:31:54.183,0:32:00.008 Because she was also a member of[br]the Buddhist Society of Western Australia 0:32:00.008,0:32:05.522 she'd come every Friday night.[br]So when she went back to the palace 0:32:05.522,0:32:09.792 she saw this big monster in there,[br]really ugly, really frightening. 0:32:09.792,0:32:15.032 What she said to the monster was[br]"welcome, thank you for visiting. 0:32:15.232,0:32:18.756 is there anything, anyone got you[br]anything to drink yet? Anything to eat? 0:32:18.756,0:32:20.288 What can we do for you?" 0:32:20.288,0:32:24.562 She'd turned such kindness to monsters 0:32:24.562,0:32:28.245 and what happened? This is[br]based on a Buddhist story. 0:32:28.245,0:32:33.402 Every thought, deed, act of kindness 0:32:33.402,0:32:36.322 and the monster grew an inch smaller, 0:32:36.322,0:32:41.286 an inch kinder, a little bit more...[br]more civil. 0:32:41.286,0:32:43.607 And they kept on [br]with the kindness so much, 0:32:43.607,0:32:46.697 - this is the shortened [br]version of the story - 0:32:46.697,0:32:50.855 That soon the monster, [br]who was so ugly and big 0:32:50.855,0:32:54.405 and frightening and violent[br]soon became so small 0:32:54.405,0:32:58.172 that one more act of kindness 0:32:58.172,0:33:01.079 and the monster [br]vanished completely away. 0:33:01.079,0:33:05.389 And that's in the Buddhist suttas, 0:33:05.389,0:33:10.569 that the Buddha said we call that[br]"anger eating monsters." 0:33:10.569,0:33:13.515 The more anger you give it, [br]the more negativity you give it, 0:33:13.515,0:33:16.235 the bigger it gets.[br]There's so much of that in our world. 0:33:16.235,0:33:20.884 But here I'm just saying in you,[br]get out of here bad memory 0:33:20.884,0:33:25.668 you don't belong and [br]the bad memory gets worse. 0:33:25.668,0:33:31.578 It takes a lot of guts and training[br]but if you do the kindness; 0:33:31.578,0:33:40.169 "welcome, welcome bad memory.[br]Thank you for coming to visit me". 0:33:40.169,0:33:44.026 Give kindness to it, [br]kindness to yourself 0:33:44.026,0:33:49.576 because so many times when you have[br]a memory which is embarrassing; 0:33:49.576,0:33:53.914 maybe you're ashamed of,[br]when you actually feel about it, 0:33:53.914,0:33:57.189 it's a human being, [br]you make mistakes; 0:33:57.189,0:34:00.446 please be kind to yourself. 0:34:00.446,0:34:04.526 Forgive yourself, care for yourself. 0:34:06.466,0:34:08.747 Other people who have hurt you 0:34:08.747,0:34:12.208 I don't know why they hurt you.[br]You don't know why they hurt you. 0:34:12.208,0:34:15.368 Maybe they thought they were doing[br]the best thing for you, I don't know. 0:34:15.368,0:34:19.050 Maybe they had other sort of things[br]they were thinking about at the time 0:34:19.050,0:34:23.587 or maybe they were drunk or[br]they're in drugs or whatever. 0:34:23.877,0:34:29.168 Sometimes if you can somehow put[br]yourself in their position a little bit. 0:34:29.168,0:34:33.856 Why do they do that?[br]What was their cultural training, why? 0:34:33.856,0:34:37.895 If you give kindness to people[br]who've hurt you, 0:34:37.895,0:34:43.305 it means you're not so vindictive.[br]There's no wanting to 0:34:43.305,0:34:46.491 sort of harm them back or [br]want you to harm yourself. 0:34:47.111,0:34:52.876 So when you give kindness to the[br]negative things of your past. 0:34:52.876,0:35:00.854 You find all those psychosis,[br]traumas, the bad memories, 0:35:00.854,0:35:04.950 the stuff which you can't get out of [br]your head, 0:35:04.950,0:35:09.350 stop you sleeping,[br]stop you enjoying your life 0:35:09.350,0:35:12.787 because you keep remembering[br]all these bad things. 0:35:12.787,0:35:18.243 You know, after a while [br]they gets so soft, so peaceful, 0:35:18.243,0:35:21.775 you can let them go. 0:35:21.957,0:35:28.557 It's weird but you overcome[br]negativity with kindness. 0:35:28.557,0:35:34.082 There's an amazing beautiful ability [br]in each one of you 0:35:34.162,0:35:36.191 to be soft and gentle. 0:35:37.051,0:35:40.671 And if you're soft and gentle [br]to your past; 0:35:40.671,0:35:44.688 The negative to the past can't stand it,[br]it vanishes. 0:35:44.688,0:35:48.595 So when we do mindfulness[br]we don't just be aware of the stuff. 0:35:48.595,0:35:50.334 we know the strategies. 0:35:50.334,0:35:52.741 If you get a bad feeling from the past 0:35:52.741,0:35:55.165 you can first of all you say 0:35:55.165,0:35:58.042 okay, I'll just let that go because[br]I'm not ready for it yet. 0:35:58.302,0:36:00.652 But there comes a time[br]when you are ready for it, 0:36:00.652,0:36:03.965 have all these strategies on[br]how to deal with it. 0:36:03.965,0:36:08.175 Another strategy how you deal with[br]some of the negativity of the past. 0:36:08.175,0:36:13.681 You know, every bad feeling[br]you have in your head, in your mind, 0:36:13.681,0:36:19.956 has a corresponding feeling in your body,[br]a physical feeling. 0:36:20.515,0:36:22.974 I already mentioned that at the beginning 0:36:22.974,0:36:26.354 when you are mindful of the body [br]and relaxing the body 0:36:26.354,0:36:29.435 I was talking about like the head. 0:36:29.435,0:36:33.745 If you are negative you can read[br]on a person's face. 0:36:33.745,0:36:37.820 Muscles tighten up, these other[br]muscles loosen up 0:36:37.820,0:36:40.802 and that's actually pretty much universal. 0:36:40.802,0:36:44.354 You know indigenous tribes in[br]the middle of the Amazon somewhere 0:36:44.354,0:36:48.537 you can still read their emotions[br]on their facial features. 0:36:48.827,0:36:54.928 So, all of those negative emotions[br]from the past 0:36:54.928,0:36:58.645 or fears of the future, 0:36:58.645,0:37:02.395 that's also written on[br]your body somewhere. 0:37:02.395,0:37:04.979 And that's one of the reasons why 0:37:04.979,0:37:08.966 if you do have some anxiety[br]or fear or whatever, 0:37:08.966,0:37:15.836 by doing some meditation practice,[br]it's not that hard to overcome that. 0:37:15.836,0:37:21.408 And it just amazes you how easy it is[br]and how effective it is. 0:37:21.408,0:37:25.300 And of course the one I'm going [br]to bring up now was... 0:37:25.300,0:37:27.375 she's not here this evening[br]thank goodness, 0:37:27.375,0:37:29.575 otherwise people get embarrassed. 