[dog howling] [birds chirping] [drums] Uh, an average day at Tarbox Studios goes something like this: um, we wake up generally around 10:00 or 11:00. We wake up at 10:00 if we want to go to Darwin's gym to work out. To get some exercise. [someone offscreen] How was your workout A-Ross? I basically ran for 15 minutes and then read People Magazine. If we don't go to the gym, then usually people rise around 11, we get up, Andy generally makes like eggs, and a cooked asparagus-type breakfast. And then, um, Dave Fridman, our MIGHTY PRODUCER shows up around noon. And uh, then we discuss what we want to work on. Let's uh... should I put some "boogity-bip-bop-bap on that?" Something that's going "whaaaaaaaa," to something that happens in chunks? After the third round or so, I kinda just want to hear you kind of like, "tabaklabeebalaklabityboo." "Tumdebubbitakubbita-boom." I also think don't think you should "ka-splarsh" into the beginning. Here, let me give this some "deww-trap!" And then we are going to- I think we may all go in together and play this one live. [Damian's guitar leads into the whole band playing.] So, generally speaking, um, we'll track a song in a day, and usually by around 8-9pm, we've got a drum track and we'll put it together, and we'll start overdubbing whatever we need to overdub onto that song. [various sound effects and instrumental tracks] And we usually stop around midnight. And then after that... we often make chocolate chip cookies. Um [thunderous sound in background] we usually make enough so everyone can have two... ... what the... that- I dont know if the microphone picked that up, but there was a sound that went something like "shhhhrrroooooooo" and that was the sound of snow falling off the roof. Is what that was. That was snow melting and falling off the roof! Cause there's a lot of snow going on, here in Fredonia, New York. A lot of snow. It's been blizzarding for 3 days straight now. It's unbelievable. [ending of their song "In the Glass"]