WEBVTT 00:00:00.617 --> 00:00:03.367 (waves crashing) 00:00:19.064 --> 00:00:21.814 (brooding music) 00:00:24.682 --> 00:00:27.390 (muffled shouting) 00:00:27.390 --> 00:00:30.062 - I don't care about this dress! 00:00:30.062 --> 00:00:32.381 You think I care about this dress? 00:00:32.381 --> 00:00:35.299 (muffled shouting) 00:00:41.483 --> 00:00:45.900 - [Zoe Voiceover] Sometimes someone hurts you so bad. 00:00:48.248 --> 00:00:50.382 - I don't think you understand me, do you? 00:00:50.382 --> 00:00:52.500 I don't think you understand me! 00:00:52.500 --> 00:00:54.600 - [Zoe Voiceover] It stops hurting at all. 00:01:02.476 --> 00:01:05.559 Until something makes you feel again. 00:01:08.808 --> 00:01:11.058 And then it all comes back. 00:01:13.409 --> 00:01:14.326 Every word. 00:01:16.942 --> 00:01:17.859 Every hurt. 00:01:20.500 --> 00:01:21.583 Every moment. 00:01:23.780 --> 00:01:26.893 How could you ever understand where I come from? 00:01:29.150 --> 00:01:32.713 Even if you ask, even if you listen, 00:01:34.210 --> 00:01:38.903 you do not really hear, or see, or feel. 00:01:41.230 --> 00:01:43.023 You don't remember my story. 00:01:45.721 --> 00:01:47.971 You haven't walked my path. 00:01:50.560 --> 00:01:53.015 You haven't seen what I've seen. 00:01:53.015 --> 00:01:55.765 (waves crashing) 00:02:03.713 --> 00:02:06.296 (somber music) 00:02:18.019 --> 00:02:19.602 My past defines me. 00:02:23.042 --> 00:02:24.459 This is who I am. 00:02:29.785 --> 00:02:30.618 I am 00:02:33.210 --> 00:02:34.043 unseen, 00:02:38.512 --> 00:02:39.345 unheard, 00:02:43.762 --> 00:02:44.595 unwanted. 00:02:49.700 --> 00:02:53.117 That is what I am, if even I am anything. 00:03:00.130 --> 00:03:02.880 (sirens wailing) 00:03:07.929 --> 00:03:10.846 (knocking on door) 00:03:15.870 --> 00:03:17.948 - [Policeman] Police, get on the floor! 00:03:17.948 --> 00:03:21.595 (muffled shouting) 00:03:21.595 --> 00:03:24.345 (brooding music) 00:03:45.040 --> 00:03:46.910 - [Zoe Voiceover] It seemed like the same thing 00:03:46.910 --> 00:03:49.263 that held me up, forced me down. 00:03:50.750 --> 00:03:55.123 And the world turned upside down and order disappeared. 00:03:58.803 --> 00:04:01.303 (baby crying) 00:04:02.830 --> 00:04:04.963 Nothing was how it was supposed to be, 00:04:08.780 --> 00:04:10.530 and a heavy sadness filled my soul. 00:04:24.478 --> 00:04:27.395 (insects chirping) 00:04:34.047 --> 00:04:36.964 (thunder rumbling) 00:04:43.501 --> 00:04:46.084 (somber music) 00:05:00.124 --> 00:05:03.073 Deeper and deeper I fell, within myself. 00:05:05.257 --> 00:05:07.527 - [Woman] It's all fluffy and fuzzy. 00:05:07.527 --> 00:05:09.633 - [Zoe Voiceover] And nothing could trowel me out. 00:05:10.921 --> 00:05:13.421 (baby crying) 00:05:20.670 --> 00:05:22.813 Trapped in the misery of my life. 00:05:27.230 --> 00:05:29.303 Lost in the sorrow of my soul. 00:05:36.540 --> 00:05:38.053 Unable to see the light. 00:05:41.369 --> 00:05:43.133 Unable to see the dawn. 00:05:47.224 --> 00:05:48.057 To feel. 00:05:50.983 --> 00:05:51.816 To hope. 00:05:53.725 --> 00:05:55.702 - What are you doing taking my fruit? 00:05:55.702 --> 00:05:57.952 - [Zoe Voiceover] To dream. 00:06:12.606 --> 00:06:13.439 (Zoe screaming) 00:06:13.439 --> 00:06:17.400 And I found the darkest days of my life kept coming. 00:06:23.366 --> 00:06:26.489 The blackest nights for my soul never stopped. 00:06:26.489 --> 00:06:27.397 - No! - Yes. 00:06:27.397 --> 00:06:28.314 - [Zoe] No! 00:06:30.559 --> 00:06:33.392 (water trickling) 00:06:35.620 --> 00:06:37.970 - [Zoe Voiceover] It seemed like it was always nighttime, 00:06:37.970 --> 00:06:41.093 and nightmares, and never morning. 00:06:43.310 --> 00:06:45.193 It made me wonder why? 00:06:46.910 --> 00:06:50.867 But mostly, you try not to think about it, 00:06:50.867 --> 00:06:54.463 and try to get by, and try to survive. 00:06:56.540 --> 00:06:59.700 And all the other stuff seems so much like nothing 00:06:59.700 --> 00:07:02.110 compared to just wanting the most important 00:07:02.110 --> 00:07:03.293 things back again. 