0:37:29.575,0:37:33.274 But this was a lady who had[br]very bad anxiety. 0:37:33.274,0:37:37.334 So much anxiety[br]she couldn't get out of bed, 0:37:37.334,0:37:40.890 afraid even to go through the door[br]out into the world. 0:37:40.890,0:37:44.070 And she was in Adelaide,[br]a university student 0:37:44.950,0:37:50.624 and being in university[br]she had free medical care. 0:37:50.624,0:37:56.272 Great psychologists, psychiatrists,[br]every possibility and drugs and stuff. 0:37:56.272,0:37:58.815 Nothing worked. 0:37:58.815,0:38:03.165 So she was like bedbound; an anxiety[br]which no one could cure. 0:38:03.165,0:38:13.648 But fortunately her father, no,[br]not father... uncle. 0:38:13.648,0:38:19.485 Uncle comes here. [br]So uncle said go and ring up Ajahn Brahm. 0:38:21.705,0:38:24.320 Love it whenever she called me up 0:38:24.320,0:38:27.260 and she told me what was[br]happening with her 0:38:27.260,0:38:31.157 and that's where mindfulness practice 0:38:31.157,0:38:34.667 but not just mindfulness.[br]I said that's not enough. 0:38:34.667,0:38:40.023 But first of all I said: [br]"When you have an anxiety attack, 0:38:40.023,0:38:46.215 a panic attack - you're bedridden -[br]where on your body do you feel it?" 0:38:46.215,0:38:48.733 I wasn't asking about[br]her mind, her emotions 0:38:48.733,0:38:51.829 because that was just too strong[br]for her to really get to know. 0:38:51.829,0:38:55.141 "Where do you feel it on your body?"[br]she said: " In my chest." 0:38:55.141,0:38:58.460 I said "It's not good enough,[br]I want know exactly where?" 0:38:58.460,0:39:02.680 She was studying dentistry[br]so part of science, 0:39:02.680,0:39:06.301 I want coordinates[br]from your navel, your belly button, 0:39:06.301,0:39:09.191 I want centimeters, [br]millimeters even 0:39:09.191,0:39:11.391 to the center of the feeling [br]in your chest 0:39:11.391,0:39:14.543 and how far does it extend? [br]is it circular? 0:39:14.543,0:39:18.463 or is it ovular? or is it a square? 0:39:18.463,0:39:22.751 I want you to describe it to me[br]accurately with dimensions. 0:39:22.751,0:39:26.226 Is it more to the left more to the right[br]or really central? 0:39:26.226,0:39:28.856 And give me a call in three days. 0:39:28.856,0:39:32.373 I mentioned that because [br]I wasn't just, 0:39:32.373,0:39:39.161 well part of it was I was very busy [br](laugh) I got to be honest 0:39:39.161,0:39:43.412 but it's also I just[br]wanted her to do something. 0:39:43.412,0:39:46.158 You know, one of the terrible things[br]if you're in trouble 0:39:46.158,0:39:50.500 with either bad feelings in meditation[br]or other stuff. 0:39:50.500,0:39:53.260 When people tell you what to do, 0:39:53.260,0:39:59.771 they're taking away your...[br]almost like your sense of being 0:39:59.771,0:40:02.391 an owner of your problem [br]and your body. 0:40:02.391,0:40:07.592 You give up ownership of the disease[br]or the problem to some experts. 0:40:07.592,0:40:11.113 I didn't want that to happen. [br]So this is your body, 0:40:11.113,0:40:18.181 it's your emotions. So you tell me, [br]I'm not gonna control you. 0:40:18.181,0:40:21.845 So after three days she called 0:40:21.845,0:40:24.581 and I was really amazed[br]at the descriptions she gave. 0:40:24.581,0:40:26.658 and I said: "Well, exactly that's [br]where it is. 0:40:26.658,0:40:27.658 How does it feel ? 0:40:27.658,0:40:29.924 Is it burning or is it aching, [br]does it change? 0:40:29.924,0:40:32.204 is it the same all over, whatever? 0:40:32.204,0:40:35.899 "Oh, I don't know."[br]"Give me a call in three days." 0:40:37.049,0:40:40.252 Which she did, she gave another[br]really amazing explanation 0:40:40.252,0:40:43.191 of what it feels like, [br]sensations in the body 0:40:43.191,0:40:46.402 when you have a panic attack.[br]"Great!" I said now 0:40:46.402,0:40:52.436 that's making her mindful,[br]that's just the awareness part of it. 0:40:52.436,0:40:55.623 A lot of times that's what people do[br]when they practice mindfulness 0:40:55.623,0:40:59.928 they get to know these things [br]but no more. 0:40:59.928,0:41:04.417 And then the extra part which is[br]the important part was, 0:41:04.417,0:41:07.271 well, now you know, [br]when you have a panic attack, 0:41:07.271,0:41:09.411 where it is, what it feels like. 0:41:09.411,0:41:12.350 Now I said I want you [br]to get your hand when you have... 0:41:12.350,0:41:16.233 she's in bed [br]get your hand and massage that area 0:41:16.233,0:41:19.773 with your hand[br]as kindly as you possibly can 0:41:19.773,0:41:25.153 with much compassion [br]and gentleness as you possibly can. 0:41:25.153,0:41:29.000 And I said to her [br]if you can't do it 0:41:29.000,0:41:35.950 ask your boyfriend to do it for you.[br]I don't think he'd mind 0:41:35.950,0:41:40.190 and give me a call in three days[br]and she did that. 0:41:40.190,0:41:44.147 It was beautiful, because this is[br]one of those times again 0:41:44.147,0:41:48.817 which really makes me feel wonderful [br]how meditation works. 0:41:48.817,0:41:52.304 And I asked: "Did you follow [br]my instructions?" She said: "Yeah." 0:41:52.304,0:41:56.090 What happened when you massage[br]the panic attacks in your chest? 0:41:56.090,0:41:58.511 So I massage them and massage[br]and massage them 0:41:58.511,0:42:02.431 and then the feeling in the chest[br]sort of got loosened and relaxed 0:42:02.431,0:42:04.980 and eventually the feeling[br]in the chest went away. 0:42:04.980,0:42:08.570 And I said:" Well, when the feeling[br]in the chest went away, 0:42:08.570,0:42:12.081 what happened to the anxiety,[br]to the panic?" 0:42:12.081,0:42:16.761 And that's one of those beautiful moments[br]when she paused. 0:42:16.761,0:42:21.703 it's when the light bulbs went on[br]when the eureka moment happened. 