0:00:09.070,0:00:10.810 Thank you so much. 0:00:12.390,0:00:14.199 I am a journalist.[br] 0:00:14.539,0:00:18.029 My job is to talk to people[br]from all walks of life, 0:00:18.239,0:00:19.919 all over the world. 0:00:19.999,0:00:21.439 Today, I want to tell you 0:00:21.439,0:00:25.740 why I decided to do this with my life[br]and what I've learned. 0:00:26.580,0:00:29.429 My story begins in Caracas, Venezuela, 0:00:29.479,0:00:31.899 in South America, where I grew up; 0:00:32.119,0:00:35.000 a place that to me was,[br]and always will be, 0:00:35.000,0:00:36.950 filled with magic and wonder. 0:00:37.740,0:00:39.070 Frоm a very young age, 0:00:39.070,0:00:42.600 my parents wanted me[br]to have a wider view of the world. 0:00:43.160,0:00:46.350 I remember one time[br]when I was around seven years old, 0:00:46.430,0:00:48.610 my dad came up to me and said, 0:00:48.610,0:00:52.220 "Mariana, I'm going to send you[br]and your little sister..." 0:00:52.230,0:00:54.010 - who was six at the time - 0:00:54.040,0:00:56.629 "...to a place where nobody[br]speaks Spanish. 0:00:56.649,0:00:59.440 I want you to experience[br]different cultures." 0:00:59.920,0:01:03.839 He went on and on about the benefits[br]of spending an entire summer 0:01:03.839,0:01:06.620 in this summer camp in the United States, 0:01:07.070,0:01:08.569 stressing a little phrase 0:01:08.569,0:01:11.699 that I didn't pay [br]too much attention to at the time: 0:01:11.829,0:01:14.480 "You never know what the future holds." 0:01:14.850,0:01:17.480 Meanwhile, in my seven-year-old mind, 0:01:17.480,0:01:21.110 I was thinking, we were going[br]to get to summer camp in Miami. 0:01:21.110,0:01:22.050 (Laughter) 0:01:22.050,0:01:24.700 Maybe it was going to be even better, 0:01:24.700,0:01:27.910 and we were going to go[br]a little further north, to Orlando, 0:01:27.960,0:01:29.539 where Mickey Mouse lived. 0:01:29.539,0:01:30.279 (Laughter) 0:01:30.279,0:01:31.630 I got really excited. 0:01:32.100,0:01:35.120 My dad, however,[br]had a slightly different plan. 0:01:35.580,0:01:39.710 Frоm Caracas, he he sent us[br]to Brainerd, Minnesota. 0:01:39.720,0:01:41.070 (Laughter) 0:01:41.240,0:01:43.260 Mickey Mouse was not up there, 0:01:43.260,0:01:44.270 (Laughter) 0:01:44.270,0:01:47.830 and with no cell phone,[br]no Snapchat, or Instagram, 0:01:47.830,0:01:49.940 I couldn't look up any information. 0:01:50.460,0:01:51.460 We got there, 0:01:51.460,0:01:53.289 and one of the first things I noticed 0:01:53.289,0:01:56.530 was that the other kids' hair[br]was several shades of blonde, 0:01:56.750,0:01:58.910 and most of them had blue eyes. 0:01:59.210,0:02:02.099 Meanwhile, this is what we looked like. 0:02:03.089,0:02:06.970 The first night, the camp director[br]gathered everyone around the campfire 0:02:07.000,0:02:08.180 and said, 0:02:08.180,0:02:11.910 "Kids, we have a very[br]international camp this year; 0:02:12.170,0:02:14.770 the Atencios are here from Venezuela." 0:02:14.790,0:02:15.910 (Laughter) 0:02:15.920,0:02:19.460 The other kids looked at us[br]as if we were from another planet. 0:02:19.890,0:02:21.750 They would ask us things like, 0:02:22.010,0:02:24.080 "Do you know what a hamburger is?" 0:02:24.090,0:02:27.880 Or, "Do you go to school[br]on a donkey or a canoe?" 0:02:27.890,0:02:28.700 (Laughter) 0:02:28.700,0:02:31.170 I would try to answer[br]in my broken English, 0:02:31.170,0:02:32.630 and they would just laugh. 0:02:32.670,0:02:34.780 I know they were not trying to be mean; 0:02:34.800,0:02:37.260 they were just trying[br]to understand who we were, 0:02:37.270,0:02:39.779 and make a correlation[br]with the world they knew. 0:02:40.349,0:02:41.870 We could either be like them, 0:02:41.870,0:02:44.900 or like characters out of a book[br]filled with adventures, 0:02:44.900,0:02:47.250 like Aladdin or the Jungle Book. 0:02:47.600,0:02:49.369 We certainly didn't look like them, 0:02:49.589,0:02:51.460 we didn't speak their language, 0:02:51.480,0:02:52.650 we were different. 