Hello, viewers So here we are for, uhh, position 2 of the 3 note per string scale So, uhm, what we're going to be doing this time, now The first scale that we learned started on the note G, and went up like this: ♫ Now this next one is going to start on the note A, now some people call it the Dorian position, but I don't really think -okay it kind of is, but really it is just the second position of the G major scale using a 3 note per string technique. Now, I'll play it for you quickly here and then we'll go into a close-up and you can see exactly how it's done. So here it is in the big, wide view: ♫ The root note ♫ is now there. Okay, now let's go to a close-up mate? Okay, so here we go for position 2, G major scale, 3 notes per string, and make sure that you realize that the highest, the last root note here is this this G here. But we're gonna start out on the A now. So here we go, now we're going to use your first finger second finger third finger because that way we're keeping our hand in the right position the whole way through. So we got this ♫ now, big position change now ♫ Little bit faster and smoother now, just be really aware of this position change here where it goes from here ♫ It's quite a big one. ♫ Might be worth practicing that little bit just like that ♫ When you get to your cycling. Anyway, here we go again smoother and... ♫ So, that was position 2 of the G major scale using 3 notes per string. I have got to say it again, do it slowly. Umm, so, make sure you do it really... yeah practice it real slow, get it right and then have a go at applying those cycling tricks that we just used in the last lesson to that scale. Now, that's going to be a little bit tricky particularly on that change between the 3rd string and the 2nd string where there's a big position jump. It's dead normal for that to be a bit of a struggle, but it's not that hard. It just takes a little extra bit of practice, so have a groove on that, and in the next lesson I'll show you how to join your 1st position to your 2nd position See you's later!