Hello, I'm Gabi
Actually, it's Gabriela
But it's kinda hard to speak my name in english, so Gabi is fine
I'm brazilian, I came from São Paulo
I was the only dot on the world map from something
From Brazil there
So that's me
I would like first to thank the organizers
for being so aware of diversity
that they bring me here to help you
to improve the discussion
I will say that I'm pretty impressed
by the amout of women that I saw
at this conference
I used to see 10 women out of 200
in some conferences that I went to
and Jeff just showed me
that we have about 21% of women
I think it's almost 90 women here
So, that's nice, nice to see that
So, thank you again
and congratulations for the effort
A little about me
You don't know me
I'm not a Django developer, not a Python developer
I'm a PHP developer
I work sometimes with node too
I also don't have a degree in
women studies or anthropology
All of this is from my own interest in the subject
I have a passion for technology
I'm a major in digital game development
But I don't work with that
I'm a web developer, as I said
And I usually, in my spare time
I play with Legos
I have like, 25 thousand pieces
So.. Yeah.. Yeah.. That's a lot
I know, I'm a little overboard on that
But, there's this new Lego set
There's this Kwik-E-Mart, from Simpsons
I wanna buy it, but, trying not to
It's hard, but let's see
So, what to expect from this talk
I wanna talk about diversity
And how bias can influentiate our decisions
And what do I mean "like a girl"
Some companies diversity reports
And how diversity is important to a company
And some initiatives
that are made into some
or sponsored by other companies
I don't wanna talk abot how
one gender is different from another
That's not what this is about
And.. This is about how
both genders working together
can make a better workplace