0:02:52.690,0:02:55.219 When you're seven years old, that hurts. 0:02:55.749,0:02:58.469 But I had my little sister[br]to take care of, 0:02:58.469,0:03:01.060 and she cried every day at summer camp. 0:03:01.120,0:03:03.639 So I decided to put on a brave face, 0:03:03.789,0:03:07.400 and embrace everything I could[br]about the American way of life. 0:03:08.060,0:03:11.300 We later did what we called[br]"the summer camp experiment," 0:03:11.370,0:03:16.260 for eight years in different cities[br]that many Americans haven't even heard of. 0:03:17.080,0:03:21.750 What I remember most about these moments[br]was when I finally clicked with someone. 0:03:22.230,0:03:25.590 Making a friend was a special reward. 0:03:26.200,0:03:28.900 Everybody wants to feel[br]valued and accepted, 0:03:28.900,0:03:32.870 and we think it should happen[br]spontaneously, but it doesn't. 0:03:33.260,0:03:36.790 When you're different,[br]you have to work at belonging. 0:03:37.250,0:03:40.590 You have to be either[br]really helpful, smart, funny, 0:03:40.990,0:03:44.730 anything to be cool for the crowd[br]you want to hang out with. 0:03:45.490,0:03:47.280 Later on, when I was in high school, 0:03:47.330,0:03:50.070 my dad expanded on his summer plan, 0:03:50.300,0:03:53.790 and from Caracas he sent me[br]to Wallingford, Connecticut, 0:03:53.790,0:03:55.760 for the senior year of high school. 0:03:56.060,0:03:59.030 This time, I remember[br]daydreaming on the plane 0:03:59.050,0:04:03.640 about "the American high school[br]experience" - with a locker. 0:04:03.890,0:04:05.210 It was going to be perfect, 0:04:05.210,0:04:08.020 just like in my favorite TV show:[br]"Saved by the Bell." 0:04:08.070,0:04:09.020 (Laughter) 0:04:09.800,0:04:11.499 I get there, and they tell me 0:04:11.499,0:04:14.810 that my assigned roommate[br]is eagerly waiting. 0:04:15.530,0:04:16.620 I opened the door, 0:04:16.640,0:04:18.750 and there she was, sitting on the bed, 0:04:19.670,0:04:21.460 with a headscarf. 0:04:22.380,0:04:25.370 Her name was Fatima,[br]and she was Muslim from Bahrain, 0:04:25.370,0:04:27.740 and she was not what I expected. 0:04:28.090,0:04:31.070 She probably sensed my disappointment[br]when I looked at her 0:04:31.070,0:04:33.960 because I didn't do too much to hide it. 0:04:34.890,0:04:37.400 See, as a teenager,[br]I wanted to fit in even more, 0:04:37.400,0:04:39.430 I wanted to be popular, 0:04:39.430,0:04:42.249 maybe have a boyfriend for prom, 0:04:42.469,0:04:45.090 and I felt that Fatima just got in the way 0:04:45.090,0:04:47.810 with her shyness[br]and her strict dress code. 0:04:49.330,0:04:51.690 I didn't realize[br]that I was making her feel 0:04:52.120,0:04:54.230 like the kids at summer camp made me feel. 0:04:54.760,0:04:57.430 This was the high school[br]equivalent of asking her, 0:04:57.540,0:04:59.970 "Do you know what a hamburger is?" 0:05:00.260,0:05:02.540 I was consumed by my own selfishness 0:05:02.540,0:05:05.360 and unable to put myself in her shoes. 0:05:06.500,0:05:08.410 I have to be honest with you, 0:05:08.690,0:05:11.150 we only lasted a couple[br]of months together, 0:05:11.200,0:05:14.130 because she was later sent[br]to live with a counselor 0:05:14.130,0:05:15.959 instead of other students. 0:05:16.189,0:05:19.140 I remember thinking, "Ah, she'll be okay. 0:05:19.190,0:05:20.850 She's just different." 0:05:21.590,0:05:23.660 You see, when we label[br]someone as different, 0:05:23.740,0:05:25.800 it dehumanizes them in a way. 0:05:26.050,0:05:27.870 They become "the other." 