0:42:21.703,0:42:26.753 She said:" Well, when the physical[br]feeling vanished so did the anxiety." 0:42:26.753,0:42:32.143 Now you know [br]how to overcome your anxiety. 0:42:32.143,0:42:36.527 Deal with the physical manifestation,[br]the physical counterpart. 0:42:36.527,0:42:40.510 Once that disappears also the emotional, 0:42:40.510,0:42:44.490 the inside part also turns off [br]and vanishes. 0:42:44.490,0:42:48.034 That was wonderful lovely lady. 0:42:48.944,0:42:53.464 I think it was two weeks[br]as she was back in classes again, 0:42:53.464,0:42:58.608 out of bed and graduated with[br]first class honours in dentistry. 0:42:58.608,0:43:02.517 And then just her boyfriend she married. 0:43:02.517,0:43:06.500 And one of nice things people think [br]that Ajahn Brahm's not a romantic 0:43:08.260,0:43:12.869 but they got married[br]in the sunken gardens in UWA. 0:43:12.869,0:43:16.425 And who do you think[br]gave the blessing there? 0:43:17.915,0:43:19.816 Had to have me go there. 0:43:19.816,0:43:24.327 I didn't find it out until later on.[br]She was so impressed 0:43:24.327,0:43:28.713 that she actually nominated me [br]for Australian of the year. 0:43:29.653,0:43:34.813 I didn't get it but I could understand.[br]She was just wow, this really works. 0:43:34.813,0:43:38.370 But this is actually just an example [br]of how we deal with negativity, 0:43:38.370,0:43:39.790 not just a mindfulness, 0:43:39.790,0:43:43.340 not being aware of it, [br]she was totally aware of it 0:43:43.340,0:43:46.988 but also what to do with it[br]when it comes up. 0:43:46.988,0:43:49.513 Give it compassion and kindness. 0:43:49.513,0:43:52.093 The right motivation in Buddhism is, 0:43:52.093,0:43:57.829 it is letting go, [br]being kind, being gentle. 0:43:57.829,0:44:02.419 And if you do your mindfulness practice[br]with those things in mind. 0:44:02.419,0:44:08.555 You will find that when something comes up[br]which is a bit negative. 0:44:08.555,0:44:14.856 Ahh, some bad memory[br]from the past has come up ahh... 0:44:14.856,0:44:18.480 and you can actually be soft with it[br]and kind with it 0:44:18.480,0:44:21.800 and it just melts it all away. 0:44:21.800,0:44:24.827 So that's something which we can do 0:44:24.827,0:44:28.017 and it's powerful stuff as well. 0:44:28.017,0:44:31.371 Those little stories which[br]I mentioned there, 0:44:31.371,0:44:35.428 they're real stories [br]and it happens. 0:44:35.428,0:44:39.292 And my own little stories 0:44:39.292,0:44:44.227 you know every time[br]if I have sicknesses and stuff 0:44:44.227,0:44:48.117 it's not just emotional problems,[br]physical problems. 0:44:49.427,0:44:51.781 I keep telling monks, it's an old joke. 0:44:51.781,0:44:54.197 I keep telling the monks [br]that you know 0:44:54.197,0:44:59.616 my 70th year on planet earth now,[br]in August I'll be 70. 0:44:59.616,0:45:04.366 So I kept on telling them[br]" Monks, I'm getting old." 0:45:04.366,0:45:06.673 And they said:[br]" No, you're not getting old." 0:45:06.673,0:45:09.467 and I thought they would say that[br]because of kindness. 0:45:09.467,0:45:13.107 They said: "No, no, we're not saying[br]that out of kindness to you. 0:45:13.107,0:45:18.379 We're saying that out of truth.[br]You are old, you're not getting old. 0:45:20.371,0:45:23.052 You've already arrived." 0:45:29.372,0:45:33.742 But I don't know where I was going[br]with this one but anyway... 0:45:36.672,0:45:42.051 So many times in my life,[br]you have sicknesses 0:45:42.051,0:45:46.290 and some of those sickness [br]which I've had 0:45:46.290,0:45:49.226 you try and take medicines and stuff 0:45:49.226,0:45:53.654 and quite honestly these days[br]I much prefer doing kindness 0:45:53.654,0:45:56.874 to any sicknesses which I have.[br]Awareness and kindness. 0:45:56.874,0:46:00.171 Looking at my body, [br]where's the problem? 0:46:01.321,0:46:07.571 you may have... like the time[br]which I had food poisoning, 0:46:08.611,0:46:13.874 real food poisoning in my ... [br]in my cave. 0:46:13.874,0:46:17.625 I was screaming, [br]no one could hear me 0:46:17.625,0:46:21.736 because these were like cramps [br]which food poisoning gives you 0:46:21.736,0:46:27.050 Agh! and then it just ... Agh! 0:46:27.050,0:46:30.670 Totally involuntary I couldn't do[br]anything with it. 0:46:30.670,0:46:34.471 And then I knew no one could hear me 0:46:34.471,0:46:36.501 because that's the point [br]of having a cave 0:46:36.501,0:46:38.081 two doors, it's underground. 0:46:38.081,0:46:40.341 Well I can't hear [br]what's going on outside 0:46:40.341,0:46:43.299 which is wonderful,[br]but they can't hear what's going on inside 0:46:43.299,0:46:46.587 which is a difficulty sometimes. 0:46:46.587,0:46:52.056 So anyway, I did my ...[br]same as I teach other people, 0:46:52.056,0:46:55.979 sit there being mindful and being kind. 0:46:55.979,0:47:01.089 Those two are very, very, powerful. 0:47:01.089,0:47:05.347 I think the last talk I gave here about[br]opening the lotus, wasn't it? 0:47:05.347,0:47:11.047 Remember that's the sun[br]has light and warmth. 0:47:11.047,0:47:15.266 That's what opens lotuses up,[br]the light and warmth of the sun. 0:47:15.266,0:47:19.188 The light stands for mindfulness,[br]the warmth stands for kindness. 0:47:19.188,0:47:24.506 Those two go together and [br]they're incredibly powerful. 0:47:24.506,0:47:31.536 I was just kind to the cramps [br]in the tummy. 0:47:31.536,0:47:35.726 So kind to them [br]every time they repeat it 0:47:35.726,0:47:43.336 ah, ah, ah ... maybe 2 or 3 minutes[br]before you had a cramp. 0:47:43.336,0:47:47.255 but every time that the cramp got less. 0:47:47.255,0:47:50.362 My awareness was sharp enough[br]that you could feel it 0:47:50.362,0:47:53.922 just less painful,[br]because I was kind to it. 0:47:53.922,0:47:56.881 Next one was less painful, [br]next time was less painful, 0:47:56.881,0:48:00.092 next time was less painful.[br]Only a tiny bit less painful 0:48:00.092,0:48:03.462 but I could perceive that [br]because I was aware. 