1 00:00:01,822 --> 00:00:04,630 (Half bell) 2 00:00:09,513 --> 00:00:14,828 (Bell) 3 00:00:32,536 --> 00:00:35,475 Dear Thay, dear Sangha, 4 00:00:35,559 --> 00:00:41,575 my name is Jenna and I am here with my daughter and her baby, 5 00:00:41,595 --> 00:00:44,577 my grandbaby for this retreat. 6 00:00:48,882 --> 00:00:51,499 And I am a new grandmother. 7 00:00:51,504 --> 00:00:55,235 And what has happened for me is something that I've never expected, 8 00:00:55,235 --> 00:01:00,995 which is my heart has got me even bigger and filled with so much love 9 00:01:01,686 --> 00:01:04,551 for this little baby girl and this little baby boy. 10 00:01:06,506 --> 00:01:08,877 I feel very very deeply 11 00:01:10,211 --> 00:01:15,771 and I feel a very big responsibility, a sacred responsibility for -- 12 00:01:21,309 --> 00:01:24,332 a future to be possible for them. 13 00:01:33,454 --> 00:01:40,352 So, I try to do what I have learnt, which is to breathe and enjoy the beauty 14 00:01:41,865 --> 00:01:46,819 and the joy of these babies in this life and in this world. 15 00:01:48,211 --> 00:01:53,528 But even reading your book recently, 'Love Letters to Mother Earth' 16 00:01:55,255 --> 00:02:01,250 and I am an activist, so the research that I have done about what is predicted 17 00:02:01,758 --> 00:02:06,462 for life on this planet is very painful for me to live with. 18 00:02:08,239 --> 00:02:11,700 And part of that is because I feel quite alone 19 00:02:11,864 --> 00:02:16,558 and as I move through life, I look around and I wonder 20 00:02:16,558 --> 00:02:20,267 if other people are feeling and thinking the same things as I am 21 00:02:20,312 --> 00:02:24,465 because it feels very confusing to me 22 00:02:26,279 --> 00:02:31,393 that more people are not talking about the positive things we can do. 23 00:02:32,450 --> 00:02:36,751 And so, I do take the actions that I need to 24 00:02:37,067 --> 00:02:39,526 and I am helping preserve tigers and the wild. 25 00:02:39,526 --> 00:02:42,570 And the good news is there are more coming back. 26 00:02:43,431 --> 00:02:46,566 Maybe they won't go extinct in the wild. 27 00:02:46,900 --> 00:02:51,720 And where I live in the Pacific Northwest, there are changes happening politically 28 00:02:52,530 --> 00:02:57,016 around prevention of coal coming into the area to go to Asia to be burned. 29 00:02:58,629 --> 00:03:02,447 But I don't feel like there are a lot of places where I can talk about this. 30 00:03:02,447 --> 00:03:06,558 I don't want to be angry about it, I want to talk from my heart about it. 31 00:03:07,300 --> 00:03:11,905 I want to talk without a ruse about how to make positive changes that we can. 32 00:03:13,176 --> 00:03:18,060 And what I am wondering is how we can do that in the Sangha 33 00:03:18,390 --> 00:03:22,939 because it seems even some reservations that perhaps talking about this thing 34 00:03:23,438 --> 00:03:28,708 is too political or too social and I feel alone in my suffering around this. 35 00:03:28,958 --> 00:03:30,765 Thank you. 36 00:03:34,736 --> 00:03:36,507 (Sr.) Dear Thay, dear Sangha, 37 00:03:36,783 --> 00:03:40,736 our friend is here on the retreat with her daughter and her grandbaby. 38 00:03:41,620 --> 00:03:45,512 And she is a very happy grandmother of two young babies 39 00:03:48,213 --> 00:03:50,989 and her heart has gotten bigger as a grandmother. 40 00:03:53,917 --> 00:03:57,465 But she is very worried for the future for her grandchildren. 