0:05:27.940,0:05:31.020 They're not worthy of our time,[br]not our problem, 0:05:31.020,0:05:36.430 and in fact, they, "the other,"[br]are probably the cause of our problems. 0:05:37.280,0:05:40.010 So, how do we recognize our blind spots? 0:05:40.470,0:05:45.010 It begins by understanding[br]what makes you different, 0:05:45.130,0:05:47.130 by embracing those traits. 0:05:47.610,0:05:52.070 Only then can you begin to appreciate[br]what makes others special. 0:05:52.910,0:05:54.470 I remember when this hit me. 0:05:54.490,0:05:56.810 It was a couple months after that. 0:05:56.810,0:05:58.910 I had found that boyfriend for prom, 0:05:58.910,0:06:00.280 made a group of friends, 0:06:00.280,0:06:02.990 and practically forgotten about Fatima, 0:06:02.990,0:06:07.200 until everybody signed on to participate[br]in this talent show for charity. 0:06:07.420,0:06:10.180 You needed to offer a talent for auction. 0:06:10.220,0:06:14.190 It seemed like everybody[br]had something special to offer. 0:06:14.350,0:06:16.630 Some kids were going to play the violin, 0:06:16.630,0:06:19.310 others were going to recite[br]a theater monologue, 0:06:19.710,0:06:21.250 and I remember thinking, 0:06:21.250,0:06:24.220 "We don't practice talents[br]like these back home." 0:06:24.240,0:06:27.269 But I was determined[br]to find something of value. 0:06:27.609,0:06:29.499 The day of the talent show comes, 0:06:29.499,0:06:31.649 and I get up on stage[br]with my little boom box, 0:06:31.649,0:06:34.320 and put it on the side and press "Play," 0:06:34.320,0:06:39.050 and a song by my favorite[br]emerging artist, Shakira, comes up. 0:06:39.530,0:06:44.589 And I go, "Whenever, wherever,[br]we're meant to be together," 0:06:44.589,0:06:49.399 and I said, "My name is Mariana,[br]and I'm going to auction a dance class." 0:06:50.199,0:06:53.889 It seemed like the whole school[br]raised their hand to bid. 0:06:54.249,0:06:56.119 My dance class really stood out 0:06:56.119,0:06:59.160 from, like, the 10th violin class[br]offered that day. 0:06:59.540,0:07:02.650 Going back to my dorm room,[br]I didn't feel different. 0:07:02.689,0:07:04.399 I felt really special. 0:07:04.969,0:07:08.269 That's when I started[br]thinking about Fatima, 0:07:08.349,0:07:12.559 a person that I had failed to see[br]as special, when I first met her. 0:07:13.229,0:07:14.740 She was from the Middle East, 0:07:14.740,0:07:17.349 just like Shakira's family[br]was from the Middle East. 0:07:17.379,0:07:20.949 She could have probably taught me[br]a thing or two about belly dancing, 0:07:20.949,0:07:22.780 had I been open to it. 0:07:23.550,0:07:25.490 Now, I want you all to take that sticker 0:07:25.490,0:07:28.390 that was given to you [br]at the beginning of our session today, 0:07:28.390,0:07:30.530 where you wrote down[br]what makes you special, 0:07:30.530,0:07:32.299 and I want you to look at it. 0:07:32.409,0:07:34.799 If you're watching at home,[br]take a piece of paper, 0:07:34.799,0:07:37.369 and write down what makes you different. 0:07:38.399,0:07:40.360 You may feel guarded when you look at it, 0:07:40.370,0:07:43.339 maybe even a little ashamed,[br]maybe even proud. 0:07:44.189,0:07:46.409 But you need to begin to embrace it. 0:07:46.739,0:07:51.910 Remember, it is the first step[br]in appreciating what makes others special. 0:07:52.830,0:07:55.049 When I went back home to Venezuela, 0:07:55.049,0:07:59.609 I began to understand[br]how these experiences were changing me. 0:08:00.259,0:08:02.880 Being able to speak different languages,[br] 0:08:02.880,0:08:06.750 to navigate all these[br]different people and places, 0:08:07.240,0:08:09.590 it gave me a unique sensibility. 0:08:09.800,0:08:11.750 I was finally beginning to understand 0:08:11.750,0:08:15.359 the importance of putting myself[br]in other people's shoes. 