0:48:03.462,0:48:07.823 I wasn't trying to think I'm gonna die[br]what should I do. 0:48:07.823,0:48:11.573 But I was being aware of it[br]and then it got so soft 0:48:11.573,0:48:15.394 and after 30, 40 minutes[br]it just vanished completely. 0:48:15.394,0:48:20.214 That was weird even I was[br]really struck by that 0:48:20.214,0:48:23.441 because usually food poisoning[br]you just gotta go to doctor. 0:48:23.441,0:48:24.915 I don't know what you gonna do 0:48:24.915,0:48:27.525 but this is much better[br]than going to a doctor. 0:48:27.525,0:48:30.243 And then just after meditating[br]nice and peacefully. 0:48:30.243,0:48:35.313 It never came back again.[br]It's weird but it's so true. 0:48:35.313,0:48:38.146 I'm sure many of you may have[br]had examples like that. 0:48:38.146,0:48:40.336 So the mindfulness with the kindness 0:48:40.336,0:48:44.146 put those two together and[br]it is really powerful. 0:48:44.626,0:48:50.613 And not just powerful,[br]you find your awareness get stronger. 0:48:50.613,0:48:54.842 That's the part which [br]most mindfulness teachings 0:48:54.842,0:48:58.184 the worldly stuff,[br]they don't really mention that. 0:48:58.184,0:49:02.342 That's where your mindfulness,[br]awareness gets really so strong. 0:49:02.357,0:49:07.528 I have to invent words for[br]this because no one else does. 0:49:07.528,0:49:11.219 Like, powerful mindfulness [br]and superpower mindfulness 0:49:11.219,0:49:13.919 and mega-power mindfulness. 0:49:13.919,0:49:18.742 That's what it feels like,[br]I do not take drugs. 0:49:18.742,0:49:22.832 But sometimes people asked:[br]"What drug are you on Ajahn Brahm today?" 0:49:22.832,0:49:26.258 Because you're so happy and joyful[br]and healthy. 0:49:26.258,0:49:28.418 "What's going on?" 0:49:28.418,0:49:32.121 This is natural,[br]you're empowering your awareness. 0:49:32.121,0:49:36.391 And your awareness after a while[br]gets incredibly strong. 0:49:36.391,0:49:42.214 That's when if any of you [br]like food, I don't know about you. 0:49:42.214,0:49:44.847 You're going out for a meal[br]after the talk tonight? 0:49:44.847,0:49:51.599 Maybe you didn't have a meal before?[br]or if you really want to enjoy food 0:49:51.599,0:49:57.132 meditate here first of all [br]and then go out 0:49:57.132,0:50:03.037 and you will find you don't have to spend[br]a lot of money on an expensive restaurant. 0:50:03.037,0:50:08.290 Just go around the corner to,[br]what was it, McDonald's 0:50:08.290,0:50:11.892 and you just bite into that whatever[br]you're biting into 0:50:11.892,0:50:14.332 and it taste out of this world. 0:50:16.462,0:50:20.953 It's nothing to do with the hamburger[br]or whatever else you're eating. 0:50:20.953,0:50:25.801 But everything to do with your[br]mindfulness being so strong, so powerful. 0:50:25.801,0:50:29.896 That hamburger tastes like[br]it's been made at a 5 star, 0:50:29.896,0:50:33.856 no, not five star, [br]six star restaurant. 0:50:33.856,0:50:37.998 It's not what's in what you're seeing. 0:50:37.998,0:50:41.444 It's not what's seeing what you're eating. 0:50:41.444,0:50:47.598 It's everything what's in your mind,[br]your mind is clear, sensitive. 0:50:47.598,0:50:54.137 And if you hear any music,[br]wow! it thrills you 0:50:54.137,0:50:56.640 because you're picking up everything. 0:50:56.640,0:51:02.354 which is being... being there in the sound[br]and this is what happens. 0:51:02.354,0:51:06.654 This life as a monk.[br]I love this, you have so much joy. 0:51:06.654,0:51:10.274 At night time, right now, [br]in Serpentine 0:51:10.274,0:51:16.208 you look at the stars in the evening.[br]Absolutely thrilling, they're gorgeous. 0:51:16.208,0:51:20.248 You just look up and you just[br]can't take your eyes away. 0:51:20.248,0:51:27.380 The dawns it makes...[br]it just amazing. Who wants a tv? 0:51:27.380,0:51:30.575 Who wants anything?[br]You want to watch that. 0:51:30.575,0:51:35.047 Who wants to go to a museum [br]when that's happening right there 0:51:35.047,0:51:41.756 it's for free. And so, so much [br]of the world of life 0:51:41.756,0:51:46.756 becomes so sensitive and so amazing,[br]it's so beautiful. 0:51:46.756,0:51:49.863 You get a huge amount[br]of happiness and joy 0:51:49.863,0:51:52.963 when your mindfulness gets really strong. 0:51:52.963,0:51:57.563 And even you, sometimes you meditate,[br]you look at the carpet. 0:51:57.563,0:52:01.483 Have you ever noticed[br]how beautiful that carpet is? 0:52:04.373,0:52:06.789 Am I going crazy? 0:52:10.439,0:52:14.679 The point is that when[br]your mindfulness gets strong. 0:52:14.679,0:52:19.044 Every shade of those light blues [br]and dark blues 0:52:19.044,0:52:21.544 and reds and yellows and whites 0:52:21.544,0:52:27.902 and the way that they interact together[br]and the texture of that carpet. 0:52:27.902,0:52:33.977 It just really comes out [br]and blows your mind, becomes beautiful. 0:52:34.837,0:52:38.531 Free happiness in the ordinary. 0:52:38.531,0:52:41.660 And if that carpet looks beautiful. 0:52:41.695,0:52:47.295 You look at your old grandma.[br]She's gorgeous. 0:52:49.310,0:52:52.728 And I'm not joking. [br]That's what happens. 0:52:52.728,0:52:56.565 Superpower mindfulness and you see[br]beauty in so many things 0:52:56.565,0:52:58.845 in your past, in your future, 0:52:58.845,0:53:02.969 in people you live with,[br]in your children, in your partners 0:53:02.969,0:53:08.026 in your grandparents,[br]in your monks and your nuns, 0:53:08.026,0:53:15.018 in your politicians,[br]in the police who stop you. 0:53:16.868,0:53:20.065 You know sometimes I just wonder, 0:53:20.065,0:53:25.545 you know, people like being around monks 0:53:25.545,0:53:29.074 that's what you do anyway because[br]you come every Friday night. 0:53:29.074,0:53:30.984 But why? 0:53:30.984,0:53:32.800 I always remember that one politician 0:53:32.800,0:53:36.270 apparently she's still in politics[br]that's Alannah MacTiernan. 0:53:36.270,0:53:38.996 Years and years, about 20, 30 years ago[br]or something. 