41 00:03:59,185 --> 00:04:03,852 She is an activist, she has been reading Thay's recent book 42 00:04:04,275 --> 00:04:08,293 'Love Letters to Mother Earth', and she has done her own research and 43 00:04:08,583 --> 00:04:13,413 she knows that the prognosis does not look good for the future for her grandchildren. 44 00:04:13,946 --> 00:04:18,329 She is doing her best to cherish them in the present moment and to cherish life. 45 00:04:19,760 --> 00:04:24,433 But she has this fear for them coming up and she feels alone in this. 46 00:04:26,345 --> 00:04:30,113 She feels isolated, she does not want to be angry, 47 00:04:30,446 --> 00:04:32,868 she would like to speak and act out of love 48 00:04:32,868 --> 00:04:36,042 but she doesn't know how or where and in what way to do that. 49 00:04:36,463 --> 00:04:42,177 She is active in protecting wild tigers and other projects 50 00:04:43,152 --> 00:04:46,305 and she knows that in this way, she can make an impact. 51 00:04:46,671 --> 00:04:52,615 Within her own Sangha, she also sometimes feels that there is not enough space 52 00:04:53,517 --> 00:04:57,575 to talk about these issues or to work on these issues together 53 00:04:58,078 --> 00:05:01,578 because they are seen perhaps is political or social. 54 00:05:03,421 --> 00:05:08,517 And so, the essence of her question is this, how to go forward. Thank you. 55 00:05:11,745 --> 00:05:20,630 Sangha building is a very important work. 56 00:05:25,369 --> 00:05:29,968 Sangha means harmonious community 57 00:05:33,423 --> 00:05:39,523 and the main task of the Sangha is not to organize events 58 00:05:44,014 --> 00:05:48,260 even events of practice of the practice. 59 00:05:50,069 --> 00:05:56,528 The main purpose of the Sangha is to build brotherhood and sisterhood, harmony. 60 00:05:58,745 --> 00:06:05,984 That is why,the practice of deep listening and loving speech is so important. 61 00:06:08,792 --> 00:06:13,061 We should be able to communicate with each other easily. 62 00:06:14,597 --> 00:06:24,185 We share our views, we can come easily to agreement, collective insight. 63 00:06:26,274 --> 00:06:32,150 And you feel that sitting in the Sangha, you feel nourished, you feel stronger 64 00:06:37,862 --> 00:06:44,689 and that is the real Sangha building, not organize. 65 00:06:48,957 --> 00:06:52,675 And with Sangha like that, everything is possible. 66 00:06:53,043 --> 00:06:59,301 Because you feel nourished, you don't lose your hope and we have sensible time 67 00:06:59,810 --> 00:07:03,587 even a Buddha cannot do much without the Sangha. 68 00:07:04,035 --> 00:07:09,606 Sangha building,you need a lot of patience and patience is a mark of true love. 69 00:07:13,544 --> 00:07:19,613 In Plum Village, we spend a lot of time and energy building a Sangha. 70 00:07:21,815 --> 00:07:26,556 We have enough time to sit together, to eat together, to drink together, 71 00:07:27,140 --> 00:07:32,657 to walk together, exchange views and so on. 72 00:07:33,956 --> 00:07:38,475 Because we know, that if we do not have enough harmony 73 00:07:38,475 --> 00:07:40,935 and happiness in our Sangha, 74 00:07:40,935 --> 00:07:44,010 it could not mean anything to organize a retreat 75 00:07:44,259 --> 00:07:47,246 for other people to come and have practice. 76 00:07:49,913 --> 00:07:54,170 The Buddha spent a lot of time building his Sangha 77 00:07:54,640 --> 00:07:57,379 and he was a perfect Sangha builder. 78 00:07:59,493 --> 00:08:03,143 It is not easy to build a Sangha and the Buddha felt the same. 79 00:08:05,332 --> 00:08:10,456 But with compassion and patience, 80 00:08:13,957 --> 00:08:17,502 he was able to build a beautiful Sangha. 