0:00:00.000,0:00:03.585 A greeting of peace to you and Allah's mercy[br]Now, I'm at a kids' library. 0:00:03.585,0:00:07.615 It occurred to me to have a look at the books, stories, and novels, 0:00:07.615,0:00:10.243 that talk about things relative to the unseen world. 0:00:10.243,0:00:13.749 It is the world about which we've talked often, on this channel. 0:00:13.749,0:00:20.340 I claim, it's directly related to the world of magic, jinn, and demons, even if presented otherwise. 0:00:20.340,0:00:23.500 Sometimes, they talk about it frankly, saying: "magic", 0:00:23.500,0:00:29.184 "witches", or something else.[br]Yet, elsewhere, or in other details, 0:00:29.184,0:00:34.632 —we'll talk about some examples —[br]there are other symbolic or indirect contexts. 0:00:34.632,0:00:40.485 That's what to talk about now, directly and quickly.[br]To your surprise, these stories I just collected now, 0:00:40.485,0:00:46.570 took me only just 3 or 4 minutes, to get what proves my point. 0:00:46.570,0:00:50.587 Sure, there are so many, more examples that I'm going to tell you about. 0:00:50.587,0:00:53.990 Talking about these things is a phenomenon, all over the world! 0:00:53.990,0:00:57.129 Unfortunately, we translate all that, passing it on, to our children! 0:00:57.129,0:01:02.807 For example, this is a children's book.[br]It's all stories, with a CD. 0:01:02.807,0:01:10.661 The witch on the cover caught my eye.[br]Once I opened it, I found a story about an ogre-like creature, and 0:01:11.681,0:01:16.480 a song about it, "the Gruffalo". [br]If you go back to all the legends of the peoples, 0:01:16.480,0:01:22.194 you'll find the same models:[br]A creature like this, looking like a bear, 0:01:22.194,0:01:27.077 or gorilla, but it has fangs,[br]horns, claws, and so on. 0:01:27.077,0:01:31.076 Of course, it's evil, and only in the woods, and isolated places, far from humans. 0:01:31.076,0:01:34.802 Sometimes, it abducts children,[br]eat travelers, etc. 0:01:34.802,0:01:37.890 If you go back to the stories -even of the Arabs- in the Pre-Islamic Age, 0:01:37.890,0:01:42.252 you will find the same: Ogres and monsters appearing only in the wilderness, 0:01:42.252,0:01:46.736 to travelers, and caravans. Here, I ask this question, again and again: 0:01:46.736,0:01:51.252 Is it just 'a coincidence'?! That repetition of these same stories of same beings, in all times, and places! 0:01:51.252,0:01:55.446 Or are they real, existing creatures that appear to people?! 0:01:55.446,0:01:58.596 Either for a purpose, when there's a demon-possession, or magic, 0:01:58.596,0:02:03.340 Or to scare people off, as what the people of the Pre-Islamic Times did: 0:02:03.340,0:02:07.170 [And there were men from mankind who sought refuge in men from the jinn..] (Quran 72:6). 0:02:07.170,0:02:09.300 When they get to some valley, they say: "We seek refuge in the lord of this valley," 0:02:09.300,0:02:12.540 even until recently, in some Arab countries; 0:02:12.540,0:02:17.287 they used to say: "Don't harm us, and we don't harm you," passing through an empty place, as desert, 0:02:17.287,0:02:21.700 or even, in farms and orchards, far away from the inhabited places, 0:02:21.700,0:02:23.410 which are always inhabited by jinn. 0:02:23.410,0:02:28.132 The jinn always tend to live in places that are out of human reach. 0:02:28.132,0:02:33.403 So, these ogres' existence is certain; some humans see them, till today, in isolated places, 0:02:33.403,0:02:37.980 not out of illusion, nor imagination, but it's really demons and jinn taking shapes. 0:02:37.980,0:02:41.119 Here is another story, or song for a witch. 0:02:41.119,0:02:47.784 Also, this is always normalized, in this world: A witch flying on a broomstick, and reciting some incantations, 0:02:47.784,0:02:52.431 to transform beings into other beings. This is the dragon carrying her. 0:02:53.051,0:02:57.466 In all stories and cartoons you see, [br]it's the same, with normalization. 