0:53:38.996,0:53:42.452 She was in politics and we went to [br]see her for something 0:53:42.782,0:53:47.281 and afterwards you know, [br]after we talked to her about something, 0:53:47.281,0:53:49.381 she had some really wonderful advice. 0:53:49.381,0:53:54.076 And as she got off her seat [br]instead of letting her secretary 0:53:54.076,0:53:58.151 take us to the door, she escorted us [br]to the door with kindness 0:53:58.151,0:54:04.281 and she said "you know I really enjoy[br]people like you coming to my office." 0:54:04.281,0:54:07.187 and she meant it with sincerity. 0:54:07.797,0:54:10.683 I always wonder why did she say that. 0:54:10.683,0:54:13.371 This is because, the monks and nuns[br]are kind. 0:54:13.371,0:54:16.562 Well, generally we have something[br]to complain about but we don't do: 0:54:16.562,0:54:21.939 "Hey! why are you doing this, why are you[br]doing that? We... Blah, blah, blah..." 0:54:21.939,0:54:28.339 I just could feel the kindness there,[br]the gentleness, the beauty, the peace. 0:54:28.339,0:54:32.029 So that's what happens[br]when you're mindful and kind. 0:54:32.029,0:54:36.179 You make friends[br]in the weirdest of places. 0:54:36.179,0:54:39.642 So anyway that's the talk [br]for this evening. 0:54:39.642,0:54:45.671 The mindfulness by itself,[br]I agree can have some problems. 0:54:45.671,0:54:49.311 But you add the kindness,[br]you add the rest of the factors like 0:54:49.311,0:54:53.749 we're doing this not to get things[br]but to let go of things. 0:54:53.749,0:54:56.712 We're doing this out of[br]kindness and gentleness. 0:54:57.102,0:55:00.037 If that motivates your life, wow! 0:55:00.037,0:55:03.257 Meditation is so beautiful. 0:55:03.257,0:55:05.707 Thank you for listening. 0:55:05.967,0:55:09.757 (Audience) Sadhu, Sadhu, Sadhu 0:55:09.757,0:55:13.400 I always say when people try and do[br]something and they don't do it properly 0:55:13.400,0:55:16.131 if you're gonna clap, clap. 0:55:16.131,0:55:21.291 (Audience) clapping 0:55:23.641,0:55:25.603 But anyway, thank you. 0:55:25.663,0:55:29.933 First of all any questions[br]from the people here? 0:55:30.923,0:55:36.048 (inaudible from audience) 0:55:41.768,0:55:48.325 Q-Ajahn, how do we apply a loving kindness[br]in a not for profit organization? 0:55:48.325,0:55:54.326 Yeah, again that Buddhism is one[br]of the few non-profit religions 0:55:54.326,0:55:57.512 because we don't believe in prophets. 0:55:57.512,0:56:01.801 You know, Jesus was a prophet,[br]other people are prophets 0:56:01.801,0:56:08.339 but we don't have prophet in Buddhism,[br]we're really non.... 0:56:08.339,0:56:12.761 Okay, it's an old bad joke but never mind. 0:56:12.761,0:56:16.919 How to have loving kindness? 0:56:16.919,0:56:23.359 I think because I have met[br]many millionaires in my life 0:56:23.359,0:56:27.712 and I just... when I once I was... [br]okay don't mind saying. 0:56:27.712,0:56:32.562 At a state dinner once over in Canberra[br]I went to the toilet. 0:56:32.562,0:56:37.986 In male toilets, you know, for urinals,[br]you just had one next to the other 0:56:37.986,0:56:43.460 and so I went in there and the[br]fellow was in the next urinal to me 0:56:43.460,0:56:53.476 was uh... sorry, yeah that's right[br]Lachlan Murdoch, 0:56:53.476,0:56:57.546 he is Rupert Murdoch son,[br]Dr. Murdock. 0:56:57.546,0:57:01.055 And as soon as I saw his badge[br]Lachlan Murdoch I thought 0:57:01.055,0:57:04.935 if only I had a donation envelope.[br](laugh) 0:57:08.590,0:57:14.737 But that... like one of the people [br]I think I quoted recently 0:57:14.737,0:57:20.874 which was the head of the Changi airport [br]corporation many years ago 0:57:20.874,0:57:26.831 and it was the day before [br]he was opening terminal 3, no 4, 0:57:26.831,0:57:31.377 terminal 4 in Singapore. [br]And he was next to the head of 0:57:31.377,0:57:35.727 Keppel Shipping who was the [br]highest paid CEO in Singapore. 0:57:35.727,0:57:39.067 So these were... actually Buddhists. [br]And he said 0:57:39.067,0:57:43.907 "how do you do loving kindness[br]and put Buddhism into your business?" 0:57:43.907,0:57:49.562 I remember the head of[br]the Changi Airport Corporation, 0:57:49.562,0:57:54.497 he said "people go to work [br]every morning and expect to be happy." 0:57:54.497,0:57:57.651 But how many go to work [br]in the morning 0:57:57.651,0:58:03.176 with the resolution to make[br]someone else happy today? 0:58:03.176,0:58:06.099 So that's why you don't feel [br]any happiness, 0:58:06.099,0:58:08.229 you expect someone else[br]to make you happy, 0:58:08.229,0:58:11.699 but you don't go to work with[br]the main desire of 0:58:11.699,0:58:14.969 "I'm gonna make someone happy today." 0:58:14.969,0:58:18.522 So just changing a person's attitude [br]a little bit . 0:58:18.522,0:58:20.892 I don't know where you work, 0:58:20.892,0:58:26.796 I work in BSWA so I often go[br]to work on a Friday night. 0:58:26.796,0:58:32.556 I'm gonna make somebody happy tonight.[br]So you put happiness in there 0:58:32.556,0:58:39.076 instead of expecting happiness[br]to be given to you. 0:58:39.076,0:58:42.676 You become proactive [br]so that's one way 0:58:42.676,0:58:47.536 in any organization you can actually[br]put some joy and happiness in there. 0:58:47.536,0:58:50.018 It's wonderful when that happens. 0:58:50.018,0:58:54.328 Human beings are just [br]gorgeous people. 0:58:54.328,0:58:58.451 And they just need to touch that goodness. 0:58:58.451,0:59:00.384 I just remember just... 0:59:00.384,0:59:06.554 because I don't know why I got involved[br]in Curtin university of all places. 0:59:06.554,0:59:09.291 But I was given the John Curtin Medal[br]there once, 0:59:09.291,0:59:13.059 and so often I go there [br]for one reason or another. 0:59:13.059,0:59:19.135 But it happened over here.[br]There was a Sri Lankan woman and 0:59:19.135,0:59:22.175 she would come here, not that often[br]because she was very busy 0:59:22.175,0:59:26.355 looking after two children.[br]And her husband 0:59:26.355,0:59:30.970 was actually working two jobs [br]to get enough money, 0:59:30.970,0:59:37.687 because the wife was actually doing a[br]training in nursing at Curtin university. 