81 00:08:20,282 --> 00:08:28,019 When the Buddha was 80, he met King Prasenajit for the last time, 82 00:08:29,447 --> 00:08:31,715 the King was also 80, 83 00:08:32,202 --> 00:08:37,417 And the king saw the Buddha was travelling and enjoying and he imitated the Buddha 84 00:08:38,068 --> 00:08:47,992 and also left the politics to his son to enjoy visiting the country 85 00:08:48,701 --> 00:08:54,642 and one day, by chance they met, in the northern part of the country 86 00:08:56,938 --> 00:09:02,906 and on that occasion, King Prasenajit praised the Buddha and he said: 87 00:09:04,273 --> 00:09:09,482 "Dear teacher, everytime I see the Sangha, 88 00:09:12,552 --> 00:09:16,556 I appreciate you much more. 89 00:09:19,601 --> 00:09:27,514 As I contemplate the Sangha moving, sitting, doing Dharma works, 90 00:09:29,142 --> 00:09:33,155 I see your real insight, your real value, 91 00:09:34,580 --> 00:09:40,564 and today, I would like to bow to you because you have such a beautiful Sangha. 92 00:09:44,824 --> 00:09:53,285 In this trip, I remembered, once I went to a place with two carpenters, 93 00:09:56,982 --> 00:10:02,495 and they were your disciples, 94 00:10:03,511 --> 00:10:06,842 and that night we were sleeping in the same room. 95 00:10:09,038 --> 00:10:14,706 They turned their head to the direction they believed you were 96 00:10:15,667 --> 00:10:18,760 and they turned their feet towards me. 97 00:10:21,436 --> 00:10:25,173 They fear you more than they fear the King, 98 00:10:25,173 --> 00:10:28,597 so I know that you are loved daily 99 00:10:28,597 --> 00:10:32,617 by members of your Sangha, foremost Sangha. 100 00:10:33,379 --> 00:10:38,791 And today I would like to tell you that the Sangha is a jewel 101 00:10:40,129 --> 00:10:44,626 and with the Sangha, you can accomplish much in the world. 102 00:10:47,103 --> 00:10:52,593 So King Prasenajit as well as the Buddha recognized that the Sangha building 103 00:10:52,593 --> 00:10:55,443 is the most important thing to do. 104 00:10:55,745 --> 00:11:01,162 With the happy Sangha, many people can come and take refuge 105 00:11:02,621 --> 00:11:07,281 and benefit from the collective energy of peace and happiness 106 00:11:08,267 --> 00:11:11,500 and compassion and mindfulness. 107 00:11:13,139 --> 00:11:17,675 With the Sangha like that, you can nourish your grandchildren. 108 00:11:18,634 --> 00:11:22,855 That is the safest place for your children to be. 109 00:11:26,161 --> 00:11:32,303 If children are nourished and raised in such an environment, 110 00:11:32,303 --> 00:11:38,243 they will become instruments of peace and we have to believe in our children. 111 00:11:40,213 --> 00:11:43,278 Our children have Buddha nature in them. 112 00:11:43,278 --> 00:11:46,698 And what we can do today is not to worry 113 00:11:46,698 --> 00:11:53,198 but to focus our efforts in watering the seeds of love, compassion, 114 00:11:54,638 --> 00:11:58,452 talent in them and we should believe in our children, 115 00:11:59,443 --> 00:12:04,446 investing and transmitting the best we have to our children 116 00:12:04,446 --> 00:12:06,456 and not to worry about future. 117 00:12:07,423 --> 00:12:10,642 Taking good care, the best care of the present moment 118 00:12:10,642 --> 00:12:13,543 is about everything you can do for the future 119 00:12:14,923 --> 00:12:18,570 so instead of spending energy to worry about future, 120 00:12:18,570 --> 00:12:22,306 invest all your energies into the present and 121 00:12:24,732 --> 00:12:29,944 nourish our children and grandchildren with the energy of hope, 122 00:12:32,132 --> 00:12:35,255 compassion and insight. 123 00:12:38,044 --> 00:12:40,710 (Half bell) 124 00:12:43,066 --> 00:12:48,975 (Bell)