0:02:57.466,0:03:00.520 Sometimes, the magician appears as a villain, and sometimes, 0:03:00.520,0:03:03.476 the magician appear as 'the cute, loving, 0:03:03.951,0:03:11.490 good magician', distinguishing between White Magic and Black Magic. 0:03:11.490,0:03:15.570 The famous model you all know is Harry Potter. 0:03:16.550,0:03:21.161 J.K. Rowling, the author of this series,[br]became one of the richest women in Britain. 0:03:21.521,0:03:25.880 She was an ordinary, working-woman. She started writing her first novel in a cafe, 0:03:26.411,0:03:31.867 with her child, in the stroller. She didn't even have income. She was trying her luck 0:03:31.867,0:03:36.768 in writing novels. She wrote the first, and the second novel; I'm not sure exactly how she struck fame. 0:03:36.768,0:03:41.882 Yet this novel succeeded! It has become one of the symbols of the British culture, now. 0:03:41.882,0:03:43.950 If you go to London Heathrow Airport, 0:03:43.950,0:03:48.540 besides the shops that sell souvenirs that represent 0:03:48.540,0:03:53.068 the British Culture for those travelling from Britain, taking souvenirs about this country, 0:03:53.068,0:03:58.314 there's a small shop, at the airport, just for Harry Potter, as it represents the British culture. 0:03:58.314,0:03:59.730 This is just an example: 0:03:59.730,0:04:04.382 One novel of dozens. I don't know how many series of the Harry Potter; check this novel! 0:04:04.382,0:04:08.581 The number of its pages is now up to...[br]-just one part of the novel, as we say- 0:04:08.581,0:04:10.030 450 pages! 0:04:10.030,0:04:16.430 So luxurious printing, coated paper, colors! Really tempting, of course. 0:04:17.100,0:04:19.820 It's heavy, so it's hard for me to carry it for you. 0:04:21.680,0:04:26.676 This is a creature coming out of a grave in a cemetery. 0:04:26.676,0:04:31.894 This is the form that represents the jinn, usually as a monster. 0:04:32.364,0:04:34.991 Bottom line: It's like Harry Potter; we all know what Harry Potter is! 0:04:34.991,0:04:39.110 He's a kid, or a teenager, learning magic at a magic school. 0:04:39.110,0:04:43.184 Yet, he represents white magic, as if[br]we have to differentiate between two magics: 0:04:43.184,0:04:48.357 Nice and good magic that is represented by this cute one, and black magic for evil! 0:04:48.357,0:04:51.999 We know, in Islam, which is the religion of all the prophets, 0:04:51.999,0:04:55.409 that there's only one magic; it is dealing with demons. 0:04:55.409,0:05:00.860 Any other dealings with demons- away of magic- is through satan-worshiping acts, 0:05:00.860,0:05:05.090 which we've talked about repeatedly: The New Age Movement, meditation, yoga, etc, 0:05:05.090,0:05:07.340 It's a deal beyond the known scope of magic. 0:05:07.340,0:05:10.626 I mean, not by the incantations we know about, but it leads to the same result. 0:05:10.626,0:05:13.920 It is dealing with the same world; that's also forbidden. 0:05:13.920,0:05:16.760 Another story is also addressed to teenagers. 0:05:17.560,0:05:21.980 "Scored to Death". Notice here the incantations on the cover! 0:05:21.980,0:05:24.886 As I told you, I was just skimming; 0:05:24.886,0:05:31.990 it caught my eye here this witch[br]resurrecting a dead from his grave! 0:05:32.918,0:05:37.790 Look here, for example, she says, "What is this?" 0:05:38.800,0:05:40.887 "A protective circle." 0:05:40.887,0:05:44.694 In the magic world, when drawing a circle in a certain range, with certain conditions, and 0:05:44.694,0:05:46.906 incantations on it, it protects you from demons. 0:05:46.906,0:05:52.679 Some of them draw it on their hands, and others, in an amulet, in pockets to protect them. 0:05:52.679,0:05:55.429 Sure, those are not 'superstitions', as commonly believed among many. 0:05:55.429,0:06:00.691 No! These are facts. those may be protected by demons, but for a price! 0:06:00.691,0:06:05.137 The price is shirk, associating demons with Allah! 0:06:05.137,0:06:08.931 So, these are not superstitions. Here, the witch is reciting some incantations. 