0:59:37.687,0:59:42.818 And unfortunately that one night, [br]double job, not enough sleep, 0:59:42.818,0:59:46.228 he crashed the car and killed himself. 0:59:46.668,0:59:51.825 It was a tragedy, you know,[br]just trying to work too hard. 0:59:51.825,1:00:00.443 And the wife, the two kids, no way[br]she could pay the tuition fees at Curtin. 1:00:00.443,1:00:07.618 So, I got on the phone to[br]the vice chancellor, Jeannette Hackett. 1:00:07.618,1:00:10.338 She became a good friend. 1:00:10.338,1:00:14.718 I confessed this that on one occasion,[br]she was just retiring 1:00:14.718,1:00:17.574 "Ajahn Brahm, I just loved[br]my association with you" she said. 1:00:17.574,1:00:20.068 She said "I'm going to give you a hug." 1:00:20.068,1:00:22.956 You're not supposed to do that [br]to a Buddhist monk 1:00:22.956,1:00:28.396 but she was too fast for me.[br](laughter) 1:00:28.456,1:00:30.808 It's only once. 1:00:30.808,1:00:35.468 But anyway, I called her up I said [br]"Look, this is real tragedy." 1:00:35.468,1:00:39.087 She said "What is it?"[br]And because they know you, 1:00:39.087,1:00:41.269 you can actually get straight[br]through to them 1:00:41.269,1:00:45.105 and I said "Look, any chance [br]of getting a scholarship for her?" 1:00:45.105,1:00:48.195 " Leave it with me." she said. 1:00:48.195,1:00:51.265 And of course, they got[br]the scholarship for her 1:00:51.265,1:00:55.320 and so everything paid for[br]in Curtin university. 1:00:55.320,1:00:59.556 And just I think the locals over here[br]we try to help her. 1:00:59.556,1:01:04.876 Some donations for her costs[br]of living and stuff. 1:01:04.876,1:01:07.685 And eventually when she graduated [br]as a nurse from here, 1:01:07.685,1:01:13.076 she came up, I remember, [br]just came up and said thank you 1:01:13.076,1:01:15.556 and that basically saved her life. 1:01:15.556,1:01:19.148 Unfortunately couldn't save her husband's[br]life but at least could save her. 1:01:19.148,1:01:22.690 So you know, these people you may think[br]are they just big bosses somewhere. 1:01:22.690,1:01:25.133 They like doing good things as well, [br]kind things. 1:01:25.133,1:01:28.151 They don't like being exploited [br]you give them an opportunity 1:01:28.151,1:01:33.188 to do something good[br]and they will just...they will run for it. 1:01:33.188,1:01:37.375 Anyway all the good people[br]I've seen in life here, 1:01:37.375,1:01:41.395 give them an opportunity and[br]they love doing great stuff. 1:01:41.395,1:01:47.085 Q - Okay, from Hong Kong,[br]I'm very sensitive to smell 1:01:47.085,1:01:52.458 halfway through the meditation I smell[br]cigarette smoke and drain smells. 1:01:52.458,1:01:56.995 Is it desirable for me to deal with them,[br]ie. to close windows halfway through? 1:01:56.995,1:02:02.071 Sometimes that's why people [br]used to light incense in temples 1:02:02.071,1:02:10.129 because when hygiene wasn't that good[br]you need smelly incense. 1:02:10.129,1:02:13.159 I don't know why in Hong Kong, [br]halfway through meditation 1:02:13.159,1:02:14.849 I smell cigarette smoke. 1:02:14.849,1:02:19.485 You know, sometimes you can turn[br]the sense of smell off. 1:02:19.485,1:02:22.966 In other words you're just going inside[br]the body 1:02:22.966,1:02:27.499 and the joy of peace is so strong[br]that you don't hear things, 1:02:27.499,1:02:30.564 you can't be disturbed[br]by something like smell. 1:02:30.564,1:02:35.886 So if you go deeper quickly then you[br]won't smell anything at all. 1:02:35.886,1:02:38.533 and I don't know where you're meditating 1:02:38.533,1:02:41.343 if those cigarette smoke and[br]drain smells are there anyway 1:02:41.343,1:02:45.914 just try and meditate somewhere[br]else which hasn't got those smells. 1:02:46.694,1:02:51.451 Is it desire for me to deal with them[br]close windows halfway through? 1:02:51.451,1:02:54.121 No, close the windows before you start 1:02:54.121,1:02:58.959 and then you won't have those cigarette[br]smoke and drain smells. 1:02:58.959,1:03:04.207 From Poland, "When we meet a person who[br]is saying or doing awful things to us 1:03:04.207,1:03:06.083 how we can still be kind to that person 1:03:06.083,1:03:09.770 when they continue to be [br]in our life and do us harm?" 1:03:09.770,1:03:15.594 If they're saying things and then,[br]are they really doing you harm? 1:03:15.594,1:03:21.166 This is one of the reasons why,[br]when I complained 1:03:21.166,1:03:26.086 to my teacher, Ajahn Chah,[br]about the mosquitoes. 1:03:26.086,1:03:30.410 they were really doing us harm,[br]you know, biting us all over the place. 1:03:31.020,1:03:34.707 And who knows that, you know,[br]he said they don't have malaria 1:03:34.707,1:03:38.750 just need one, [br]just one and that's it. 1:03:38.750,1:03:43.750 But anyway so when I asked Ajahn Chah[br]can we have some mosquito repellant 1:03:43.750,1:03:50.461 or some coils or some protection[br]mosquito nets. 1:03:50.461,1:03:52.921 He said "No!" 1:03:52.921,1:03:56.757 That's how kind he was, I thought. 1:03:56.767,1:04:00.883 But then what he really meant was [br]"No, from now on" he said 1:04:00.883,1:04:06.783 "you'd call the mosquitoes your teacher, [br]Ajahn Mosquito." 1:04:06.783,1:04:13.387 That was hard but it was beautiful,[br]you learned so much from that. 1:04:13.387,1:04:20.348 So, you meet a person[br]who's saying and doing awful things to us 1:04:20.348,1:04:25.396 see if you can protect yourself[br]however much you can 1:04:25.396,1:04:32.552 and also be kind. If it's still[br]too difficult to be kind to them. 1:04:32.552,1:04:39.482 There's an old saying in Chinese[br]"to love the tiger but at a distance." 1:04:39.482,1:04:42.667 So you can move away from it a little bit. 1:04:42.667,1:04:45.050 If they are doing awful things[br]to you again 1:04:45.050,1:04:50.462 sometimes you have to call the police[br]if they're really doing your physical harm 1:04:50.462,1:04:55.472 but sometimes if not.[br]Okay here's another story. 