0:08:16.109,0:08:21.040 That is a big part of the reason[br]why I decided to become a journalist. 0:08:21.250,0:08:26.130 Especially being from a part of the world[br]that is often labeled "the backyard," 0:08:26.130,0:08:29.020 "the illegal aliens,"[br]"third-world," "the others," 0:08:29.549,0:08:32.179 I wanted to do something to change that. 0:08:32.779,0:08:34.609 It was right around the time, however, 0:08:34.609,0:08:36.960 when the Venezuelan government shut down 0:08:36.960,0:08:39.150 the biggest television station[br]in our country. 0:08:39.800,0:08:41.428 Censorship was growing, 0:08:41.988,0:08:44.668 and my dad came up to me[br]once again and said, 0:08:44.748,0:08:47.000 "How are you going to be[br]a journalist here? 0:08:47.450,0:08:48.850 You have to leave." 0:08:49.350,0:08:50.949 That's when it hit me. 0:08:51.349,0:08:54.069 That's what he had been preparing me for. 0:08:54.419,0:08:56.970 That is what the future held for me. 0:08:57.710,0:09:02.969 So in 2008, I packed my bags,[br]and I came to the United States, 0:09:03.759,0:09:05.859 without a return ticket this time. 0:09:06.729,0:09:10.049 I was painfully aware[br]that, at 24 years old, 0:09:10.049,0:09:15.340 I was becoming a refugee of sorts,[br]an immigrant, the other, 0:09:15.420,0:09:18.410 once again, and now for good. 0:09:19.340,0:09:22.920 I was able to come on a scholarship[br]to study journalism. 0:09:23.260,0:09:26.300 I remember when they gave me[br]my first assignment 0:09:26.640,0:09:30.490 to cover the historic election[br]of President Barack Obama. 0:09:31.110,0:09:33.500 I felt so lucky, so hopeful. 0:09:33.500,0:09:35.210 I was, like, "Yes, this is it. 0:09:35.210,0:09:37.670 I've come to post-racial America, 0:09:37.670,0:09:40.760 where the notion of us and them[br]is being eroded, 0:09:40.760,0:09:43.759 and will probably[br]be eradicated in my lifetime." 0:09:45.359,0:09:48.450 Boy, was I wrong, right? 0:09:49.420,0:09:54.100 Why didn't Barack Obama's presidency[br]alleviate racial tensions in our country? 0:09:54.490,0:09:56.899 Why do some people still feel threatened 0:09:56.899,0:10:00.129 by immigrants, LGBTQ, and minority groups 0:10:00.129,0:10:02.649 who are just trying to find a space 0:10:02.649,0:10:05.569 in this United States[br]that should be for all of us? 0:10:06.279,0:10:08.090 I didn't have the answers back then, 0:10:08.900,0:10:11.580 but on November 8th, 2016, 0:10:11.580,0:10:15.029 when Donald Trump became[br]our president, it became clear 0:10:15.029,0:10:18.750 that a large part of the electorate[br]sees them as "the others." 0:10:18.960,0:10:21.819 Some see people coming to take their jobs, 0:10:21.819,0:10:24.869 or potential terrorists[br]who speak a different language. 0:10:25.719,0:10:31.550 Meanwhile, minority groups oftentimes[br]just see hatred, intolerance, 0:10:31.550,0:10:34.149 and narrow-mindedness on the other side. 0:10:34.869,0:10:38.379 It's like we're stuck in these bubbles[br]that nobody wants to burst. 0:10:39.209,0:10:42.400 The only way to do it,[br]the only way to get out of it 0:10:42.420,0:10:47.500 is to realize that being different[br]also means thinking differently. 0:10:48.020,0:10:50.490 It takes courage to show respect. 0:10:51.200,0:10:52.830 In the words of Voltaire: 0:10:53.010,0:10:55.540 "I may not agree[br]with what you have to say, 0:10:55.540,0:10:59.500 but I will fight to the death[br]to defend your right to say it." 0:11:00.860,0:11:03.280 Failing to see anything good[br]on the other side 0:11:03.440,0:11:05.550 makes a dialogue impossible. 0:11:05.810,0:11:09.230 Without a dialogue, we will keep[br]repeating the same mistakes, 0:11:09.230,0:11:12.090 because we will not learn anything new. 0:11:13.210,0:11:17.390 I covered the 2016 election for NBC News. 0:11:17.560,0:11:21.540 It was my first big assignment[br]in this mainstream network, 0:11:21.540,0:11:24.470 where I had crossed over[br]from Spanish television. 