0:06:08.931,0:06:15.010 Notice here, the incantations are in another language. She resurrects this dead man. 0:06:15.010,0:06:19.911 I mean, the story author gave the [br]witches the ability to raise the dead. 0:06:19.911,0:06:24.154 Many other stories... all from series; I won't go into details 0:06:24.154,0:06:27.717 Now, the library behind me has countless number of these novels and books. 0:06:27.717,0:06:32.426 This is part of the "Circle of Magic" series, sure, as it seems, the bestsellers: 0:06:32.426,0:06:34.210 "Titans" 0:06:34.400,0:06:40.420 Titans are the giants mentioned in the Greek and other European legends. 0:06:40.420,0:06:45.720 Those are beings representing a type of[br]demons, whom are considered demigods. 0:06:45.720,0:06:51.730 They have superpowers; they conflict with humans. 'Gods' want to limit their powers. 0:06:51.730,0:06:55.086 You can return to the Legends in[br]Greek mythology. 0:06:55.086,0:07:03.420 "Vampires" is the same: Everything about zombies, vampires, dead creatures 0:07:03.420,0:07:10.304 that get resurrected, ogres, monsters,[br]phoenix, and dragons...etc. 0:07:10.304,0:07:13.650 Anyone in the magic world sees these beings, or hear stories about them. 0:07:13.650,0:07:17.864 One of the brothers was in this field -not of witchcraft and demons, 0:07:17.864,0:07:19.918 but the field of energy therapy. 0:07:19.918,0:07:23.336 All I'm talking about in the episodes- after contacting me, he said: “I saw them all! 0:07:23.336,0:07:29.452 When I meditate, close my eyes, and start practicing the rituals the coach instructs me, 0:07:29.452,0:07:34.180 -while being awake, not in a dream- I (he) see dragons, and the phoenix flying." 0:07:34.180,0:07:39.397 He sometimes also feels wings coming out of his back, flying, 0:07:39.397,0:07:43.670 in a state between sleep and wakefulness, but he's conscious; he still remembers. 0:07:43.670,0:07:49.863 This person felt all these changes and then, a creature appeared to him: 0:07:49.863,0:07:55.840 as a wise man wearing white clothes,[br]with a white beard, and aura around him, 0:07:55.840,0:08:00.830 telling him that he is one of the wise and a spirit of 'the Masters', who were humans 0:08:00.830,0:08:06.030 who died, and moved to another world, and now they're back to give us wisdom. 0:08:06.030,0:08:09.758 Is this all a coincidence?! When all the guises of these are the same 0:08:09.758,0:08:13.232 as you see in these stories! In "Harry Potter" novel, for instance, 0:08:13.232,0:08:16.982 this is the same famous personas. [br]In Harry Potter, and in Lord of the Rings. 0:08:16.982,0:08:19.650 This famous series was a novel, and then was made into films. 0:08:19.650,0:08:23.677 There is the famous character: The old, white-bearded, wise man, with 0:08:23.677,0:08:28.377 this cone-hat on his head. This is the same as seen by more than one person, 0:08:28.377,0:08:32.067 during meditation, as well. They also see the same characters you see here. 0:08:32.067,0:08:35.687 Someone also said to me: "Everything[br]I was seeing in anime appeared to me". 0:08:35.687,0:08:38.398 Of course, when he goes and asks his coach, 0:08:38.398,0:08:40.368 telling him "I see such and such", what does He say to him? 0:08:40.368,0:08:44.131 The known answer is those demons; of course, not that term, frankly; 0:08:44.131,0:08:47.824 the terms "jinn" and "demons" are rarely spoken openly. 0:08:47.824,0:08:53.669 They say those are either spirits, masters or entities, etc,. 0:08:53.669,0:08:56.861 They even, sometimes, say those are angels, gods, or Titans, anything... 0:08:56.861,0:08:59.523 The words "demons" and "jinn" are completely omitted from their dictionary. 0:08:59.523,0:09:04.325 Someone told me when he had asked the coach, as he started to see that, 0:09:04.325,0:09:08.632 or he may even ask some other students, straightly, the answer is known. 