0:00:00.588,0:00:04.720 If you look deep into the night sky, 0:00:04.720,0:00:06.386 you see stars, 0:00:06.386,0:00:08.698 and if you look further, you see more stars, 0:00:08.698,0:00:10.827 and further, galaxies, and further, more galaxies. 0:00:10.827,0:00:14.750 But if you keep looking further and further, 0:00:14.750,0:00:17.906 eventually you see nothing for a long while, 0:00:17.906,0:00:22.308 and then finally you see a faint, fading afterglow, 0:00:22.308,0:00:25.452 and it's the afterglow of the Big Bang. 0:00:25.452,0:00:28.239 Now, the Big Bang was an era in the early universe 0:00:28.239,0:00:30.320 when everything we see in the night sky 0:00:30.320,0:00:32.770 was condensed into an incredibly small, 0:00:32.770,0:00:37.236 incredibly hot, incredibly roiling mass, 0:00:37.236,0:00:39.868 and from it sprung everything we see. 0:00:39.868,0:00:42.667 Now, we've mapped that afterglow 0:00:42.667,0:00:44.276 with great precision, 0:00:44.276,0:00:46.420 and when I say me, I mean people who aren't me. 0:00:46.420,0:00:48.356 We've mapped the afterglow 0:00:48.356,0:00:49.948 with spectacular precision, 0:00:49.948,0:00:51.276 and one of the shocks about it 0:00:51.276,0:00:53.972 is that it's almost completely uniform. 0:00:53.972,0:00:56.028 Fourteen billion light years that way 0:00:56.028,0:00:57.900 and 14 billion light years that way, 0:00:57.900,0:00:59.408 it's the same temperature. 0:00:59.408,0:01:02.532 Now it's been 13 billion years 0:01:02.532,0:01:04.420 since that Big Bang, 0:01:04.420,0:01:06.972 and so it's got faint and cold. 0:01:06.972,0:01:09.270 It's now 2.7 degrees. 0:01:09.270,0:01:11.420 But it's not exactly 2.7 degrees. 0:01:11.420,0:01:13.444 It's only 2.7 degrees to about 0:01:13.444,0:01:15.596 10 parts in a million. 0:01:15.596,0:01:16.700 Over here, it's a little hotter, 0:01:16.700,0:01:18.468 and over there, it's a little cooler, 0:01:18.468,0:01:21.596 and that's incredibly important[br]to everyone in this room, 0:01:21.596,0:01:23.380 because where it was a little hotter, 0:01:23.380,0:01:25.156 there was a little more stuff, 0:01:25.156,0:01:26.733 and where there was a little more stuff, 0:01:26.733,0:01:28.532 we have galaxies and clusters of galaxies 0:01:28.532,0:01:29.824 and superclusters 0:01:29.824,0:01:32.372 and all the structure you see in the cosmos. 0:01:32.372,0:01:35.684 And those small, little, inhomogeneities, 0:01:35.684,0:01:37.916 20 parts in a million, 0:01:37.916,0:01:40.500 those were formed by quantum mechanical wiggles 0:01:40.500,0:01:42.308 in that early universe that were stretched 0:01:42.308,0:01:44.837 across the size of the entire cosmos. 0:01:44.837,0:01:46.501 That is spectacular, 0:01:46.501,0:01:48.306 And that's not what they found on Monday. 0:01:48.306,0:01:50.332 What they found on Monday is cooler. 0:01:50.332,0:01:52.638 So here's what they found on Monday. 0:01:52.638,0:01:55.901 Imagine you take some hot, you take a bell, 0:01:55.901,0:01:57.612 and you whack the bell with a hammer. 0:01:57.612,0:01:59.348 What happens? It rings. 0:01:59.348,0:02:01.396 But if you wait, that ringing fades 0:02:01.396,0:02:03.156 and fades and fades 0:02:03.156,0:02:04.868 until you don't notice it anymore. 0:02:04.868,0:02:07.476 Now that early universe was incredibly dense, 0:02:07.476,0:02:09.655 like a metal, way denser, 0:02:09.655,0:02:12.073 and if you hit it, it would ring, 0:02:12.073,0:02:13.783 but the thing ringing would be 0:02:13.783,0:02:15.911 the structure of spacetime itself, 0:02:15.911,0:02:18.847 and the hammer would be quantum mechanics. 