0:11:25.350,0:11:27.860 And I wanted to do something different. 0:11:28.220,0:11:32.100 I watched election results[br]with undocumented families. 0:11:33.360,0:11:37.360 Few thought of sharing that moment[br]with people who weren't citizens, 0:11:37.670,0:11:40.790 but actually stood[br]the most to lose that night. 0:11:42.470,0:11:45.020 When it became apparent[br]that Donald Trump was winning, 0:11:45.400,0:11:49.240 this eight-year-old girl named Angelina[br]rushed up to me in tears. 0:11:49.970,0:11:53.860 She sobbed, and she asked me[br]if her mom was going to be deported now. 0:11:54.530,0:11:57.410 I hugged her back and I said,[br]"It's going to be okay," 0:11:57.950,0:11:59.820 but I really didn't know. 0:12:00.030,0:12:04.760 This was the photo we took that night,[br]forever ingrained in my heart. 0:12:05.450,0:12:06.820 Here was this little girl 0:12:06.820,0:12:10.520 who was around the same age I was[br]when I went to camp in Brainerd. 0:12:11.400,0:12:13.580 She already knows she is "the other." 0:12:13.980,0:12:16.970 She walks home from school[br]in fear, every day, 0:12:17.030,0:12:19.160 that her mom can be taken away. 0:12:19.940,0:12:22.990 So, how do we put ourselves[br]in Angelina's shoes? 0:12:23.620,0:12:26.770 How do we make her[br]understand she is special, 0:12:26.820,0:12:30.440 and not simply unworthy[br]of having her family together? 0:12:32.490,0:12:36.120 By giving camera time to her[br]and families like hers, 0:12:36.520,0:12:40.040 I tried to make people see them[br]as human beings, 0:12:40.040,0:12:42.060 and not simply "illegal aliens." 0:12:42.670,0:12:45.910 Yes, they broke a law, [br]and they should pay a penalty for it, 0:12:46.440,0:12:49.210 but they've also given[br]everything for this country, 0:12:49.210,0:12:51.730 like many other immigrants[br]before them have. 0:12:53.040,0:12:56.600 I've already told you how my path[br]to personal growth started. 0:12:57.280,0:13:01.740 To end, I want to tell you how I hit[br]the worst bump in the road yet, 0:13:02.110,0:13:04.710 one that shook me to my very core. 0:13:05.270,0:13:08.440 The day, April 10th, 2014, 0:13:09.410,0:13:13.430 I was driving to the studio,[br]and I got a call from my parents. 0:13:13.580,0:13:15.790 "Are you on the air?" they asked. 0:13:15.790,0:13:17.950 I immediately knew something was wrong. 0:13:17.950,0:13:19.680 "What happened?" I said. 0:13:20.370,0:13:23.460 "It's your sister;[br]she's been in a car accident." 0:13:24.910,0:13:28.000 It was as if my heart stopped. 0:13:29.270,0:13:31.480 My hands gripped the steering wheel, 0:13:31.500,0:13:33.350 and I remember hearing the words: 0:13:33.500,0:13:36.480 "It is unlikely she will ever walk again." 0:13:37.580,0:13:40.360 They say your life can change[br]in a split second. 0:13:41.360,0:13:43.530 Mine did at that moment. 0:13:44.220,0:13:48.040 My sister went from being[br]my successful other half, 0:13:48.040,0:13:49.930 only a year apart in age, 0:13:49.930,0:13:53.030 to not being able to move her legs, 0:13:53.620,0:13:56.400 sit up, or get dressed by herself. 0:13:57.100,0:14:00.680 This wasn't like summer camp,[br]where I could magically make it better. 0:14:01.130,0:14:02.730 This was terrifying. 0:14:03.940,0:14:08.420 Throughout the course of two years,[br]my sister underwent 15 surgeries, 0:14:08.690,0:14:11.160 and she spent the most[br]of that time in a wheelchair. 0:14:12.170,0:14:14.410 But that wasn't even the worst of it. 0:14:14.750,0:14:20.250 The worst was something so painful,[br]it's hard to put into words, even now. 0:14:21.070,0:14:24.110 It was the way people looked at her, 0:14:24.960,0:14:27.560 looked at us, changed. 