00:07:05.390 --> 00:07:08.500 Like wishing you could see your mom's smile again, 00:07:08.500 --> 00:07:11.423 and hear her sing that one favorite song 00:07:11.423 --> 00:07:15.930 that always calmed you down when things were all messed up. 00:07:15.930 --> 00:07:18.380 Or if you couldn't have her back, 00:07:18.380 --> 00:07:20.863 at least get to take care of your baby brother, 00:07:21.820 --> 00:07:24.379 'cause you know he needs you, 00:07:24.379 --> 00:07:26.523 and he's gonna be so scared all alone. 00:07:28.010 --> 00:07:29.640 And who's gonna hold his hand 00:07:29.640 --> 00:07:32.219 and whisper it'll be all right to him? 00:07:32.219 --> 00:07:35.495 (baby crying) 00:07:35.495 --> 00:07:37.590 And who will whisper it to me? 00:07:43.332 --> 00:07:46.279 - Hiya, Zoe, it's so good to have you here, 00:07:46.279 --> 00:07:47.540 are you ready to come in? 00:07:47.540 --> 00:07:49.750 - [Zoe Voiceover] I know I am helpless, 00:07:49.750 --> 00:07:52.033 dependent, desperate. 00:07:53.050 --> 00:07:56.030 But what happens when those you need the most 00:07:56.030 --> 00:07:57.913 threaten your very existence? 00:07:59.940 --> 00:08:03.533 I've heard plenty of promises, and they all sound the same. 00:08:05.348 --> 00:08:08.840 But push hard enough, and, sooner or later, 00:08:08.840 --> 00:08:10.463 they all prove to be empty. 00:08:13.720 --> 00:08:18.270 The sun comes up every morning, but do you know where? 00:08:18.270 --> 00:08:21.180 Each place, it's somewhere different. 00:08:21.180 --> 00:08:23.913 It's hard to find east when you keep moving around, 00:08:24.920 --> 00:08:27.710 but at least it comes, it always comes. 00:08:28.960 --> 00:08:30.360 I've come to depend on that. 00:08:38.947 --> 00:08:42.780 And, slowly, slowly seasons changed around me, 00:08:44.321 --> 00:08:48.130 and it seemed this time that, maybe, 00:08:48.130 --> 00:08:51.003 the world would not be pulled out from under me again. 00:08:53.480 --> 00:08:56.963 Feet safe, roots starting to grow, 00:08:58.050 --> 00:09:00.413 little buds of hope for me. 00:09:01.710 --> 00:09:06.153 Slowly attempting to trust this new life. 00:09:08.241 --> 00:09:11.327 - Hi, come on over, let me show you what I got for you. 00:09:13.407 --> 00:09:14.824 I got you a gift. 00:09:31.274 --> 00:09:32.909 - I don't care about your dress! 00:09:32.909 --> 00:09:35.068 Do you think I care about this dress? 00:09:35.068 --> 00:09:37.238 I don't think you understand me, do you? 00:09:37.238 --> 00:09:39.353 I don't think you understand me! 00:09:39.353 --> 00:09:40.480 - [Zoe Voiceover] I wish someone 00:09:40.480 --> 00:09:42.547 would tell me it's gonna be okay. 00:09:43.874 --> 00:09:46.872 - I swear to God, you touch me again, I will kill you! 00:09:46.872 --> 00:09:48.538 - Oh, let me help you with it. 00:09:48.538 --> 00:09:51.242 - No, don't touch me, I don't care about a stupid dress! 00:09:51.242 --> 00:09:55.118 That one day, maybe, I'll feel normal. 00:09:55.118 --> 00:09:57.183 I hate you, I hate you! 00:09:57.183 --> 00:09:59.600 That I won't always be alone. 00:10:03.810 --> 00:10:08.810 That I'll have a mommy who will hug me and be strong for me, 00:10:09.430 --> 00:10:13.687 because, maybe, I can't do it all by myself. 00:10:21.035 --> 00:10:25.452 - Hi, yes, I'm calling to (mumbles). 00:10:29.586 --> 00:10:31.086 Thank you so much. 00:10:34.155 --> 00:10:35.955 Okay, I'll make sure I'm here. 00:10:35.955 --> 00:10:38.538 (somber music) 00:10:47.466 --> 00:10:51.826 (draws opening and closing) 00:10:51.826 --> 00:10:55.076 (plastic bag rustling) 00:11:18.424 --> 00:11:21.120 - [Zoe Voiceover] This, my past, my history, 00:11:21.120 --> 00:11:23.373 my story, is not my fault. 00:11:25.480 --> 00:11:26.843 It's not because of me, 00:11:28.890 --> 00:11:32.073 and doesn't have to be what defines my future. 00:11:37.036 --> 00:11:39.619 (somber music) 00:11:42.384 --> 00:11:43.623 I am lovable. 00:11:46.070 --> 00:11:48.043 I am worthy of care. 00:11:49.760 --> 00:11:53.463 And that glimmer of light, it makes all the difference. 00:11:58.120 --> 00:12:00.180 The glimmers of light give me hope 00:12:02.869 --> 00:12:05.619 that someday my summer will come. 00:12:07.813 --> 00:12:10.563 (desolate music)