1:04:55.472,1:05:01.066 This is after about being here[br]nine or ten years. 1:05:01.066,1:05:05.833 I've been here now 37 or 38 years[br]in Australia, in Perth. 1:05:05.833,1:05:08.724 But anyway, this woman [br]came to see me once 1:05:08.724,1:05:11.898 and just after one of the talks,[br]just before this hall was made, 1:05:11.898,1:05:15.349 we had our talks in the community hall.[br]And she came and said: 1:05:15.349,1:05:22.289 " I've just come to thank you [br]for saving my marriage." 1:05:22.289,1:05:28.061 And I asked her what have we done[br]and then she told her story. 1:05:28.061,1:05:31.872 This is not an example to be followed 1:05:31.872,1:05:36.646 but this was the days when[br]there was very little support 1:05:36.646,1:05:41.007 for women suffering domestic violence. 1:05:41.007,1:05:46.323 She said her husband was being[br]violent to her regularly. 1:05:46.323,1:05:51.133 She said she came to this place[br]not to learn Buddhism 1:05:51.133,1:05:54.303 but at least when she was here[br]she felt safe. 1:05:54.303,1:05:58.062 A couple of hours when[br]she wasn't being hit. 1:05:58.062,1:06:01.612 That was really extreme, [br]I never knew anything about that. 1:06:01.612,1:06:03.708 But she said she kept on coming here 1:06:03.708,1:06:09.091 and she learned the kindness[br]and just focusing on the positive, 1:06:09.091,1:06:14.578 the watering the weeds and not the ...[br]Sorry, no, I got that wrong didn't I? 1:06:16.728,1:06:20.388 Yeah watering the flowers not the weeds. 1:06:21.669,1:06:25.534 And she said she practiced,[br]that took her seven years. 1:06:25.534,1:06:31.486 And she got these little meditation stools[br]you see them in the back over there. 1:06:31.486,1:06:37.208 she said: "you see this meditation stool,[br]she said he made this for me today. 1:06:37.208,1:06:40.090 that's why I need to come and thank you." 1:06:40.090,1:06:45.622 She said if he made something like this[br]four years ago it'd be to hit me with. 1:06:45.622,1:06:51.194 And it was really gross but then I saw her[br]she was this really beautiful woman. 1:06:51.194,1:06:56.553 You know, not just like a supermodel [br]but just her eyes and her goodness 1:06:56.553,1:06:59.153 she was like a saint 1:06:59.153,1:07:01.535 and she said now my husband's[br]totally changed 1:07:01.535,1:07:04.376 he's kind to me because what she did, 1:07:04.376,1:07:09.088 every time he said something[br]abusive or did something abusive, 1:07:09.088,1:07:13.558 she totally ignored that.[br]How she could do that? 1:07:13.558,1:07:14.888 Immense endurance! 1:07:14.888,1:07:17.942 Every time he did something good[br]and kind and wonderful. 1:07:17.942,1:07:21.226 She really let him know[br]he was appreciated. 1:07:21.226,1:07:26.270 The extra hug, the extra kisses,[br]oh! thank you so much. 1:07:26.270,1:07:30.976 She really reinforced the positive[br]behavior in her own husband. 1:07:30.976,1:07:33.432 And then she showed me [br]"he's in the back here, 1:07:33.432,1:07:38.992 over there that's him."[br]And two lovely children. 1:07:38.992,1:07:40.870 She earned those. 1:07:40.870,1:07:44.867 You shouldn't have to earn[br]your happiness in life. 1:07:44.867,1:07:50.619 But I don't know know why she married[br]that man but she totally changed him. 1:07:50.619,1:07:53.121 He came down to the monastery as well,[br]wonderful guy. 1:07:53.121,1:07:58.994 So it's possible but that's going[br]a bit far because of physical abuse. 1:07:58.994,1:08:01.441 But she did it, good on her. 1:08:01.735,1:08:06.445 From Bangalore, "Respected Ajahn,[br]how does one investigate the I or me 1:08:06.445,1:08:09.471 who is meditating, watch his feelings,[br]thoughts, breaths, ect... 1:08:09.471,1:08:12.702 It seems to be a perceiver as long[br]as there's something to perceive?" 1:08:12.702,1:08:16.597 You don't go thinking and trying to[br]perceive these deep teachings, 1:08:16.597,1:08:19.952 you let these deep teachings come to you. 1:08:19.952,1:08:24.586 So, in other words things start to[br]disappear, you relax to the max. 1:08:24.586,1:08:28.212 You don't try and contemplate things,[br]you see things. 1:08:28.714,1:08:31.213 That's how this works and how it works 1:08:31.213,1:08:34.938 many of you've heard this simile before[br]I'm going way over time again. 1:08:34.938,1:08:39.557 The old tadpole and the frog simile. 1:08:39.557,1:08:42.363 Tadpole can't understand water, 1:08:42.363,1:08:45.476 can contemplate water, [br]think about water, investigate water. 1:08:45.476,1:08:47.805 Tadpole will never know what water is, 1:08:47.805,1:08:51.115 no more than a fish[br]can know what water is. 1:08:51.115,1:08:56.324 The reason I said tadpole instead of fish[br]because one day tadpole grows into frog 1:08:56.324,1:09:00.096 and frog grows arms and legs[br]and frog doesn't know what they're doing. 1:09:00.096,1:09:02.699 And they jump out the water one day. 1:09:02.699,1:09:06.296 Now when water has vanished. 1:09:06.296,1:09:10.006 Now the frog can understand [br]what water was. 1:09:10.006,1:09:13.244 The same way we go so deep in meditation 1:09:13.244,1:09:19.412 and soon we don't have our body,[br]don't have our mind, have nothing left. 1:09:19.412,1:09:22.792 Now you understand what you thought[br]you were. 1:09:22.792,1:09:27.154 You don't do this with philosophy. 1:09:27.154,1:09:32.567 Philosophy gives you, please excuse me,[br]gives you headaches. 1:09:33.557,1:09:36.989 Seeing gives you truth. 1:09:37.829,1:09:42.632 From Melbourne, "Dear Ajahn, when worldly[br]pleasures disappear there's sadness 1:09:42.632,1:09:45.543 but when happiness experiences in[br]deep meditation disappears 1:09:45.543,1:09:48.442 no such sadness can be felt.[br]Is this correct?" 1:09:48.442,1:09:53.921 The deep meditation disappears[br]no such sadness can be felt. 1:09:53.921,1:09:58.622 No, because it's a happiness[br]of contentment. 1:09:58.622,1:10:02.562 Contentment means you're happy,[br]no matter what. 1:10:04.542,1:10:10.029 It's contentment of having no desires,[br]the freedom from wanting. 