0:02:18.847,0:02:20.888 What they found on Monday 0:02:20.888,0:02:23.015 was evidence of the ringing 0:02:23.015,0:02:25.335 of the spacetime of the early universe, 0:02:25.335,0:02:27.440 what we call gravitational waves 0:02:27.440,0:02:29.023 from the fundamental era, 0:02:29.023,0:02:30.935 and here's how they found it. 0:02:30.935,0:02:33.167 Those waves have long since faded. 0:02:33.167,0:02:34.735 If you go for a walk, 0:02:34.735,0:02:36.573 you don't wiggle. 0:02:36.573,0:02:38.831 Those gravitational waves in the structures of space 0:02:38.831,0:02:41.745 are totally invisible for all practical purposes. 0:02:41.745,0:02:44.239 But early on, when the universe was making 0:02:44.239,0:02:46.959 that last afterglow, 0:02:46.959,0:02:48.687 the gravitational waves 0:02:48.687,0:02:51.084 put little twists in the structure 0:02:51.084,0:02:52.967 of the light that we see. 0:02:52.967,0:02:55.983 So by looking at the night sky deeper and deeper 0:02:55.983,0:02:58.591 —in fact, these guys spent[br]three years on the South Pole 0:02:58.591,0:03:01.057 looking straight up through the coldest, clearest, 0:03:01.057,0:03:03.007 cleanest air they possibly could find 0:03:03.007,0:03:05.919 looking deep into the night sky and studying 0:03:05.919,0:03:09.175 that glow and looking for the faint twists 0:03:09.175,0:03:11.523 which are the symbol, the signal, 0:03:11.523,0:03:13.343 of gravitational waves, 0:03:13.343,0:03:15.684 the ringing of the early universe. 0:03:15.684,0:03:17.471 And on Monday, they announced 0:03:17.471,0:03:19.215 that they had found it. 0:03:19.215,0:03:21.712 And the thing that's so spectacular about that to me 0:03:21.712,0:03:24.580 is not just the ringing, though that is awesome. 0:03:24.580,0:03:26.308 The thing that's totally amazing, 0:03:26.308,0:03:28.012 the reason I'm on this stage, is because 0:03:28.012,0:03:31.508 what that tells us is something[br]deep about the early universe. 0:03:31.508,0:03:33.132 It tells us that we 0:03:33.132,0:03:34.668 and everything we see around us 0:03:34.668,0:03:37.372 are basically one large bubble 0:03:37.372,0:03:39.128 —and this is the idea of inflation— 0:03:39.128,0:03:43.027 one large bubble surrounded by something else. 0:03:43.027,0:03:45.067 This isn't conclusive evidence for inflation, 0:03:45.067,0:03:47.494 but anything that isn't inflation that explains this 0:03:47.494,0:03:49.131 will look the same. 0:03:49.131,0:03:50.586 This is a theory, an idea, 0:03:50.586,0:03:52.035 that has been around for a while, 0:03:52.035,0:03:53.635 and we never thought we we'd really see it. 0:03:53.635,0:03:55.283 For good reasons, we thought we'd never see 0:03:55.283,0:03:57.851 killer evidence, and this is killer evidence. 0:03:57.851,0:03:59.531 But the really crazy idea 0:03:59.531,0:04:02.363 is that our bubble is just one bubble 0:04:02.363,0:04:06.699 in a much larger, roiling pot of universal stuff. 0:04:06.699,0:04:08.995 We're never going to see the stuff outside, 0:04:08.995,0:04:11.459 but by going to the South Pole[br]and spending three years 0:04:11.459,0:04:14.219 looking at the detailed structure of the night sky, 0:04:14.219,0:04:15.925 we can figure out 0:04:15.925,0:04:18.675 that we're probably in a universe[br]that looks kind of like that. 0:04:18.675,0:04:21.467 And that amazes me. 0:04:21.467,0:04:23.643 Thanks a lot. 0:04:23.643,0:04:25.589 (Applause)