0:09:08.632,0:09:13.285 It's already written in their books that these are 'fantasies' coming out of you, 0:09:13.285,0:09:18.225 which you need to get rid of. It's your delusions, bad memories, etc, embodied, 0:09:18.225,0:09:23.604 in your imagination, as monsters; they get you into a higher level of consciousness, 0:09:23.604,0:09:28.810 not the natural consciousness, as you started to see your obsessions, bad memories, etc. 0:09:28.810,0:09:33.971 Now, you have to get rid of all this, to see the other entities.. which ones?! 0:09:33.971,0:09:38.561 Those creatures in the guise of a white man -as we've said- and others. 0:09:38.561,0:09:42.079 All of these, from beginning to end, are demons, not illusions! 0:09:42.079,0:09:45.460 If I told you, now, "imagine this", will this comes to your mind?! 0:09:45.460,0:09:48.521 In the psychiatric clinic, does anything of this appear to anyone?! 0:09:48.521,0:09:52.087 Entities appearing and talking to them about past things?! 0:09:52.087,0:09:56.129 I mean, imagination doesn't make this up, except in dreams only. 0:09:56.129,0:10:00.627 Yet, while (he) is conscious and awake, some appear and speak to him in standard Arabic, 0:10:00.627,0:10:04.080 or in the language he speaks,[br]giving him information, instructions, 0:10:04.080,0:10:06.416 orders, advice, etc.. 0:10:06.416,0:10:12.972 The point is to never underestimate this culture presented to kids in anime series, 0:10:12.972,0:10:18.628 Hollywood movies, novels, etc. I mean, this is not a kid's novel; it is adults'. 0:10:19.408,0:10:23.368 In the library where I am, if I wanted, I would fill this table with countless books 0:10:23.368,0:10:31.627 for this kind of literature. Unfortunately, it is usually presented for teenagers and older, 0:10:31.627,0:10:36.611 claiming to upgrade the level of language, imagination, and creativity, etc. 0:10:36.611,0:10:41.371 I say, yes, somehow, that's right. I also say it's not just a Western phenomenon! 0:10:41.371,0:10:45.610 We also have "Kalila and Dimna" in our history, and in the Chinese and Japanese history, too, 0:10:45.610,0:10:50.252 there is literature- and of all peoples- specially for this kind of superstitions, and 0:10:50.252,0:10:52.659 for what is not superstition, 0:10:52.659,0:10:56.325 but rather, a try to expand the imagination of these worlds; I'm not saying that whoever writes 0:10:56.325,0:11:01.760 these books is involved in such practices. Rowling, I don't claim that she's a witch! 0:11:01.760,0:11:06.474 But she evokes what is already in literature for thousands of years, and 0:11:06.474,0:11:11.997 this sneaking into these forbidden worlds which are mainly based on evil, 0:11:11.997,0:11:17.027 as it's not just the world of jinn, and demons, but rather of their disbeliever ones! 0:11:17.027,0:11:20.360 Communication with the world of demons, particularly, is often through magic, 0:11:20.360,0:11:24.200 if not through magic, as I said,[br]then in other forbidden ways. 0:11:24.200,0:11:28.653 We need to warn our kids, to try our best not to open these doors for them. 0:11:28.653,0:11:33.090 If there is no escape, as we can't control them, due to TV, and 0:11:33.090,0:11:38.617 these stories' being in school libraries,[br]then let's make them aware that all these are 0:11:38.617,0:11:45.435 either forbidden or spoiling the creativity. We can find in the world of imagination, 0:11:45.435,0:11:51.190 what is safer, without getting our faith in trouble. 0:11:51.190,0:11:55.590 Normalizing these things eventually leads to normalize the world of jinn, 0:11:55.590,0:12:02.060 of demons and of disbelief! As magic is nothing, but disbelief, not a mystery, 0:12:02.060,0:12:07.873 to be eager to discover it; it is a world of seeking the demons' help, offering them sacrifices, and 0:12:07.873,0:12:12.979 -somehow- worshiping them. So, mainly, it has some sort of polytheism. 0:12:12.979,0:12:17.500 I hope we always pay attention, and not to be lenient with these matters, 0:12:17.500,0:12:21.970 even if they were just stories and we are conscious adults; still, it's a fantasy 0:12:21.970,0:12:27.371 that may get into our hearts, captivating us- without recognizing so- to the worse! 0:12:27.371,0:12:30.000 Thank you for listening; Allah's peace and blessings be upon you.