1:10:10.029,1:10:16.390 You don't want anything[br]then suffering starts to vanish. 1:10:16.720,1:10:21.692 From Indiana, "Ajahn Brahm, I lost[br]my 15 year old to suicide in December. 1:10:21.692,1:10:25.380 What would the Buddha say[br]to do to lessen this kind of suffering?" 1:10:25.380,1:10:28.663 Just to understand that your son[br]will come back again. 1:10:28.663,1:10:32.592 Suffering is not the end of all life. 1:10:32.592,1:10:35.171 Sorry no, that's the wrong answer[br]as I'm getting tired. 1:10:35.171,1:10:37.862 Suicide is not the end of all life. 1:10:37.862,1:10:41.902 Many times people who commit suicide[br]they come back again pretty quickly. 1:10:41.902,1:10:48.669 So, the person made a mistake, [br]big mistake. 1:10:48.669,1:10:51.550 So next time they can come back, 1:10:51.550,1:10:54.441 if life is more meaningful 1:10:54.441,1:10:58.411 then who would ever want [br]to commit suicide? 1:10:58.701,1:11:02.751 And I remember just when[br]I was in Singapore 1:11:02.751,1:11:06.827 there was one kid just[br]jumped off the balcony 1:11:06.827,1:11:09.697 of one of this big apartment blocks[br]killed himself. 1:11:09.697,1:11:12.748 But the suicide note was in the front[br]page of the Straits Times. 1:11:12.748,1:11:16.878 And it was just whoa![br]It made many people wake up. 1:11:16.878,1:11:21.001 He said "All I wanted was more time[br]with my parents". 1:11:25.641,1:11:28.620 And of course, you can understand [br]what that means. 1:11:28.620,1:11:31.362 Many times the parents [br]are working so hard 1:11:31.362,1:11:34.278 because they want to get[br]the best education 1:11:34.278,1:11:37.302 the best this, the best that[br]for their kids. 1:11:37.302,1:11:39.938 All the kids really wanted was just time. 1:11:39.938,1:11:43.868 If they had a father like my father, 1:11:43.868,1:11:46.540 who just spent so much time with us. 1:11:46.540,1:11:49.530 He wasn't wealthy at all,[br]he was really poor. 1:11:49.530,1:11:52.186 He gave me so much inspiration. 1:11:52.186,1:11:57.866 That's what children want,[br]they want time with the people they love. 1:11:58.156,1:12:00.560 Lastly, another one from India 1:12:00.560,1:12:04.495 "Which is better to meditate, a place[br]with noise and comfort for meditation 1:12:04.495,1:12:07.383 or place of seclusion[br]with difficult conditions?" 1:12:07.383,1:12:12.941 Ah, the best of those is a place [br]with comfort and seclusion. 1:12:14.991,1:12:17.743 In other words it just changes things. 1:12:17.743,1:12:21.366 Noise and comfort for meditation[br]or place of seclusion with difficult. 1:12:21.366,1:12:23.917 If it's noise it's very easy[br]to stop noises these day, 1:12:23.917,1:12:28.453 just get noise canceling headphones. 1:12:28.453,1:12:30.893 Can you do that? 1:12:30.893,1:12:33.411 The most important thing with[br]whatever you experience, 1:12:33.411,1:12:35.829 comfort, noise, difficult conditions. 1:12:35.829,1:12:38.126 I've meditated so much 1:12:38.126,1:12:41.386 really places you should never[br]be able to meditate in. 1:12:41.386,1:12:44.180 Sometimes I do that to test myself. 1:12:44.180,1:12:49.645 I mentioned I think last time[br]in Suvarnabhumi Airport. 1:12:49.645,1:12:54.413 Now right in the place where[br]people are welcoming the visitors. 1:12:54.413,1:12:56.557 "Hi! Hello, nice to see you. [br]How've you been? 1:12:56.557,1:12:58.327 Why are you waiting for so long?" 1:12:58.327,1:13:01.522 Right there just sat down close my eyes[br]and meditate for an hour, 1:13:01.522,1:13:03.422 very beautiful meditation. 1:13:03.422,1:13:06.962 Or uncomfortable, in Hay street mall. 1:13:06.962,1:13:10.877 Years ago, well might as well [br]mention this. 1:13:10.877,1:13:16.097 Years ago, the Burmese community[br]were doing a little... 1:13:16.097,1:13:18.978 bring people's attention to the troubles[br]in their land. 1:13:18.978,1:13:21.510 It's happening all over again now. 1:13:21.510,1:13:28.351 At that time they invited me just outside[br]of... that church there ... 1:13:28.351,1:13:33.704 anyway, one of those church,[br]to meditate for two hours. 1:13:33.704,1:13:36.738 And that was on the hard pavement, 1:13:36.738,1:13:43.792 no cushions and right opposite I think[br]it was called Time Zone, whatever, 1:13:43.792,1:13:48.041 They made big noise [br]like people play video games 1:13:48.041,1:13:53.072 and big noise just blasting out [br]and traffic going past. 1:13:53.072,1:13:54.969 This is really cool. 1:13:56.639,1:14:02.205 I like challenging myself and so[br]yeah, lovely meditation for two hours. 1:14:02.205,1:14:04.353 It can be done 1:14:04.353,1:14:09.822 but it's better to find a nice quiet place[br]and comfortable place. 1:14:09.822,1:14:15.618 So I wouldn't go trying to meditate[br]outside of or inside a parliament house. 1:14:15.618,1:14:21.058 Which is sometimes noisy [br]or where else is noisy in this world? 1:14:21.058,1:14:23.563 I don't know, anyway [br]but yeah it can be done. 1:14:23.563,1:14:25.556 So learn in the easy places 1:14:25.556,1:14:28.576 and then you can progress[br]to the hard places if you need to. 1:14:30.076,1:14:33.884 Thank you again for listening.[br]Sorry for going on a bit long. 1:14:33.884,1:14:37.686 So now we can bow three times[br]to Buddha Dhamma Sangha 1:14:37.686,1:14:41.459 And then those of you[br]who still want to carry on 1:14:41.459,1:14:45.429 you can ask more questions[br]in a few moments. 1:14:45.429,1:14:49.549 And again my apology for not being able[br]to speak to you before the talk. 1:14:49.549,1:14:52.586 We were just having an[br]important little committee meeting. 1:14:52.586,1:14:56.030 So sometimes we have to look after the... 1:14:56.030,1:15:00.112 the Buddhist Society[br]of Western Australia's administration 1:15:00.112,1:15:02.879 So sorry about that, [br]doesn't usually happen. 1:15:17.310,1:15:31.173 Araham Samma Sambuddho Bhagava[br]Buddham Bhagavantam Abhivademi 1:15:33.323,1:15:41.545 Svakkhato Bhagavata Dhammo[br]Dhammam Namasami 1:15:43.067,1:15:54.887 Suppatipanno Bhagavato SavakaSangho[br]Sangham Namami