0:14:28.500,0:14:32.650 People were unable to see[br]a successful lawyer 0:14:32.950,0:14:36.940 or a millennial with a sharp wit[br]and a kind heart. 0:14:37.600,0:14:39.220 Everywhere we went, 0:14:39.550,0:14:42.900 I realized that people just saw[br]a poor girl in a wheelchair. 0:14:43.180,0:14:46.378 They were unable to see[br]anything beyond that. 0:14:48.440,0:14:50.390 After fighting like a warrior, 0:14:50.390,0:14:54.700 I can thankfully tell you[br]that today my sister is walking, 0:14:55.150,0:14:58.140 and has recovered[br]beyond anyone's expectations. 0:14:58.380,0:14:59.760 (Applause) 0:14:59.810,0:15:00.940 Thank you. 0:15:02.840,0:15:05.150 But during that traumatic ordeal, 0:15:05.150,0:15:07.930 I learned there are differences[br]that simply suck, 0:15:08.750,0:15:11.329 and it's hard to find positive in them. 0:15:11.549,0:15:14.309 My sister's not better off[br]because of what happened. 0:15:15.859,0:15:21.020 But she taught me: you can't let[br]those differences define you. 0:15:22.510,0:15:27.380 Being able to reimagine yourself[br]beyond what other people see, 0:15:28.240,0:15:30.289 that is the toughest task of all, 0:15:30.889,0:15:32.979 but it's also the most beautiful. 0:15:34.109,0:15:37.049 You see, we all come[br]to this world in a body. 0:15:37.559,0:15:40.900 People with physical[br]or neurological difficulties, 0:15:41.250,0:15:46.490 environmentally impacted communities,[br]immigrants, boys, girls, 0:15:47.049,0:15:50.110 boys who want to dress as girls,[br]girls with veils, 0:15:50.790,0:15:52.730 women who have been sexually assaulted, 0:15:52.730,0:15:55.500 athletes who bend[br]their knee as a sign of protest, 0:15:55.930,0:16:01.530 black, white, Asian, Native American,[br]my sister, you, or me. 0:16:02.140,0:16:06.570 We all want what everyone wants:[br]to dream and to achieve. 0:16:07.730,0:16:11.319 But sometimes, society tells us,[br]and we tell ourselves, 0:16:11.369,0:16:13.109 we don't fit the mold. 0:16:15.029,0:16:16.860 Well, if you look at my story, 0:16:17.130,0:16:21.199 from being born somewhere different,[br]to belly dancing in high school, 0:16:21.209,0:16:24.259 to telling stories[br]you wouldn't normally see on TV, 0:16:25.269,0:16:26.830 what makes me different 0:16:26.830,0:16:30.650 is what has made me[br]stand out and be successful. 0:16:32.110,0:16:33.700 I have traveled the world, 0:16:33.790,0:16:36.249 and talked to people[br]from all walks of life. 0:16:36.559,0:16:38.599 You know what I've learned? 0:16:39.129,0:16:44.940 The single thing every one of us[br]has in common is being human. 0:16:46.160,0:16:50.680 So take a stand to defend[br]your race, the human race. 0:16:51.350,0:16:52.770 Let's appeal to it. 0:16:53.140,0:16:57.170 Let's be humanists,[br]before and after everything else. 0:16:58.079,0:17:01.330 To end, I want you to take that sticker,[br]that piece of paper 0:17:01.330,0:17:03.590 where you wrote down[br]what makes you different, 0:17:03.920,0:17:06.719 and I want you to celebrate it[br]today and every day, 0:17:07.129,0:17:09.079 shout it from the rooftops. 0:17:09.420,0:17:12.270 I also encourage you[br]to be curious and ask, 0:17:12.380,0:17:14.530 "What is on other people's[br]pieces of paper?" 0:17:14.950,0:17:16.750 "What makes them different?" 0:17:17.260,0:17:21.429 Let's celebrate those imperfections[br]that make us special. 0:17:22.379,0:17:27.560 I hope that it teaches you that nobody[br]has a claim on the word "normal." 0:17:28.100,0:17:29.700 We are all different. 0:17:29.950,0:17:32.110 We are all quirky, and unique, 0:17:32.710,0:17:36.420 and that is what makes us[br]wonderfully human. 0:17:36.730,0:17:38.030 Thank you so much. 0:17:38.040,0:17:40.669 (Applause)